Beyond the Cherry Trees: The Cook Brothers Series (11 page)

Read Beyond the Cherry Trees: The Cook Brothers Series Online

Authors: Heather D'Agostino

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Beyond the Cherry Trees: The Cook Brothers Series
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“This isn’t a good idea,” she mumbled as she started to get up, but I tightened my arms.

“Relax,” I soothed. She continued to fight me, but after our combined heat began to warm her, she relented.

I’m not sure how long we sat there waiting. She was sideways across my thighs with her boot dangling, and I had one arm wrapped around her back as the other rubbed up and down her arms. You could see our breath mingling in the air each time we sighed. Mia’s nerves seemed to grow as the minutes ticked by, but I wasn’t letting her push me away. Besides, if she’d gotten up, she would’ve shown the entire town how happy I was to have her cuddled in my lap. I don’t think she realized how happy and painful tonight really made me feel. I’d been dying to have her like this, but it hurt to know that she was trying with everything in her to keep a wall between us.




a thousand times today if coming here with Ty tonight was the right choice. Could I do the ‘friends’ thing with him? We’d been so close at one time that we didn’t even need to talk to know what the other was thinking. Of course, I blew us up when I walked away. I saw now how he looked at me though, and as much as I wanted to get
back, I knew that I’d be going back to the ballet as soon as my foot healed. Then what? If I let us go there, could I walk away when dance called me back? I knew my heart couldn’t take another stab like it did when I left him, but I didn’t think being around him like this was possible without feeling anything.

When he’d pulled me into his lap, I knew I should fight him. Sitting there all nestled and warm against his strong chest was slowly killing me. The way his arms cradled me against him. I was losing the battle against my heart. It was thundering in my chest, and every time Tyler would whisper something near my ear, I could feel my panties dampening. It was so unfair, but as the night wore on, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to stop it.

“It’s beautiful,” I whispered as I looked up at the tree. They’d lit it up about ten minutes ago, and as soft Christmas carols wafted from outdoor speakers, people stood around staring. The tree was always the focal point this time of year. Each year the town decorated with a different theme, and everyone worked hard to decorate the windows and doors of the businesses along Main Street. This year’s theme was none other than
The Nutcracker
. I figured it was fitting since the rest of my life seemed to be punishing me.

“It sure is,” Tyler’s voice was soft as his cold fingers pushed a lock of hair behind my ear. I couldn’t help but hold my breath as his blew across my rosy cheek. I could feel him, hard right below my thighs, but I was choosing to ignore it. I wasn’t planning on acting on whatever this was so it didn’t really matter.

“I’m talking about the tree,” I rolled my eyes as I turned toward him. When our eyes connected, he licked his lower lip.

“So was I.” The hand he’d been resting on my outer thigh began to slowly climb toward my waist.

“Sure you were,” I tried to joke, but the laugh got caught in my throat as he began to lean toward me. “Ty,” I stuttered as his forehead touched mine.

“Shhh,” he whispered. We sat there, both of us with closed eyes, just letting the moment sink in. He was trying to respect me, but he was fighting so hard. “I miss you, Mia. So much. I just…” He swallowed as his eyes blinked open. I tilted my head to the side as I pulled away and watched the battle wage in his eyes. “Never mind,” he muttered before he cursed under his breath. “You ready to go?”

“Yeah,” I nodded as I rose from his lap. I watched as he gathered all our things before helping me to the car.

We walked in silence, both of us afraid to talk about what almost happened between us. The longer he stayed silent, the more I began to wonder if going to Taylor’s was a good idea.

After putting our things in the backseat of the car, Ty moved to the passenger door to help me in. He paused with his hand on the handle as he stared at me. It felt like a thousand butterflies were taking off in my stomach, and when he leaned closer to me, I did nothing to push him away. I was going to regret this, but I couldn’t help myself.

The moment he leaned close enough, I wrapped my arms around his neck, almost knocking him over as I tugged his head down toward mine. The boot made it awkward but as soon as I was able to get him close enough, I slammed my mouth down on his.

His eyes went wide before, groaning, he wrapped his arms around me. He turned so he could press my back into the side of the car as his hips pressed into mine. My chest rose in short pants as everything I’d been fighting since he climbed in my car yesterday came rushing to the surface. His tongue swept in as his head tilted to bring the kiss deeper. My fingers threaded through his hair, yanking as I held him to me. We were out of control, and as the fire raged between us, I wasn’t sure I could stop it. Ty groaned again before he pulled back gasping for air.

“What was that for?” His eyes were wild as he watched me.

“Figured I’d get the whole kiss under the mistletoe thing out of the way now.” I shrugged as I fought off a grin.

“There isn’t any mistletoe here.” His lips curved up on one side as he watched me.

“Really? I didn’t notice.” I shrugged again as I started to climb in. “Good practice then.” I reached for the door to close it, leaving him standing there in a daze.

He wandered around the rear of the car before climbing in and fastening his seatbelt. “Friends don’t kiss like that, ya know,” he chuckled as he started the engine. I had made a similar comment yesterday about holding hands.

“Didn’t know that either,” I answered flippantly. He shook his head as he began backing out the parking space before he turned to look at me once again.

“So what does that mean?” He wrinkled his brow.

“Drive the car, Ty,” I grumbled as I shoved at his shoulder.

“Fine,” he rolled his eyes. “But just so you know… I plan on getting my kiss under the mistletoe, and maybe under a few other things too… like a blanket,” he warned suggestively.

And just like that, Tyler Cook turned me into a ball goo willing to do just about anything. I was crazy if I thought that I could keep him away. Now the only problem was going to be not falling too hard. I couldn’t do it again. I couldn’t let him break me.




up at Morgan and Taylor’s house, my jaw dropped. The picture before us looked like something out of a movie. Snow blanketed the yard and hung off the eaves of the house. White twinkle lights covered all the shrubbery, and wreathes made out of fresh greenery were hung on the door and on every window. Red bows were strategically placed on each wreath, and wooden candy canes lined each side of the driveway. The sun porch that wrapped from one end of the house all the way along the backside was lit up, and you could see a tree shining through the window on one end.

“Wow,” I whispered as I sat there staring.

“It’s something, huh?” Tyler laughed lightly. “Nothing like what my parents used to do.”

“How does she find the time to do this?” I mused as I pushed open my door and started to climb out.

“Now that she’s left her father’s company, she does freelance work. I think the last job was for Taylor.” Ty shrugged as he climbed out and narrowed his eyes at me. We’d yet to really talk about that kiss, and I was trying to lighten the mood between us.

“Must be nice,” I sighed.

“I can ask Tay for a job you if you want,” he chuckled as I pushed against his shoulder.

“Very funny,” I grumbled. “I’ll be going home soon. This isn’t going to be forever.” I pointed down at my boot as we made our way up the front steps and knocked on the door. “Aren’t you staying here with them?” I couldn’t understand why he would be knocking.

“I don’t have a key,” he shrugged just as the door flew open.

“Asshole!” Taylor lifted his arms out to the side just as Morgan came walking up behind him. She smacked the back of his head as she passed by causing him to duck and hiss. “She’s been on my case about my language for days. Seems the little peanut in her belly can hear me already. I don’t know how, since it’s only the size of a jellybean.” He chuckled as he lifted the beer he was holding to his lips before stepping out of the way to let us in.

“What happened to cider and hot chocolate?” Ty motioned to the beer as he started unbuttoning his coat.

“I was told that I had to dance with her tonight. She’s got the living room set up like a dance floor. Something about needing to do something other than watching football.” He rolled his eyes. “I can’t dance sober.” He shrugged before tipping his head back. “At least, not as good as I do with a little liquid courage.”

“At least you can dance,” I grumbled as I started to peel my coat off.

“Nice to see you, squirt.” Taylor gave me a side hug before he eyed his brother with a weird look and disappeared in what I assumed was the direction of the kitchen.

“Everything ok?” I turned toward Ty. He was shaking his head as he stared at Taylor’s retreating form. “Hey,” I pushed on his shoulder. “Is everything ok?”

“I’m fine,” he mumbled before he started helping me to get my coat off. “Shit Mia. No wonder you were cold,” he hissed as he took the coat from my hands. I’d dressed myself in a green sweater, but it was a lightweight cashmere one. It was more for style than warmth.

“What?” I played dumb as I looked down the front of me. My dark jeans molded to my body, and the sweater clung to my upper half like cling wrap. I’d left my hair down, and it cascaded over my shoulders in soft waves down my back.

“Don’t play dumb with me.” He grinned as his eyes trailed over the green fabric, pausing at my chest. “Remember the first party you and I went to?” His grin began to spread as I felt my cheeks heat. I nodded and bit the inside of my cheek. “Were you thinking about that when you got dressed tonight?” I shook my head no as he wrapped his arm around my waist and lowered his mouth to right beside my ear.

“All I can I think about right now is dragging you up to the room I’m staying in and peeling those jeans off with my teeth. I wanna bury myself so deep inside you that you feel me for days. I know I shouldn’t be saying these things to you right now, Mia, but I can’t fucking help it. You’re killing me here.” The hand at my waist slid down to my hip, giving it a gentle squeeze before he released me to walk in the direction Taylor had gone, leaving me standing there. If I wasn’t turned on enough earlier, Ty had just taken it to a whole new level.



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