Big Chief Elizabeth: The Adventures and Fate of the First English Colonists in America (40 page)

BOOK: Big Chief Elizabeth: The Adventures and Fate of the First English Colonists in America
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Abbot, George
Agincourt, Battle of
Algonkian language
Alikock, Jerome
Amadas, Philip
Angulo, Captain Rengifo de
Anna, Queen of England
Aquascogoc (Indian village)
Argall, Samuel
Arundell, Captain John
Asbie, John
Assehurst, Thomas
Aubrey, John
Babington, Anthony
Bagot, Anthony
Barlowe, Arthur; friendship of Ralegh and; Indians and
Baylye, Roger
Bennett, Mark
Berde, William
Betts, Robert E.
Bevis, Thomas
Brave (ship)
Brocke, John
Brown, Richard
Brown, William
Browne, Edward
Browne, Maurice
Bruster, William
Bry, Theodor de
Buck, Richard
Burghley, Lord
Butler, Michael
Buts, Thomas
Buts, William
Cabot, John
Camden, William
Carew, Robert
Carleill, Christopher
Cassen, George
Cavendish, Thomas
Cecil, Robert
Champernowne, Katherine
Chesapeake tribe
Chickahominy tribe
Church of England
Clarke, John
Clement, William
Cocke, Captain
Coffin, Master
Coleman, Robert
Columbus, Christopher
Constable, Marmaduke
Cooper, Christopher
Cope, Walter
Council of the Indies, Spanish
Cox, Master
Critz, John de
Dale, Thomas
Dare, Ananias
Dare, Eleanor
Dare, Virginia
Dasamongueponke (Indian village)
Davis, Captain
Dawbeny, Oliver
De La Warr, Thomas West, Lord
Delight (ship)
Dethick, William
Discovery (ship)
Dorothy (ship)
Drake, Bernard
Drake, Francis; circumnavigation of globe by; in defence of England against Spanish Armada; evacuation of Lane’s colonists by; at Roanoke; sacking of Santo Domingo by
Dudley, Robert
Hoe (play)
Elizabeth (ship)
Elizabeth I, Queen of England; Babington’s estates granted to Ralegh by; and Barlowe’s expedition; and conflict with Spain; death of; Drake and; Essex and; 1587 progress of; and Gilbert’s expedition; Grenville’s arrival at Roanoke reported to; Hakluyt’s treatise on colonisation for; impressment authority granted to Ralegh by; Indians and; monument in Westminster Abbey to; Ralegh as favourite of; Ralegh in disgrace with; Ralegh knighted by; ship and gunpowder provided to Ralegh by; transferral of Gilbert’s grant to Ralegh by; Virginia named in honour of
Elizabeth Bonaventure (ship)
Elyot, Hugh
Elyot, Thomas
Emry, Thomas
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of
Facy, Captain Arthur
Falcon (ship)
Fernandez, Simon; treachery against White by
Fever, John
Flowre, George
Francis (ship)
Frobisher, Martin
Fuller, Thomas
Fullwood, William
Galthrope, Stephen
Ganz, Joachim
Gates, Thomas
Gentleman Pensioners
Gerard, John
Gerard, Thomas
Gilbert, Adrian
Gilbert, Captain Bartholemew
Gilbert, Humfrey; abortive 1578 expedition of; death of; financing scheme of; Indians and; and Ingrams’s account of American trek; loss of flagship of; map of North America acquired by; transferral to Ralegh of American grant of; voyage to America of
Gilbert, John
Gilbert, Otho
Glande, Darby
Glane, Elizabeth
Godspeed (ship)
Golden Royal (ship)
Gonzalez, Vicente
Gosnold, Bartholomew
Gostigo, John
Gower, Thomas
Great Fire of London (1666)
Grenville, Richard; death of; Drake and; financial support of Ralegh by; first voyage to America of; Indians and; loss of supplies by; return to Roanoke of; Spanish and
Grey, Lord
Grocer’s Company
Gunpowder Plot
Hakluyt, Richard;advice on requirements for colony provided by; on expenditures for 1587 colony; and Lane’s return to England; treatise encouraging royal financing of colony written by; vision of colonisation of
Hamor, Ralph
Hance (surgeon)
Harcourt, Robert
Harriot, Thomas; account of experiences in America by; dietary recommendations of; eclipse of sun noted by; encounters with Indians described by; evacuated from Roanoke by Drake; exploration and mapping by White and; on Grenville’s expedition to Pamlico Sound; in Lane’s colony; Manteo and; navigation classes taught by; in old age; Percy and; during Ralegh’s imprisonment in Tower; and search for lost colonists; tobacco production encouraged by; White’s illustrations for writings of
Hart, John
Harvey, Dyonise
Harvey, Thomas
Harvie, Margery
Hatton, Christopher
Hawkins, John
Hawkins, William
Hayes, Edward
Henry, Prince
Henry VIII, King
Hewet, Thomas
Hilliard, Nicholas
Hopewell (ship)
Hore, Richard
Howard, Lord Henry
Howe, George
Hynde, John
Iapassus, Chief
Ingrams, Davy
Innes of Court
James I, King of England; coronation of; and lost colonists; and Pocahontas’s visit to England; Powhatan as vassal king of; and Ralegh’s trial and imprisonment; tobacco use abhorred by; Virginia Company and
Johnson, Robert
Jonson, Ben
Kelbourne, Edward
Kelly, Edward
Kendall, Abraham
Keymes, Laurence
King, John
Knollys, Lettice
Lane, Ralph; account of experiences in America by; in Caribbean; departure from Roanoke of; expedition up Roanoke River of; exploration and mapping by Harriot and White
for; on financial realities of colonisation; as governor of Roanoke colony; on Grenville’s expedition to Pamlico Sound; and grounding of Tiger; Manteo as catalyst for colony of; return to England of; Stafford and; tobacco use by; weaponry left on Roanoke by; Wingina and
Las Casas, Bartolomé de
Lassie, James
Lawrence, Margaret
Lawson, John
Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of
Lion (ship)
Lloyd, Euan
Luttrell, John
Mace, Captain Samuel
Madre de Dios (ship)
Mangoak tribe
Mannering, Jane
Manteo; arrival in England of; baptism of; on Grenville’s Pamlico Sound expedition; Harriot and; Harvey and; and Lane’s colony; and lost colonists; meeting with Granganimeo arranged by; named Lord of Roanoke by Ralegh; and White’s colony
Marbecke, Roger
Martine, John
Mary Rose (ship)
Masque of Christmas (Jonson)
Maximilian,Holy Roman Emperor
McMillan, Hamilton
Mendoza, Bernadino de
Monades, Nicholas
Montgomerie, Compte de
Moonlight (ship)
Mouslie, Thomas
Newport, Captain Christopher; and crowning of Powhatan as vassal king; Dale and; and fate of lost colonists; first contact between Indians and; first women colonists brought to Jamestown by
Year’s Gift
Nicholes, William
Nicholls, John
Northumberland, Earl of
Nugent, Edward
Ogle, Thomas
Ovalle, Cristobal de
Oxford University
Painter-Stainers company
Pasapegh, Chief
Paspahegh tribe
Payne, Rose
Peckham, George
Pennington, Robert
Percy, George
Philip II, King of Spain; attack on England attempted by; Drake’s mission against; Inquisition established in America by; seizure of English grain ships plotted by
Philips, Miles
Piggase, Drue
Plat, James
Pomeioc (Indian village)
Popham, John
Porter, Thomas
Potomac tribe
Powell, Nathaniel
Powhatan; crowned vassal king of James I, Dale and; and fate of lost colonists; food supplies refused to colonists by; and Rolfe’s marriage to Pocahontas; Smith as captive of
Pratt, Roger
Privy Council
Pugh, Hugh
Purchas, Samuel
Ralegh, Carew
Ralegh, Damerei
Ralegh, Walter; during Armada campaign; Babington’s estates bestowed on; background of; as Captain of the Guard; Chesapeake Bay considered as colony site by; courtiers’ attitude towards; in disgrace; Drake’s aid to colonists of; and Elizabeth’s death; as Elizabeth’s favourite; Essex as competitor for Elizabeth’s affections with; and establishment of first Roanoke settlement; expenditures for colonial ventures of; and Gilbert’s expedition; Harriot’s friendship with; impressment powers granted to; imprisonment in Tower of; Indians and; James I’s antipathy towards; knighting of; and Lane’s return to England; lost colonists of; Manteo made Lord of Roanoke by; marriage of; in old age; preparations for first colonial undertaking of; reconnaissance mission for; recruiting of colonists by; selection of first expedition leaders by; Spanish hostility to colonisation activities of;
supply ship sent to Roanoke by; and tobacco use; transferral of Gilbert’s American grant to; treason charges against; Virginia Company and; White chosen as leader of second colony by; and White’s rescue mission; and White’s return to England
Ralegh, Wat
Rastell, John
Ratcliffe, Captain John
Raymond, George
Robinson, Jehu
Roe (ship)
Rolfe, John
Rolfe, Thomas
Rowse, Anthony
Russell, Master
Salisbury, Lord
Sampson, John
Sanderson, William
Santa Cruz, Marques de
Santa Maria
Sare, Richard
Sea Venture
Secotan (Indian village)
Shortridge, Jeffrey
Sicklcmore, Lieutenant Michael
Sidney, Philip
Skinner, Ralph
Smith, Captain John; captured by Indians; and crowning of Powhatan as vassal king; and fate of lost colonists; Pocahontas and; as president of Jamestown colony
Smythe, Thomas
Southampton, Lord
Spanish Armada
Sparkes, Master
Spendlove, John
Spicer, Captain Edward
Stafford, Captain Edward
Steevens, Thomas
Stowe, John
Strachey, William
Susan Constant
Tappan, Audry
Tarleton (jester)
Thomas, John
Throckmorton, Arthur
Throckmorton, Bess
Todhill, Anas
Topan, Thomas
Tossantessas tribe
Twide, Richard
Vaughan, John
Viccars, Ambrose
Viccars, Elizabeth
Virginia Company; establishment of; and fate of lost colonists; Indians and; Ralegh’s role in; tobacco profits of
Wade, Armigil
Wade, William
Walsingham, Francis
Warren, Joan
Warwick, Earl of
Waymouth, Captain George
Wedel, Lupold von
Weekes, Master
Wenter, William
White, John; appointed governor of Roanoke by Ralegh; background of; birth of granddaughter of; coat of arms designed for; and disappearance of Coffin’s party; exploration and mapping by Harriot and; Fernandez’s treachery against; on Grenville’s expedition to Pamlico Sound; London merchants and; lost colonists of; paintings of Indians by; recruitment of prospective colonists by; relations between Indians and colony of; rescue mission to Roanoke of; return to England of
Williams, Roger
Wingfield, Edward Maria
Wingina, Chief; ambush planned by; death of; English assisted in food production by; interest in colonists’ religion of
Wood, Agnes
Wowinchopunk, Chief
Wright, John

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