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Authors: Velvet

Betrayal (25 page)

BOOK: Betrayal
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“Oh, Congressman, you’re such a naughty boy.”

Laird looked around to make sure that Preston was nowhere in sight, then in a bold move, he grabbed Michele’s breasts and squeezed them as if he were sampling down-filled pillows. “Hmm, I’ve been wanting to do this for s-o-o-o long,” he said, closing his eyes while enjoying his cheap thrill.

She wanted to throw up all over his designer suit, but she just stood there while he fondled her boobs. “Congressman, I think we’d better table this until later,” she said, stepping back and interrupting his lewd display of affection.

“Name the place and time, and I’ll be there,” he said, smooching her on the neck.

“I’m having my apartment redecorated, so you can’t come over for a while,” she lied. “But trust me, we’ll have our moment. Congressman, I hate to rush off, but I have to run an important errand for Justice Hendricks.” Before he could say another word, Michele quickly stepped away from him and dashed out of the door.

What the hell am I going to do about Laird? If I’m not careful, I might just have to fuck him to keep him on the line
, Michele thought as she got into her car.

She had searched the Internet and found the top three surveillance
shops in Washington, and had her list ready. She wasn’t going to waste time trying to decide what to buy. Time was of the essence and she had another—more important—stop to make before heading back to the town house. She bought mini-cameras that were small enough to fit in the corner of a picture frame, and monitoring devices for each phone in the house, including the phone in their bedroom. Michele knew that she was wasting Preston’s money, since there would be no footage of Ariel and Trey making love. Their relationship was long over, but she wanted to lead Preston on, so she bought enough recording equipment to bug the White House. Once that shopping assignment was over, she drove over to Coup de Foudre, one of D.C.’s exclusive lingerie shops.

“Hello Ms., can I help you?” asked the salesperson.

“Yes. I’m looking for something that’s sexy yet sophisticated,” she said, glancing around the shop.

“I know just what you mean. Follow me.” The saleslady walked over to a rack of elegant-looking lingerie. She pulled out a black mesh chemise and held it up to Michele. “How’s this?”

Michele took the delicate garment out of her hands, and walked over to the full-length mirror. The chemise was short and extremely sheer with an intricate lace design running down the front. She held it up to her body and turned from side to side, admiring herself in the mirror.

“Would you like to try it on?” the saleslady asked, pointing toward the dressing rooms.

“No, thank you; I’m in a hurry.” She looked at the price tag and wanted to gag. The flimsy chemise cost almost as much as one of her business suits. She thought about going over to Victoria’s Secret for a less expensive item, but she was playing with the big boys now, and had to step up her game. “I’ll take it.”

“Great choice! Jonquil is one of our favorite designers. I’m sure you’ll enjoy wearing it. Please follow me to the counter.”

As Michele was paying for the decadent little number, she saw a familiar face. “Hello, Mrs. Oglesby.” She smiled.

Angelica looked at Michele, trying to place her face. “Uh, hi …”

“Michele Richards. I work with Justice Hendricks,” she said,
realizing that Angelica didn’t remember her. “I was at your birthday party,” she added, even though she wasn’t on the invitation list.

“Oh, yes.” Angelica smiled, unaware that Michele had crashed her party. “How are you?”

“I’m well, and you?”

“Life couldn’t be better.” She grinned.

As they were chatting, a statuesque woman with beautiful auburn hair strolled up to the counter. “What do you think of this?” she asked—before noticing Michele—holding up a tiny red see-through teddy.

Angelica glanced at Michele. “That’s nice,” she simply said, not wanting to elaborate.

Michele looked from one woman to the other. Angelica Oglesby was the epitome of sophistication with her blinding diamond necklace, Chanel suit, and Birkin bag, while the other woman wore jeans, a tank top sans bra, and a black leather jacket. From their outer appearances, it seemed unlikely that they ran in the same circle, but from their conversation, it was obvious that they were friends.

Angelica noticed Michele staring at them, and felt a little uneasy. “Well, Michele, it was nice seeing you again.” She then turned her back and faced her friend, ending the conversation without making an introduction.

Michele paid for her chemise and left.
That was strange
, she thought about the encounter with Angelica as she drove away. She was on her way back to the town house when her cell phone rang. She had on her Bluetooth and couldn’t see the caller ID. “Hello?”

“Michele, it’s Preston. Did you pick up the surveillance equipment?” he asked, skipping the small talk.

“Yes. I have everything you asked for.”

“Great. Well, just bring it with you in the morning. I’m exhausted and am going to turn in early. So take the rest of the day off, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Uh … okay.”

Preston hung up without saying good-bye.
Michele hit the steering wheel with both hands. She had planned on going back
over to the town house and modeling her new purchase for him, but he hung up so fast that she didn’t get a chance to talk her way back over.

Once she returned to her apartment, Michele paced the living room floor, racking her brain until the sun set. She needed to think of an excuse to see him tonight. Preston had thrown her for a loop by telling her to take the rest of the day off. She had splurged on lingerie that she couldn’t afford and wasn’t about to let it go to waste. After a few hours of brainstorming, an idea came to her. Michele took the chemise out of the shopping bag and marched off to the bathroom.

Forty minutes later, she was showered, shaved, dressed, and ready to go. She sprayed her pulse points with a heavy dose of perfume. She tied a tan trench coat over the sheer negligee that she wore, and headed out the door.

In the car, on the drive over to the town house, Michele practiced her lines on the off chance Preston was still in his office instead of in the bed. If that was the case, she would just pick up a few random file folders, apologize for coming by so late, and leave.

The house was dark from the outside as she eased her car into the driveway. She got out and quietly closed the driver’s door. With keys in hand, she tipped toward the entrance. Michele slipped her key—a key that was to be used only during business hours—into the lock and opened the door. The house was motionless, which was a good sign. She walked toward the office area. Preston’s door was closed, but she tapped lightly anyway. There was no answer, so she gently pushed the door open. To her delight, he wasn’t in there. Michele closed the door, and walked toward the staircase. Even though there were no lights on, she knew exactly which way to go. She knew the house like the back of her hand and navigated her way upstairs like a resident instead of a visitor.

Her breathing was heavy with anticipation as she reached the top of the landing. Michele turned to her right and ambled toward the master suite. “Showtime,” she whispered in the dark, as she turned the doorknob and slipped inside.

Her eyes had long adjusted to the dark, and she could see the outline of Preston’s body underneath the covers. Her plan had been to model her new purchase, but he was fast asleep.
I’ll just have to show him the chemise in the morning
, she thought and eased out of the delicate gown, letting it fall to the floor. Standing there naked as the day she was born, Michele kicked off her shoes, and padded on the plush carpeting toward the king-sized bed. She lifted the edge of the comforter and slithered underneath the covers.

Michele inched her body near Preston’s. She pressed her bare breasts into his back, but he wore pajamas so there wasn’t any skin-to-skin contact like she had hoped for. Preston was snoring lightly, and didn’t even feel her presence. Michele lay there for a second trying to decide what to do next. He was lying on his side, so she couldn’t straddle him. She reached her hand around to his groin area, but didn’t feel a bulge.
He must have his dick tucked between his legs—Shit!
Michele exhaled hard. She had gotten this far, but couldn’t close the deal. Leaving wasn’t an option, so she lay there a few minutes, until an answer came to mind.

She began to lightly suck his earlobe. Subtle moves like that were ideal for seduction. Michele was careful not to jolt him awake for fear he would toss her out. Gently arousing him was a much better tactic. Hopefully he would think that he was having an erotic dream, and get a hard-on. She continued sucking and sticking her tongue into his ear canal, until he began to stir. He turned over to his back with his eyes still closed and moaned lightly.

She eased the covers back, and sure enough there was a small tent in his pajama bottoms. Michele slowly unbuttoned his top. She leaned over and began sucking his nipples until they became hard.

Preston moved his head from side to side and mumbled something that she couldn’t make out.

Michele stopped, rested on her elbow, and watched the tiny tepee in his pants become a major pergola. She wanted to mount his rigid erection, but it wasn’t time yet. Michele wanted to get him so aroused that his libido wouldn’t let him reject her. She stuck her index finger in her mouth and got it all wet, then reached into the slit of his pajama
bottoms and rubbed the tip of his dick with her moist digit. She continued rubbing until she felt a little pre-cum surface.

Preston suddenly grabbed his erection and began jerking off in his sleep. Michele didn’t want him to come without her, so she flipped his dick all the way out and mounted him.

With his dick inside of her, she held on to the headboard and began pumping like a man. His massive cock filled up her slippery canal, and she was on the brink of orgasm, but not yet.

Preston finally opened his eyes and saw Michele riding him like she was possessed. At first he thought that he was dreaming, but her naked breasts bouncing up and down were all too real. He wanted to say stop, but his dick was planted so far up her canal that it felt too good to stop. He grabbed her hips and pressed her down even farther.

Michele leaned over so that her nipples brushed his lips. When he didn’t take the hint, she took her tit and forced it into his mouth.

Preston didn’t want to suck her breasts—thinking that holding back would make their act of adultery any less wrong—but he couldn’t stop himself. And then like a starving baby, he frantically went from one tit to the other, sucking and licking until her nipples were swollen from his touch.

“Oh yeah, baby,” she moaned.

Preston could feel himself coming and tried to pull out, but she wouldn’t let him. She clenched her knees together, and held on tightly to the headboard. He threw caution out of the window and exploded deep within her waiting ravine.

Michele wanted him inside of her for as long as possible. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She could feel his dick trying to slip out, but she pressed her pelvis down and held it in place. Michele didn’t say a word and neither did Preston. They both seemed lost in their own worlds. When his dick finally deflated, Michele climbed off and lay on her side. Preston didn’t spoon her like before, instead he scooted to the other side of the bed and went to sleep.

Michele wanted to pretend as if they were a couple, so she turned and spooned him instead. She could feel Preston’s body stiffen at her
touch, but he didn’t move away. She had succeeded in fucking him again, but still didn’t have his heart.
A few more nights of my good loving and I’ll have not only his heart, but his mind
. With that fantasy dancing around her head, Michele drifted off to sleep with a victory smile plastered across her face.


was at À Votre Service sharing the evening with a vintage bottle of Zinfandel and a beautiful blonde. His wife had been spending a significant amount of time in New York, and unbeknownst to her, he knew exactly what she had been up to, thanks to the private investigator that he put on her trail. He should have felt guilty for being at the restaurant having his cock sucked, but he wasn’t. Angelica had been cheating on him at the Black Door, so he found his own outlet to relieve his sexual tension.

Robert was reared back in the high-back chair with a glass of wine in his hand, and a smile painted across his face. He was not only enjoying the full-bodied red in his glass, but also the full-bodied blonde underneath the table giving him head. His wife hadn’t serviced him in months, and it felt good having his balls licked. Robert knew he wasn’t packing a heavy load, but the way she was sucking his dick—head first, then shaft, then back again—made him feel as if he had the biggest cock in town. Robert put his glass down, and clenched the sides of the table. He was on the verge of cumming, and braced himself, as he exploded down her throat.

“How did you like your appetizer?” she asked, emerging from
underneath the table, and wiping the corners of her mouth with a napkin.

BOOK: Betrayal
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