Betrayal (44 page)

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Authors: Mayandree Michel

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Betrayal
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“Ugh!” Bethany screamed. “I’m thoroughly disgusted with you. The vision was only of you ascending from her house, and nothing else. ”

“That’s because there is nothing more.”

“May I remind you that she is panthoras. If she had shifted, she could have had the advantage. You took an unnecessary risk. She would not have known she had killed you until she was human again.” Bethany explained. I wasn’t so sure that Bethany’s angst was only motivated by Nikolas speaking to Sacha and the threat against the family. Bethany may be fearing what Sacha may disclose to Nikolas about his beloved.

“First of all, Sacha would never have had the advantage. I’m a lot stronger than I look.” Nikolas’ soft chuckle cut through the air. “She would never have had an advantage over me. My strength is ten times her strength – which she only has after she has shifted. Therefore, I thank you for the vote of confidence. Besides, she was drunk. There wasn’t a chance of her transforming into a panther.” Nikolas paused to gulp something, and I shuddered just hearing Nikolas’ reference of Sacha shifting into that huge black panther.

“Secondly, it had nothing to do with Sacha’s attempted attack on Cordelia and yourself.” Another gulp. “And lastly, I didn't pay her a visit. I just took her to her home. It was an entirely different matter.” Nikolas added, in a controlled and low voice that I had to really strain to hear.

“And what entirely different matter may I ask was Sacha privy too?”

“You know that I was on my way to meet with Matthias, at his saloon, to discuss the death of his beloved, Driella. I ran into Sacha on my way into the saloon.”


“If you will let me finish,” Nikolas snapped.

“Please do,” Bethany sighed.

“As I was saying, I was on my way into the Bucket o’ Blood, and Sacha stumbled out of the saloon and practically fell on top of me as I was about to enter.” Nikolas sighed heavily. “Sacha was rambling. She wasn’t making very much sense. Then she realized that it was me.” Nikolas paused.

“Go on,” Bethany prodded.

“She began to fight me, but was too inebriated to even mount her horse. I saw an opportunity therefore, I transported her to her house. There, I gave her a warning. I told her that she will end up dead if she continues to follow Victor's commands. I told her that this was her chance to defect. She broke down and admitted to being under some sort of spell by Victor.” Nikolas concluded.

“I handled the situation. Neither Cordelia nor I was hurt. I don’t see why you felt it necessary to escort her to her home. She can take care of herself,”

Bethany said, raising her voice slightly. She seemed beside herself with anger.

Wanting to see as well as hear, I went beyond eavesdropping, and took the position of a peepingtom. I crouched down low enough to comfortably peer through the keyhole. I could see Nikolas pacing, disappearing every so often as he went too far to the left or right of my view from my peephole.

Bethany stood in the center of the room with her back towards the doors. I could only see her expressions when she turned either left or right to follow Nikolas’ pacing. I prayed that I didn’t get caught snooping. It would be utterly embarrassing, yet the thought of that happening wasn’t mortifying enough to get me up from where I knelt. I didn't move an inch away from the doors. I was barely breathing as I anticipated what would be said next.

“Why are her reasons of devotion to Victor now your concern? She is the enemy whether she is the leader or working for him. I don't care if she is miserable. Her dilemmas are not yours. You are to stay away from her, Nikolas.” Bethany demanded, and was on the verge of screaming.

“You have no reason to be jealous, Bethany?” Nikolas assured.

“JEALOUS?” Bethany screamed, as she clenched her fists. This was going to be bad, I thought.

“Indeed.” Nikolas confirmed, no longer pacing, now face to face with Bethany, and facing his bedroom doors. I hoped he couldn’t see my peeping eye taking in the dramatic lover's quarrel.

“I have no reason to be jealous of Sacha, and I’m not. I’m looking out for this family. I wish you would do the same.” Bethany said, now sounding like she was in tears.

“Look.” Nikolas said, as the lights in the room suddenly went out, transforming the room into a modern day cinema atmosphere, as a mirage emerged, and played on the wall directly across from the doors I knelt behind. Bethany and Nikolas stood side by side, but at the left of the mirage, allowing me a camera man's view.

The image of the main street was dim, lit only by the incandescent gaslights. I was looking at the entrance to the rowdy Bucket o’ Blood saloon, still famous in the future due to the rumors surrounding a nocturnal outlaw who built it around this time. Trickling out from the saloon, was loud ragtime music, lively laughter, and sudden growls from men either winning or losing their hand in whatever card game they were playing.

I watched as a tall guy dressed in a suit, with long dark hair tied in a ponytail, made his way to the front doors of the saloon. It was Nikolas. As he was about to enter the tavern, Sacha, scantily dressed in a black lace trimmed red dress, revealing too much cleavage and not enough modesty, stumbled out, nearly knocking Nikolas down. Nikolas looked as if he were carrying her. He put her down as she looked up at him, and then began swearing.

Apparently, she was drunker than a sailor on his last night before heading out to sea. She called him a murderer, I think. She was loud, and her words slurred so much that it was difficult to make out a single word, let alone an entire sentence.

Several of the town folk stood by laughing as this strange spectacle drew unwanted attention for Nikolas. Like a flip of a switch, Sacha began crying and explaining to Nikolas as to why she hated Bethany and me. She went on for a moment about how we thought we were better than she was, and that we’re trying to take the only boy she’s ever loved away from her. I watched Bethany’s reaction carefully. Since knowing her secret, I could detect the fear that was slowly enveloping her. She feared Sacha saying too much.

“That’s enough Nikolas, I’ve seen enough.” The anxiety in Bethany’s voice surprised Nikolas.

“No, you wanted to know what happened. I’m showing you. Now watch.”

By now the crowd had grown bored, waved her off, and had begun retreating back into the saloon. Nikolas stood on the wooden planked side walk alone with Sacha. Evidently, no one seemed to care if a girl like Sacha wept in the street. While Sacha knelt on the sidewalk with her hands covering her face as she cried, Nikolas noticed that there was no one around – no one to witness a display of power.

Nikolas snatched her up, and they disappeared into a haze of sparkling pixie like dust, and then suddenly reappeared in her parlor. I recognized the room immediately. It was the same masculine looking parlor that I had seen when Nikolas revealed what had happened to Lucas.

“Where is your twin?” Nikolas asked as he laid Sacha down on the leather sofa.

“He’s at… Riley’s… saloon.” Sacha’s normal drawl was slurred. “Please... help... me... Nikolas. I’m not... evil. I... don't wish... to live... this way”

Nikolas turned to walk away, and then stopped abruptly. “If you continue to associate yourself with Victor, then you will certainly die, sooner than later.”

“I... I know this.” Sacha said, in an inaudible whimper. “I... deserve to die... but I... don't want to.”

“You can leave Victor anytime you want,” Nikolas said, a bit agitated. Perhaps he wasn't buying Sacha's desperate act, or was it that he was not comfortable being there since Sacha was known to be a liar. I’m sure the thought of Lucas returning to his home with a few more disciples had crossed Nikolas’ mind. Even if Lucas returned alone, as a centaur, Nikolas would be outnumbered by one too many panthers.

“That's not true. He will kill me and… Lucas if I… leave him. Please help me.” Sacha blubbered, attempting to sit up. The cap sleeves of her dress falling somewhat seductively. Nikolas noticed, and once again began to turn away.

“Why would I help you?”

“I don’t… know… why you would. I’ve hurt… a lot of people… mortals mostly. I just wish that you would.” Sacha stood up, and walked towards Nikolas, a bit wobbly in her steps. “You can protect me.” She said, throwing her arms around his neck as she plunged her head into his chest. She tried to reach up, pursing her lips to kiss him, her hazel eyes possibly alluring although clouded with alcohol. Bethany flinched, but kept her eyes pasted to the mirage. “I’ll tell you where Victor hides. We can make a deal.”

Nikolas rebuffed her advances instantly, and threw her back on the sofa in one quick movement. She landed on her stomach with her face against the arm of the sofa. Slowly, Sacha raised herself off of the sofa, but only to fall on the floor with her head just a foot away from the steel toe of Nikolas’ boot.

“You owe me.” She pleaded grabbing at Nikolas’ ankles as he stepped back, naturally, and kicked her just hard enough to get her to free his legs.

“Owe you?” Nikolas said, sounding incredulous.

“You killed my brother, and left him for dead. Had I not found his heart in the cinders, he would still be dead.”

Nikolas was getting angry, but wasn't leaving. “Your brother got what he deserved. He would have done the same to Evander and I, if he were strong enough. His demise was and still is inevitable, as is yours.” I braced myself for Sacha's next words in response to Nikolas’ lack of remorse. It's not that I thought he should be. I just knew it would strike a nerve, and the evil Sacha would make an appearance.

“I know...” I was astounded with Sacha’s agreeable response. “Lucas has done some... unforgivable… things. He knew that someday... he would die. He was... bad... that way because he was… hurting… deep inside… where no one… could reach to soothe… the pain. Not even… me.” She stammered as she labored to stand up.

“Your brother makes calculated decisions the same way you have. What makes you any different from him? You are two sides of the same coin. I’d kill him again if given the opportunity.”

“How dare you.” Sacha cried out, and tried to lunge at Nikolas, but ended up face down on the floor, again.

“There she is. I was wondering when the real Sacha Hayden was going to show up.” Nikolas chuckled, and turned to leave again.

“NO! Please help me, please. I promise… I will tell you… where Victor…hides. But… only if you,… protect me… and Lucas.”

“What is this? Buy one and get the second for double the aggravation.” Nikolas laughed again, but this time it came out like a roar.

Sacha stood up again, and stumbled close to where Nikolas stood. “I'm not... a bad person. I've just done... some... bad... things. Deep down... to…to…

my soul... I didn't want to. When I was younger... I did whatever Lucas did. He’s my twin and… all I loved and... had. Now I do what I'm told.” Tears ran down Sacha's face all over again followed by sobs. Bethany sighed in exhaustion, yet kept watching. I was as enthralled with this spectacle as she was.

“Lucas, my only twin brother.... gave me to Victor so that he could have power. It was his... payment. He sold me. Victor... owns me and...

tortures me if I don't do... as he demands. I don't want to spend… the rest of my life... as Victor's... slave or as a saloon... girl… at the mercy of a paying man like my…my… mother was.” More sobs.

“I am... begging you.... I will be dead before I turn nineteen if you don’t help me.” She looked so frail standing in the center of the room with her arms crossed over her stomach as if she were in extreme pain. “You are the only one who can help me. Please.... say you will.” Both Bethany and I held our breath as we waited to see what happened next. Nikolas looked at Sacha, and took a deep breath.

“If I help you, I will be breaking the laws of the Ischeros.” I heard Bethany gasp, and turn her head to stare at Nikolas. He ignored her. Surprisingly, Bethany said nothing, and turned her gaze back to the mirage.

“Your loyalty to your family is... commendable... but I always… believed that the Ischeros… fought for the good... and the exploited.” Sacha reminded Nikolas with minimal slurring. “I know that Victor's parents killed... I know what Victor’s parents did to your... parents, and I’m deeply sorry.” Nikolas tensed up, and became rigid with the mention of his parents. He looked enraged. “All I ask is that you don't... punish me for how he, and his family have hurt you.” Sacha said dropping to her knees as if she were about to go into prayer. I doubt if she even knew how to pray.

“This discussion is over.” Nikolas practically growled. I took a quick peek behind me, and saw that there wasn’t a sign of anyone. I continued to peep through the keyhole.

“Nikolas,” Sacha whispered as Nikolas disappeared, leaving more sparkling pixie dust in the air.

Sacha crumpled to the floor in a heaving lump, and cried hysterically as the mirage dissipated into the stripe patterned wallpapered wall, and the oil lamps magically turned back on, and her image was gone. I observed the body language between Bethany and Nikolas closely. Nikolas had proved that he was a hundred percent loyal to the family, and even more so to Bethany. I watched Bethany stare at the wall. Nikolas moved away from her, and walked over to the mantle of the fireplace where he lit a cigar, and then refilled his glass with a coppery colored liquid. He took a few puffs from the cigar – I could already smell its stale distinctive odor wafting up from beneath the door, and into my nostrils.

“Are you satisfied?” Nikolas’ voice was laced with vexation. At first Bethany didn't answer. She looked poised, forever in control of herself, and turned to Nikolas. Her face was beautiful, calm, and vulnerable. She had certainly seen enough. The facts were in, and her secret was still a secret, and Nikolas was a gentleman. Now she was apparently embarrassed by her recent ranting. She had practically accused Nikolas of betraying her and the family – his family. She had been wrong, and she knew it. Nikolas turned away, and didn't bother to wait for her answer.

“I would like to be alone.” Nikolas' tone was once again as cold as ice with no chance of thawing on the horizon. Bethany had thoroughly pissed him off.

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