Beyond the Hell Cliffs (8 page)

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Authors: Case C. Capehart

BOOK: Beyond the Hell Cliffs
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Chapter 6


The group was lead to a holding area, away from the rest of the regiment to await further orders from Hemmil.  They were watched over by members of the Captain’s guard and it looked like it might be for their own protection just as much as it was to keep them under arrest.  Boram sat and smiled, though the others seemed a bit more anxious than him.  Zakk was a nervous wreck.  Ebriz took that time to play on his flute, which was actually kind of relaxing to Raegith.

“Sorry for getting us into this, guys,” Raegith finally said after a few minutes.  “I reacted a bit poorly to the idea of us losing Onyx to this regiment.”

“Well, I think we’ve all done something stupid because of a woman before,” Boram said, giving him a friendly slap on the shoulder. 
“Maybe not Zakk, but the rest of us, sure!”

Boram laughed and seemed to lighten the mood a bit, but Zakk wasn’t as amused.

“What does that mean, Boram?” Zakk asked, clearly offended.  “What, you don’t think I could… you know, make it with a girl?”

“Zakk, buddy, you’ve got the demeanor of
a crotchety old man who yells at children,” Boram said, turning to look at the boy.  “That attitude, unfortunately, will run off even the kind of women who might be turned on by your effeminate facial structure and those cute freckles across your nose.”

Zakk’s eyes almost bulged out of his head at those words.  “I am not cute!  I am a soldier, sir, through and through.  I work every waking moment at soldiering
, unlike you, who does nothing but drink and talk and… and fart in front of everyone.  I may not have the physical presence or brute strength, but I have twice the determination and infinitely more discipline than you.”

Boram and Raegith both produced an expression of shock at hearing the first tirade from the soldier since the beginning of the journey.  Ebriz momentarily stopped playing and listened in with renewed interest and Tavin simply tended to
his war-shrike, Carver.  The large warrior looked at Raegith, who returned the same surprised look and then turned back to Zakk.

“Zakk, if you would like me to, I would be glad to assist you,” Boram said.

“Assist me with what?” the agitated soldier asked.

“Well, as red as your face is right now, I have to assume that your panties are so twisted that they’re now cutting off your circulation,” Boram replied.  “Zakk don’t be afraid to ask for help with something like that; you could die!”

Raegith busted up laughing and a grin split Boram’s broad face as Zakk realized he was once again the butt of a joke.  The enraged boy’s jaw began to quiver with the strain of keeping his calm, disciplined composure.

“I don’t even know how to reply to something so… so insipid,” the soldier said between clenched teeth

“You could laugh,” Raegith said.  “Come on, Zakk, just laugh.  It’s the only thing you don’t practice at.”

“Come on, kid.  I’m an ass, I don’t bath often and I’m barely literate; lots of material there,” Boram said, grinning at Zakk.  “Gimme your best shot.  I’m a gentleman, I won’t take it personally.”

“A gentleman?”
Zakk huffed.  “If you are a gentleman, then I am a bearded sand lizard!”

“Is that…?  Okay, well, we can work with that,” Boram said, nodding.  “Let’s get some expert opinion. 

“It’s more of a grossly inaccurate
simile,” Ebriz answered, tapping his flute against his chin.  “Especially since he is trying to convey a negative correlation between you and the typical traits of a gentleman and the bearded sand lizard is actually a surprising analogy of gentlemanly behavior, within its own ecosphere, as it embodies traits of formality with its complicated mating ritual as well as chivalry in that it often allows the female to consume its still-living body after copulation…”

“Okay, I’m not waiting around for this to finish,” Boram said, shaking his head. 

“It was a decent first attempt.  I don’t think we should expect too much right away, but with some practice… I see some potential,” Raegith replied.

“Sergeant, get them up,” Captain Laurent said as he came into view.  One of the guards motioned for the group to get to their feet.  Hemmil was beside the captain, but there was also a green-haired Faeir sage among them as well.

“Paladin Hemmil has explained
that you are the illegitimate child of one of the Royal Paladins and are travelling home with his men,” the captain said.  He then looked at Raegith and approached him.  “He has also explained that you have lived a somewhat sheltered and undisciplined life; that you should be shown mercy for your ignorance on Faeir custom and basic common sense.”

Raegith started to say something in return, but Hemmil cut in.

“Raegith, if there were ever a time to bite back that quick tongue of yours, it’s now,” Hemmil advised.  “This is the commanding officer of the 9
Regiment and second cousin to King Helfrick.  No games.”

“We found the medical chief unconscious in your tent, Raegith,” the captain said.  “He’s all right, just a bad headache, but very confused and angry. 
I hear this is all over a misunderstanding over a Stone Seer?”

It is inconceivable to me that you could not know how foolish your endeavor was, boy,” the green-haired Faeir said.  “But your safe-passage is guaranteed by a letter bearing the king’s seal.  Whoever your Saban parent is, they must have impressive connections.  I can see why they would want to keep a half-Twileen like you out of the public eye.”

“And you are?” Raegith asked, sneering at the Faeir.

“This is Vi-Sage Falfa, of the Terrestrial Sect,” the captain said.  “And he is the one who is willing to make you a deal.  You may have the Stone Seer back and this incident overlooked.  You all will be allowed the night to rest properly, under guard and then in the morning you will be on your way… away from my command.”

“What must I
do for this deal?” Raegith asked.

summary justice for your crimes against members of the 9
Regiment and the customs of the Faeir,” Falfa said with a smile.  “This plea bargain would be unfeasible if not for the strong influence of your companion, Pyrrhus, whom I have a high regard for.”

“You don’t have to accept this deal,
Raegith.  It is a lot to bear for one so young as you.”  The captain gave him a sympathetic look.

“I care not, either way,” Falfa continued.  “But if you do not accept, we will still have our justice.  The Stone Seer will take your place.  Do not feel bad.  Their kind is quite used to punishment by her age.  She will certainly heal up by the time she is back at Thromdale.”

“I accept,” Raegith stated.

“Bullshit!  I accept on the boy’s behalf!” Boram
bellowed.  “Bring your whips to my back, you skinny pissweed.  I have an itch I haven’t been able to reach.”

“That is not the deal…” Falfa began to shriek.

“No, it isn’t,” Raegith said.  “You think Onyx is not worth the pain, right?  That’s why you made this deal; because you cannot imagine anyone that would suffer for someone like her.  I accept the deal.”

Raegith slept in a make-shift brig and was awoken at dawn by Hemmil and a group of guards. 
No others from the group were present and once again he longed for their companionship.  Raegith was marched through the camp to the center, where a crowd had gathered.  Nearly every Faeir was huddled in a group to the right and they began shouting as he drew near.  The crowd parted way for Raegith and his escort, but several Twileens shoved through to get a look at him, staring in wonderment and exchanging words.  As they reached the center of the crowd, Raegith saw a cleared area with two poles jammed into the ground and ropes threaded through the top.  Boram, Tavin, Ebriz and Zakk were to the left, across from the angry Faeir.  Their faces were like stone. 

Raegith was led to the one on the left, his shirt was removed and his hands were lashed over his head to the pole.  Hemmil then approached him and leaned close, putting a soft bit into his mouth.

“This will keep you from crying out, boy,” Hemmil said in a hard voice.  “If it’s a statement you intend to make here today, screaming in pain will ruin it.”

Raegith nodded his understanding and Hemmil walked back to the captain, who was standing to the rear of the clearing with the other officers.  Hemmil stood before the captain and did not move.  The captain, clearly a bit flustered, breached décor and leaned in to the thick

“This is completely unnecessary,
Hemmil, no one holds you at fault here.  You bear too much responsibility for things beyond your control; you always have,” the captain said.  When Hemmil did not reply, the captain changed tone.  “You will not be dissuaded, will you?”

“He is my charge, sir,” Hemmil said flatly. 
“Honor and discipline.”

be it,” the captain said and resumed his position in front of the officers.  “Detail, detain the Paladin, strip his tunic and lash him to the pole.”

Raegith was not the only one who stared in shock as the guards pulled Hemmil’s shirt from his chest, led him to the pole and lashed him as they did the prince.  The Faeir protested, clearly confused by the event, but the captain raised his hands for silence and all fell still.
  Zakk started forward but Boram reached down and held him fast by the shoulder, solemnly shaking his head.  Zakk looked up at the big man with astonishment, but remained where he was.

“For the crime of
assault on an officer of the Rellizbix Army and attempting to free a detained prisoner, the squire Raegith is hereby sentenced to twenty lashes!” Laurent announced, to the apparent dismay of the Faeir. 

ignored the cries of denial from the Faeir gathered and continued.  “For the crime of negligence of command, Paladin Hemmil shall hereby share the punishment for his charge in its entirety.”  The captain lowered his voice to little over a whisper.  “This is his wish.”

The Sabans among
the company must have respected the hell out of Hemmil, because as soon as his punishment was announced, every one of them came to attention and went silent.  The sight of hundreds of soldiers at attention and eerily motionless spooked the Faeir and silenced them immediately.  Two Sabans in leather armor walked out to the center of the clearing and unfurled long, ribbed whips.

“Commence,” the captain said.  Raegith closed his eyes and focused on remaining silent.  He managed to prevent any screams from escaping his lips, at least until he blacked out.

When Raegith awoke, he was inside his tent and it was quite dark.  He was face-down on his cot and his back felt numb.  He did not move, for fear that the pain might hit him.  Instead he lay there and thought of what was going to happen to him now.  Had he messed up all of his plans?  Would the Faeir go back on his word?  Would he need to rally the group and make a break for it?  He wouldn’t do that until he knew Onyx was safe.  What had become of her since this morning?  He had not seen her among the crowd at his punishment. He felt matted hair against his face and reached up gingerly to sweep it away.  When he did, someone in the tent moved.

“You’re awake?” a sultry voice asked.  It was Onyx.  Raegith forgot about his back and turned to try to find her.  “No, don’t. 
You are injured and… I don’t want to be seen right now.”

“It’s me, Onyx,”
Raegith said, easing up to a sitting position.  “You’ve nothing to be afraid of with me.”

Laurent has released me,” Onyx said from the dark.  “I am to be confined to this party and we must keep a certain distance from the main camp.  He told me of the deal you made.  You are such a fool, Raegith.”

So I’ve been told,” Raegith said.  “It’s actually pretty logical.  You’re the healer.  Damned if I could do anything about your wounds if you were the one taking the punishment.”

“You could have been killed, Raegith,” Onyx said.  “
Your body is not used to that kind of pain.  You could have gone into shock or bled out before I got to you...”

You worried about me?  That takes the pain away,” Raegith replied.  “You are my friend, Onyx.  I will not allow my friends to suffer.”

“And I would not have you suffer either, my prince,” Onyx whispered into his ear
, drawing close to him in an instant.  Her hands glided over his chest and she rubbed her cheek on the side of his head.  “I wanted to let you know that I have reconsidered your offer.”

Raegith reached up to touch her and his hands found bare skin.  She was no longer wearing her robe and might not be wearing anything at all for
what he knew.  She leaned back and stroked his hair away from his face and he wondered if she could see him in the dark.

“I was
wrong to turn your affections and kindness away, prince,” Onyx said softly.  “I thought that I was doing it to keep you safe.  To everyone in this world I am seen only as a Stone Seer; a flawed and incapable creature unworthy of sentiment.  You are the only one who has seen me as something more.  The way you called Falfa’s bluff… you’re the only one who would do such a thing and it was for me.”

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