Beyond the Cherry Trees: The Cook Brothers Series (13 page)

Read Beyond the Cherry Trees: The Cook Brothers Series Online

Authors: Heather D'Agostino

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Beyond the Cherry Trees: The Cook Brothers Series
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He sighed as he rubbed his hands down his face. “I’d like to say that I know where this is going, but I don’t. We’re different people now, Mia. I’d like to think that we’ve grown up and that we can be together without the past haunting us. I’d like to be able to promise you that we could be us again if you’d let it happen, but I can’t. I don’t know what tomorrow holds for us, but I do know that I’ve had some of my best moments these past few days I’ve spent with you.”

“Ty...” I stopped when he held his hand up.

“Just let me finish,” he swallowed. “I’ve got a lot of shit going on in my life right now. Stuff that I can’t even begin to tell you about. You’re going back to New York in a few more weeks, and our lives are going to be pulling us in different directions. Can you fight the outside world and make time for me? If I let whatever this is happen between us, can you promise that you’re going to give it an honest chance and not push me away?”

“Yes,” I whispered the word and watched his face for a reaction. When I didn’t get one, I pushed on. “Walking away from you was the stupidest thing I ever did. I didn’t think I could have both you and dance. I’m not throwing a second chance away.”

He grinned before he reached beside where we were sitting and grabbed something. I hadn’t even noticed him bringing something into the room. His smirk grew when he held out his hand to show me what he had. A sprig of mistletoe was pinched between his fingers. “I wanted some privacy for this,” he winked before he leaned closer. “Good thing we practiced earlier. This could have been awkward,” he mumbled before closing the distance and placing a kiss to my lips that would be seared onto my heart for as long as I lived. The last little piece of me that was holding up the wall between us crumbled as his thumb brushed the apple of my cheek while his tongue danced with mine. Tyler Cook owned me, he always had. He owned every part of my soul. He had staked his claim when were just kids, and I’ve been a goner ever since.




ed Mia off after the party, I couldn’t help but feel a little lighter on my feet. She was finally giving in to what had been growing between us since I saw her dancing on the sidewalk all those months ago. I knew that if I made her remember
she wouldn’t have a choice but to feel again. When we were younger, the connection we had was so strong that you could practically feel it when you were around us. Our friends would tell us all the time how we were the perfect couple, and we’d better invite them to the wedding. Mia would laugh when it happened, but I knew they were right. If she hadn’t walked out of my life all those years ago I have faith we’d be married now. I had already bought a ring, and had been waiting to land the perfect job. When the law firm hired me, I knew we were heading in the right direction. It’s funny how when things finally fell into place, she was the one to blow it all up. Things always seem to happen that way; I prayed this time would be different.

When I got back to Taylor’s that night and climbed the stairs, my phone dinged, alerting me of a text.

BallerinaGirl: I had fun tonight. Thank you.

I smiled as I stripped down and climbed into bed.

TyObject: Me too, and UR welcome.

It took no time at all for her to respond, and I couldn’t help remembering all the nights we laid in bed doing this very thing. Sometimes I would fall asleep with my phone by my pillow, or wake up to it hitting me in the face.

TyObject: Do you have plans for the weekend?

I shifted restlessly in the bed as I waited for her response. I wanted to spend time with her, and I wanted to do it without people around. If we were going to reconnect, we needed time to talk, and I needed her to be open about it. We weren’t the same kids that left Cherryville six years ago. We weren’t the couple that failed at living together in New York City, and we most certainly weren’t the naïve kids that thought nothing could pull us apart. I needed her to see that, and reassure me that she really was open to fixing us.

BallerinaGirl: No plans, why?

TyObject: Spend the day with me Saturday. Just you and me. Like old times.

It felt like I waited forever for her response, and at first I wondered if she was trying to think of a way to tell me no. Was she rethinking the whole ‘try it again’ scenario? Did she fall asleep? Was I getting my hopes up too soon?

BallerinaGirl: Ok

Ok? That was it? What did that even mean? I dragged my hands down my face as I released a deep breath. I was overthinking this. I just needed to tell her I’d pick her up, and then leave it at that. I’d plan an unforgettable day, and show her that I was different, and we could work. I’d show her that I still loved her, and make her feel the heat that we once easily possessed. She wouldn’t be able to walk away from me after I made her realize how good we really were, and how great we could be now.

TyObject: I’ll pick you up at 9am. Dress warm. We’re going to be outside.

I silenced my phone after that. I wasn’t going to give her any details, and if I was going to get this planned right, I needed a good night’s sleep. I’d need Taylor’s help in the morning, and who knew what he’d make me do to get it. We might be in our twenties now, but he still treated me like he did when I was eight.





nodded at Taylor as he stepped back and leaned on the shovel he was holding.

“So are you going to tell me what this is for?” he huffed as he tried to catch his breath. I hadn’t said anything to him when I asked him to come to the back of the orchard with me today.

“I’ve got an idea, and I needed a spot cleared out. The snow’s deep back here.” I shrugged, hoping he’d accept my vague answer.

“Right, and what exactly do you need this for?” He tipped his head to the side. He knew I was hiding something, and he was giving me that look that said spill.

“Fine,” I tossed my arms out to the side before dropping my head back to look up at the sky. “I’m going to bring Mia out here tomorrow. I needed a fire pit. Remember when we were kids, and we’d come out here just to hang out for the day? We’d build a fire and sit and talk?”

“I have a fireplace in my living room.” He rolled his eyes at me. “You dragged me out here to help you do this so you could get laid?” He pointed his finger at my chest as he narrowed his eyes at me.

“No,” I shook my head adamantly. “I’m not going to do that. Not yet anyway. She deserves better than that. Why can’t I just want to have some privacy?”

“You know Morgan and I will leave you guys alone, right? You can sit on the sun porch or even go in the living room. I’ll keep CJ out of your hair.” Tay watched me before his lips twitched. “I really don’t want to hear the sounds you make anyway.” His face contorted in disgust before he erupted into laughter.

“Fuck you!” I growled as I advanced close enough to shove him.

“No,” he laughed harder as he pointed at me. “That’s what you’re hoping Mia will do.”

“You’re such an asshole,” I muttered as I tossed the shovel I was holding up onto my shoulder and began walking toward the house.

It took me a while to get back. The snow was about knee deep in the orchard and the yard. Winter was not being kind to Upstate NY, and I was already getting tired of the snow. Frigid air gusted around me, causing me to tug my coat higher around my neck and start to second-guess myself. Was I crazy to want to spend the day outdoors tomorrow? Would Morgan and I actually be able to talk? I hoped so.





the kitchen, Morgan was humming along to some Christmas music as she danced around the kitchen island. A red apron hung around her neck, and flour dotted her cheeks and nose. “I’ve got cookies in the oven. They’ll be out shortly if you boys want some.” She smiled as I began peeling off my clothes. I hung my coat on the coat rack by the door before stepping out of my boots and peeling off my snow pants. My hat and gloves got tossed on a nearby chair before I made my way over to where a pot of coffee was keeping warm under the coffeemaker.

“Thanks,” I smiled. “You know, your husband can be a jerk at times.” I shook my head as I peeked in the oven at the sugar cookies that were slowly turning golden brown. They smelled delicious, and the scene before me made me remember all the Christmases I’d spent with my family as a kid. Since my parents moved to Florida several years ago we’ve changed our family traditions. Now, instead of spending Christmas together we usually go down there for New Years. This year, though, I’m hoping to spend the holidays with Mia.

“CJ’s been pestering me to bake cookies to decorate. I figured I’d have these ready when he gets home from school today. We’re going to do it together if you want to join us.” She smiled at me before releasing a big yawn. “Sorry. This baby is wearing me out. I’m so tired during the day, but when night time rolls around, I can’t seem to fall asleep.”

“I can get these out if you want to take a nap.” I motioned to the oven door. “I can help CJ get started too. Go lay down. Don’t worry.” I tried to shoo her away. At first, she resisted, but when the back door opened, I saw her smile spread. I knew it had to be Taylor, and I held my breath as I waited for the teasing to begin over my plans for the weekend. He had been relentless when Mia and I first got together. I think it was because I used to tease him about Morgan. The only difference was I didn’t do it anymore, but he didn’t seem able to help himself.

“Smells awesome, baby. When can I eat some?” He rubbed his belly as he rounded the corner, and when their eyes met, they both went all gooey on each other. It didn’t matter that they were married now, they still acted like teenagers at times.

“There’s still some time left on them. Ty’s gonna get them out of the oven for me. I was just getting ready to head upstairs for a nap. Wanna join me?” She bit her bottom lip as she waited for his reaction. Taylor snickered before looking over at me.

“You better not let my cookies burn.” He pointed at me before looking back at his wife. “I am kinda tired,” he snickered again, “but you may need to tire me out just a little bit more before I can fall asleep.”

“I can do that,” she giggled before heading toward the stairs.

“Ugh!” I groaned. “I don’t want to know about that,” I cringed and made a gagging motion. “You better not be loud enough that I can hear you!” I shouted after them as their feet thundered up the stairs.



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