Better Than Before ( Trilogy) (12 page)

Read Better Than Before ( Trilogy) Online

Authors: Kathryn Shay

Tags: #venture capitalist at work, #brothers, #trilogy kindle books, #about families, #contemporary romance novel, #Online dating site, #keeping secrets and telling lies

BOOK: Better Than Before ( Trilogy)
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Fuck, could he really do that?



Chapter 6

Annie slipped the blue, slinky top over her head and examined herself in the mirror. The material crisscrossed the bodice, accenting her breasts nicely. A pretty brown, blue, and pink skirt swirled at her calves. Best of all, the hair that Spence loved was washed, dried and brushed, falling in soft waves down her back. She looked good. For him. The thought of what would happen tonight made her tingle all over. As she took out a pair of funky brown-and-blue earrings she’d found at a novelty shop and poked them through her ears, she had to laugh at herself. She was happier than she’d been in…how long? Way before Keith had left. Because she knew she was doing the right thing, knew that she was meant to make love with Spence. She was finally in a relationship with a man more like her, maybe one she could share the rest of her life with.

The bell rang and she hurried downstairs. When she opened the door, she found him on the porch, lanky and tall, wearing nice, black slacks and a gray silk T-shirt, tucked in to reveal a trim waist and a taupe sports coat that accented those yummy broad shoulders. She glanced down to his hand, where he held a profusion of white roses. “Oh, Spence, those are way too expensive.”

Leaning over, he kissed her briefly. “Nothing is too expensive for tonight. This weekend.”

She took the flowers from him and he stepped inside. Inhaling the sweet scent of the bouquet, she let it fill her head. “Come on out to the kitchen so I can put these in a vase.”

While she arranged the lovely blossoms, he stood by the window, peeking out back to where Jake often played. “Where’s the dog?”

“He went with Keith and the kids.” She smiled over at him. “Want a drink?”

Leaving the window, he came up behind her and circled his arms around her waist. His nuzzle at her neck made her shiver. “Do you?”

She shook her head.

“Good.” He kissed her hair. “I feel like I’ve been waiting for this forever.”

“We’ve only known each other two months.”

Playfully, he nibbled at her ear. “An eternity.” Circling her around, he cupped her face with both hands. “Nervous?”

“Not with you. In so many ways, you’re my soul mate.”

Something flashed through his eyes. A shadow, a concern, a doubt, maybe?

“Spence? Are
nervous? Look, if you haven’t made love since your wife died, it’s okay. I haven’t been with anyone since Keith. Well, ever, really. Besides Keith.”

The depth of emotion in his eyes was so great, she was humbled by it. “I’m anxious in some ways, I guess.”

Instead of taking her hand, he picked up the vase. “These should come upstairs with us.”

He led her through the living room, but before they reached the steps, she stopped at the house phone and unplugged it. She giggled, “Please turn off all pagers and cell phones.”

He laughed. “I left my BlackBerry in the car.”



Upstairs, he surveyed her room from the doorway. “You remodeled since he left. It’s…feminine.”


“I was hoping this wouldn’t be the same as when you shared it with Keith.”

She studied the raspberry walls and carpet, the oak furniture. “I didn’t really have the money, but I dipped into my savings. I couldn’t stand sleeping here otherwise. And I painted the room myself. Refinished the dressers, too.”

“Why am I not surprised?” He shook his head. “You are so special, Annie. And I’m honored about what you said downstairs, that I’m the only one other than Keith.”

All masculine grace, he stepped inside and placed the flowers on the nightstand, then took out two stems and shocked her by drawing back the covers and peeling the rose of its blossoms. He sprinkled the dark pink sheets with the petals.

“Oh, Spence,” she said, joining him. “What did I do to deserve a man like you?”


He had to blank his mind to what she said. He had to crush the rising guilt inside him. He knew, as soon as he’d arrived, he should have told her sooner. Knew, every minute he was here, every movement she made, every single word she uttered, that his deception had gotten to be the worst kind of insult.

So whatever goodness he had inside him rose to the surface. Standing by the bed, wanting this woman more than he’d ever wanted a woman before, he nonetheless grasped her hands and held them against his chest. “Sweetheart, I need to talk to you before we do this.”

“Oh, no, no.” She looped her arms around his neck. “No talking.”


“Spence, please don’t do anything to spoil this for me. I haven’t wanted to make love with anybody in years. I…I need this now. I need you now.”

He started to answer, but she covered his mouth with hers, pressed her body against him, and jerked her hips forward. “Touch me. Love me.”

Raw need for her eclipsed everything else and he blocked out his conscience. Reaching for her top, he pulled it over her head. She wore a black bra, and the sight of her in it made him rock hard. He swept his mouth back and forth, back and forth over bare skin more sweetly scented than the roses. Gently, he bit her lace-covered nipples, then covered them with his hands and kneaded her.

She moaned, beautifully, and grasped onto his shoulders. “Yes. Oh, God, yes.”

With unsteady hands, he pushed down her skirt and… Oh, hell, she was wearing a thong to match the bra. Dropping to his knees, he kissed the lacy band, nipped at it, too; he gripped her hips harder than he should, but he couldn’t help himself.

He stayed there, a supplicant before her, for a long time, kissing every inch he could reach. When he slid a finger beneath the material and found her wet, he groaned. “Come like this,” he said, tugging on the scraps of lace.

“No, not the first time.”

She pulled at his shoulders, so he managed to drag himself away from the sweet nectar of her and rise to his feet.

She unbuckled his belt, tossed it aside.

She yanked his shirt over his head, none too gently.

She pushed down his trousers.

Soon, they were both naked, and the feel of her, when she stepped forward and pressed all that beautiful bare flesh against him, made Spence incoherent.


Spence positioned Annie and himself on their sides facing each other, and all she could smell was flowers and him. A grin curved her mouth and he matched it. “For better access,” he whispered. He’d already sheathed himself and, with willpower she didn’t have, couldn’t have mustered, slid gently inside her until he filled her. He was big and hot and heavy; she felt totally feminine and possessed.

He swallowed convulsively.

“You don’t have to control yourself,” she whispered. “Let go.”

“I want it to be good for you.”

She closed her eyes. “I-it already is.”

“Look at me.” He started to move, locking his gaze with hers. She felt him glide in, and out, in and out.

“Spence, please, not so slow.”

“Annie…” he growled as he began to move fast, faster, oh, God, really, really fast. His grip on her hips tightened.

“I can’t…you should…”

“I am,” was all she could mutter as her world brightened into a thousand kinds and colors of lights and warmth.

Just as she reached the peak, she felt him follow her.


“Hungry?” she asked, smiling at him. She was lying on the pillows and her hair fanned out over the pink case, shiny and beautiful, like she was.

On his side again, his arm crooked and his head anchored on his hand so he could look at her, he grabbed a lock and curled it around one finger. “Witch. I’m not quite ready yet. I’m forty-six, after all. I need a bit of time to recover.”

“You didn’t say that on the second go-around.”

Snatching a pink petal from her hair, he put it over a nipple, adding it to the other strategic places he’d already covered with roses. She closed her eyes, savored the sensation. Truthfully, he was surprised at her innate sensuality. They’d been in bed two hours.

After the first time, they’d lain together, not talking, talking, stroking until need had filled them both again. He’d taken her with his mouth, and she’d done the same for him. It wasn’t anything he hadn’t experienced before, of course, but with Annie it had been more tender, more intimate. Every single time she touched him was that way.

“I meant for food.” Lazily, she brushed a hand down his head. “I made us a cold supper, just in case.”

He arched a brow. “Just in case.”

Her hand drifted down his back, swept over his butt. “Did you bring a bag? Something to change into for the night?”

“I did. It’s in my car.”

She smiled. “Why don’t you go get it and I’ll put supper out.”

He kissed the flower-covered breast again. “Do we have to move?”

“Haven’t you had enough?” she asked, teasingly.

He sobered. “I’ll never get enough of you, Annie Hopkins. Never.”

Because that was true, because everything had changed in the space of a few hours, Spence was thoughtful as they left the bed. She put on a robe to go to the kitchen and he slipped on his pants and headed out barefoot to the car. The late April night was warm and the breeze felt good.

He’d grabbed his duffle when the BlackBerry on the front seat buzzed. He should leave it, but after he checked the ID, he clicked on.

“Mr. Wickham,” the caller said. “This is National Car Rental. Your Ford-sedan contract expires a week from today and I’m calling to ask if you want to extend it?”

Spence glanced at Annie’s house. And said into the phone, “No, don’t extend the contract. You can pick the car up Monday morning.”

Feeling less guilty, less like a monster now that the decision to be honest with Annie this weekend was made, he slammed the door shut and hustled back into the house.


They ate Panini sandwiches and drank wine and made small talk. Then, after a while, he stood. “Stay here a second.”

“Where are you going?”

Without answering, he hurried out and was back in minutes. But wouldn’t say where he’d gone. He finished his wine, then scooped her up and carried her to the second floor. She heard the water running in the bath. How sweet, she thought when he removed her robe, carried her into the lav, placed her in the tub, and climbed in behind her. It was a scene from a romance novel.

“You are so lovely,” he said from behind her as he washed her arm with a big sponge. “I could touch you forever like this.”

After a few minutes, the sponge got busy and hit all the rights spots. “Hmm, so full and female,” and “Yes,” when he inserted it between her legs and she jolted.

Afterward, he dried her off, brought her to bed and slipped inside her. His face was granite hard and serious when he said, “I want you to know that I’ve never had a night like this.” He began to move. “Never, ever felt like this…I want you to know.”

She awoke at ten.

Moonlight streamed in through the slats in the blinds, Annie sighed. Overcome with emotion, she’d luxuriated in his tender ministrations, his unbridled passion and his heart-jarring words. It had happened fast for her, too. She’d fallen hard. But from the very beginning, she’d known instinctively this relationship was special. She’d felt uninhibited and freer right from their online chats. And though sex had been good with Keith, what had happened between her and Spence had been cataclysmic, far exceeding what she’d had with her ex.

Damn it all, Annie Hopkins, if you aren’t in love!

Smiling, she cuddled into him. The realization didn’t scare her at all. They’d have a wonderful life together. Every time he looked at her, every time he touched her, she knew in her heart how he felt.

She wondered if he wanted kids. Oh, Lord, he hadn’t met Alex and Hope yet. They’d adore him, too. He was so down-to-earth. So real. She could picture him and Alex with baseball caps on, tossing a ball around the yard. And he’d handle Hope as gently as he had his niece.

“What are you thinking?” The gravelly voice came from beside her, and a big masculine arm slid around her.

Easing to her side, she smiled and ran her hand down his scratchy jaw. “I was thinking that I love you, Spence Brewer. I love you.”


It was the
that got him. He came awake quickly and watched her. He should have told her earlier when he’d first tried, or after he’d made the decision about the car. Why had he been so weak to take the whole night with her first?

She was smiling like an angel, looking at him as if he’d hung the moon. “You don’t have to say it back, Spence. I know how I feel.”

He grasped her hand. “It’s not that. It’s… We need to talk.”

A small vee formed between her brows. “You said that when you got here. Actually, a couple of times since we’ve been seeing each other.”

“I know.” He brushed fingers down her bare shoulder. “Um, let’s get dressed for this. We’ll talk downstairs.”

Now alarm breached her features. “Why?”

“You’ll see.” He needed a clear head to make his case. Lying naked in bed with her wasn’t the way to do this. He’d explain, apologize, beg and bully if he had to. He glanced at the clock. They still had several hours tonight and then the rest of the weekend to work through what he was about to tell her.

She shrugged. “Just so you’re not freaking out because of what I said.”

“I’m not, honey.”

They both dressed in sweat suits, then he followed her downstairs and into the living room. Once there, she took the couch and he dropped down on an adjacent chair. His hand fisted on his knee, and his whole body tensed as he stared at the face of a woman who had just said she loved him, knowing he was going to cut her to ribbons.

“Annie, we can’t let what’s between us go any further until I tell you something. I’ve been…” He cleared his throat. “I’ve been lying to you. Online and in person since we met.”

Her face blanked. “Lying? A-about what?”

“About who I am. What I do.”

“I don’t understand.”

“My name is Spence Wickham. Well, Spencer Tracy Wickham.”

“Not Brewer?”

“That was my mother’s maiden name.”

Confusion lit those pretty eyes. “Why on earth wouldn’t you tell me your full name?”

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