Beyond Charybdis (12 page)

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Authors: Bruce McLachlan

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #bruce mclachlan, #fetish, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #leather, #bondage

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‘Such a sweet filly,' Tethys crooned, continuing to play with the strap, making Mina moan, her eyes closing as pleasure flooded her. The soft pull of the intruders against her sex dissolved her thoughts and left only the growing need for physical relief.

‘But a vicious one,' commented Oceanus as he led Trisha up to the same hitching post. The girl looked exhausted, her body quaking from the stresses she had endured in a useless bid to defeat Mina.

‘You're just pissed I beat you,' Tethys rebuked him fondly, continuing to toy Mina's crotch strap as a reward for her victory.

‘And I suppose you think it was all due to your superior equestrian skills?' Oceanus sneered as he tethered Trisha to the other side of the post.

‘Of course.' Tethys raised her nose and waved her crop in a regal manner. ‘What else could it have been save my superlative riding ability?'

‘Well, next time we'll trade ponies and then we'll see who's the better rider.' He walked over to one of the inanimate tables, and taking up a tall glass of water quickly drained it.

‘Don't pout, lover.' Tethys let go of Mina's crotch strap, and sidling up beside her husband, caressed his body with hers while he stood rigid and defiant. ‘I'll let you have Mina on the way back if you really want her,' she smiled, kissing his neck and then blowing softly against his earlobe.

Oceanus wriggled and laughed softly, giving away the fact that his dour temperament had only been an act as he turned and embraced his wife. They kissed lovingly, their hands wandering over each other's alluring bodies as their steeds watched hungrily, increasingly aroused and frustrated by the fact that they were powerless to sate their desires.

The couple reclined in separate chairs holding hands, their fingers interlaced as they set down their riding crops and accepted drinks from the serving slaves. Putting their feet up on the living footstools that obediently crouched before them, they sipped the extravagant cocktails on offer.

‘Water our mounts,' ordered Oceanus, indicating Mina and Trisha, and a dark-skinned female procured a plastic container of water and carried it over to the post. Unscrewing the nozzle, she poured the contents into the trough, filling it to the brim before returning to see if the noble couple needed anything else.

Mina and Trisha sank to their knees and began lapping up the crystal-clear water, which flowed cool and refreshing down their parched throats, a wonderful soothing delight. They drank as much as they wished over the obscuring bits, and then sat back and rested their weary bodies, lounged in the shade of the trees as their breathing gradually slowed and returned to normal.

Mina watched her owners relaxing beneath the umbrellas and folded a leg beneath her. Resting on her own shin, she slowly drew herself along it, rocking the crotch strap and shifting the dildos inside her. She could not gain enough motion to grant herself release, but she could enjoy this hesitant pleasure.

A serving slave clipped the ends off a pair of cigars, and once the two Nobles accepted them, she lit them, Oceanus's first and then Tethys's.

Smoking cigars, the couple talked idly, running over the events of the past week in low voices, relaxed and content.

Mina moved closer to Trisha, but the girl shuffled away from her with a sullen look, clearly still upset by Mina's aggressive behaviour during the race. Feeling a little guilty, Mina pursued her, moving over and brushing up against her, but Trisha kept her back turned, refusing to meet her apologetic stare. Mina tried to offer her regrets, running her features across Trisha's shoulders and pressing them gently against the back of her neck, trying to draw her out of her brooding mood. Making an effort to speak around her bit would have been more trouble than it was worth, the garbled outpouring inevitably requiring constant repetition to be understood. So instead Mina moved around and tried to assuage Trisha's anger with her body language even as the pony-girl continued to ignore her.

Finally, she started succumbing to Mina's efforts at reconciliation, and slowly turning back towards her stable mate, nestled against her nylon-coated cleavage, her eyes looking up at her with meek solicitation.

Trisha's flickering smile made Mina's heart leap with joy, and she straightened up to press her lips against those of her fellow pony. Exchanging their hampered kiss, they leaned together in the shade, feeling comforted by the presence of another body. They were partners in slavery, there for each other when they were not being made to compete, emotionally united by their submissive caste. Kneeling together, they marvelled at the beauty of the sea and of the tropical paradise nurturing them.

Chapter 9


The sun was beginning to set, the mountain spreading its shadow across the island. The umbrellas and trees ceased to provide shade as the sun's lowering rays slipped beneath their canopies, and a slight chill crept into the warm ocean breeze.

Two of the slaves knelt before Oceanus and Tethys, drew open the Nobles' breeches and serviced each of them slowly and diligently. The orally skilled young women drew out the couple's pleasure, making it last for nearly an hour as they savoured a relaxing ascent towards orgasm whilst enjoying the sensual beauty of their environment.

Finally, the couple broke free of the lapping tongues and sucking lips of the slaves and fell into each other's arms, their mouths locked together as their tongues circled each other's, their passion raging. Dropping onto the sand, Tethys bent over and allowed her husband to slide into her pussy from behind as he ran his hands up and down her back. Driving into her with murmuring growls of delight, he held her hips and ran his fingers across her bared and inviting bottom. The two ponies and the serving slaves watched with gnawing frustration as the two Nobles made wild love on the beach, indulging themselves freely before those who had no such option. Kept chaste and obedient, the serving slaves would have to earn their relief through subservience, while Mina and Trisha would have to wait until they were alone in their stall and free of the crotch straps before they could satisfy the heat of their lust.

Tethys tossed her head back, her mouth gaping as she groaned wantonly, feeling her lover swelling potently inside her as he approached his climax. Reaching down for her breasts, he cradled them in his palms and massaged them, his features tightening as his body stiffened and he drove deep into his wife as he climaxed, eliciting cries of delight from her.

He rested across her back for a moment, pressing her cheek to the sand, and then slipped out of her. The two Nobles held each other for a moment, then a wave of his hand beckoned forth the forgotten serving slaves.

The two young women eagerly crawled back towards the couple to resume their oral devotions and cleanse the sated Nobles, the act making them shiver with wanton ecstasy. Once they completed their task, they were brushed aside to await further orders as the couple rose and refastened their clothing, exchanging a final kiss before walking over to their mounts. Trisha and Mina promptly rose onto their hoofed feet as their owners approached.

The setting sun touched the horizon in a dazzling riot of gold and red, casting a purple glow across sea and island as rubies sparkled on the crests of the waves.

‘Down girl,' commanded Oceanus, as he removed Mina's rein from the post.

Settling into a crouch, she accepted the weight of the Noble as he swung into the saddle and drew on her reins to make her rise.

‘Do you want to race back?' Tethys asked as Trisha strained to regain her feet, her eyes flashing with dismay at the prospect of another fight to try and beat the physically superior Mina.

‘No, it's okay, let's just take a nice wander, I'm in a lazy mood,' Oceanus replied, his competitive nature seemingly put away for the day. His spurs nudged Mina's hips and a flick of the reins urged her into a steady trot back towards the trees and the narrow trail.

As they made for the house and stables, Mina saw other serving slaves emerging from another trail to gather up the day's leftovers. She could see the hunger on their faces, not for food but for the sexual release each prayed would come as a reward for having served well all day. Of course, she knew some would be receiving punishment for inadequate work, a treat that would be as welcome to them as the joy of climax.

The walk back to the stables was uneventful and pleasant as the forest darkened around them. Through the chinks in the armour of the forest canopy, Mina saw the first stars sparkling into view, and gathering strength as the blue vault of the sky faded to a deep and impenetrable black.

Their stables were opened and the nobles dismounted, patting the rumps of their respective steeds before departing and leaving them to the care of an anonymous slave who entered the stall holding a black tackle box.

‘See to them as we specified, slave,' Oceanus told the girl as he tied Mina's reins to the wall.

‘You both did well today, and you'll find tomorrow easier as we'll be taking a gig out for a spin,' Tethys said. ‘Sleep well, ponies.' She finished securing Trisha's reins and followed her husband out of the stall, leaving the pony-girls alone with the serving slave, a tall, shapely young woman whose golden curls were pulled back in a chaotic ponytail. The lids of her cool grey eyes were rimmed with coal and her lips were painted a striking red that matched her long nails. Perched atop ankle-high boots, she walked easily on the stiletto heels wearing shiny black gloves that rose all the way to her biceps. Her chastity belt was polished to a mirror sheen that matched her collar, and she moved with a regal and easy grace, at one with her position on Poseidon's pleasure island. And as she drew closer, Mina noticed a small fixture at the front of her belt, the inch-round socket raised slightly from the surface of the steel band.

Unfastening Mina's reins the woman pulled them in, drawing her towards the wall until her collar touched the heavy metal band. A looped knot fastened Mina in place, keeping her on her feet and unable to bend over or sit down. Her crotch strap was then opened and pulled free, and the swift extraction of the dildos made her gasp.

The same ritual was performed on Trisha, leaving the two pony-girls trapped on either side of the stable, unable to reach one another, let alone grant the relief each so fervently craved after the evening's arousing displays of passion.

The woman then opened the metal latch on the box she had brought and raised the lid. She extracted a set of surgical gloves and slid her painted fingernails into them, snapping the sheaths efficiently in place and interlacing her fingers to ensure they were fully stretched.

Next she took a glass pot from within the box, unscrewed the lid and scooped out a generous portion of a white gel. She turned Mina so her face was pressed to the wall, and working the slippery substance across both her hands applied the viscous ointment to Mina's bottom. The cool touch of the thin latex gloves combined with the warmth of the gel simultaneously irked and soothed Mina's burning buttocks as her welts rebelled against being disturbed but accepted the calming effects of the curative gel. The woman continued to smear the slippery substance across her contusions, causing Mina to lean against the wall for support as her grateful discomfort beneath the soothing ministrations lulled her into a hedonistic stupor. Then the skilled fingers began working the greasy substance more forcefully into the crease between her bottom cheeks, driving through her buttocks to rub it against her sphincter. Mina lowered her defences, unclenching the muscles of her anus to permit ingress, and the fingers instantly slithered into her.

At first only one digit slid into her bottom, making her sigh with contentment. Then it withdrew and was joined by another, and then another. The bunched digits rocked into her as one, diving almost to the knuckles. Mina pressed her breasts against the wall, sighing with pleasure as the forceful hand penetrated her.

The extremities emerged and moved a little, locating her vulva and passing the gel across the moist lips of her sex. A moment later a pair of fingers thrust, eliciting a whimper of joy from Mina as two more fingers joined them. The slave rammed her hand up into Mina, making her ride the firm cone of her bunched digits, inflicting flashes of duress along with a warm, deep pleasure. Mina's blissful sighs grew deeper, and were interspersed with soft groans of rapture. Murmuring and moaning wantonly, Mina felt herself being worked gradually towards orgasm, the piston-like action between her legs gathering potency and making her giddy with expectation.

The hand withdrew abruptly, cruelly deserting her. Mina cried out with disappointment and writhed against the wall, her final release slipping through her fingers even though she clenched her legs together in an effort to catch it and make herself come.

The woman returned to her ordinary chore of soothing the havoc in Mina's welt-striped bottom, and then she gathered up a fresh handful of gel and moved over to Trisha. Applying her medicinal remedy, she began penetrating the pony-girl's well-flogged buttocks. Mina turned around to watch the show as Trisha rode the bunched fingers of the slave, her lithe body jiggling softly as she was forced to endure the delightful purgatory of a hand plunging into her rectum. The woman continued teasing her for a while before finally switching to a different orifice, and Trisha literally sobbed with rapture as she was worked towards orgasm, unable to resist the allure of it despite the awful foreknowledge that she would be deprived of a climax in the end.

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