Read Between Online

Authors: Mary Ting

Tags: #Young Adult, #Romance, #Fantasy

Between (25 page)

BOOK: Between
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Chapter Twenty


A black Infiniti 3G pulled up in front of a bold flashing red sign “Valet Parking.” The passenger door opened revealing a pair of black high heeled boots. Holly stepped out and thanked the gentleman holding the door. Trinity and Patrick got out of the back seat and followed Austin to the front of the line, which ran down the sidewalk and curved around the corner.

I’m a VIP member,” Austin announced.

ID?” the bouncer asked in monotone, asking the same question for the hundredth time.

Austin raised his brow, showing his fake ID that was already in his hand. “You’re new.”

First day on the job.”

Austin looked at his name tag. “Bob, check the list. I’m on the list.”

Bob carefully checked Austin’s ID. Then he released his clipboard that was tightly sandwiched between his ribs and his arm. He looked up and down the names of VIP members. Austin felt impatient, and looked behind him to see the long line of people wondering what was taking so long. “Mr. Peter Picasso. You’re right here,” Bob said, pointing to a name.

Great, you found it. I’m in a hurry, please let us in.”

Oh, sorry,” he said, feeling a bit nervous as he unhooked the chain. “It’s my first…”

I know–first day on the job. These are my friends; they’re with me.” Then Austin strode down the hall toward the entrance without the bouncer’s approval, knowing he would just let him be.

Peter Picasso? You have a fake name? You’ve been here before?” Patrick asked, feeling astonished.

Several times. Always on a mission of course…sort of.”

Patrick gave Austin a look, wanting more explanation.

Okay, I was bored. I wanted to check it out. You know how much danger calls to me.”

Uh huh,” Patrick replied, giving him the “whatever” look.

You need to get out more and do what normal people do. You need to become less sheltered like…” Austin was going to say Claudia, but didn’t.

Patrick didn’t really care. He was just giving Austin a hard time. He wished he could be more adventurous like him, but something always held him back. They reached the entrance door of Black Velvet.

For goodness sake, what are all these people doing here instead of being home with their families?” Patrick commented, looking astounded, absorbing the scene. His eyes peered down from the top of the stairs.

They have no family, that’s why they’re here. Love the smell of sweat and alcohol. You better go back out and walk in with the girls,” Austin said and strode down the steps.

Holly and Trinity waited outside. They didn’t want to be seen together and cause suspicion just in case Johnny was already inside. “I can’t wait till tonight is over. This wig is itchy,” Holly complained, scratching her head, adjusting the fit. “That Michael is way overly protective. I hope his plan works.”

Trinity rolled her eyes. “You almost look like her,” she commented and took a sniff at Holly. “And even smell like her.” And she twitched the tip of her lips in discontent.

I’m wearing all her clothes, except for these boots. She doesn’t have a shoe collection like me. But she has quite a collection of jeans. It’s a good thing we’re about the same height.” Then Holly and Trinity turned their attention to Patrick, who was coming out of the club.

Ready, ladies?”

Wait,” Trinity said, taking off her long overcoat.

It’s too bad she doesn’t have an outfit like yours,” Patrick commented. Holly raked her eyes over Trinity. She was wearing a long back less dress that had a high slit on one leg.

What?” Trinity huffed. “We’re at a night club after all. I’m not wearing jeans like you.”

Holly turned away. “Whatever,” she mumbled and focused on why she was here. “Claudia doesn’t know we’re here does she?”

Not a clue,” Patrick replied. “Neither does Katherine.”

And the alkins? Are they coming?” Trinity asked.

I think we told them not to come. Austin told Michael that we could handle the situation without them.”

Tell me why we agreed to do this behind Katherine’s back?” Trinity crossed her arms.

Austin agreed with Michael’s plan. They both finally agreed on one thing–not to use Claudia as bait,” Patrick replied.

I don’t like this. We should be using Claudia as bait,” Trinity rebutted.

What, so you can get rid of her and have Michael to yourself? And when did you start caring about what Katherine thinks?”

No, of course not. I don’t need to get rid of her to get Michael’s attention. And I do care what Katherine thinks.”

Holly shrugged her shoulders. “Whatever.” And changed the subject. “I may not be able to pull this off, especially since Nicholas escaped. He knows what she looks like.”

That’s true, but I don’t think we’ll be seeing him here,” Patrick said, opening the door.

Let’s pray that it goes well or else we’ll be sitting in Holy crap.”

Holly entered first. The room was packed, especially on the dance floor, as the loud music surrounded the room. The bar was occupied with couples making out and single men trying to pick up the ladies. Though the room was dark, the Christmas lights hung all over the room gave it a festive look.

Who’s your contact, Trinity?” Austin asked.

The bartender; his name is Jake. Let’s split up,” Trinity directed.

Wait a minute…how will the bartender know who we are then?” Austin asked.

You’re supposed to order a special drink, Johnny Walker on the rocks. Now let’s go.”

Then Austin turned to Holly. “Remember, we don’t know you. You two are pretending to be a couple.”

Holly rolled her eyes. “I know. I know. You don’t have to remind us for the hundredth time. Come on Patrick. I’m Claudia and you can be Michael,” she giggled, linking her arms to his.

Patrick and Holly headed out to the dance floor. Trinity and Austin headed to the bar.

I’d like to order a Johnny Walker on the rocks,” Trinity said to the bartender.

The bartender looked up, then turned pale as the blood drained from his face.

We’re out of Johnny,” he whispered.

When?” Trinity huffed.

I’m not sure. He’s late.”

You’re not backing out on me, are you?”

No, he’s just late,” he said, wiping the counter as his hand trembled.

Did you let him know Claudia Emerson would be here?”


Then we’ll wait right here. Just get me a beer then.”

A beer?” Austin asked, shocked that Trinity would even order one.

Trinity shrugged her shoulders. “I can’t be here and not order a drink. I need to look…normal.”

Austin grinned, leaning his back against the counter, scanning the room. He spotted Holly and his heart skipped a beat, seeing the close resemblance to Claudia. He didn’t want to think of her so he focused his eyes elsewhere. The dance floor was filled with people bumping and grinding, bodies brushing up against each other. His eyes narrowed on a female. She tossed her hair back, moving in a sensual way, all the while arousing her companion. He placed his hands behind her back, drawing her close to him. Their bodies pressed together, swaying to the beat of the music. Pure ecstasy filled the room, luring him to the dance floor.

Excuse me,” a female voice said, breaking his thoughts.

Austin turned to an attractive woman, standing next to her friend, both of them batting their eye lashes. “Hi,” she said.

Hello ladies. What can I do for you?” he flirted, beaming a smile. His eyes took pleasure from their tight, short, black dresses that clung to every curve of their bodies.

The woman’s eyes grew wide, showing her white teeth, flirting through her gestures. “We were wondering if you would like to dance with us?”

Under normal circumstances, he would, without a thought, but he was on a mission. Then he thought of Claudia again. He wanted the thoughts of her out of his mind. She had consumed his mind in ways that made him feel confused. He couldn’t think straight. He knew she was with Michael and the thought of them together made his stomach cringe in jealousy.

What the heck. She’s having fun, so will I,” he muttered under his breath. He turned to the bartender who was serving a drink. “Is Johnny here yet?”

No, I don’t see him.”

Austin felt irritated, exhaled his frustration and decided he was going to have a little fun. “Sure, why not.” He turned to Trinity. “I’ll be on the dance floor. Raise your glass when he comes.”

Before Trinity could stop him, he was off with the girls, one on each arm, and led them to where Holly and Patrick were. The music was loud. They could feel the base vibrate through their bodies. The strobe lights flickered as if someone was taking a picture with the flash in high speed, producing a special effect, freeze framing every move. Sweat on their foreheads and bare skin glistened in the light. The smell of happy drunkenness pervaded the air, and lust was the predominant mood of the crowd. The venators were thoroughly enjoying themselves as they periodically glanced toward Trinity.

Austin spotted a man who sat on the bar stool who hadn’t been there a second ago, and who was surrounded by his group of friends. As he continued to dance, his attention was now solely on this stranger, wondering if he was Johnny. He became all business and paid no attention to his female companions, who were oblivious to Austin’s line of gaze.

Trinity’s body tensed when she heard the stranger’s voice behind her. She could smell the soulless creature who had used this man’s body as a vessel and over taken him. The tone of this stranger’s voice gave her chills that prickled down her spine.

Johnny, what can I get you?” the bartender asked, trying to sound happy to see him as his lips trembled in fear.

Is she here?”



On the dance floor. She is wearing jeans and a sparkly black tank top. Her date is wearing a T-shirt that says ‘I fly with angels’. Johnny, please, I don’t want any trouble. This is…”

Johnny gave him a cold stare. The look was deathly enough to stop the bartender from talking. When Johnny stood up, Trinity raised her beer bottle and walked away.

Austin spotted Trinity’s signal and the man approaching them. He was tall with silver hair.
man is Johnny
, he thought. He looked harmless, but they all did. Austin eye’s followed Johnny’s gaze toward the dance floor. No doubt he was looking for Claudia. Austin bumped lightly into Holly and grabbed her so he could whisper in her ear. “He’s here. I’ll meet you in the Picasso VIP room. Take Patrick with you and be careful.”

Holly purposely turned so Johnny could get a good look at her. Johnny scanned the floor and when he saw Holly, he narrowed his eyes on her as if he had spotted his prey. Hunger seemed to course through him, like he wanted her. He needed to bring her to Aliah so he would be rewarded.

Holly playfully pulled Patrick’s T-shirt, leading him off of the dance floor, weaving around moving bodies. Slowly, making sure that Johnny would follow, they entered a room. Johnny’s eyes never left the site of Holly as he carefully followed her, keeping enough distance not to be noticed.

Giving enough time for Holly and Patrick to settle in the room, Johnny thrashed the door open and entered with ten of his friends. He was baffled to see himself on the other side. The walls were completely covered in mirrors, even the ceiling. Finally, he spotted Holly and Patrick sitting on a sofa, pretending to be surprised. “You’ve entered the wrong room. You’ve interrupted a great make out session!” Holly said out loud.

Johnny ignored Holly’s remark. “Are you Claudia Emerson?”

That depends. Who’s asking?” Holly asked, standing up, hiding a small dagger behind her back.

Just answer the question,” Johnny demanded, feeling heavily annoyed.

Are you as dumb as you look? Prosterno totus sic quo hic malum, tot sic quo hictela enim niteo,” Holly said, gleaming with pride.

Destroy all that is evil, so that which is good may flourish?” Johnny muttered what Holly had just said in Latin. His eyes grew big and his blood ran like a wild fire with revelation. “Get them!” he yelled.

The bodyguards’ eyes rolled inside out, turning nothing but black, as their swords magically appeared.

Fallen!” Patrick warned. He leaped on top of the sofa with his bow in his hands, and speared a silver flame right through several of them. Ashes showered the room. One opened the door, trying to escape, only to see Austin and Trinity.

Surprise. Going somewhere?” Austin jabbed his bow through the fallen’s heart. The fallen was too shocked to make a sound and crumbled into ashes, then vanished without a trace.

Holly threw her wig at one of the fallen, catching him off guard, and Patrick pierced his bow into him. Then Holly flipped and landed on the center coffee table. She kicked one toward Patrick and he drove the bow into his gut. As Holly ducked a blow, she slipped and landed on the sofa. Johnny straddled her, ready to cut her throat, but Austin gripped Johnny’s shirt from behind and threw him against the mirror, shattering it into pieces. “Bad luck for you for a thousand years,” Austin smirked.

BOOK: Between
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