Betrayed (5 page)

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Authors: Bec Botefuhr

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Betrayed
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“Your not immortal anymore Jack?” I ask.

“No, I will begin aging soon.”

“At a normal pace?”

“Yeah, normal pace.”

“Ok, so what are you going to do?”

Jax sighs. “Well, we thought we had it all covered until Jack called me a few days ago and said Ben had left a threatening message saying he would go after you unless we found the treasure and gave it to them.”

“Me?” I gasp. “Why?”

“He thinks were together still, he is doing much the same his father was doing. Using you as leverage.”

“How does he know I live here?”

Jack looks at me gently. “I think he has managed to track you down. He saw us together and put two and two together. I don’t know why he thinks you are still with Jax, but he figured wherever you


were, Jax would be. I rang Jax, hoping for some help. I didn’t tell him you lived here; I just said Ben would look for you and find you wherever you lived.”

“Ok…so where does that leave me?”

“Well, we have kind of come up with a plan.” My father says.


“Now we are all here, and you have your gifts, we figured it would work well to lure them out with you. He is going to try and get to you, in hopes we will hand over the treasure. They know we are looking, and we are likely the only ones to find it. If they capture you, then we will be forced to hurry it up and give it to them when it

s found.”


“Yes, they don’t know you and Jax are not still together. If someone spots you two around, they will try and nab you. We are hoping to get them when they try.”

“Why not Sammy? Couldn’t somebody see her with him and figure it out.”

“Well, yes. We decided that they won’t be seen in public, so that does not happen. Your strong Jade, you have a chance if you were to get caught.”

“And if something goes wrong…my daughter…”

“We will be around you twenty four seven. One of us will be by your side wherever you go. Ready for when they pounce.”

“So you want me to pretend to be with Jax?”

“For a while. Only in public, holding hands, things like that will be fine.”

“Sammy, you are
ok with this?” I ask.

“Sure, I am tired of all the violence and want it over with too.”

“Do…I get a choice?” I mutter, two pairs of blue eyes and one set of green met mine and my answer is clear.

“We will discuss the plan further tomorrow.”

I nod. “I’m tired.”

“Yeah, we should call it a night.” Jax says, taking Sammy’s hand.

“You all know where your rooms are. Jade, I only have the couch or a mattress on the
smiles warmly at me.

“What about with you?” I ask, and Jax chokes on the drink he is taking. Jack’s eyes meet mine, shocked.

“With me, as in…my bed?”

“Sure why not?” I say and see Layla grin from the corner of my eye. “I understand if you don’t want to Jack, I should not have put you on the spot…”

“No, I don’t mind at all
,” He grins. “You are
welcome in my bed anytime angel.”

“I bet she is.” Jax mutters under his breath. I shoot him a glare, but Sammy beats me to the punch, shoving him angrily.

“Stop it.” She snaps, glaring at him.

“I am going to bed. Jack, I will see you in there.
Lilly come on, I will tuck you in.

I slide into the house after hugging the entire crew goodnight and
put Lilly to bed in the spare room. Then I go and
find Jack’s room. I take off my clothes and slip on one of his shirts. It smells heavenly. I sit on the bed with my feet hugged to my chest waiting for him to come in. An hour later, he does. Smiling, he sits on the bed beside me.

“You gave me a little shock out there angel. Why did you want to sleep in here?”


“Yes, of course.”

“I need comfort Jack. Seeing him and accepting all this in one night…I just need someone, who wants me.”

“I will always want you.”

“I don’t want to hurt you Jack.”

He strokes my lower lip. “Then don’t.”

“If we do this the chances are I will. I don’t know what I need right now, so I might do the wrong thing or break your heart. I can’t. I won’t. For now, can we just I don’t know…leave it as it is?”

“And how is that?” He says, his voice deeper.


“Well…I would like to make love again.”

He smiles, leaning closer and kissing me softly. “So would I.”

He pushes me down onto the bed, sliding his shirt off me as he goes. I try hard to push my mind away from Jax, stop thinking of him. You don’t need him, not anymore. He has moved on, let it go.

“Jack…this time, don’t use a condom.”

He glances down at me. “But, you could get…”

“No, I am protected, and I have no diseases, I know you don’t either. I want to feel you, all of you.”

“I haven't done it like that Jade.”



“Do you want to?”

“Oh yeah.”

For Jack to say yeah instead of yes, he is passionate about it. I strip off his clothes, and he spends his time nibbling, licking and sucking every inch of my body until I am pleading with him in small, shallow demands. Grinning, he lowers himself over me, but I shove his chest.

“Your turn.”


I shove him back and roll him, so I am straddling him, his gaze turns cloudy.

“God angel, you are so beautiful.”

I smile, leaning down to press kisses across his chest and down his stomach. When I reach his very hard erection, I hesitate. Don’t think of him Jade, not now. He doesn’t want you; he DOESN’T want you. Shoving Jax from my mind, I close my mouth over Jack. He groans, loudly.

“Shit!” He hisses.

I swirl my tongue over him, licking him up and down before taking him deeply into my mouth. He hisses through his teeth and grasps my hair. I enjoy pleasuring him, love how he feels, but it just is not the same. God damn you Jax Watts for coming back into my life.

“Enough.” He says, pulling me off him.


I straddle him and begin to lower myself. He grips my hips, pressing me down. I gasp as he fills me, slowly, desperately.

“God damn, your are so warm.”

I begin to move, twirling my hips backwards and forwards, up and down. His moans fill my ears, pleasing me, but I can’t seem to find my own release. I move anyway, small happy moans escaping my lips now and then. He doesn’t seem to notice my resistance. Faster and faster he pumps his hips up and down until he yells his release and I feel him spill himself inside me.

“God, that was…shit hot.”

That is a lot of curses from Jack in one sentence.

I smile. “I am glad you liked it.”

“Did you?” He asks, serious now.

“Of course.” I lie.

I slide off and roll to my side; Jack curls up behind me, wrapping his arms around my body. I love Jack for the person he is; I can’t imagine my life without him. He is my rock, my person and my best friend. I wished it could be so much more, but my heart just isn’t in it
I fall into a restless sleep, unable to feel at ease.

I wake during the night, still feeling restless. I can’t sleep, can’t stop thinking about him. I slip downstairs and turn on the dull light of the lounge room. It is adjustable; I turn it just enough that I can see where I am going. I head into the kitchen and open the fridge; I pull out a bottle of crisp white wine and pour a glass. I slip back into the lounge and nestle down onto the couch.

I feel so overwhelmed with emotion. Jax being back and making me feel the way he is; it is hard. I feel hot tears slide down my cheeks, and I swipe them away. I wish life were easier; I wish I didn’t have to see him with someone else. I just wish…we could be the old couple we were. Things had just gotten good between us when he went missing. If I had never left…


I turn suddenly and see Jax standing at the end of the couch. He is bare chested and wearing only boxer shorts. My heart quickens.

“Oh, hey.”

He sits beside me, and the air crackles between us. We have this bond, this connection, it radiates around us every time we are with each other. Jax turns to look at me, his green gaze searching mine. His finger reaches out, and he traces a lone tear on my cheek, then he turns towards me.

“I guess you couldn’t sleep either huh?” He says in a quiet voice.


“Even after you and Jack?”

I blush. “Sorry.”

“It hurt
.” He says suddenly, and I blink at him.


“It hurt, like hell, hearing you two going at it. I wanted to come in there and rip him off…”

“Jax.” I whisper.

“I broke your heart when I left Jade, but I broke my own too.”

“You…moved on. You moved on. I didn’t mean…”

He grips my chin. “You mean the world to me, you meant the world to me.”

I swallow a cold sip of wine, fighting back the emotions. Jax takes the glass from my hands and places it on the table beside us. He reaches forward and grips my shoulder, then pulls me towards his chest. When my cheek hits the firm, hard skin; I breathe in his scent. His skin is hot, and it smells divine. I want to wrap myself around him and never let go. I am still so madly in love with him.

“I missed you darlin, so fucking much…”

I don’t say anything; I just enjoy the feeling of his arms around me. His fingers stroking up and down my back. I lean up to look at him, when his eyes meet mine so many unspoken words pass between us. Then, without warning, his lips are coming down towards mine. At first connection, we both moan. It has been so long, so horribly long.

Our lips slide over one
and our moans combine into a sexual sound. We aren’t thinking, if we were this wouldn’t be happening. My mind is hazy; I am overwhelmed with emotion and I imagine his is too. He slides his lips down over my neck and suddenly we become a desperate mess of arms and legs as he pushes my body down onto the couch.

I am greedy, hungry, starved of touch. So is he. His hands slide under my shirt and over my breasts, pinching my nipple in his fingers. I groan and press closer to him, desperate to feel more. I reach down and slide my hand into his boxer shorts, feeling like a teenager. I find his erection, and it slips into my hands. I can feel his piercing, so he still has it? I twirl it in my fingers and he hisses through his teeth. I grip him tighter, desperate to have him. I need him. I have just begun stroking up and down when a voice calls out from the top of the stairs.


It is Sammy. I reef my hand away quickly, and Jax stands.

“Fuck.” He snarls, then, he is gone.

I am left sitting, hot, wet and alone. What the hell just happened? Am I dreaming? I slowly make my way back to Jack

s room and slide into his bed, confused now more than ever.


I wake late in the morning, alone. Getting up, I dig through my bag to find my running clothes. I need a run, a good, hard run. After last night, I don’t know what to think? What would Sammy sa
y? How will Jax react? We got frisky, touching in ways we shouldn’t have
. I walk down the stairs and follow the voices. Out back everybody is awake and cooking bacon and eggs on the barbeque. Jack notices me and smiles.

“Morning angel.”

“Hi Jack.”


“Sure, I am just going to borrow your toilet then I am ready. Smells great.”

He grins. “It will be great.”

I quickly walk inside, thanking god Jax isn’t about. I walk to the bathroom and swing open the door only to hit a large frame. I blink as my gaze clears and I see Jax standing butt naked in the bathroom. I gasp. My cheeks flame red as my eye
s hungrily travel over his gorgeous
, naked frame. God damn the man has muscles. Rippling, yummy muscles. I open my mouth, but only a stammer comes out.

“Can I help you mate?” He asks, with a lazy half grin. Jerk.

, sorry.”

He rubs the towel over his chest then down his abs and over that huge…Jesus! I turn and hurry out, sputtering an apology. I rush to the spare bathroom, then back outside. My cheeks flame red when Jax walks out. I need to run. Now.

“I am going for a run.”

“You don’t want to eat?”

“No, not right now. Thanks Jack.”

“I will come.” Jax says, and I freeze. No, oh no.

“Ok honey, can you pick me up a candy bar?” Sammy smiles. “Morning Jade.”

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