Big Chief Elizabeth: The Adventures and Fate of the First English Colonists in America (39 page)

BOOK: Big Chief Elizabeth: The Adventures and Fate of the First English Colonists in America
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Sir Walter Ralegh’s adventurers were instructed to keep journals of their exploits in the New World. Many of these priceless manuscripts were lost or mislaid over time, and have only been rediscovered and printed in recent years.
I owe a debt of gratitude to Professor David Beers Quinn, who has devoted a lifetime’s study to Ralegh’s colonies. Without his magnificent
Roanoke Voyages
—a collection of almost every surviving manuscript—this book could not have been written. I am also grateful to him for kindly inviting me to his Liverpool home to share his encyclopaedic knowledge.
I received much help from experts in America. I am particularly grateful to Tom Shields, editor of the
Roanoke Colonies Research
for generously sparing time to show me Roanoke Island. Thank you also to John Gillikin and Steve Harrison of the Fort Raleigh National Historic Site, to the staff at the Outer Banks History Center, and to librarians at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Thank you to William Kelso, chief archaeologist of the Jamestown Rediscovery Project, for guiding me around the recent excavations, and to curator Beverly Straube for allowing me access to the remarkable artefacts that have been unearthed.
In London, I am deeply grateful to Paul Whyles for poring over the manuscript at short notice and suggesting many much-needed changes. Thank you also to Frank Barrett, Wendy Driver, Simon Heptinstall, Roland Philipps, Maggie Noach, Jill Hughes, and John Glusman; to Mrs. Angela Down, owner of Hayes Barton, Ralegh’s childhood home; and to the staffs of the British Library and the Institute of Historical Research. A particular thank you to the ever helpful librarians of the London Library.
Lastly, I wish to thank Alexandra for her support and encouragement, and Madeleine and Héloïse for their tea-break entertainments.
The Riddle and the Knight: In Search of Sir John Mandeville
Nathaniel’s Nutmeg: or The True and Incredible Adventures of the Spice Trader Who Changed the Course of History
Elizabethan spelling has been retained for quotations wherever possible, but in a few instances only a modern transcription of the original text was available. Grammar and names have been standardised, and certain spellings have occasionally been adjusted to clarify the sense (e.g.,
has been changed where appropriate to their).
Writings from the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
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Camden, William.
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Toronto, 1984.
C[hute], A[nthony].
Tabaco. The distinct and
opinions of the late and
best phisitions
that have written of the diverse natures and qualities
Printed by Adam Islip, 1595.
Elyot, Sir Thomas.
The castel
of helth.
London, 1541.
Everaerts, Gilles.
or the universal medicine: being a discovery
of the …
vertues of Tobacco
. 1659. Originally published in 1587 under the title De
Panacea, quam
Petum aut Nicotianam vocant … brevis
Frende, Gabriell, Practitioner in Astrologie and Phisicke.
An Almanacke and Prognostication for the yeere
… 1585. Watkins and Roberts, 1585.
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Queen Elizabeth’s Academy.
E.E.T.S., London, 1869.
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of Sir Humphrey Gilbert.
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The true and
newes of the woorthy and valiaunt
exploytes performed
and doone by that valiant knight Syr
. 1587.
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Hakluyt Society, London, 1850.
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1589. Reprinted in 1903-5 by Hakluyt Society in 12 vols.
Hamor, Ralphe.
A True Discourse of the Present Estate of Virginia.
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Theatrum Orbis Terrarum.
Da Capo Press, Amsterdam, 1971.
Harcourt, Robert.
A Relation of a Voyage to Guiana.
Hakluyt Society, London, 1928. (Originally published in 1613.)
Harriot, Thomas.
A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia.
New York, 1972. (A facsimile of vol. 1 of Theodor de Bry’s 1590 Englishlanguage edition of
published in Frankfurt.)
Harvey, John, Master of Artes and Student in Phisicke.
An almanacke or
calendar, with
for …
Watkins and Roberts, 1585.
Hilliard, Nicholas.
A Treatise Concerning the Arte of Limning.
1598. Walpole Society, Oxford, 1912.
Holinshed, Raphaell.
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“Humfray Gylbert, knight, his charte.”
, vol. 72, 1928.
James I.
A Treatise on Scottis Poesie; A
to Tobacco.
Reprinted in
Royal Rhetorician.
Ed. Robert S. Rait. 1900. (Original published in London in 1604.)
Keeler, Mary F., ed.
Sir Francis Drake’s West Indian Voyage
, 1585-86
. Hakluyt Society, London, 1981.
Las Casas, Bartolomé de.
The Spanishe Colonie.
Translated by M.M.S. W. Brome, London, 1583.
Laudonnière, René de.
A notable historie containing foure voyages made by certayne French
unto Florida.
Translated by Richard Hakluyt. T. Dawson, 1587.
Lawson, John.
A New Voyage to Carolina
. London, 1709.
Lloyd, Euan, Student in Astronomie.
An Almanacke and Prognostication for …
Wherein is … set forth the
of the ayre with other accidents that are like to happen this yeere.
Watkins and Roberts, 1585.
Marbecke, Roger.
Defence of Tabacco.
London, 1602.
Monades, Nicholas.
Newes out of the Newe Founde Worlde.
Moore, Philip.
Almanacke … untill
London, 1570.
Naunton, Sir Robert.
Fragmenta regalia.
Ed. E. Arber. London, 1870. (A reprint of the posthumous edition of 1653.)
Percy, George. “Trewe Relacyon.”
Tyler’s Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine
, vol. 3, 1922.
Platter, Thomas.
Thomas Platter’s Travels in England.
London, 1599.
Porter, Thomas, Chirurgian.
An Almanacke or Prognostication for the Yeere of Christe,
Watkins and Roberts, 1585.
Purchas, Samuel.
Hakluytus posthumus or Purchas his
4 vols. 1625. Reprinted in 20 vols., Hakluyt Society, extra series, Glasgow, 1905-7.
Purchas his Pilgrimmage, or Relations of the World and the
London, 1613.
Quinn, David B.
New American World: A Documentary History of North America
1612. 5 vols. New York, 1979.
The New Found Land of Stephen
Toronto, 1972.
The Roanoke Voyages,
. 2 vols. Hakluyt Society, London, 1955.
Ralegh, Sir Walter.
The Discoverie of the large and
bewtiful Empire
of Guiana.
Ed. V. T. Harlow. London, 1928.
The Last Fight of the Revenge.
Ed. E. Arber. London, 1886.
Ed. A. M. C. Latham. London, 1951.
8 vols. Oxford, 1829.
Smythe, Sir John.
Certain discourses …
concerning the
of divers sorts of weapons.
London, 1590.
Stowe, John.
Survay of London.
London, 1598.
Strachey, William.
The Historie
of Travaile
into Virginia Britannia.
1612. Hakluyt Society, London, 1849/1953.
Taylor, E. G. R.
The Writings and Correspondence of the two Richard Hakluyts.
2 vols. Hakluyt Society, vols.
, London, 1935.
Williamson, J. A.
The Cabot Voyages and Bristol Discovery Under Henry
Hakluyt Society, London, 1962.
Wright, I.
A. Further English Voyages to Spanish America.
Hakluyt Society, London, 1973.
Reference Works
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, vol. 41, 1935-36.
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, 3d series, vol. 2, 1954.
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Barbour, P.
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London, 1971.
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Bevan, Bryan
. King
London, 1996.
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London, 1993.
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Durant, David N.
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London, 1981.
Edwards, Edward.
The Life of Sir Walter
2 vols. London, 1868.
Forbes, Thomas Roger.
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New Haven and London, 1971.
Greaves, Richard L.
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Minneapolis, 1981.
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University of California Press, 1993.
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Lewis, Clifford M., and Loomie, Albert J.
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Manning, C. “Sassafras and Syphilis.”
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, vol. 9, 1936.
Mattingly, G.
Defeat of the Spanish Armada
. London, 1959.
Merriman, R. B.
The Rise of the Spanish Empire
. 4 vols. New York, 1934.
Miller, Helen Hill.
Passage to America
. North Carolina Dept. of Cultural Resources, 1983.
Neale, J. E.
Queen Elizabeth.
London, 1934.
Nichols, John.
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. 3 vols. London, 1788.
Pearson, L. E.
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Stanford, 1957.
Powell, William S. “Roanoke Colonists and Explorers: An Attempt at Identification.”
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