Betting on Beaumont: A Brooklyn Novel #3 (The Brooklyn Series) (10 page)

BOOK: Betting on Beaumont: A Brooklyn Novel #3 (The Brooklyn Series)
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Dixon reaches out grabbing handfuls of three. “Thanks, man,” he says to the bartender before sliding three glasses in front of me and the other three in front of him. His other hand never leaves my thigh and the heat radiating through his palm onto my thigh travels throughout my body with a slow burn. My body is aching for him, the more time we spend fighting the need to tear each other’s clothes off the more worked up I’m becoming.

I squeeze my thighs together to try and ease the throbbing between them, and I don’t miss the devilish smirk playing on Dixon’s lips as his hand slides further up my leg as he picks up his first shot.

“Cheers,” he says, holding the glass in the air in front of me.

Picking up my shot glass I hold it up. “Cheers.”

I don’t miss the shift in Dixon’s eyes as I tip the glass back and with one swallow down the whiskey.

“Whoa!” I yell out as I gasp for air and breathe through the burn as the whiskey slides down my throat and warms my belly.

Eyes, dark and dangerous take in every inch of me before bringing the next shot glass into the air. “To Vegas and magic pussy’s.” I choke on a laugh as Dixon wiggles his eyebrows at me before tipping back his next shot. His fingers find their way to my panties which if they were dissolvable they’d be non-existent at the moment. He has me so freaking worked up.

“To Vegas and hot, irresistible, assholes,” I counter before tipping back my next shot.

I stomp my heels on the bar stool and shake my head as I pucker up my lips and blow out a long breath.

The feeling of a hand cupping my cheek catches me off guard as Dixon grabs my face, turning it toward him and colliding his mouth with mine. “Fuck, the glasses. I want to drink my whiskey straight from your lips,” he murmurs against my mouth before devouring my lips that are tingling from the whiskey and the fire burning between our kiss.

His kiss travels from my lips straight between my legs as I moan into his mouth. I bring my hands to his hair as I pull his mouth harder into mine. His fingers tease my clit as his tongue slips into my mouth and tangles together with mine.

My body feels as if it’s been set on fire as my skin burns red hot and my head begins to spin.

A few cat calls erupt around us, and I find myself bursting into a fit of giggles against his mouth. He breaks our kiss and leans back on his bar stool, running his fingers through his hair before grabbing his last shot and tossing it back.

God, he is too much.

His eyes drink me in as I pick up my last shot and bring it to my lips. I smile against the glass before tilting my head and letting the contains spill down the back of my throat. My head feels foggy and my body numb as the beat of the music vibrates straight to my bones. I sway slowly to the music as I hook my ankle around Dixon’s. He leans onto his elbow on the bar and reaches out with his other hand to twirl his finger around one of my curls lying against my shoulder.

“I’m falling in love with you.” Blue eyes get lost in my amber, and I feel the world freeze around us as time stands still.

The sudden sensation of a brick smashing me in the chest, knocking the air straight out of my body stuns me. My mouth falls open, and I blink a few times at the man sitting across from me.

Feeling it and hearing it are two totally different things. I could feel for a few weeks, Dixon falling in love with me right along with me falling in love with him. But to hear the words spoken to me is something completely different.

Many times I’ve been told by a guy that he loves me. Every time I felt absolutely nothing.

But as these three words leave Dixon’s mouth, I feel something inside of me shift.

For the first time in my life I’m about to repeat these words back to a man and actually mean them.

With everything in me, I mean them.

“I love you, too, Dixon.” I slide off of the bar stool and step between his legs, throwing my arms around his neck.

I’m not one to ever get emotional. I blame it on the whiskey for my eyes tearing up right now.

There’s a spark of indefinable emotion that flickers inside his dark, magnetic cobalt eyes as they stare back into mine. His hands find the small of my back as he pulls me into his chest and his lips kiss my forehead. “I have no idea what the hell I’m doing. Hell, I don’t even know what love is. But I do know that whatever it is I feel with you, it has to be pretty fucking close to it.”

I lean back and peer up at him as I blink away tears threatening to leave my eyes. “So does this mean I get to update my status on Facebook as ‘in a relationship’ with you, Dixon Beaumont?” I tease, trying to lighten the mood before I get way to fucking girly and cry over my feelings.

A white, dazzling all teeth devilish grin magnetically charged, stretches across his face. The magnetic charge between us only intensifies with every passing moment, pulled me in, and captivating me.

At this moment, I’d agree to scale the fucking Pyramid Hotel if he asked me to. That’s how tightly wrapped around his finger this man has me.

His eyes narrow as he stares down at me with a slightly drunken glossiness to them, he answers, “How about we change it to ‘married to Dixon Beaumont’.”

My legs wobble beneath me and my hands fly to his muscular shoulders as I try to brace myself. The last thing I need is to fall flat on my ass in a packed club thanks to Dixon, who I think has officially lost his goddamn mind!

“Come again?” I choke out my words as shock rocks me to the very core.

I can’t feel anything and the room has now begun to spin like a merry-go-round.

“Marry. Me,” he says a little slower this time as his leaves my sides and come up to my face. “
Marry me, tonight
.” Smiling against my lips he whispers again, “Let’s find Elvis and make it official. What do ya say?”

I have no idea what the hell is happening right now, but thankfully I’m drunk enough to not really care at the moment. “Sure, why the hell not?” I laugh against his lips yelling, “
Ohhh my gosh
!” with laughter and surprise as he stands suddenly and sets me down long enough to hook his arm around my waist and leads me toward the exit.

I think it’s safe to say we’ve lost our minds, but like they say, it’s better to live a life filled with spontaneity and lessons learned than a life filled with regret and what ifs?

We only live once. So, we mind as well do as many crazy, off the wall and spontaneous things while we can. Right?


So, here’s to getting hitched in
Viva Las Vegas


Chapter 9




As soon as we exited the club we headed straight for the doors leading outside the Knox hotel. Dixon asked the doorman to have a limo pulled around for us, and within three minutes there was one ready and waiting.

The second we were inside, Dixon was popping a top on a bottle of champagne and filling up two glasses. We barely finished our glasses before the limo was coming to a stop out front of Viva Las Vegas wedding chapel.

Even though Dixon is pretty much three sheets to the wind, he managed to smooth talk the staff and get us the outdoor gazebo at the chapel. It’s the most sought after spot to get married I guess after we talked with the staff about the wedding options they offered.

We stopped by a jewelry store on the strip and hurriedly picked out our wedding bands. Dixon felt bad he didn’t propose to me with a proper engagement ring. You know, being the perfect southern gentleman. But I told him none of that matters to me. Dixon chose my wedding band, and I chose his, both without letting the other see them. At least something will be a surprise during our vows.

When I envisioned my wedding did it consist of myself, my future husband, and an Elvis impersonator? Hell no! But the way I look at it, Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos eloped during their days together on All my Children. Look how that turned out for them. They’ve been married for like ever! And have three beautiful kids and amazing careers.

So there’s a good chance we could be another Vegas quickie wedding success story. I’m on
As the Days go By
, and we’re eloping in Las Vegas; who knows maybe the good luck will follow for my career and our relationship?

I’m forever grateful I decided on this dress tonight, because our wedding package comes with a free website to share with friends and a disc of our wedding photos. They even give me a bouquet of white roses! So we’re all set and ready to get this wedding started.

Right now Dixon is outside with the Elvis impersonator as I stand at the doorway waiting for the music to start.

When we went over the music options, I immediately jumped on the idea of walking down the aisle to Elvis Presley’s “Can’t Help Falling in Love”. I’m obsessed with the movie
and Goldie Hawn. So I knew it was perfect. The meaning behind the song is perfect. We never intended on falling in love with one another, but here we are. It was inevitable I believe the second I met him. I knew there was something different about Dixon compared to every other man I’ve ever been with.

The wedding coordinator hands me my bouquet and pushes open the door leading outside to the illuminated patio. Our Elvis impersonator’s voice bellows slow and seductively along with the music playing through the sound system outside.

As I step out the door, I see a small courtyard lined with vintage style lamp posts, adorable antique looking park benches, and twinkling lights illuminating the Gazebo where Dixon is standing with our singing Elvis who’s jutting his hips left and right as he sings his heart out.

I can’t stop smiling as I walk down the stone aisle toward Dixon. Thankfully, I’m drunk but not so drunk that I can’t manage to walk the few steps it takes to reach Dixon in these sky high stilettoes.

Dixon’s wearing a pair of dark, stone washed jeans, a black button-up dress shirt, and black blazer. I feel giddy inside as I take in his tall, muscular frame as he towers over our, on the shorter side, Elvis. His hands are locked together nervously, and a goofy grin is plastered across his face.

Finally, I come to a stop in front of Dixon, and Elvis stops singing. Dixon holds his right hand out, taking my left, as I hug my bouquet to my chest as we listen to Elvis begin our wedding ceremony.

A couple waiting to be married next stand in as our witnesses which I think I thanked them probably a good hundred times while preparing for our ceremony.

My head is foggy and the entire ceremony goes by in a blur as he cracks jokes while saying our vows to us putting his Elvis twist onto them. All the while singing them to us in pure Elvis style, lifted lip and swinging pelvis guarantee, to have and to hold through endless purchases of blue suede shoes, and way too many adopted hound dogs. Neither Dixon nor I are capable of keeping a straight face throughout the entire wedding ceremony. With each giggle that leaves my mouth, the more relaxed I find myself.

It feels like I’ve barely stepped up in front of Dixon when I finally hear him ask Dixon, “Now to the big question, this will finally seal the deal for you two love birds and then you, sir, will get to kiss this beautiful creature standing here before you. So what do ya say? Do you, Dixon, take Brooklyn to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

I swallow hard as I await Dixon’s answer. It’s now or never. Either he follows through and say’s I do, or he high tails it out of here leaving me at the altar.

Which will it be?

I’m betting on you Beaumont—putting in all of my chips. So I’m begging you, please don’t break my heart or so help me, God…

My lungs begin to burn as I try to force them to continue inhaling and exhaling as my anxiety level turns up to one thousand.

Licking his lips and swallowing, I watch as his Adam’s apple bobs up and down in his throat. His body sways slightly as he tries to stay standing before me, his grip on my hand only growing tighter with every passing second.

“I…do,” he answers with a slightly shaky answer, but his all teeth grin never falters.

Thank you Jesus!

Reaching into his coat pocket, he pulls out a small wedding band wrapped in diamonds and slowly with slightly shaky hands, slips it onto my ring finger. I can’t take my eyes off of it as he brings it to rest at the top of my finger. It’s beautiful and perfect. Simple, yet elegant. With enough bling to suit my bright and slightly wild attitude.

“Now it’s your turn, pretty mama! Do you take, Dixon, your
hunk, a hunk of burning love
, here to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

Not needing a single moment to contemplate my answer, I answer with a smile that’s making my cheeks ache, “I do.”

I’ve never been this damn giddy in my entire life.

Reaching into my bra, I retrieve Dixon’s ring which causes a mischievous and heated gaze to fill his eyes which are now blazing hot. I feel my body flush under his intense stare as I bring his platinum band up to his finger and slowly push it up and over his knuckle. I mentally cheer as I watch it slip on perfectly.

We’re officially married. This is the most insane, spur of the moment thing that I have ever done in my life—and I have done a lot of crazy ass things in my short lifetime.

But this takes the cake!

I’m usually the girl gagging dramatically over couples overly romantic and mushy in public and looking way too in love. Now look at me. Running off with my boyfriend of five minutes and getting hitched by Elvis no less!

That’s as insanely romantic as one can get.

I can only hope it won’t end with me in the heartbreak hotel, because with Dixon you just never know.

“Now, the moment you’ve been waiting for. From me and the great state of Nevada, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

Not wasting any time, Dixon tugs me into his arms and dips me back as he brings his lips down to mine. His kiss is soft and sweet. Cat calls ensue around us from the staff watching the wedding to the two witnesses standing beside us.

Breaking the kiss, Dixon pulls his mouth away from mine and with his best Elvis impersonation says, “Have mercy!” before standing me back up onto two wobbly feet. The adrenaline is kicking in from everything that has transpired up to this moment, and I find myself feeling as if I am floating on cloud nine.

A few minutes later, after finishing up our photos with the photographer, we have our wedding certificate in hand and are ready to celebrate. Dixon scoops me up into his arms and carries me—well more like staggers— outside to the limo waiting for us curbside. Slapping his chest with my bouquet, I yell at him with amusement in my tone, “Set me down before you drop me. I don’t think us sitting in the E.R. will be a fun way to celebrate our nuptials.”

Laughing, Dixon parrots, “Nuptials. That’s a funny word.”

Shaking my head, I climb into the limo, sliding across the leather seat and watch as Dixon attempts to climb in beside me without knocking his head off of the doorjamb. He waves to the driver signaling for him to shut the door as soon as he falls in beside me.

Turning his head to look down at me, he holds his hand out to me silently asking me to take it. I set my left hand in his and watch as my diamond band twinkles in the overhead lighting of our limo.

It’s so weird seeing a wedding ring on my hand.

But every time I look at it I get this amazing fluttering sensation in the pit of my stomach. It doesn’t seem real. It won’t I think until we let the world know.

As soon as I give him my hand, he’s tugging me up and onto his lap so that I’m straddling him. He releases my hand and brings his hands to rest on my hips as he stares up at me with a far off look in his eyes.

“So, Mrs. Beaumont…wow that sounds so weird.” He laughs before reeling himself back in, and I just shake my head and bite back a smile. I can’t stand how adorable he is right now. “What do you think about polishing off this bottle of champagne and then making out with your husband like two horny high schoolers in the back of a Mustang until we get back to the hotel?”

Running my fingers through his disheveled hair, I curve my back, rubbing my clit against the evident bulge in his jeans and brush my lips against his. “I think that sounds like the perfect plan,” I mouth against his lips before backing away from his tempting lips and reaching for the bottle. “I say, fuck the glasses,” I tell him as I bring the bottle up to my lips and take a long swig from it before handing it over to him.

“Sounds good to me, darlin’. Hearing that pretty little mouth of yours say fuck only makes me want to shove my cock inside of you even more than I already do. I have something I want to do first when we get to the hotel, but as soon as that is finished, we’re going to head up to my room so I can fuck your tight little cunt, all night long.”

A shiver of desire trickles down my spine and only intensifies as it reaches my core. Trying to distract myself and my raging hormones, I ask, “So what’s this surprise you have planned when we get back to the hotel?”

Nipping playfully at my nipple through my dress he laughs. “That’s for me to know and you to find out, baby.”


Taking my hand into his, Dixon leads me down the corridor of the hotel. “Wasted or not, they’ll give me a tattoo, don’t you worry, babe.”

I can’t help but laugh as I shake my head at the drunken fool pulling me toward the tattoo shop in Knox’s hotel. I thought he was joking when he said he wanted to get a tattoo.

My eyes keep lingering on our entwined fingers that are now donning our wedding bands. I still cannot believe we just eloped. I have a picture in my clutch of us with an Elvis impersonator that married us. That will definitely be a conversation starter when people spot it on my mantel.

“You sure you won’t regret this wonderful idea in the morning?” I ask as we stop in front of the twenty-four-hour tattoo parlor.

Flashing me a cocky grin, Dixon tugs on my hand causing me to crash into his rock solid chest. I rest my hand against his shoulder as I steady myself. With all the shots I took, I’m surprised I can even catch myself and not fall flat on my ass.

Slipping his hand into my hair, he cups the side of my face and pulls me in for a quick kiss. “Believe me, darlin’, there is nothing about tonight I’ll ever regret.”

I can’t help but become giddy as he says those words to me. Never in a million years did I think I’d be Mrs. Dixon Beaumont. I thought just a few weeks ago we were done for good. I was over being just a bed buddy to him; I wanted more and he didn’t. Then all of a sudden he was texting me saying he missed me. Now look at us, eloping in Vegas.

I need to tell Jax, but that can wait until the morning. He’ll understand; it’s not like we were serious or anything. We were just friends who hooked up from time to time. But I know after our talk last night that he’ll be hurt even if only a little. I told him Dixon and I wanted to take things slow and see where we’d go from there. Twenty-four hours later, we’re eloping. He’s known since day one I’ve wanted Dixon. I never met a guy who consumed my every thought like Dixon has.

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