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Authors: Mary Ting

Tags: #Young Adult, #Romance, #Fantasy

Between (27 page)

BOOK: Between
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Hi Gamma,” I said softly. “I know that you’re really not in here, but I wanted to say Merry Christmas and give you this flower. You know it’s the first Christmas without you.” My lips trembled as I wiped my uncontrollable tears. “Christmas Eve, we would go to midnight mass together and you would let me open only one of your presents, and then I would open more presents the next day. You sure did spoil me, and Mom would get mad at you for giving me so much. You always did give me too much–too much of your love, kisses, and hugs. These are what I will hold on to. I promise to let you go, but I’ll never forget our times together. I promise you because you told me to in my dreams.”

I slumped over the tombstone as if I could give her a hug. With that, I felt as if I could breath. The hole in my chest felt better. I had thought I was going to lose it, but I kept my control. I didn’t know how long I had been in that position, but my legs were tired and cramped. Then I felt Austin’s arms. He pulled me up and held me tightly. “I’m sorry I made you come. I thought it would help you start healing.”

My head still pressed into his chest, I shook my head. “No, I’m glad you made me come. Thank you.” My voice muffled into his shirt. Feeling multiple wet drops, I looked up and our eyes locked. Then I saw the Austin who had taken me to the hospital; the Austin who helped me the night Ryan attacked me. Even though he was assigned as my guardian angel, I knew he did it because he was a genuine good being. I had grown to accept his friendship and cared about him in a way that connected me to Gamma. When I was around him, for some reason or other, I felt close to Gamma, and it was very comforting.

Austin looked at me the way Michael had described. Now I could see plain as day what he meant by not liking the way he looked at me. His eyes were luring, fighting something he desperately wanted to do. I didn’t know what to do so I looked away. “Let’s go, please.” Then I felt his wings enclosing me in the middle of daylight, sheltering me from the rain that was pouring by the minutes. What if someone saw? But no one was around me and those who were at a distance didn’t pay attention to us. “How about your car?” I asked as the thunder boomed, making me feel uneasy.

I’ll get it later,” he said. And we were gone.


Chapter Twenty-Two


Austin and I were transported to the Island of Eden. Immediately, I took off my overcoat as I saw the puffy clouds spread across the sky, looking like whipped cream on an ice cream sundae. The sun shone warmly, but with the combination of the soft cool breeze, the weather was perfect. There was no evidence of any shield that surrounded this place, but I knew it was there.

You want to come in?” Austin asked, breaking my thoughts, opening the double doors. The same doors I had run out off when I tried to escape; I tried to stifle the unpleasant memories of that day when I’d found out who he was. “I have something for you.” He looked more excited than I did.

You got me a Christmas present?” I asked, sounding surprised. “Do you celebrate Christmas?”

He looked at me as if I had asked him a question I should’ve known. “I mean,” I continued. “The alkins don’t celebrate anything so I assumed the venators didn’t,” I said hesitantly.

We don’t. We don’t celebrate birthdays or holidays, just like the alkins. This is my first Christmas present I ever got for anyone.”

Oh, thank you,” I said humbly, feeling grateful and guilty for not giving him a gift.

A big red ribbon was placed on a bow, just like the ones the venators used for fighting, but smaller. Was this for real? Was he playing a joke on me? Unsure of his intention I asked another question. “Is this for me?” Then I thought,
what a stupid question

He chuckled. “Yes. I just told you I had something for you, didn’t I?” he said, raising his brow, finding my question amusing. “I figured you needed something to protect yourself with. I don’t expect you to carry this with you, in which case you couldn’t, but I will hold onto it, just in case.”

It’s beautiful!” I commented, marveling at it. My heart pattered with elation. I wanted to jump up and down as I desperately tried to control my excitement. It was the color of silver with intricate designs and lines curling and intertwining like vines.
It’s mine. I have a real weapon!
Still mesmerized by it, I was afraid to place my hand upon it, as if it would disappear if I did. I continue to stare and I could feel Austin’s eyes glazing at my enjoyment.

So, what good is when you can’t use it?” he said, moving it away from me.

You’re taking it back?” I asked, confused.

No, silly. I’m going to teach you how to use it,” he said, swinging the bow effortlessly, as if it was just a long twig.

You’re going to teach me how to shoot?” I mumbled a question, unable to believe his words.

Here.” Austin stood behind me and his body touching mine reminded me of something, a feeling of déjà vu. He placed the bow in front of me, matching my body against his, so close I could feel his chest rise and fall, and I had to calm the feelings that surfaced from his nearness. He raised his hand to the double doors and they opened as if the wind had done it. The timing was perfect as the wind blew my hair away from my face. Austin pulled his right hand up, holding mine, and pulled back from where the string would be on a normal bow. “Aim for the target. Steady…pull back slightly…aim…fire.” Then he let go. A silver flame shot out, darting far into the distance, heading towards the cliff, until I could see it no more.

That was great!” I shouted with exhilaration, turning toward him. I thought he had backed away, so I practically threw myself on him as I turned. He had to hold me so I wouldn’t topple onto him. I became flushed. “Sorry, I didn’t mean—”

No worries. I have that kind of effect on women, I suppose.”

I ignored his remark. Though I was embarrassed by what had just happened, it quickly resolved as I was more overwhelmed with this magical object still in Austin’s hand. “Thanks.” I snatched the bow, turned away from him and ran my fingers along the surface. The bow was light, yet so powerful. I couldn’t believe this was mine; it was surreal. To have this in my possession, something that I could use to defend myself and my friends, was unbelievable. Where were my manners? “Austin, thank you,” I said sincerely. “This was very thoughtful of you.”

See, I can be thoughtful, not so selfish.”

There were no words to say except to give him a genuine smile.

Katherine and I talked it over. We thought it was a good idea for you to learn how to use one. After all, you are one of us. You might as well learn to defend yourself; however, Michael may disapprove, but I don’t care what he thinks,” he said bluntly, giving me an “I don’t care” look.

Why would he disapprove
? I thought. But I didn’t pursue his statement. Instead, I was more interested in my gift.

Can you show me again?”

Sure, after I give you few lessons, you’ll become an expert.”

I didn’t know if I would be an expert, but I was determined. Whatever the power that was bestowed upon me, it was somewhere buried deep inside. What had once happened in the bathtub hadn’t happened again. Being useless was a feeling I didn’t want to have. This was a great way I could contribute, something I could use to defend myself and my friends.

We went outside and shot at empty space at first. He stood behind me again, but this time I felt comfortable. While Austin continued to direct me, I was focused, determined.

Why, aren’t we a bit cozy?” Startled by her voice, I jerked away and the shot aimed sideways. I turned to see Michelle and Gracie standing by the double door.

Should we leave you two alone?” Gracie asked, smirking. “Is this like a date?”

Where’s Trinity?”Austin asked, looking irritated.

I don’t know. She told us to stay here. Unlike you, she trusts us,” Michelle said.

Stop playing around. Where is she? You know I can make you tell me the truth,” Austin challenged.

Okay. She said that she was going to meet Michael.”

My face turned blood shot red and I didn’t know what to think of what she had just said. Michael told me he had something to take care of. I didn’t bother to ask because I wanted to trust him.

What are they doing?” Austin asked. “I don’t care about Michael, but I want to know what Trinity is up to.”

Why? What’s it to you?” Michelle teased. “You have a thing for her too?”

I had never seen Austin move so fast. With fluid precision, he had Michelle pinned against the door and his wings opened. Gracie stumbled back and banged her side against the other door. I ran toward where they stood but kept my distance. I didn’t know what I thought Austin would do with me standing by them, as if I could stop him.

Michelle looked horrified at first and then she gave a cunning smile. “I was just teasing,” she said playfully, expressing no emotion in her eyes.

I’ll ask you one last time.” Austin’s eyes pierced into Michelle, letting her know how serious he was.

Okay! Trinity has another lead. I think they went to check it out.”

Where does Trinity get her leads? How does she know so much about these demons?”

I don’t know; I’m not her friend. I don’t even like her. She has an attitude.”

Really, as if you don’t,” Austin said and released his hold. “Why don’t you and Gracie go to another room and stay the hell away from me?”

Hell is a long way.” Trinity walked into the room. “I had a lead and Michael offered to come with me. Is that okay with you?” Trinity glared at Austin and then at me.

You need to be with them at all times,” Austin said, referring to Michelle and Gracie.

I trust them, so should you.”

I don’t trust anyone. If you can’t do this one thing right then I’ll ask someone else.”

Okay; feisty aren’t we? Just because you are Katherine’s son doesn’t mean you can order us around.”

Katherine is Austin’s mother?
There was a sudden uncomfortable silence in the room. Austin didn’t look at me. He looked upset with Trinity for revealing a secret he didn’t want me to know, but he didn’t refute her. Instead, he asked another question. “What did you and Michael find?”

Nothing,” she said with an astute smile. “We fooled around.” Then she stared me down and walked out of the room.

Michelle and Gracie stormed out of the room after Trinity. “This is how they treat us,” Michelle muttered through her teeth. “After all that we have done for them.” I couldn’t hear the rest of her words as she walked out of the room.

After they left, I turned to Austin. “Why are you so mean to them? Besides the obvious.”

Once a traitor, always a traitor; I don’t trust them. Just because they gave us information doesn’t mean we can trust them. Katherine saved Trinity because she has a special gift. As you know, every angel or nephilim has a special power, some more than others, especially if they were parented by a Twelve. All angels can heal to a certain degree, but Trinity can heal deathly wounds, except for the wounds inflected by the crystal. Holly, Patrick, and I don’t have a specific special power. Never mind them. They are nothing to me. Let’s concentrate on you.”

I had many questions, but now was not the time to ask so I decided to wait.

Let’s move on to a real target,” Austin said. “See that rock?”

I nodded. “That’s our target? But it’s too small.”

You can do it. You have to believe. The flame is an extension of your arm. Concentrate. Will it to that stone.”

I waited for him to go behind me, but he didn’t. I turned to him. “Aren’t you going to help me?”

He backed away. “Not this time. You’re ready to be on your own.” He smiled to give me confidence.

I don’t think…”

Nuh uh; no more talking. Just do it,” he commanded.

Exhaling deeply from frustration, I placed my right leg behind me to give me balance. Then I pulled the imaginary arrow back as far as I could.
Am I supposed to pull this far? I can do this!
I narrowed my eyes to the target. Then I let go. Instead of watching the flame escape, I was pushed back by the force of whatever I did wrong and landed a few yards back, flat on my bottom.

BOOK: Between
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