Because a Husband Is Forever

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Authors: Marie Ferrarella

BOOK: Because a Husband Is Forever
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Dakota crossed the room and impulsively brushed a kiss against Ian's cheek. “Thank you.”

The words, softly uttered, hung between them as the bodyguard looked at her. She'd caught him completely off guard. Those same stirrings that had been invading and haunting him these past few days increased in magnitude, threatening to overwhelm him. He'd banked them down before, but this time they proved a little more difficult to hide away.

Impossible, actually.

The next thing happened as if it had been scripted somewhere. But not by him. He wasn't given to impulse, not unless he was on the job, reacting by instincts.

Like now.

His hand spanning so that it partially framed her cheek, Ian cupped it ever so lightly as he brought his lips down to hers. He did it even as something inside of him ordered,

He didn't listen….


Nancy Neubert
and old friendships

Books by Marie Ferrarella in Miniseries

ChildFinders, Inc.

A Hero for All Seasons
IM #932

A Forever Kind of Hero
IM #943

Hero in the Nick of Time
IM #956

Hero for Hire
IM #1042

An Uncommon Hero
Silhouette Books

A Hero in Her Eyes
IM #1059

Heart of a Hero
IM #1105

Baby's Choice

Caution: Baby Ahead
SR #1007

Mother on the Wing
SR #1026

Baby Times Two
SR #1037

The Baby of the Month Club

Baby's First Christmas
SE #997

Happy New Year—Baby!
IM #686

The 7lb., 2oz. Valentine
Yours Truly

Husband: Optional
SD #988

Do You Take This Child?
SR #1145

Detective Dad
World's Most Eligible Bachelors

The Once and Future Father
IM #1017

In the Family Way
Silhouette Books

Baby Talk
Silhouette Books

An Abundance of Babies
SE #1422

Like Mother, Like Daughter

One Plus One Makes Marriage
SR #1328

Never Too Late for Love
SR #1351

The Bachelors of Blair Memorial

In Graywolf's Hands
IM #1155

M.D. Most Wanted
IM #1167

Mac's Bedside Manner
SE #1492

Undercover M.D.
IM #1191

The M.D.'s Surprise Family.
IM #1653

Two Halves of a Whole

The Baby Came C.O.D.
SR #1264

Desperately Seeking Twin
Yours Truly

The Reeds

Callaghan's Way
IM #601

Serena McKee's Back in Town
IM #808

The Cameo

Because a Husband Is Forever
SE #1671

Those Sinclairs

Holding Out for a Hero
IM #496

Heroes Great and Small
IM #501

Christmas Every Day
IM #538

Caitlin's Guardian Angel
IM #661

The Cutlers of the Shady Lady Ranch

(Yours Truly titles)

Fiona and the Sexy Stranger

Cowboys Are for Loving

Will and the Headstrong Female

The Law and Ginny Marlow

A Match for Morgan

A Triple Threat to Bachelorhood
SR #1564

McClellans & Marinos

Man Trouble
SR #815

The Taming of the Teen
SR #839

Babies on His Mind
SR #920

The Baby Beneath the Mistletoe
SR #1408

The Alaskans

Wife in the Mail
SE #1217

Stand-In Mom
SE #1294

Found: His Perfect Wife
SE #1310

The M.D. Meets His Match
SE #1401

Lily and the Lawman
SE #1467

The Bride Wore Blue Jeans
SE #1565

The Pendletons

Baby in the Middle
SE #892

Husband: Some Assembly Required
SE #931

The Mom Squad

A Billionaire and a Baby
SE #1528

A Bachelor and a Baby
SD #1503

The Baby Mission
IM #1220

Beauty and the Baby
SR #1668

Cavanaugh Justice

Racing Against Time
IM #1249

Crime and Passion
IM #1256

Internal Affair
Silhouette Books

Dangerous Games
IM #1274

The Strong Silent Type
SE #1613

Cavanaugh's Woman
SE #1617

In Broad Daylight
IM #1315

Alone in the Dark
IM #1327

Dangerous Disguise
IM #1339


Award-winning author has written over one hundred and thirty books for Silhouette, some under the name Marie Nicole. Her romances are beloved by fans worldwide.

October 8, 1861

My dearest love,

I hope this letter finds you and that you are well and whole. That is the worst of this awful war, the not knowing where you are and if you are. I tell myself that in my heart, I would know if you are no longer among the living. That if you were taken from me in body as well as in spirit, some piece of my heart would surely wither and die because it only beats for you. Each evening I press a kiss to my fingers and touch the cameo you gave me—the very same one I shall not remove until you are standing right here beside me—and pray that in the morning I will rise and look out my window to see you coming over the ridge. It is what sustains me in these dark hours.

I miss you and love you more each day.

Your Amanda


June 1, 1861

manda Deveaux looked at the cameo in her hand. Embossed on the delicate Wedgwood-blue oval was the profile of a young Greek woman, carved in ivory. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, even though her vision was blurred because of the tears in her eyes.

She gazed up at the man who had given the cameo to her. Lt. William Slattery of the Confederate Army. Her Will, dashingly handsome in his new gray uniform, a uniform she had sewn for him herself. She was ach
ingly proud of him for what he was about to do. And heartsick about it at the same time.

“I want you to wear this, Amanda.” Will took the cameo from her and tied the black velvet ribbon at the back of her neck. “Promise me that you'll wear it until I can come home to make you my bride.”

“But why can't I marry you now?” she pleaded.

Will glanced over at the stone-faced woman who stood several feet away, guarding her precious daughter. “Because,” he told her, “a lady doesn't hurriedly get married like some penniless servant girl.”

Amanda didn't care about tradition, only that the man she loved was going away for who knew how long. “I don't want to be a lady. I want to be your wife.”

“You'll be both when I come back. Promise you'll wait for me,” he repeated.

She clutched his hand, ignoring her mother's reproving looks. Her mother had never liked Will. His family didn't have enough money to suit her. As if money could ever be the measure of a man's worth.

“You know I will. From the first moment I saw you until the last moment I'll draw breath, there's only you, my darling,” she whispered to him.

Will kissed her hand in the tradition of the times. And then, because he was young and in love and this would be the last time that they would be together, he drew her into his arms and kissed the woman he'd loved since he was a small boy.

He kissed her long and hard, fashioning a moment
and a memory that would last him through however many days and weeks and months he would have to be away. He had to fight a war he had never asked for. A war that his young honor demanded he fight. He hadn't bought his way out the way some others of his class had. They had sent in paid substitutes to fight in their places. To die in their stead if that was the way of it.

The son of a very small plantation owner, Will's honor forbade him to allow others to brave danger in his place. But, oh, his heart felt as if it was breaking as he stood there, the April wind ruffling his hair, kissing the woman he would rather have died for than leave.

“I believe it is time to take your leave, Lieutenant,” Belinda Deveaux told him sharply.

He took a step back and looked at Amanda, sealing her image in his mind. “Wait for me,” he begged her again.

“Forever if I have to.”

Clutching the cameo to her, Amanda waved as Will mounted his horse and then rode away. She waved until the horse and rider had long disappeared from view.

Amanda ignored the disparaging sound her mother made. It faded into the background, muted by the sound of her breaking heart.

“Forever,” she repeated in a fierce whisper.

Chapter One

Present Day

t's lovely, isn't it?”

The voice, soft, unobtrusive, felt as if it had slipped into her consciousness via her mind rather than registering the regular way, by way of her ears.

Surprised, Dakota Delany glanced up from the see-through counter with its collection of estate jewelry and one-of-a-kind pieces to see a motherly woman, who watched her with eyes that were incredibly blue. And incredibly kind.

Dakota would have sworn that she was alone in the
small showroom area of the upstate New York antique store, with its creaking floorboards and not quite airtight windows. When she'd entered fifteen minutes ago, there hadn't been a salesperson to be seen. It took her a moment to process the sudden appearance of another person within the rather small area, without so much as a telltale squeak from the floorboards.

If she were being honest with herself, Dakota really didn't know what she was even doing here. She'd never had much of a penchant for antiques nor a desire to haunt the small shops along the street that hosted them. But an unshakable restlessness had put her behind the wheel of her blazing-red BMW this morning. Dawn had seen her driving away from New York City, making her way upstate, her path marked by a parade of trees whose leaves were turning all the festive colors of fall.

She didn't feel very festive.

Dakota wasn't really sure why she kept on driving or where she was going. It wasn't as if she could just allow herself to get lost for an unlimited amount of time. She had a live show to tape as of two o'clock this afternoon, the way she did every afternoon, Monday through Friday. That meant she had to return by noon or risk having her production assistant, who was, as well, her best friend, succumb to the heart attack MacKenzie Ryan always threatened her with if things weren't progressing according to schedule.


Hell, if things had been progressing according to
schedule, she and Dr. John Jackson would be standing side by side, maybe even here in this little, out-of-theway antique store, picking out their wedding rings. She'd thought her relationship with John was heading down the aisle. To a wedding. To the altar. For a brief, shining moment she'd actually believed that she'd finally found a man who didn't want anything from her except her. She'd found a man with whom she could share forever, have the kind of life her parents had.

John Jackson didn't need her name or her fame, not to mention her money, to try to get ahead. The good doctor was a celebrity of sorts in his own right. He was the head of a very lucrative private practice and was currently one of the most sought-after plastic surgeons on the East Coast.

Trouble was, on occasion the good doctor also liked to throw himself into his work—after the fact. Dakota had heard the rumors, but once her mind was made up that this was the man she was going to marry, she had refused to believe them. Having been raised in the entertainment business—thanks to a newscaster father and a mother and grandfather who between them had been in almost every B-grade movie ever written—and having spent the last four years as the star of her own daytime talk show,
And Now a Word from Dakota,
she knew very well how baseless rumors could be.

Except that these rumors had turned out to be not so baseless. These rumors had turned out to be true. She'd come home early from a taping one afternoon, seeking
a respite after working with a particularly difficult starlet, and wound up catching John, also home early, trying on one of his remodeled patients for size.

Her heart and confidence had been shattered in one lightning-swift blow.

Now the engagement was off, John had moved out to some Park Avenue address, and she was single again.

And hating it.

But at twenty-nine, she had also become resigned to the fact that she was probably going to remain that way for a very long time, if not forever. Men just weren't worth the trouble, she'd decided during her drive up this morning. Besides, she had a full life. Between work and the occasional visits to her family, she didn't have time to focus on the fact that there were no one else's dishes in the sink but hers, that the only clothes strewn around the apartment were hers.

“Would you like me to take the necklace out to show you?”

Even as the woman asked the question, she was removing the cameo that had caught Dakota's eye.

It was a lovely piece, but not extraordinary by any stretch of the imagination. A small profile of a woman set against a field of Wedgwood blue and threaded onto a black velvet ribbon—new by the looks of it. There was nothing unusual about the small piece of jewelry to set it apart from the rest. And yet, as she'd walked through the store, browsing but not really seeing, Dakota found her eyes inexplicably drawn to the cameo.

Still, she wasn't really here to buy anything, only to kill time. She shook her head. “No, I—”

The protest came a beat too late. The woman with the fluffy gray hair and compelling smile already had the cameo out. She held it up for Dakota's approval.

For a moment the face of the woman in the cameo was trapped in a sunbeam.

“It has a legend behind it, you know,” the woman told Dakota softly.

“A legend?”

She was too much of her parents' daughter not to be drawn in by the promise of a story, a history. Dakota could feel her interest being aroused as if it was a physical thing.

The woman came around from behind the counter. Short, round, she had almost a cherubic appearance. If she were casting Mrs. Claus in a play, Dakota thought, the woman would have been perfect.

The woman's blue eyes gleamed with vibrancy as she spoke. “Yes. It's said to have once belonged to a Southern belle, given to her by her fiancé just before he rode off to war in 1861. Her name was Amanda Deveaux. His was William Slattery, a handsome young lieutenant in the Confederate Army. William put this around her neck and made her promise to wear the cameo until he could return to marry her.”

The sunbeam still held the woman in the cameo in its embrace. Dakota found she couldn't draw her eyes away from it. Though injured by love, at bottom she was still a romantic. “And did he?”

Rather than answer directly, the older woman smiled enigmatically. Taking the cameo, she stood up on her toes and gently placed it around Dakota's neck.

“Why don't you try it on?” the woman coaxed softly as she tied the two ends of the velvet together at the nape of Dakota's neck. Stepping back, she looked at Dakota and nodded her approval. “It suits you.”

The delicate oval dipped into the hollow of her throat. Dakota lightly slid her fingers over the necklace, touching it. “Does it?”

The woman nodded again, a wayward breeze that had sneaked in through the open casement playing with the ends of her hair. “They say that whoever wears it will have her own one true love come into her life. And once that happens, once she knows that this is the man she is to spend eternity with, she has to pass the cameo on to someone else so that the magic can continue.”

“Magic,” Dakota echoed. Did anyone still believe in magic? She certainly didn't. The woman took out a small, sterling-silver-framed mirror and handed it to her. Dakota looked at herself. When she glanced back at the woman, her smile was ever-so-slightly self-deprecating. “I don't feel any magic.”

The woman laughed to herself, shaking her head as if she'd just heard something very foolish uttered in innocence. “Magic doesn't come riding on a bolt of lightning, my dear,” she assured Dakota gently as she stepped back behind the counter. “Real magic slips in without
you noticing and unfolds its power very quietly. Before you know it, it's taken a firm root inside your soul.”

Dakota sincerely had her doubts about that. She didn't believe in magic or cameos that came equipped with magical powers. But there was no denying that the cameo was truly lovely.

And she deserved a pick-me-up, she decided.

Dakota handed the mirror back to the woman. “I'll take it.”

The woman eyed her knowingly. If she didn't know better, Dakota would have concluded that the woman's smile was slowly seeping into her being. “I thought you might,” the woman was saying. “The moment I saw you walk into the store, I knew the cameo was meant for you.”

Dakota frowned slightly, puzzled. The shop didn't look as if it was wired with a surveillance system. It looked barely able to support the wiring for the overhead lights. “I didn't see you when I came in.”

The smile on the woman's face did not falter. “But I saw you.”

About to ask where the woman could have hidden in the small, cluttered room in order to observe her without being noticed, Dakota heard the ancient grandfather clock in the corner begin to chime the hour.

Ten o'clock.

How was that possible? It hadn't taken that long to drive up here, had it? And yet the hours seemed to have melted into oblivion. Had she been lost in her own thoughts that long?

Her eyes met the woman's in surprise.

“You'd better start getting back, or you might miss your show,” the woman told her. Taking out a pad, she began to write up the sale. Surprised, Dakota opened her mouth to say something. Second-guessing her response, the woman's smile widened another several watts. “You know, we do get all the major channels out here. Even have a computer or two around, although I don't really like the annoying little things.”

The comment seemed appropriate. The area seemed so off the beaten path, Dakota would have been less surprised to have stumbled over Rip Van Winkle than to hear that the houses were wired for cable or had computers in their living rooms.

Dakota glanced at her watch. The woman was right. She had to be getting back before it was too late. She touched the cameo at her throat again, reluctant to part with her new acquisition.

“I think I'll wear it.”

“Thought you might.” After ringing up the sale, the woman handed her a small pouch.

Taking out her checkbook, Dakota glanced at the dark-green velvet pouch. “What's this?”

“It's for the cameo. You can place it in here when it comes time for you to give it to the next person.”

Dakota tore off the check, a smile playing on her lips. “After I find true love.”

The woman nodded gravely. Her faith seemed unshakable. “After.”

Moving the check along the counter to the woman, Dakota shook her head. “I don't think I'll be needing the pouch.”

Picking up the velvet item, the woman pressed it into Dakota's hand.

“You will,” she told her with certainty.


Dakota was still thinking about the unusual little woman and her shop as she parked her car in the underground garage beneath the TV studio's building. Although her life of late had been a little bleak, Dakota found that she couldn't suppress or erase the smile that had taken possession of her lips.

Maybe she could go back sometime and have the woman—whose name she hadn't even gotten—as a guest on the show, she thought as she entered the elevator. It was lovely finding unusual and interesting people. Most of the time, she was in contact with people who were hurrying through life much too quickly to enjoy what was around them or even what they'd earned for themselves along the way.

“Physician, heal thyself,” Dakota muttered under her breath as she sailed into her dressing room. Definitely the wrong metaphor, she thought. Physicians were the last group she wanted contact with. But even that slip didn't take the edge off her upbeat mood.

She fingered her cameo, as if for luck, even as she silently scoffed at herself. The only thing the cameo was going to bring her was compliments. True love existed
in fairy tales and, on rare occasions, in other people's lives. People like her parents who were part of another generation. Somehow true love had gotten lost in this hurry-up world through which she and others found themselves navigating.

As she gained her dressing room, Dakota nodded at the makeup girl who was in there ahead of her. Alicia's face lit up and she went to work, although there wasn't much to do. “You've got perfect skin tones.” It was the first thing the young woman had said to her when they met. “If everyone was like you, I'd be out of a job.”

“Hi, Alicia, sorry I'm running late.” Not bothering to sit, she presented herself to the makeup artist, her face upturned.

Alicia wasn't alone in the room. There, biting her nails in typical nervous fashion, was MacKenzie. The second Dakota entered the brightly lit room, MacKenzie sighed audibly.

“Oh, thank God you've finally shown up. Do you realize what time it is?” With one gnawed fingertip, she pointed to her wristwatch. “I was going to call out the National Guard to find you.”

Dakota was accustomed to MacKenzie's dramatic moments. They'd been roommates in college in California. Dakota, the blond, statuesque native, took it upon herself to show around the petite, dark-haired transplanted Bostonian. They'd come out to New York together to take the town by storm. Thanks to a few words
Dakota's father had put in for them with the head of the studio, they pretty much had.

Dakota tilted her head toward the light as Alicia put on the final strokes. “They have more important things to do than look for me, Zee.”

“In case you hadn't noticed, so do I.” Without preamble, she took Dakota's purse from her and flipped open the section where her cell phone was usually housed. “So, it
here.” To underscore her point, MacKenzie took the small silver cell out and held it up. Her tone and frown were both accusing. “The object of having a cell phone, Dakota, is so that people can call you when they're in the middle of having a heart attack.”

Dakota took her cell back and tucked it into her purse before depositing the latter in the bottom drawer of the vanity table. “I wanted to be alone.”

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