Beyond the Edge (4 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lister

Tags: #gay romance, BDSM

BOOK: Beyond the Edge
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“Do you want to get a coffee or something?” I asked, clearing my throat and dragging my thoughts out of the gutter.

He shook his head, his blue eyes delving into my brown ones with curiosity and excitement. “No, I just want to talk to you. About this weekend.” He looked down at his lap and then up at me. “Have you ever done anything like this before?”

I nodded. “Yes. But not for a whole weekend.” I drowned in those blue orbs as I said, “You?”

He shook his head. “I've played around a little with bondage. Enough to know I want more…”

He wanted more. So did I. And I knew that James wanted everything.

“How did you contact James?” I asked.

“Um, well, he found me, actually,” he said, blushing even more. “I went to this BDSM party with a friend. This hot guy asked if I'd be part of a rope tying demo. I said sure. Next thing you know I'm stripped to my baby blue Calvin's and roped into the most…revealing position.”

I gulped, imagining this blond haired, blue-eyed Adonis restrained with black bondage rope…

“Then all these guys are coming over and touching me and asking me how it feels…” He shook his head. “It was intense. James asked me to come talk to him when the demo was over. I got dressed and got the nerve up to approach him, even though I had the biggest erection from the whole thing.”

I laughed.

He went on, in a quiet voice, encouraged by my reaction. “So he asked me if I enjoyed being bound and at the mercy of everyone. I told him I enjoyed it very much. And he told me he could see that I did, and he was staring right at my crotch. Well, that only made me harder.”

I bet.

“He gave me his card and told me to call him the next day. I did, even though I was so nervous I thought I might throw up.”

I nodded. “James can inspire that kind of reaction.”

“So…what do
know about him?”

I sipped my coffee and pondered. “I know he’s the most respected Dom in Ottawa. There’s quite a long waiting list for his, ah, services.”

“Really?” Sebastian seemed surprised. “I just met him last week.”

“Well, you must have looked damn good in those ropes…”

“I guess.” He looked at me and smiled shyly. “I…kind of…can’t wait to get tied up again.”

Oh, baby, you and me both…

I coughed and almost laughed at his modest eagerness. He seemed like such an innocent.

“It was the first time I’d been tied up with rope and the first time at a public event. I liked it.”

“Yeah, I think you covered that part,” I said with a grin.

“So…what do
like, Tate?”

I laughed and put my chin in my hand, staring at this guileless creature who, in the course of ten minutes, had wiped out the image of every porn star/ex boyfriend/imagined lover I'd ever had. Even James.

“I like blond-haired, blue-eyed boys who wear puppy dog hats and talk about Pogos.”

He looked at me with wide, astonished eyes and I wondered if I had said too much. But then his lips curved up into the biggest smile and he said, “Really?”

I laughed and nodded.

He shook his head. “I just met you…”

“I know…I shouldn't have said that.”

“No, I mean, I just met you, but…if you asked me to come home with you right now…I might say yes.” He looked at the floor while he spoke.

I set my coffee down on the table a little too hard, and the hot liquid splashed out and over my hand. I let it burn me. I didn't care. I didn't make a sound as I stared at my hand and felt the sharp pain fade away gradually into a dull, not unpleasant, tingle. I looked up at Sebastian. I wanted to say so many things. But I had to be careful.

“I don't think James would like that,” I said slowly. “Even though
would. Very much.”

He looked up at me and I thought I might combust. His innocent gaze pushed through all my barriers. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore.

“I have to go,” I said.

His face fell. “But I just got here.”

“Sebastian, if my cock gets any harder I won't be able to walk home. Or, I won't be able to walk home alone. I have to go…” I stood up. “I'll see you on Friday.”

He nodded, his eyebrows knit with worry. “I'm sorry…”

“Jesus, you are so sweet. Don't be fucking sorry. I honestly can't wait till Friday.” I leaned over and placed my hands on the table, so that my face was inches from his. “I can't wait to see what James is gonna do to you, or make
do to you…”

His lips opened. It took everything I had not to kiss him.

“Me too…” he said breathily, continuing to stare at me with those dark blue eyes. Husky eyes. The eyes of a loyal and true friend.

I nodded and tore myself away. As I walked to the door, I glanced back at him. He watched me, his hands twisting the puppy dog hat as if he couldn’t think of anything else to do with them. Or could, but needed to occupy them otherwise.



When I got home that evening, I rubbed one out in the shower, thinking of a twenty-four-year-old blond-haired blue-eyed boy tied up in bondage rope and fondled by strange men. I had to rub out another one after I went to bed, because I just couldn't get that image out of my head.

Now I'd seen, I mean, actually
, lots of guys in bondage rope. The fact that a visualization of someone I’d just met got me this worked up demonstrated just how much of an impression he’d made. The idea that I would be with him this weekend, and the anticipation of what we might do, leant to the excitement.

Anyway, due to James’ stipulation about not coming, I couldn’t pleasure myself after tonight, so jerking off a couple of times made sense. I contemplated setting my alarm for midnight in order to really get it out of my system, but rejected that idea as ridiculous. I would be fine tomorrow morning.

I wasn’t.

I woke with the usual morning wood but couldn’t do anything about it. It didn’t really concern me, because I usually woke with a hard-on and it most often went down of its own accord if I ignored it.

It didn’t.

I had made an appointment after work at my favorite spa for the implicitly instructed man-scaping. Unfortunately, my erection haunted me all day in various stages of tumescence. By the time I got to my appointment I began to worry that I wouldn't be able to hide it. Luckily, I'd been coming here for years, and they had a sense of humor.

“Jesus, Tate, you happy to see me or what?” Budgie said, removing my towel as I lay back on the table.

“I can't help it, Budgie. It's been there all day.”

“Oh, you poor thing…do you want me to…”

I swatted away his wandering hands before they touched my dick. “No! Don't touch it! I'm under strict instructions to leave it alone.”

Budgie's face betrayed confusion. “Huh? Are you kidding me?”

I looked down at my poor aching dick and shook my head sadly. “Nope. Not kidding.”

When he still looked confused I said, “I'm subbing for James this weekend.”

Comprehension dawned. “James Lucas?”

I nodded. Suddenly he looked panicked. “Honey, you should have said something when you called in. I'd have added another hour to your appointment.” He shook his head and clicked his tongue. “Mr. Lucas is very, very particular…” He covered me up again and headed for the door. “Let me see if I can get someone to cover my next appointment…”

Oh, cripes. Now I’m in for it.
Budgie’d have every single strand off me by the end of the session, except for the hair on my head. My hard-on started to wilt at the thought.

Budgie came back looking relieved and focused. “Yep, Troy’s gonna do it.” He winked at me while he got the wax and all his implements of torture ready. “You never know what a spur of the moment blowjob will get you in the future.”

I laughed. Budgie adored giving blowjobs. And it was something for which he had a great amount of talent. My dick started to harden again as I remembered how I’d discovered that. But as soon as the hot wax made contact with my groin it went down again. “Easy, Budgerigar. It’s been awhile…”

He raised his eyebrows and yanked the hardening wax from my skin with practiced skill and obvious pleasure. I yelled as the ripping pain followed.

Jesus Christ!”

He held up the wax so I could see all the hair on it. “This is your fault, sweetheart, not mine. You should’ve been in to see me three months ago.”

My hands fisted as I tried to calm down while he applied more wax. “Budgie, I’m sorry, just please don’t do it too fast…”

He ripped the second one off me, ignoring my howls.

As he quickly applied more wax, he laughed. “For someone that enjoys a bit of pain, Tate, you’re remarkably sensitive.” He pulled off another strip.

The tears rose in my eyes. I whimpered, hoping that perhaps that might work to slow him down.

“I’ll have to give James a call and let him know how to really torture you,” he said, grinning happily.

“You are so much more of a sadist than anyone else in this town.” I growled through clenched teeth. I held in another shout as he pulled the next strip off.

He surveyed my nether regions appraisingly. “Oh, that's much better. You have such a pretty cock, Tate. Are you sure you don't want me to…”

“Budgie! Just get this waxing business over with, would you? And keep your paws off my bits.”

He put his hands on his hips, disappointed. “Roll over.”

I hesitated. “Wait. Shouldn't we do my chest first?”

He raised his eyebrows in astonishment. “You gonna tell an artist which part of the painting to do first? Roll over.”

I huffed, but obeyed him. Might as well get in the mindset for this weekend.

I spent the next forty minutes in agony as he stripped me entirely of body hair in a meticulous and efficient fashion. I looked like a lobster when he'd finished. My entire body hummed with residual pain and heat.

“I want you in the mud bath next,” he said.

I looked at him, rubbing my bare chest to try to ease some of the discomfort. “Do you think that's really necessary?”

“Yes. I know James and I know he likes his boys soft as butter. He's paying for this, right?”

I nodded.

“Then what's the problem?”

I shrugged. “I don't know. I feel like a girl.”

He laughed. It was a loud, shouting laugh, like he'd just heard the most ridiculous thing ever. “Honey, this ain't nothing. You're gonna feel like a girl when James is finished with you. A quivering, blushing, fucking violet!” He continued laughing as he left to prepare my mud bath.

And I knew he was right.

At home that evening, I looked at myself in the mirror, touching the smooth skin of my groin and chest. It did feel like butter and it looked good too. Trust Budgie to prepare me right. If this weekend went well, I'd have to drop off some cookies or something to thank him. Or else let him blow me.

Of course, just looking at my smooth-as-a-seal body and imagining the coming weekend had my dick up at attention again.

I couldn't get Sebastian out of my head. Or James for that matter. They haunted my imagination during the day, and my dreams at night. I experienced a brief moment of panic when I woke to wet sheets in the early morning hours on Thursday and realized I'd had my first wet dream in about five years.

What if James found out? I hadn't meant to. It was an entirely spontaneous and unconscious event. I felt mildly disappointed, as I'd planned to be a good boy and follow his instructions perfectly. But I couldn't do anything about it and he'd never know, so I didn't worry too much. I just prayed that I could maintain control for the rest of the week.

I needn't have worried at all. I woke up Friday morning with a massive, painful erection and an unparalleled enthusiasm for my weekend.

When I checked my email a frantic message from Sebastian awaited me.

Hi Tate,

You have to help me! I tried to get rid of all my body hair like James wants but it was a disaster. I look like a Chia Pet with mange. If I show up like this tonight he is not going to be impressed! And, believe me, I am set on impressing him.

Please, can you help??? I don’t know what to do…


I picked up the phone right away and called the salon. I explained the situation and asked if Budgie could fit Sebastian in for the same thing I’d had yesterday. The receptionist got him to talk to me. He moaned a bit about high expectations and the price of an emergency appointment, but told me to get him to come in for ten.

I emailed Sebastian back.


Calm down. I’ve taken care of it. They are expecting you at Salon La Vida (123 Carlson) at ten o’clock sharp. Budgie will look after you. He’s a bit of a sadist but you might as well get used to it. By noon you’ll be smooth as a statue. Just do what Budgie says, but don’t let him touch your cock. He’ll have you off in ten seconds if you let him. I assume you’re under the same prohibition as me and we wouldn’t want to disappoint James.

Good luck and I’ll see you tonight :)


I went to work, comforted by the thought that Sebastian would have to go through the same horrible experience at the salon that I had. I hoped Budgie would keep his hands off him, except to do what he had to. Anyone would be tempted by Sebastian's youth, looks, and naiveté. Hopefully, the fact that James had essentially claimed him for this weekend would keep Budgie in line.

When I got home from work I fulfilled James' requirements vis-à-vis a thorough bowel cleansing. By the time I'd finished and was ready for my shower my phone rang. It was Budgie.

“Hey, Budgie. How did it go this morning? Is Sebastian as hairless as me now?”

“Tate Mackenzie, how dare you send a sweet young thing like that my way when you know I can't touch him?”

I laughed. “Sorry, man. But I feel your pain. I can't touch him either. At least, not yet.”

“Yeah? You feel my pain? You haven't seen him naked, have you?”


This time Budgie laughed. “Ooooh, you have no idea what you're in for this weekend, Tate.
No idea

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