Betting on Beaumont: A Brooklyn Novel #3 (The Brooklyn Series) (3 page)

BOOK: Betting on Beaumont: A Brooklyn Novel #3 (The Brooklyn Series)
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I click the link and quickly skim over the story,


‘Savannah Livingston shows Kayden Knox his betrayal isn’t getting her down. She was spotted late last night— in Knox’s L.A. nightclub, no less—

partying it up with a sexy, up and coming UFC fighter, Shayne ‘Knock Out’ Andrews. Shayne has a fight against heavyweight champ, Juan Riviera next Saturday in Las Vegas.’


Of course, the picture plastered across the top of the story is Shayne taking a belly shot off Savannah last night at Vertigo.

Savannah looks fearful as she stares at me wide-eyed and asks, “Oh God! What now?”

The line begins moving again and we find ourselves finally up to the bar. I squeeze myself between a group of girls shouting their orders to the bartender and lean in closer to Savannah. “This is not good…God damn bloodsuckers,” I spit out between clenched teeth as I try to contain the urge to kick whoever’s ass that took this picture and sold this stupid fucking story to the press. Is it really that difficult to respect someone’s privacy? “They will do anything for a story.” Shaking my head, I hold my phone up in front of Savannah, showing her the story. Savannah’s hands are shaking as she reaches out snatching the phone from my hand. 

“You’ve got to be kidding me! Seriously, can I not go
one freakin’ day
without my name on this damn blog?!”

I feel awful. She’s been through so much already, and now because I wanted to go out last night this is happening. I wish I would’ve beat Giselle and Nadia’s asses last night because at least that would’ve been more headline worthy than this bullshit. This is all their fault anyway. If they hadn’t schemed and lied about Kayden, none of this would’ve even happened.

My features soften as I give Savannah a sympathetic look. My heart is breaking for her as she has her life once again talked about. Her and Kayden are on the road to reconciliation and then this story is put out there.

“What can I get you ladies, tonight?” the bartender asks, pulling us from the turmoil we’re lost in.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, I lean onto the bar and shout over the music and loud chatter, “I’ll take an ice water and a vodka cranberry, thanks.” I pull my card out of my wallet and slide it across the bar to the bartender.

“Do you think Kayden’s seen this yet?” We haven’t heard from Kayden at all, but I’ve assumed they’re all busy celebrating with Braxton. I think if he did know about it, I would know because I don’t doubt he would’ve said something to Dixon. I know Dixon would text me immediately to find out what really went down last night. We can only hope that the guys are too distracted partying it up to pay attention to this stupid gossip. Of course, it just so happens that Kayden is good friends with this guy. Go figure! To make matters worse, we’re standing in the middle of a party being held in the honor of Shayne that Kayden and his club is hosting.

You can’t make this shit up. I swear I could write a scandalous and drama-filled novel based on the shit we deal with on a daily basis. The craziest shit seems to happen to us.

Letting out a long sigh, Savannah hands me back my phone and takes her water from me. She gulps down half the glass before slamming it on the bar.

“Well, it may explain Kayden’s lack of response to the text I sent earlier. I told him last night I talked to Nadia and she told me everything was a lie. He was fine. I told him I’d be heading back to Houston and would see him when he got back from Vegas.”

I refuse to sit back and let something so silly as an innocent belly shot hurt Savannah and Kayden’s relationship. We’re going to find Kayden right now and set this story straight. Savannah did nothing wrong. Kayden hopefully will be understanding and not let something this small blow up into something bigger. They need to shove the rest of the world to the side and focus completely on one another.

It pisses me off; we went from this amazing birthday bash in Hawaii with me helping Kayden plan this over the top marriage proposal, to all this meaningless drama popping up and threatening to destroy everything.

“We have to clear this shit up. Pronto!” Grabbing Savannah’s hand, I drag her away from the bar and into the crowd of party goers. We zigzag through the club and make our way toward the VIP section that is roped off and guarded by two bouncers. I feel my ass being groped by someone as we skirt through the small dance floor, but I don’t have time to deal with drunk assholes. Ignoring the sleaze balls, we finally make it to the VIP’s front entrance.

UFC is way bigger than I thought it was as I spot some pretty big celebrities hanging out, partying in the secluded section. There’s a line of people trying to get into the roped-off area more than likely hoping to get a chance to flirt with a movie star or get an autograph.

Us, we couldn’t care less about that shit. We just want to get to Kayden and the guys as soon as possible and get all of this crap settled so we can finally enjoy being in Las Vegas.

For some reason, the hods must be in our favor because it takes us barely any persuading and we’re being let into the VIP area. Which I’m grateful for; people I am fresh out of cash for bribing anyone, and at this point, I don’t have the energy to deal with trying to sweet talk my way inside.

The club is pitch dark, making it almost impossible to see anyone past a few feet in front of you. We walk at a snail’s pace past each table as we try to find which one the guys are hopefully hanging out in.

I’m grateful that everyone here tonight seems to be wrapped up in their own little worlds. Because Brooklyn and I look like creeps staring at everyone as we pass by their tables.

“Kayden knows better than anyone to believe the shit he reads on Tinsel Town blog, but that picture—like the one of Nadia and him— may hurt your case a little. And we know Knox has a temper, so let’s pray he doesn’t run into Shayne tonight,” I shout into Savannah’s ear at an attempt to help her relax. She’s squeezing my hand so damn tight I think the blood flow to my fingers has been officially cut off. I’m beginning to lose feeling in them. I wiggle my fingers as I speak to her, hinting for Savannah to chill on the death grip.

“I don’t see Kayden anywhere, Brooklyn. I think we should text Dixon to see where they are, or Jax…I really don’t care anymore. I need to find Kayden and fix this.” Savannah stops as we pass the sixth table. The sadness and frustration are written on her face as her shoulders sag.

I hate seeing her like this. Who the hell knows if the guys are even up here. They could be anywhere in here tonight. Admitting defeat in our search for them, I dig my phone out and quickly text Dixon.


Where u at? We’re in Vertigo at the front of VIP, trying to find u guys. Savannah needs to talk to Kayden ASAP!


I hit send and see immediately that the message is read. The bubble appears alerting me that he’s writing back, and I find myself letting out a deep sigh of relief. A message pops up from him, but before I can read it Savannah is shoving me and screaming, “Go…now!”

I lose my balance as my maniac of a best friend shoves me while I’m standing in 6” stilettos! Stumbling forward, I quickly react and reach out in front of me catching myself on a stranger. I give him a small smile and yell, “Sorry,” before whipping my eyes back around to Savannah.

She speeds past me, ignoring the fact that she almost snapped my fucking ankles in two. “Shayne is right behind me; move your ass. Now!” Grabbing my wrist as she walks past me, Savannah drags me along. I quickly pick up my pace as I try to keep up with her and not break my neck or my heels in the process.

“Damn it, Savannah! I practically snapped my frickin’ ankle! Shayne’s here? What the hell? Does he have a freakin’ GPS on your ass or something?” I scream at her as I look around trying to spot where he’s at now.

We maneuver through the crowd trying to make it out of the VIP area. Savannah glances behind her, and from the look of frustration and panic written all over her face, I’m guessing he’s still nearby.

Gasping for air, she blurts out with shaky words, “I don’t know…but I swear…
out of all the people I could run into
, how is it Shayne and I literally bump into each other.
Thank God
he didn’t realize it was me and try to talk to me. I just need to find Kayden and clear everything up.”

Pulling on her hand, I get her to stop and take a damn breath. “Dixon texted back. Let me see what he said so we can finally find them and figure this shit out.”

She releases my hand and folds her arms against her chest as she looks around nervously. I fish my phone out of my clutch and quickly pull up the message.


We’re in VIP. Just got a table toward the back. If she needs to talk to Kayden about what I think she does, FYI he knows and he is fucking ripping. How fucked up is it that Shayne was all over her last night when he’s friends with Kayden? Hell, Kayden just spent a lot of money to host this fucking event tonight. That is some shady ass shit right there. But hurry up and find us. I’ll keep an eye out for y’all.


“Well, I have good news and bad news.”

“Give me the good news first.”

I gulp down my drink and set it on a bottle girl’s tray as she tries to speed walk past us.

Damn, I needed that. My nerves can’t take all this shit.

“The good news is they’re here…the bad news is Kayden saw the blog post about Shayne.”

“Ugh. Why the hell did I get on that bar last night? I never should’ve let you talk me into it. I should’ve known someone would take a picture. Since I’ve started dating Kayden, nothing in my life is private anymore. Now I’m paying the price for my stupid lack of judgment. All of this only makes me loathe Giselle even more than I already did. This is all her fault. Kayden better make sure she and Nadia pay for all the stress they’ve caused us,” Savannah shouts as her frustration finally boils over.

Putting my hand on the back of hers, I give it a gentle squeeze and try to calm her down. “Dixon said they’re on the far end of the VIP area. Since we know Shayne is sitting with his posse at the beginning of the VIP section, we’ll go around the other way. Try to avoid another run-in.” Quickly, I lead her toward the back entrance of the VIP section.

Immediately, we spot their table and the second we do I immediately feel my blood begin to boil. Sitting beside Kayden is none other than the biggest whore of Las Vegas, Trixie LaRue.




Chapter 3




“No wonder Kayden hasn’t gotten back to me. It looks as if he’s been a little too preoccupied with Trixie.” Savannah’s words come out pained as she watches as Trixie leans in closer to Kayden saying something to him.

I find myself staring across the club, trying to watch the guys’ interactions before we head over there and make heads roll. Kayden seems to be saying something to Trixie, and now she’s beginning to slide along the bench.

Good. Hopefully, the skank is heading on her merry way to try and sweet talk her way into someone else’s pants and wallet.

Storming through the crowd of people with Savannah next to me, I march up to Trixie. I want to know what this skank is doing hanging around mine and Savannah’s men. She is nothing but trouble. We have enough drama on our own, and we don’t need to add her own personal crazy to the damn mix.

“Let’s go see what the hell is going on,” I tell Savannah as I push my way through the crowd of party goers.

Kayden’s face falls when we his eyes take in Savannah and me standing in front of his table. A wry smile curls on Dixon’s lips as his gaze burns into mine for a flicker of a moment. I’m too pissed off to be able to allow my body to worry about being this close to Dixon.

“What the fuck are you doing with Trixie?”  I shout at Kayden, resting my hands on my hips. I flick my eyes to Trixie as her face twists into an evil grin.

“Oh Brooklyn, it is so nice to see you, too,” she says dryly.

Rolling my eyes at her pathetic attempt at a snarky comeback, I keep my entire focus on Kayden. “What. The. Fuck. Is she doing here?” I ask again making Savannah flinch, but she stands firmly beside me as I step closer toward Trixie. I lean in, bringing my face down closer to the table. Kayden’s face pales as he looks from me to Savannah.

“Nothing’s going on. Trixie stopped by to say hello, but she’s leaving now.” I don’t miss the look he gives Trixie as he emphasizes the word

Trixie turns her attention to Savannah. “I can’t leave without introducing myself. We haven’t had the privilege of meeting yet!” I almost laugh at the audacity of this bitch. 

Does this bitch not know that Savannah can kick her ass from here all the way to Los Angeles without breaking a damn nail? You don’t mess with a Southern girl, especially one who’s fighting to save her relationship. Trixie doesn’t come close to standing a chance against Savannah. With me in her corner, Trixie is insane to even contemplate starting anything with her.

Being one to try and avoid conflict, Savannah puts on her sweetest smile and gives Trixie a small wave and introduces herself, “I’m Savannah, Kayden’s fiancée.”

“Well, it’s nice to finally meet you, Savannah. Maybe now that you’re here, Kayden will pull out whatever the hell is shoved up his ass. He isn’t the usual Kayden I’ve come to know and love. He’s been a total prick to me.” From the look in Trixie’s eyes as she shifts her gaze from Savannah over to Kayden, it isn’t hard to see that this bitch is not looking to play nice. She wants trouble—if she keeps it up, that is exactly what she’s going to get.

Clearing my throat, I reach over the table and snatch Dixon’s shot glass out of his hand just as he’s about to drink it. The asshole is kicked back, relaxing, and taking in the show that this skank is putting on for everyone. I have to fight the urge to throw the shot in his face rather than giving it to Savannah.

“I think you may want this,” I say, holding it out to Savannah—even though at the moment I
need that shot myself.

Rolling her eyes, she reaches out, taking the shot from me. “Yeah, my staying sober tonight just flew out the window,” Savannah says, tipping her head back and downing the shot of whiskey.

Don’t ask me why, but for some reason Trixie is unable to take a hint and realize that none of us want to spend our evening chit chatting with her. Instead of getting up and leaving like we all want, she turns her attention back to Savannah and gives her a smile that barely curls up at the corner of her lips. It screams
I’m being a snarky bitch and loving every minute of it.
The chick thinks she’s better than us. It completely baffles my mind.

Her smile drops and her face turns serious as she asks, “So what was it like shooting someone? I could never do that. Seeing blood…yuck! It makes me so queasy!” Shaking her head and pressing her hand against her chest, Trixie flashes a sympathetic look at Savannah. I can see through her act. She is being the same conniving bitch she always is. She’s only treating Savannah this way because she’s jealous that Kayden isn’t into her. Hell, she doesn’t even appear on his damn radar. Savannah outshines this bitch by a billion. She has more class in her fucking pinky than Trixie has throughout her entire

At the same exact time, Dixon and Braxton snap their heads in my direction. The second our eyes meet we stare at each other in complete shock. I think it’s safe to say we’re all thinking the same exact thing:
Holy fuckin’ shit! Did Trixie seriously just fuckin’ ask Savannah that!

“Trixie, you need to get the fuck outta here before I pick you up and remove you myself!” Kayden hisses at her through clenched teeth as his face changes to a deep shade of red. The cords of his neck are so tense they look as if they’ll snap at any moment. The anger is pouring out of him and can be felt by every single one of us.

I cannot believe she actually is mean enough to ask Savannah that! By the look on her smug ass face, it’s as if she finds nothing wrong with asking Savannah about a very life-altering, tragic event she went through.

The second those words came out of her mouth, I swear to God I almost dragged her out of here myself. But before I get a chance to react, Savannah does so herself. I barely register it happening because it all happens so fast. As Kayden yells at her to leave, Savannah swings her hand and connects with Trixie’s cheek. The sound is barely audible, but the look on Trixie’s face lets us know she gets the hint—loud and clear!

She overstepped and because of it is being put in her place.

The slap catches her off guard, causing her to lose her balance and fall back into the booth. Her cheek is flushed fire red, and you can make out the outline of Savannah’s fingers across her check.

“I cannot believe you just fuckin’ asked me that! Who does that!?” Savannah shouts with her face inches from Trixie’s as she grips the edge of the table and leans in close. Rage and hurt vibrates off of Savannah as she confronts Trixie.
Who the hell does that?

I’m in complete shock over everything as it’s transpiring before my very eyes. But quickly, I find myself coming out of the shocked and stunned state as I watch Savannah push off of the table and back away from Trixie.

Kayden tries to get around Trixie and jumps out of the booth after Savannah, but she holds her hand up and yells, “Don’t!” before spinning on her heels and storms toward the VIP exit. Within seconds, she disappears into the crowds of people. Kayden looks from where Savannah is retreating then to me with panic in his eyes.

My heart races in my chest and my blood is boiling as I stand here watching this bitch sit here with her hand over her cheek and with tears in her eyes. How fucked up is this girl that she actually thinks any of us will feel sorry for her right now?

She got exactly what her loud-ass mouth deserved.

I’m shocked at this point that Savannah didn’t sucker punch her in the mouth knocking out a few of her fake ass veneers.

Shoving my face in front of hers, I throw my hands in the air as frustration boils over inside of me. “What the fuck is wrong with you?! That was low even for you!” She flinches away from me as my hands flow out toward her. She only recoils for a moment before trying to put on a brave act and climbing quickly to her feet standing face to face with me.

Before she can try to start anything with me, Kayden quickly slides out of the booth, climbing to his feet and towers over the top of us. He grabs onto Trixie’s arm and forces her to look up at him. He’s seething with anger, and you can see that he’s using every ounce of self-control he has to keep it together and not completely snap, especially in a room full of peering eyes.

“You’re a fuckin’ idiot, you know that?!
What the fuck is wrong with you?”
he yells as she yanks her body dramatically away from Kayden, pulling her arm free from his grip. Trixie looks from me to Kayden with not an ounce of regret in her eyes.

This bitch is getting a high off of the hurt she’s caused.

“What? I only asked a simple question? I was curious. How was I to know she’d go all crazy and attack me! She’s lucky I’m not speed dialing my father’s attorney to draw up assault charges on the crazy bitch!” She tries to defend herself and act all innocent.

She’s making me feel like I’m losing my fucking mind. She cannot be serious right now?

I take a few steps, closing in the gap she’s made between us and jab my finger toward her expressionless face…which I can’t fully blame her since she’s had so much work done to the train wreck that is her face.

“You may be blonde, Trixie, but you’re far from being that stupid. You’re an evil bitch who has no fuckin’ life, so you get your kicks from making everyone around you miserable! You think Savannah’s slap hurt? Just remember, I throw punches, bitch, and I don’t hold back. You even think about causing any more heartache for Savannah, and I’ll beat your ass seven ways to Sunday!”

She can try to make herself perfect and beautiful on the outside, but it’ll never hide the fact that she is as ugly as they get on the inside. That ugliness makes her outer beauty look fake and superficial. That’s why she hates Savannah and is doing everything in her power to hurt her. Because she knows Savannah is something she’ll never be—
the complete package
. Beautiful not just on the outside but where it matters most to Kayden; Savannah is beautiful on the inside with a heart of gold. That is why she has Kayden and Trixie doesn’t.

Kayden’s eyes burn with anger and the rage coursing through him at the moment is physically noticeable as his fists clench at his sides. His chest rises and falls rapidly as his arms shake from the need to probably punch something. I know the feeling; it’s consuming me at the moment also. But for myself, I’m not sure who the hell I want to punch more: Kayden or Trixie.

Dixon and Braxton scurry out of the booth and quickly get to Trixie’s side.

“Let’s go, Trixie. I think you’ve done enough damage for one night with your big ass mouth,” Dixon says to her with his voice low and gruff. He gives me a sympathetic glance as his eyes soften when they connect with mine for a single moment. I watch as they lead her over to security and have them escort her out of the club.

I turn my attention to Kayden only long enough to give him the look of death before turning and running…well, speed walking the best that I can in these big ass heels…and try to find Savannah. I can only imagine the thoughts running through her head right now.

Panic sears through me as I find myself growing overwhelmed trying to find Savannah. The club is dark and everyone’s blending into one another. I feel slightly hazy from the shots I’ve taken tonight but try my best to keep it together. I need to stay focused. Savannah is feeling God knows what and wandering around a dark club full of drunk guys wanting to do God knows what.

With each second I spend trying to find her, the angrier I get—not at Kayden really— but this entire situation. We shouldn’t have been dealing with any of this unnecessary drama, yet here we are dealing with another shit storm. It seems that everyone thinks it’s okay to interfere with someone’s relationship, not caring one bit about the consequences of their immature and selfish actions.

I slide sideways past a group of party goers and just as I to head toward the exit, I catch a glimpse of a blonde in a pink sequin dress like Savannah was wearing. My feet halt beneath me, and my stomach clenches with nervousness as I spot none other than tonight’s guest of honor standing there, too.

You’ve got to be fucking kidding me

Brushing the few strands of hair away from my face that have fallen free, I tuck them behind my ear and look around frantically. I can only pray that Kayden is right on my heels trying to find her, too. That’s all we need is a blow up between Kayden and Shayne in front of all of these people.

The girl turns her head to look behind her nervously before turning her attention back to Shayne. At that moment, I know without a doubt that it’s Savannah.

She couldn’t just simply stroll out of the damn club and go cool off until I met back up with her. That would be too damn easy, and I’m beginning to feel like the fucking universe won’t let us get away with anything being easy. So of course, she’s having a simple conversation with one of the main reasons for this stupid tension between Savannah and Kayden tonight!

My feet are screaming at me to
slow the fuck down
before I snap my ankles in two. Instead I do the exact opposite and practically run over to Savannah.

“There you are!” I scream at her gasping for air.

Shayne’s eyes lock onto my frantic face, but he doesn’t seem fazed even in the sightest.  “Hey, Brooklyn. Glad you stopped by to join in on the festivities. You look like you could use a drink. Todd, pour this lady a shot,” he orders over his shoulder at one of his friends sitting in the booth.

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