Beyond the Hell Cliffs (34 page)

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Authors: Case C. Capehart

BOOK: Beyond the Hell Cliffs
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“They will when things start getting better.”

“This place will turn in on itself,
Raegith, you don’t know how our kind are.  I could give a fuck if civil war tears this bitch down, but I don’t want to be here when that happens.”

Helkree put her hands on his shoulders this time.  “Please, Raegith… let’s just get out of here, while we can.”

“Hel, I won’t abandon you.  When everything here in the Citadel is settled, I’ll come for you, I promise.  I will join you in Shimada Village.”

“You think the Empress will let you go after all of this?  You’re too special, Raegith.  She’ll keep you until you’re both old and feeble.”

“When I get back to you, I’m buying the drinks, all night long.” Raegith gave her a reassuring smile.  “Hel, please, lead them out of here and keep them in line.  You’re going to be shaping the new direction of this military.  The Helcats are the future of the Empire’s might!”

Helkree dropped her head and sighed.  “Just don’t take too fucking long.  You know I’ll just break my way back into here to get you out if you do.”

“I’m counting on it, Helkree.”

Raegith hugged each of the Helcats as they grabbed duffels with their belongings in them and fell in line behind the Lokai escort that had just shown up to lead them out of the Citadel.  Fenra let her hug linger a bit longer than the others and slapped him on the ass as he moved on.  Then he stood before Noriko, who was also going with the others to join the female brigade.  Her eyes were full of curiosity and worry.

“I guess this means we will not be continuing with our studies, then?” she asked.

“Just a break, for now.”
Raegith hugged the petite Lokai girl.  “Do you even know what’s going on?  I doubt Helkree has learned your language.”

“I assume we’re being transported somewhere… safe.  The others would be freaking out more if we were en route to our demise, I think.  It matters not, though.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because, Raegith, I am due back to my congregation.  The Path has summoned me home and as soon as I am outside these walls, I will begin my journey back to the home of my masters.”

“You’re going to try and escape the escort?” Raegith looked around, worried that somehow Beretta or someone else might understand what he was saying to the Junrei’Sha.

“My pilgrimage is at an end, Raegith,” she said, reaching up to caress his cheek.  “When I was captured and thrown into the Pit, I had doubted the Path so much.  I prayed, desperately seeking to understand how the Path could have led me to such a place of suffering; how it could abandon me to starvation in an unclean place.  It was because of you, Raegith.  The Path led me into that Pit to you, but how much further it has led you to me.  I am awed by its power now.  My faith is completely restored.”

“The Path didn’t lead you to me, Noriko.  A piece of bread did, remember?  Would you have even approached me if I had not won you some food?”

“I will tell you a secret, Raegith.”  She bent close to him.  “I
have been with you long before I was forced to offer myself to you.  You might have died from infection if not for my visits each night to clean you.”

That was you?” Raegith asked.  “It looks as if I owe you much more than bread, then.  How will I repay you if I never see you again?”

“This is not goodbye, Raegith.  Find me to the south… far from the Empire’s reach.  Do not go gently into that realm, though.  Only the strong and fearless can survive the journey.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Raegith waved the women off and turned back to the carriage.  In the next few minutes Beretta and he were both on their way back to the palace.

“They should be fine, Raegith,” Beretta said.  “The escort taking them knows the routes well enough and there are enough of them to defend against the creatures of the night.  There may even be another cult member among Lord Kensei’s people who can speak to the wispy girl.”

“I wouldn’t worry about her,” Raegith said.

Chapter 30


It was an hour before they finally arrived at the palace and Kalystra was waiting for them.  Beretta excused herself and as soon as everyone was out of the room, Kalystra rushed to Raegith and embraced him.

Raegith lifted her off her feet and they shared a fierce kiss and she giggled as she pulled away.

“Did you like my gift?  It was the most agonizing thing I’ve done, signing the release of that whore, but it was all for you… so that you would stay with me.”

“I appreciated it very much, Empress.” Raegith bent down and kissed her some more.  “I can show you how deep my appreciation goes right here, if you like.”

“Um… oh, dammit, we can’t,” she mumbled, her lips a hair’s width from his.  “I… I have a meeting with Greela now.  You are probably hungry, though.  Have Beretta fix you some… Raegith, what’s wrong?”

Raegith lost all of his cheerfulness at the name she mentioned just then.  She had seen it immediately and he did not bother trying to hide his hatred for the general.

“He was just doing his job, Raegith,” Kalystra said, cautiously.  “He is a good soldier and leader… as loyal as they come.”

“I know, Kalystra.” Raegith pushed himself from her gently, getting some space.  “I’ve grown since then.  I’m not as naïve as I was when I first set foot in this place, but… I cannot stop seeing his face in that moment.  Both of my companions, friends I had shared joys and torments with, were killed in an instant at his hand.  I was so weak back then.  He could have killed me just as easily and I could not have done anything to stop him; we both knew it.  That man wielded death against me as no other has and as I’ve tried, I cannot stop hating him for it.”

“You don’t have to see him, Raegith.  He is no threat to you, but I can make sure you are never in the same room.”

“Ah, I’ve worried you too much,” Raegith said, forcing a smile.  “I’ll go find some food…”

The doors of the room burst open and two winded Rathgar fell into the room, followed by several of the royal guard and General Greela.  Raegith took a defensive stance, ready for anything.  His heart paced and adrenaline flooded his body at the mere thought of having to fight the giant, armored soldier.

“Empress…!” was all the general could get out.

A tremor rocked the ground beneath them, loosening dirt and mortar in the walls, followed closely by something that sounded like thunder.  Outside the room, servants and guards ran, yelling at each other.  Greela crossed the room, easily shoving Raegith aside.

“General, what is going on?” the Empress screamed. 
“An uprising?  Surely not one of the demi-gods is attacking us.”

“It’s Rellizbix, your Highness.  Our enemy is at the gates.”

Raegith got to his feet only to have them threaten to buckle under him.

“That’s not possible,” he said.

“What do you mean, general?” Kalystra asked.  “The men from the north… are attacking us?  Why would they do that?”

Greela looked right at Raegith.

“No!  Greela, this cannot be because of Raegith!” she demanded.  “You saw the Declaration just as I did.  They sent him here to die!  Why would they try to come claim him if they think he is dead?”

“Empress, the men reported
thousands upon thousands of soldiers and siege weaponry like we have never seen.  Giant metal tubes on wheels that spit fire and thunder.”  Just as he spoke, another shockwave moved through the palace.  “I do not think they came here to negotiate a release.  This is an army set on annihilation.”

“But the army should be returning soon.  If we can hold them until…” Kalystra began to say before the general’s hard stare cut her off.

“Empress, there have been no reports of anyone from the raid returning.” The general was completely grim.  “For them to have advanced on us so suddenly, without any warning… we have to assume the entire raid was destroyed, along with all of the outposts between us and the Hell Cliffs.

“Empress, they have come to end us for good.”

“Ancestors save us…” Kalystra whispered.  “This is how it all ends?  Just as I was about to save us, this happens?”

“Empress, we have a plan of defense for the palace.  All of our forces inside the Citadel will hold the lines as long as possible and fall back to this point.  The Imperial armor of your father is being refitted as we speak and I have picked out a few weapons that are suited to your
stature and training.”

“You intend for the Empress to fight against trained soldiers from Rellizbix?” Raegith asked.
  “You have to be joking.  You haven’t allowed women to fight in centuries and you suddenly want the Empress right in the middle…”

“I have had training, Raegith.”  There was a tremble in her voice that was worse than the time she addressed the room full of harassing lords a few
weeks before.  “I may be a female, but I am still the Empress of Greimere.  I will die in battle, as I have pledged to this nation… as all of the Emperors have pledged before me, should this day ever come to pass.”

She took a long, steadying breath, as if bracing herself for her next words.
  “I am Rathgar and I will die a Rathgar death!”

“No!  Empress, get me to the front!  Let me speak to the invaders.  They will be confused by me, maybe long enough for me to speak to them.” Raegith was desperate now, imagining the horror of the Empress trying in vain to fight against armed Sabans.  “I can convince them to stop!  I can expose the entire treaty!”

“They will kill you as soon as they see you among us, boy,” Greela said.

“Then give me a weapon.”

“So you can stab us all behind the back and save face with your own people?  I’ll kill you here and now first.” Greela growled, reaching back for his axe.

“He’s right
, Greela,” Kaylstra said.  Both of the men turned to her.  “We should let him go to the front… see if he can speak to the enemy and get them to leave.  It… it may save our empire, right Raegith?”

“Empress, I do not think…” Greela began.

“Beretta!” she shouted.

The Infernal was in the room in the next instant, as if she were waiting outside the door the entire time.  Kalystra pulled her aside, away from the others, so that she could speak to her retainer.  There was some tense conversation between the two and Greela exchanged uneasy glances with Raegith.  Then Beretta finally gave up on whatever argument she had and bowe
d.  The Empress then pulled her in and embraced her, which made Raegith worry even more.

“Raegith, you will be coming with me,” Beretta said in her usual, calm tone.  She was even smiling slightly.  “I will escort you to the front lines and find a way for you to speak to your people.  The Empress will wait here and prepare for the worst, should we fail.”

“We won’t.” He turned to Greela, defiant as ever.  “I will not fail her.”

“Raegith, will you join me for a moment?” Kalystra asked.

Black ran down her face from the make-up she used around her eyes.  Her body was not trembling as much, but there was a lot of strain in her voice.

“I’m counting on you do what’s right by me on this; to do what is expected of you.”

“I won’t let them hurt you, Kalystra.  We’re going to rebuild this empire together, remember?  You asked me to never leave you, that first night together, remember?  I’m going to keep that promise to you.”

She laughed, even in such an extreme situation, with the blasts coming more frequently and louder, all around them.  “I remember that night well.
  I had wanted you so badly, for all the wrong reasons in the beginning.  You were a trophy for me to dominate and claim ownership over… because I’m such a spoiled bitch.”

“You’re royalty,
Empress, that kind of silliness is to be expected.”

She reached out and hugged him to her and he squeezed her tight.  They both knew that no matter how things turned out, even if he succeeded, that this was the end for them.
  He would be taken back to his homeland… to his father, if he was not executed first.

“I had to work for you, Raegith… the first time in my life that I had to work and agonize and suffer to gain
something and it was so fucking good.” She was sobbing now and Raegith kissed her head.  “I’m not going to give up those memories, Raegith.  I’m so angry that our time was this short; I’m not ready to give it up!”

“Just stay alive!  I’ll save this place and then find my way back to you.  I will try every day to escape my father and his people to get back to you.”

“I know you would, Raegith.  You’re a rebellious little shit, just like the Pit Captain said.  You won’t do anything anyone tells you… but do this for me, Raegith.  This is the last thing I ask of you.”

“Just stay alive.” Raegith said, looking down into her bleary eyes.  “I love you, Kalystra.”

“I thought so,” she laughed, kissing him.  “Now go, Raegith.”

“Raegith, we have to go now.” Beretta was beside him, grabbing him by the arm.

“Empress, please follow me,” Greela said as Beretta dragged Raegith out the door.

Raegith tried one last time to lock eyes with the Empress, but she was already following Greela through the other door to prepare for Raegith’s possible failure and their last stand.  Then he was outside the palace and struggling to keep up with the Infernal leading him out into the chaos of the Citadel.

People were running everywhere and smoke filled the evening air.  Raegith could not remember what time it should have been and did not know if the darkness outside was from the smoke or the coming night.  Suddenly the people had more to fear in the Greimere than the setting of the sun.

Beretta’s flaming green hair was like a beacon in the haze and Raegith ran behind her, letting her take him to the front.  Following her allowed his mind to w
ander to what he would say to the men of his homeland.  None of them would recognize him, unless the 9
Regiment was there, but that made things worse.  The men of the 9
undoubtedly thought of him as a traitor.  There was a chance Pyrrhus was there.

Raegith thought back on the fire mage.  He had been a part of the envoy, which meant he was also supposed to be killed in the Greimere.  That was unless he was a confederate the entire time.  Raegith growled in frustration.  He could not truly know where the mage’s loyalties lied, but it did him little good to dwell on the slight possibility that he would be in the force, or that he would be in a position to even see Raegith.  He needed a plan for addressing a faceless crowd of aggressors who he had to hope would hesitate for a few moments upon seeing a Saban among the enemy.

Time passed by as Raegith constructed his planned speech, putting everything together in his head as he kept his eyes on Beretta and his feet following her lead.  Then he began to notice the cleaner air around him.  His visibility was better here, not worse.  Then he realized the sounds of thunder were not getting any closer, even though he knew they had to be coming right up on the gates any minute.

“Beretta, are you lost?” Raegith yelled, edging past fleeing Rathgar.  The sounds of fighting and screaming were getting slightly louder, but it seemed as if the bulk of the fighting was at their backs.

Beretta did not respond to him and when Raegith looked back at the Spire of the palace, it was partly concealed in smoke. Something was wrong.

“Beretta, I think we are going the wrong way!  We have to go back!”

“Stay close to me, Raegith,” she called back to him.  “It looks like there is some fighting up ahead.  They may have breached the wall here, as well.”

“Why would you not be expecting fighting if we were heading toward the enemy, Beretta? 
Stop!” Raegith halted in the road and yelled at the Infernal.

“Keep moving, Raegith, we’re almost there,” she said, walking back to take his arm.

He broke away from her. 
“Almost where, Beretta?  Where are we at?”

“Up ahead is the south gate to the Citadel.  The attack came from the north, so it was assumed that the enemy would not have enough time to encircle the Citadel before we reached it, but that assumption was wrong.  We’re going to have to fight our way out, so you need to stay close to me.”

“What are you saying?” Raegith screamed, backing away.  “You’ve betrayed the Empress!  You’re trying to save your own hide!  I have to get back to her before…”

“I will drag you out of here if I must, Raegith.” Her speed was unholy as she appeared in front of him in a blur of green and dark blue.
  “The Empress made me swear… made me swear on my honor, to do this.”

“She tricked me?”

“I am getting you out of here and keeping you safe, Raegith the Grass-haired… as is the last wish of the Mistress.”

“Why would she do this to me?”

“Because she loved you, Raegith.  Please, follow me and stay close.”

“Then why did she not tell me that when I said it to her?” 

“Because she showed it to you, Raegith!” Beretta yelled.  He was not used to seeing such emotion from her and was stunned.  “She is showing you now and that is incomparable to simply repeating your words, you fool.  I’ve been at the Empress’s side her entire life and she sent me away, to keep you alive.  Don’t make her decision a waste, Raegith, I beg you!”

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