Beyond Reason (33 page)

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Authors: Karice Bolton

Tags: #Coming of Age, #new adult romance, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Beyond Reason
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I tossed my phone on the counter and slowly made my way down the hall, relishing every part of where things were right now. I didn’t know what the future held, but I was determined to enjoy the present. Learning to let go was one of the biggest gifts I’d been given. Some people learn that in life sooner than others, but it took Ayden to show me how freeing it was to just trust.

The sound of the shower turning off made my heart speed up as Ayden walked into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Water was still rolling down his chest as he motioned for me to walk over, and it was impossible not to obey his wishes.

“I hope you forgive me for not coming after you sooner,” Ayden murmured, his arms wrapping around my waist as the wetness from his skin soaked into my sweatshirt.

“Everything happens when it’s meant to,” I replied, looking up into his vivid blue eyes. “Opening up to you about everything turned out to be the beginning. I don’t know if that would’ve happened if the timing had been any different. Those were things I kept close to my heart. That was how you got into my heart.”

“I’m one lucky man,” Ayden whispered.

“You’ve made me the luckiest woman.” I kissed his mouth softly and slid my fingers along the towel’s edge.

“Do you ever wonder what it is that you really want in life?” he asked, his eyes searching mine.

“I think I’m pretty close to finding it,” I laughed.

He smiled and brought me into him even closer.

“But in all seriousness, I just set up an interview at a firm up here…”

“You’d be willing to move up here?” he asked.

“I’ve been thinking about it for awhile. Brandy and Gabby are my family, and I’ve missed them tremendously.”

His grin looked absolutely delicious. “That’s the best news I’ve ever heard.”

My fingers loosened the towel, and it fell to the floor as a wicked smile spread across my lips. Ayden’s gaze filled with desire as I played innocent and took a step back, smiling.

As I stood there waiting for his next move, my heart hammered in my chest like this was our first time once again. My heart was beating so quickly that when he touched me, I realized I hadn’t taken a breath in far too long.

I was amazed at my reaction to this man. It was like every time was a first; every touch as passionate, every kiss more intense, and I never wanted these sensations to end. His fingers slid against my skin as he slowly pulled my sweatshirt over my head and tossed it onto the floor. He slid his hands around my waist and picked me up, carrying me to the bed. He set me down gently on top of the fluffy goose down, and I squirmed into position, grasping for him. But he stayed just out of reach as he leaned over me, until his elbows propped on each side of my waist.

I felt the warmth of his lips as they began working along my belly, sending shivers down my spine. Squirming, I ran my fingers along his back, hoping to be fully undressed by him. His mouth continued working up my stomach until he hit my cotton bra, which his tongue trailed around, causing my breath to break. Twisting his hair between my fingers, I gently pulled him up to me, to my mouth. I felt the hotness of his mouth against mine as his kisses deepened, his hands sliding under my back to unhook my bra. As his touch made my longing for him burn wildly, my hips ground against the fire he created inside of me.

His hands quickly removed my bra and began working on my jeans, as my mouth trailed along his neck, down to his chest. Feeling him work my jeans off created something frantic inside of me. I wanted to feel him against me, in me. He pulled my jeans the rest of the way as I began pushing my panties down, waiting for his body to press against mine. As he dropped the jeans to the floor, he began pressing soft kisses along one of my legs, while his fingers traced a long path up the other one.

Ayden began to slide his body against mine as my breath quivered. Feeling him taunt me with unevenly dispersed kisses, made my soul completely beg for him, to be connected with him.

“Ayden,” I whispered, gripping his shoulders. He looked up at me with hooded eyes, and my world began to spin as his fingers slid between my legs, along my seam as I opened wider.

“You feel so amazing,” Ayden murmured, as he guided his body along mine.

I let out a moan as his fingers continued to circle in me, and his mouth teased each of the peaks of my breasts. Sliding my hands along his shoulders as his kisses deepened created a swell of emotion inside of me as he moved his hands to cradle me as my body quivered in his arms.

“You’re so beautiful when you let go,” Ayden murmured, as I closed my eyes and felt him glide into me, my world shattering with each new connection. As our worlds merged into one, I felt our hearts begin to beat to their own rhythm, and I knew Ayden had made me his.

“Everything you hoped?” I whispered, as I felt the heaviness of his breathing begin to calm.

“And more,” he whispered, tenderly kissing my lobe. “Your taste is intoxicating. I wish we had found each other sooner…”

“If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t change a single thing,” I whispered, as he peppered kisses down my belly, my fingers lacing through his hair before he sank into me once more.

There was one thing I now firmly believed, and life had shown it to me time and again. Everything happened for a reason, and I was willing to give my heart to Ayden Rhodes.

I wanted my Happily Ever After.


Hope you enjoyed the third book in the Beyond Love Series. I absolutely love these characters and am so grateful to you all for allowing me to share their stories with you.


To follow Gabby, Brandy, and Lily, be on the lookout for


There are currently six books planned in the Beyond Love Series. To learn about New Releases, sign up for Karice’s mailing list at her





I want to say a simple thank you to Amazon, iBooks, Barnes & Noble, and all of the other avenues available for the indie publishing world. It allows the art of storytelling to continue to flourish in unexpected ways!


Thank you also to:


Cover artist: Phatpuppy

Typography: BB Designs

Female model: Anya Kod

Male model: Steve Alario 

Makeup/Hair artist: Nadya Rutman 

Photography: Teresa Yeh


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Twitter/Facebook/Pinterest @KariceBolton.


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“Mom!” I hollered more for my benefit than hers.

I wasn’t in earshot yet, but I loved the way my voice carried into the wind off the sea. The constant sloshing of the waves guided me to the rocky beach where my mom was collecting her thoughts and anything else that might catch her fancy. It was a pleasant night with only the moon’s warm glow lighting my way on the very uneven path that weaved through the overgrown blackberries and tall beach grass. Doing my best to dodge the prick of the thorns, I carefully managed to stay on the trail. I didn’t need to be all scarred up for my upcoming celebrations.

This little stretch of beach was hard to get to and rarely frequented by anyone, which was why we loved it. The beach wasn’t what most people pictured when they thought of a beach. The beaches along Washington’s coast, more often than not, had tiny rocks and pebbles in place of sand and many boulders and downed logs that made for awfully fine seating, not places to spread out on a beach towel and soak up the rays.

The makeshift trail finally ended, allowing me to spot my mom’s pile of things. I hoped she was ready to leave. It was getting a little chilly, and I hadn’t prepared to be here long. We had a crockpot full of chili waiting for us both, but she wanted me to meet her here at our special spot, so she could tell me something. I had no idea what it was that she wanted to tell me, but since so much was going on in my life right now it could be about anything. I just graduated from high school. My eighteenth birthday was almost here. Our huge summer solstice celebration, Litha was fast approaching, along with the big event, my acceptance into the Witch Avenue Coven on the same day.

“Mom?” I yelled, as I trudged my way over to her bag, looking around the empty beach.

Only the crashing of waves answered.

I didn’t see her anywhere.

“Mom?” I tried again, batting down the worry that wanted to make its way into my consciousness.

Realizing my voice was no match for the roar of the waves, I started walking toward one of the larger boulders, in case she was sitting where I just couldn’t see her. The pebbles were loose, creating an extra treacherous journey since I was only in flip-flops. Poor planning on my part, but I didn’t think that I’d have to hunt her down. She could be sidetracked so easily.

Finally making it to the mammoth piece of black rock, I became annoyed when I saw she wasn’t there. I wasn’t in any way prepared to be marching up and down the beach looking for her. I grabbed my cellphone out of my pocket and dialed her number as I went back toward her pile of things to sit. Maybe I should stay put, and she’d return soon enough. As the phone rang on my end, I got closer to my mom’s pile and heard her bag ringing. Darn! She didn’t take it with her—odd. That was always a rule of hers when hiking or at the beach. We carried our phones with us at all times.

I squatted down to see what she brought with her, hoping an item might lead me in the right direction to find her. If she were gathering plants, then I’d know better where to go. I opened up her bag and panic set in immediately. The shirt she was wearing when she left our house was stuffed in her bag, wrapped around the shoes she was wearing. This made no sense. Her wallet and jewelry were in this bag. She wouldn’t just leave all this stuff for a stranger to steal. Something was wrong. Jumping up, the insides of the bag dispersed onto the beach, but I didn’t care.

“Mom!” I screamed, kicking off my flip-flops so that I could run up the hill closest to me.

Reaching the top of the hill, I scanned the grassy area quickly seeing nothing. Spinning around, I looked back toward the rocky beach. From this vantage point, I was able to see everything and nothing. My heart started pounding as I began dialing 9-1-1.

“911, what is your emergency?” The operator answered.

“My mom. She’s missing,” I cried into the phone, dread spreading everywhere.

“Calm down, ma’am. Where are you located?”

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