Beyond Charybdis (15 page)

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Authors: Bruce McLachlan

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #bruce mclachlan, #fetish, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #leather, #bondage

BOOK: Beyond Charybdis
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Towing the vehicle out of the building, they found themselves on the paved area behind the stable, the small courtyard accessed by several other doors, proving that other modes of transport were positioned within the various garages.

The whip ordered them straight forward onto a slender road, the paving stones set close together to ensure a near smooth surface that their hooves clattered on as they were brought to a steady trot. The warm sunlight bathed their forms, banishing the slight chill of the interior, the exertion of their bodies helping heat them. The ease of their gentle run was a pleasant change from the full sprint that had been demanded before, and the burden of the carriage soon vanished as they merely kept adding to its momentum. Rapidly timing their strides to fall in unison, the uncomfortable jiggle against the bar began to fade as they grew used to working together and in anticipating the actions of each other.

The road drew them into the woods, the trees parting to let the path wind casually into their depths. Running upon the stone paving, Mina watched the lush scenery pass them by as she savoured the feel of being in her current diminished caste.

The sound of birds and buzzing insects arose to join the soft creak and squeal of the vehicle behind them, the soft purring murmur of their leather uniforms and the steady unified clop of their hooves.

The whip occasionally streaked forth, more to remind them of their station than to actually discipline, both of them starting to relish the sudden addition of intense fulgent sensation to their wiggling buttocks.

The branches that reached out overhead often broke to let streams of light descend upon them, their jog through the small clearings like a strobe light as they danced from shadows to glorious cascades. The smell of the forest was strong after the recent rains, the lingering dampness making the air succulent and moist, heady with the scent of flowers and life. Mina was elated by the voyage, feeling refreshed, satisfied, at peace with herself and her world. Only in the heady afterglow of a session with her owners or a similar agency had she felt so content.

The dense wall of trees began to thin, offering clearings and then small fields where the road rolled across some low hills, faint mimics of the mountain peak, each covered in an emerald blanket of grass.

A pull to their reins dragged their heads to the left, affixing their blinkered gaze to a side path. The paving continued for a short way as they dragged the vehicle in the new direction, leaving the main route behind. A mound of stones appeared beside the road along with various building tools wrapped in canvas to protect them from the elements. The unfinished task of building this section of road suddenly brought them onto the dirt track that had existed prior to the construction. The compacted soil was a little softer than usual because of lingering moisture, but it was still an easy terrain to negotiate, easier even than the trail they had been forced to charge madly down. Cresting a hill they saw the ocean spread out before them.

A drag to their reins pulled the bits deeper into their mouths, tugging their heads back. Mina moaned softly with glee at being so forcefully controlled, her fingers straining against their tight mittens as she savoured the moment. The strap against her corset pushed into her as the weight of the carriage shoved against them both, their hooves fighting the impetus and bringing the vehicle to a slow halt.

Standing on the makeshift road, they panted and caught their breath, the sudden end of their exercise leaving them deprived. While they recovered from the long trot, they looked across the stretched realm of leaves before them, the green sea moving suddenly onto a strip of yellow before surrendering to the vast stretches of ocean. After the barrier of reefs and sandbanks that surrounded the island and created churning areas of turbulent current and white surf, the other islands were visible. The crooked spires jutted angrily from the ocean, some of them little more than malformed rocks or boulders, while others had smoothed areas of jungle clinging to them, or were wreathed by a halo of golden sand.

A pull at the corner of her mouth turned her head left again, turning them from the sight and to the hill once more. The whip snaked out, raking its woven tongue upon their rears, the scorching kisses demanding their compliance. Straining against their harnesses they pulled the vehicle aside, drawing it onto the grass and along the hill. The grass gave a little underfoot, the soft carpet smooth and slightly slippery to their hooves, making their tread more careful and precise.

The reins again pulled back, drawing their heads against the rear of their collars. Their ponytails flapped against their spines and shoulders, wafted by the slight breeze that spilled over the hill. The wind rustled the sheet of grass, the slender emerald fingers beckoning them forth in undulating ripples of motion. The suspension of the vehicle shifted restlessly, making the arms that held the ponies move, revealing to the blinkered steeds that the driver was slipping from her perch.

The sound of the door opening was joined by sounds of movement as the passengers disembarked, employing the woman that had jogged behind them for the whole journey.

Their owners approached and appeared before the two steeds, both of their eyes now hidden behind mirrored sunglasses as they began to unfasten them from their posts.

Once set free of the carriage, their reins were removed and the maid furnished them with leashes, the short chains allowing the two nobles to keep control over their ponies. Removed from the arms of the contraption, their wrists were once more moored to their sides, and they were led to where the maid was busily preparing the picnic. A blanket had been laid down and the woman was carefully unpacking the food and drink from the hamper and arranging it in readiness.

‘Lay here, Trisha,' ordered Oceanus, pulling down on the lead to have the girl stretch procumbent along one edge of the blanket. Using her as a long pillow, the two sultry nobles relaxed onto her body, their fingers idly tracing her leather-bound flesh as they observed the scenery.

A pull to her leash had Mina kneeling beside Tethys, her eyes lowered with respect, and also so that she might study the body of the woman, scrutinise the leather and the alluring flesh of her owner as she twirled a crop and held her leash.

‘I told you this would be the best place for a picnic,' commented Oceanus, laying back, his elbows against Trisha's corset, propping himself up on her as she lay docile beneath them, her face resting on the weave. Her eyes were closed and her breathing steady, her equable outlook on being used like this soothing her to an extent where she was drifting into sleep, making up for the previous night's deprivation.

‘Definitely the best,' whispered Tethys, setting her crop aside and leaning over to kiss him.

‘Slave, some drinks if you please,' Oceanus stated absently, reclining onto Trisha as he observed the view.

The maid produced glasses, filled them with red wine and handed them to the two nobles before returning to the task of preparing the food.

‘And two bowls of water for our ponies here,' added Tethys.

A pair of small ceramic bowls were filled with cool water and set before them both. Mina leant down against the confines of her corset, her bound arms unable to support her as she put her lips to the cool liquid and began to drink as easily as she could. Trisha's task was a little harder because of her prone position, but the thirst they had acquired from the run had her make the required effort and drain most of the bowl.

Once the Nobles had taken what they wished of the picnic, they ordered the maid to pack away the plates and cutlery that had been used, which she did with her customary exuberance, enjoying her vocation immensely. Then Mina was suddenly turned from her vacant watching of the sea when her leash was pulled, forcing her to shuffle closer to the couple as they embraced and tenderly kissed one another. Tethys straightened up and pulled down, bringing Mina over her lap, her rear raised across the thighs of the woman, exposed and vulnerable to attention.

‘Such vivid marks,' commented Tethys, running her nails gently against the pelt of Mina's contused rear, the lines from the lunge whip pronounced and distinct against the older marks of discipline. ‘They must be quite tender,' she added, pinching one of the effulgent lines, the increase in pressure on Mina's sore rear making her wriggle slightly. ‘Mmmm, that's what I like to see,' she commented, rubbing Mina's rear as it performed its enticing dance.

A leather-clad palm slapped Mina's rump, the shock letting a slight pip of distress emerge from her lips. She stiffened for a moment and then settled, accepting another spank across her buttocks as the woman pressed the small of her back, holding her down to be ready for more. The palm dropped again and Mina moaned, elated that she was being chastised, the delicate pain arousing her immensely. Tethys continued, increasing the heat in Mina's rear, the elderly bruises and fresh weals an incendiary force that helped magnify the temperature. She squirmed upon the woman's lap, her cheek pressed to the blanket as Oceanus stroked the soft pelt of re-growing hair upon her head, the spiky tufts rustling under his soothing caress. Fingers ferreted under the front of her crotch strap and pulled, riding the shafts against her, causing her head to rise from its reclined position and release a licentious purr.

‘Ohhh, such a hungry little beast, isn't she, beloved?' commented Tethys.

‘Indeed, it seems our little Mina is ruled by animal passions, all caught up in being a beast,' chuckled Oceanus, enclosing a fist to the base of her ponytail and pulling back, lifting her visage so he might kiss her lips, parted by the bit. ‘Maybe we should consider giving her some relief?' he offered.

‘Perhaps, but are we really decadent enough to consider bestiality? I mean, this is a pony we're talking about. Are we that disgustingly sick?' She laughed, adding another trio of hearty smacks to Mina's rear as they teased her with the prospect of release from her frustrations. ‘Mmm, I think so,' pronounced Tethys, slapping Mina's rear once more, bringing tears to her eyes as she strained her arms against the leather sleeves.

The buckles at the back of her crotch strap were opened, followed by the front so that the trespassing shafts could be removed from her.

‘Okay, girl, get that rosy bottom up,' ordered Tethys, hooking a finger into Mina's rear and dragging upwards, the sudden intrusion by a saliva-moistened digit causing her to gasp with shock and delight.

Raising herself onto her knees, Mina kept her face to the floor as Oceanus stepped behind her, opening his shorts and taking hold of her hips. Tethys gathered in the chain leash, keeping her fist tightly to the strand of metal, ensuring Mina was well aware of its presence, emphasising her submission. The head of Oceanus's engorged length brushed against her aching loins, its passage bringing her to a quaking fit of expectation.

‘Steady, girl, steady,' he smirked, teasing her, brushing her inner thighs, running the length through the valley of presented moist vulva, gathering the slickness along his length as she ached to feel him run the hot spear into her. She wished she could somehow manipulate her own sex, have it suck to his shaft and drag him in and give her that which she so fervently craved.

Tethys's other hand reached under her and snagged a nipple, squeezing the erect teat in a firm pinch. A drawn moan poured from Mina's throat as she felt the compression begin its customary menu of effects upon her, the deep throb starting to well within them, increasing as the woman slowly turned her hold, rotating the nugget with casual indifference to Mina's gurgling moans.

‘I think she's about ready, my love,' smiled Tethys, pulling slightly against the nylon-sheathed flesh, and no sooner had the words been voiced than Mina threw her head up and unleashed a howl of bestial rapture as Oceanus drove into her, sheathing himself to her very limits.

Unable and unwilling to form words, Mina groaned in rhapsody as he held to her corseted hips, feeling the compacted nature of her waist as he thrust lethargically into her. Oceanus was taking his time, relishing the feel of her as she gripped and squeezed to his shaft, her legs trembling with riots of delight.

‘That's it, dearest, make this pony whinny for us some more,' uttered Tethys, with a lust-stained growl, tugging gently at the captive nipple.

Accepting the advice, Oceanus removed himself from her hot belly and instead pressed himself to her rear, the lubrication of her sex allowing him to part her anus and delve down into the furthest regions of her rear passage. Mina yowled with ecstasy, her head dropping back to the blanket as she sobbed and mewled in pitiful tones, overwhelmed by the feelings. She was lost to the intensity of him driving into her. His fingers sank into her buttocks, prying them apart, holding her open for him, her body unable to deny his wishes as he continued to intrude with regular precision.

Removing himself from her rear once more, Oceanus again plummeted back into her womb, lifting her from her knees, the battering ram of sensation that fired into her belly almost more than she could stand. His pelvis bounced against her proffered rear with each drive, Oceanus using her in full as her arms pulled vainly against their intractable bonds, her fingers trapped, her arms flapping uselessly as each breath fought the grip of the corset. Her maw ground upon the solid bit that marked her as their animal, lines of saliva running out to seep into the blanket as tears ran down her cheeks and joined them. Sobbing with pleasure, the dazzling flares of climax romping through her as she quivered upon his manhood.

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