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Authors: Velvet

Betrayal (21 page)

BOOK: Betrayal
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“Wow! What a story. What are you going to do now that you know?”

“I’m going to confront them and find out exactly what happened. My memory is still a little fuzzy, and I want to know the entire truth.” He put the snifter on the table, and dropped his head into his hands.

Michele could hear him sniffling. She got up, sat next to him on the sofa, and put her arm around his shoulders. “It’s going to be okay,” she whispered, as she rubbed her hand across his back.

Preston’s sniffles turned into loud wailing. He burrowed his head into Michele’s chest, and began crying like a baby.

Michele rocked him back and forth, all the while smiling a sly smile of victory. She continued rubbing his back until his wailing turned into whimpers. She held on to him until he cried himself to sleep.

Once she heard him snoring lightly twenty minutes later, she un-snapped her bra with one hand, and took it off underneath her dress. His head had fallen into her lap, but she gently lifted it up, and positioned his mouth near her chest. His mouth was agape, so she held on to her titty and tried to slip it into his mouth. Preston didn’t respond. “Damn,” she whispered. Michele didn’t want to be too forceful, but she wanted him to react like any warm-blooded male. She thought for a second, and then took a chance.

Michele began kneading the soft flesh between his legs. His dick felt like mush, but she kept working her fingers until she felt him come to life. Before he reached a full erection, she stopped and pretended to be asleep.

Though he was asleep, Preston felt a wonderful sensation between his legs. He thought he was dreaming, but it felt so real. He opened his eyes, and was surprised to see Michele’s cloth-covered tit near his mouth.
What the hell is going on?
he thought. He looked up at her and she was asleep. Her arms were clenched around his shoulders, and he couldn’t move without waking her. He felt awkward, so he laid there for a second trying to figure out what to do. He then moved his head away from her breast. He looked down into his crotch and saw that he had a full-blown erection. His dick was throbbing badly, and he needed to release the tension, so he slowly reached into his pants and began to stroke himself. Preston looked up at Michele to make sure that she was still asleep, and she was—or so he thought.

Michele began watching his every move, and getting turned on by the second. She knew that Preston was trying to be discreet, and she was trying to figure out how she could join him without him shying away from her.
Actions are better than words
, she thought. Michele released Preston from her embrace. She covered his hand with hers, and before he could protest, she quickly unzipped his pants and took out his cock. Michele nearly gasped; his dick was bigger than Trey’s and twice as thick. She dropped between his legs and began feasting on his erection.

Preston wanted to protest, but he wasn’t thinking clearly. The betrayal of his wife and son had his mind reeling. Thoughts of revenge kept entering his head, and what better way to get back at them than to fuck Michele. His reasoning was irrational, but he didn’t care. He wanted to soothe his wounded heart, and if screwing another woman would ease his pain, then so be it.

He grabbed her by the hair and pushed her farther down on his cock. Michele had a deep throat, and didn’t gag. She just sucked harder and harder.

She could feel that he was on the verge of cumming, so she stopped. She got up and slipped out of her gown and underwear. She wanted Preston to see her arsenal up close and personal. She knew that once he got a glimpse of her rack, he would want more than just a blow job.

Preston was rendered speechless. Her breasts looked better than he thought. They were big and round with just the right amount of sag. Her nipples were firm and thick, like they were made for sucking. He rubbed the shaft of his penis up and down as he watched Michele undress. Standing in front of him with nothing on but her shoes, she looked like a porn star. Her body was perfect and he wanted a taste.

Michele saw the lustful way in which Preston stared, and knew that she had him exactly where she wanted him. She smoothed one hand over her nipples, and slipped the other hand between her legs and into her vagina. She took her fingers out, and stuck them into his mouth so that he could taste her juices.

“Hmm,” he moaned as he sucked her fingers.

Michele pulled his pants legs, indicating that she wanted him to take them off, and he did. She then straddled him, sitting directly on his humongous cock. She bent her knees, and put her feet on the sofa so that her pussy lips opened wide, covering his cock. She then began to bounce up and down.

Preston watched her breasts move freely, and all he could think about was fucking her. He stuck his fingers in her ass, and she didn’t object. He worked her ass until it was loose. He then got up and flipped her facedown on the sofa. He pulled her ass close to him. He then took the head of his dick and slowly replaced his fingers. He worked his cock slowly into her ass.

“Ohhh, baby,” she purred.

Preston expertly worked his cock until he was all the way in her back door, and then began moving his pelvis around and around in a circular motion, until she started bucking back against him.

Michele had only had anal sex a few times in her life, and had never really enjoyed it. But the way Preston was feeding his dick into her made her more aroused than she had ever been before. His dick
was hitting so many nerve endings that she didn’t know whether to cry out in pain, or scream in sheer pleasure. So she did both. “Ohhh … that hurts … sooo …
she shouted.

Preston’s eyes were closed. He was in a zone. Ariel had never let him butt fuck her, and this was a treat. He grabbed Michele’s hips, and pulled her closer and closer until he felt his balls slapping against her ass. He then reached around with both hands and grabbed her nipples.

“Oooohhh!” she screamed out, as he pulled her nipples so hard that she thought he was going to rip them off.

Preston heard her pain, and eased out of her ass. He turned her over, and began gently sucking her breasts, like he was trying to soothe them. “Is that better?” he moaned between sucks.

“Yes, but my pussy’s getting jealous.”

Preston didn’t say another word, just eased down between her legs, and began feasting. He had his tongue and hand so deep into her canal that she began to squirt cum. “Yes, baby, that’s it; cum for me.”

Michele wiggled against his touch and came like a wild woman. No man had ever made her squirt before, and her body jerked back and forth from the sensation.

Preston then took his dick and entered her. She was so wet that his cock slipped right in. He fucked with such force that they both fell off the sofa, but he didn’t stop. He humped and pumped until they were both bathed in sweat. Her pussy was clenching his dick, and he couldn’t control himself. He came with such force that he thought his cum was going to shoot out through her nose. After they came, he turned her over to her side, spooned her right there on the imported rug, and drifted off into a lust-induced sleep.


still in New York. She should have been back in D.C. a few days ago, but couldn’t pry herself away from BD2. The sister club to the Black Door was on fire. The energy of the club was palpable, and the sexual tension was contagious. The moment she entered the gated freight elevator, she could feel her body temperature increase a few degrees in anticipation of the possibilities that lay ahead. During her last visit, she had spent the entire evening in the Between the Sheets chamber with a beautiful young woman named Christy; now she was back for more.

She walked right past the greeter. She preferred not to be teased by the brawny doorman. She wanted to be teased
pleased, so she went directly into Between the Sheets, looking for her lady love. But her intended target wasn’t there.

“Did you want to change into a sheet?” asked the young Hispanic server approaching her. The last time she was there, he greeted her at the door and offered her a satin toga. This time, she walked into the room so fast that she brushed right past him in an effort to find the woman in the purple mask.

“No, thank you.” She looked around the room again, and then decided to ask him. “Have you seen Christy?”

He looked shocked that she knew the name of the new female server, since most servers didn’t exchange names with clients. “Uh, she was here earlier and mentioned that she was going to the mani-pedi suite.”

“And where is that?” She wasn’t as familiar with BD2 as she was with the original club.

“Make a right when you leave this chamber; go down the hall, make a left, and it’s the third door on the right. You can’t miss the frosted aqua door.”

She did as instructed and sauntered down the hallway until she found a beautifully frosted glass door. She pushed the door open and stepped inside. She expected to see people fucking and sucking like in some of the other chambers. Unlike the Between the Sheets chamber, which was dimly lit, with gyrating bodies everywhere, this chamber was serene and tranquil, like a spa. The walls were painted a soothing sea-foam blue. On the far wall, there was an oversized waterfall, and the sound of the flowing water brought to mind waves lapping softly on a sandy beach. A recording of a Japanese koto was playing gently in the background, adding another layer of ambiance to the atmosphere. She was taken aback. She didn’t expect this chamber to feel so Zen-like. The last thing she wanted was to calm down. Her adrenaline was pumping and she wanted sex, not a relaxing rubdown.

I’ve got to get out of here before I fall asleep
. Just as she reached for the doorknob, a woman appeared from behind a glass-brick wall.

“Leaving so soon?”

She turned around, and faced a woman who was dressed as a geisha, with white facial paint, bright red lips, dramatic black eyebrows, and an elaborate headdress. Her kimono was a vibrant combination of plum, tangerine, and cherry, with gold flecks. Her outfit was complete even down to her feet. She wore the traditional
white socks, and wooden
clogs. “Yes. I was looking for someone, but I don’t see her.”

“And how do you know that person is not here?” the geisha asked,
in a soft tone. “Please come with me.” She fanned her arm out, welcoming the new guest. “I promise you won’t be disappointed.”

She was intrigued, and followed the geisha. Behind the glass block wall was a short hallway with two doors on each side. The geisha opened one of the doors, led her inside, and then walked out, closing the door behind her.

The room was just as tranquil as the outer lobby, except the lighting was softer. The only piece of furniture was a white leather pedicure chair perched on a platform. She stood there for a few seconds, not knowing what to do. She leaned on the edge of the chair, and folded her arms.
If Ms. Geisha doesn’t come back soon, I’m leaving

Just as she was ready to make her exit, the door opened. “Going somewhere?”

“Not anymore. I’ve been looking all over for you,” she said, uncrossing her arms.

Christy walked into the room and closed the door. “So I’ve heard.” She smiled.

“How did you know I was in here?”

“The reception area is equipped with cameras, and I saw you on the monitor. I told Ginger to bring you back.”

“Who’s Ginger?”

“She’s the geisha, and a good friend of mine.”

She looked at Christy’s outfit. “And where’s your geisha ensemble?” Christy wore a short white silk sheath with nothing on underneath, a pair of Lucite wedges, and her purple half-mask.

“I’m not a geisha. They just hired Ginger to add a new element to the manipedi suite. I don’t usually work this area. I was in the back taking a break, then I saw you on the monitor, and …”

“And what?”

“And I wanted to see you again. I enjoyed the last time, and thought we could have a little more fun tonight,” Christy said, walking a little closer.

“I thought so too, but …” She looked down at Christy’s crotch. “Where’s your strap-on?” She had enjoyed the fake dick and wanted more. She was disappointed when she didn’t see the massive dildo.

“Trust me, I don’t need it tonight, I’ve got other skills,” she said with a devilish grin. “Get in the chair.”

She looked at Christy oddly. “Why do you want me to sit down? I thought we’d go back to Between the Sheets since we enjoyed ourselves there last time.”

“It’s too crowded in there tonight. Let’s try something new. Now get in the chair.”

“Oh, okay,” she said skeptically and climbed the three short steps. As she was ready to sit down, she noticed that there was a hole in the seat of the chair, and hesitated.

“Go ahead and sit down,” Christy instructed.

She sat in the unique doughnut-looking chair, with her ass out. She didn’t have on any underwear and could feel air hitting her vulva. She watched Christy squat underneath the chair, and seconds later, felt Christy’s tongue tickling the hood of her clit. She now understood why the chair had a hole in the seat.

Christy took her fingers and parted the rose folds of her lover’s pussy, and then stuck her tongue deep into the moist cuntal orifice. She then trailed her tongue from the tip of her lover’s clit to her sphincter, and back again. She sucked and licked and sucked and licked until her lover was moaning in ecstasy. “You like the special chair?”

BOOK: Betrayal
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