Betrayal (20 page)

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Authors: Mayandree Michel

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Betrayal
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Thaddeus’ voice stole my attention from Evan. “The Iptian family became weak with their lust for power. They’ve always had an appetite for it, and began murdering the other members so that they could reign in power, and have supreme control. I must admit that the desire for so much can be appealing, why even tempting.” Thaddeus shocked me by his admission of craving power. “Yet it is ultimately destructive, and will always end in evil exploits that cannot be reversed, and will indeed bring on attacks from the Apolluon, as it has for years.” Thaddeus paused, but only for a moment.

The story of Victor’s family sounded a bit biased, but I had no choice but to believe it after seeing Victor up close and personal. I don’t think I could ever forget the vehemence in his eyes.

“Victor’s ancestors, live in Victor. He thrives off of avenging them. He has proven to stop at nothing, and has grown in power that only you can exceed, Cordelia.” Thaddeus paused and cleared his throat, gently running his fingers through his graying goatee. My approval to continue was suddenly needed, so with a short nod, I granted it, even though I had a feeling that my nod might have been interpreted as an acceptance to the duty of getting rid of Victor.

“Your parents lived to protect you. It’s not only because you were their daughter. They were great contributors to our kind. They knew with your survival we would all survive any attack from the Apolluon. They understood your purpose. They realized that you are our life source.”

Life source?

“Does that mean that I can give life or does it mean that if I die, then you all die?” I asked, as I played unconsciously with my napkin.

“Both” They all four answered simultaneously.

“Oh…” I uttered. I knew that they all had detected the quiver in my voice.

“Victor is aware of this as well.” Nikolas added.

Great, I thought. That just makes me all the more popular. I needed something to calm my erratic nerves so I grabbed my nearly full glass of red wine. I gulp it in three swallows. My hand trembled as I placed the wine glass back onto the table. They all tried not to stare at me. They knew that I was on the verge of freaking out. The room was quiet for a moment – too quiet. For once I actually wanted to hear Thaddeus’ voice break up the awkward pause. I could hear the warm breeze waft into the dining room from the large windows behind us. I closed my eyes, and said a prayer that when I opened them again that I would be back home – in the future, in my bedroom listening to my IPod. A second or two more…

I lifted my eyelids very slowly as if they weighed a hundred pounds between them. So much for powers, I thought. Nikolas gave me an odd look and gestured for me to hand him my wine glass, so that he could replenish it with the bitter wine. I shook my head telling him no. He smiled and filled his own then Bethany’s. I fixed my eyes on Evan. He winked at me. I guess his mind was back in this room again, and not far off somewhere, brooding.

Thaddeus cleared his throat once again. “Everyone expected that Victor had perished along with his family. You see, no one, no Ischero knew of Victor's existence. Therefore, we were unprepared. His family may have failed to educate him about the Apolluon, since their banishment took place when he was at a very young age but his family made him quite aware of your importance.”

“I believe that he does know about the Apolluon?” I said.

“Tell me why.” Thaddeus demanded obviously intrigued.

“When Victor tried to attack me after I was killed in the car accident, the shadows, The Apolluon, crept up and stood over him. They took the shape of monsters. The expression on Victor’s face became fearful. Almost as quickly as the shadows showed up, Victor grew wings, and flew into the sky and disappeared.” I had everyone’s attention with my little interjection.

“Appalling!” Thaddeus exclaimed. “It only proves how callous Victor really is. He knows what the Apolluon are capable of, and yet he doesn’t give a damn as to those creatures becoming aware of our location. They can devour him as well. Hades works alone. Hades protects no one. We are, once again, in grave danger as we were when his family was alive.” He stopped long enough to glare at Evan. Evan didn’t miss a beat and glared right back at his father. Then Thaddeus stood up and began pacing the floor surrounding the dining table.

“Victor has been busy since his unexpected arrival in Nickel City,” Thaddeus said. “He has built an army, although small now but steadily growing.

His disciples, as he calls them; I prefer gang of bandits and murderers, have been gifted with secondary power through him. They are powerful as long as he is. They make him stronger by number, yet weaker alone. He needs our power, a higher commanding family’s power, in order to rebuild the strength he has lost in building his legion.” Thaddeus practically growled with indignation. His tone sounded as if a small monster had been aroused somewhere deep in his chest.

“Since Victor’s arrival in Nickel City, he has declared himself emperor and is stronger than he has ever been. You see Cordelia, there has been quite a bit of bloodshed while you’ve been… away. We've tried to keep him at bay, but they have followed his trail. The death toll has risen considerably and it is time to liberate this town, the world of his evil. With more bloodshed, he will draw the Apolluon, and they will begin a war that will not end.

They will kill Ischeros as well as mortals. We know that the Apolluon are near because of the attacks that have left the mortals baffled and in fear.”

“Do the town’s people believe that there are vampires? I mean monsters in Nickel City?”

“Seeing has been deemed proof enough, my child. They’re discovering ravaged, blood drained corpses allover our forests, and our neighboring town, Bedwyn City. Some bodies have been discarded further than the Bergnum Railroad can take these mortals. All found with punctured necks and limbs. It can be none other than The Apolluon vampires.” Thaddeus said.

“Couldn’t it be Victor’s disciples?” I asked, not wanting to believe that vampires really exist.

“No…it’s definitely not their handy work. They are into savagely beating, maiming, and straight forward murder. ” Nikolas answered crossing his arms across his barrel of a chest.

“Before you departed for the future,” Thaddeus said, making it sound as though I had gotten on a plane. “Your abilities were at an immature state, not fully realized, therefore we could not risk Victor's next attack. We were certain his next attack would be on you.” Thaddeus stopped pacing, and sat in the chair opposite mine, directly opposite Evan. He spoke to me but looked at Evan.

“Victor, like his father, Malcolm Iptian, has never been of the patient kind. Why not go after Evan, or Bethany, or myself?” Thaddeus asked as he prepared to answer the question himself but Evan interrupted.

“Yes, why not go after you?” Evan said, and seemed to direct the question at his father, almost as if he were implying that Victor should, and then paused for a split second. Bethany and Nikolas appeared to be a bit nervous. Bethany played with her dinner napkin while Nikolas got up, sauntered over to the side bar and fixed himself a drink, while eyeing Evan and Thaddeus cautiously.

“No, he'd rather kill off the source, you, Cordelia, before you’re at the height of unparalleled power,” Evan said, practically groaned glaring at his father whom returned a silencing glare.

I had no idea what was going on between Evan and his long winded father, but it was obvious that they had some issues. Evan held his father’s gaze, unwavering. My attention was quickly summoned by Thaddeus once again. Thaddeus sighed heavily, turning his angry stare into a softer one as he turned to look at me.

“Therefore, my dear, you were transported to a time where we figured Victor Iptian would never find you. As a safety provision, Bethany and Nikolas followed. Evander stayed behind in order to lead the members in tracking Victor and his disciple’s movements. We expected that he would be searching every inch of the earth for you. We had hoped that we could destroy him then bring you back safely. We certainly had not foreseen him jumping time.” Did I detect a bit of amusement in Thaddeus’ voice? His cerulean blue eyes twinkled like the crystal vases on the dining room table.

“We tried, unsuccessfully, to discover Victors hiding places. All of his dwellings are secluded, and rumored to change as quickly as the weather.”

Evan said.

“Therefore, unable to execute the plan to terminate him. Somehow, he still eludes our efforts.” Thaddeus added as he glowered at Evan. Evan, with smoldering cheeks, looked away then down at his hands, which were in his lap.

“Our lack of success is what kept you in the future longer than we had anticipated. We still have no idea how he found you. We know that finding you was not a fortuitous act on his part. We will find out who advised him of your whereabouts.” Thaddeus appeared to be tired with eyes drooping every so often.

“He may have shrouded himself this time, that evasive bastard, a genuine coward at heart, but we’ll flush him out soon enough.” Nikolas commented.

“We will capture him, Father.” Bethany added.

I wondered why they all spoke as if it were up to us to capture Victor. We’re just kids, not even legal yet. Well not Bethany and I. But still, why wasn’t Thaddeus out there flipping over rocks looking for that snake, himself? He had better start because from the sound of it, I was a goner.

“Hopefully,” Thaddeus sympathized. “Before the Apolluon discover us first. The integral part in finding and destroying Victor is you, Cordelia, regaining and mastering your power.” Thaddeus bluntly advised. His sleepy eyes pierced right through me. It was he and not his words that left me feeling uncomfortable. “It is best that Cordelia remain in this house until her power is restored. She is safe here.” Thaddeus suggested firmly.

It was more of a command than a precautionary suggestion. But he was dead wrong. I wasn’t safe here at all. Victor had already paid me an unexpected visit. I unconsciously rubbed the spots on my shoulders where he had pierced until I bled. I didn’t want to stay in this house.

I observed Evan, Bethany and Nikolas suspiciously. They all three looked at me as if they prayed that I wouldn’t let the cat out of the bag. I was tempted to, but I kept my mouth shut. Bethany had said that they had the situation under control. I hoped for my life that she was telling the truth, because the thought of having to stay in this house made my stomach sour. If I didn’t get out of this house soon I was sure to suffocate. Why I couldn’t stay in the house I had grew up in? I didn’t dare ask Thaddeus this. I planned to ask Bethany or Evan instead.

I turned my eyes away from Thaddeus and looked at my right hand which rested on the table. It was shaking. I was trembling from head to toe –

all brought on by what I was hearing. I caught Evan watching me again. Evan noticed everything. Evan cupped my hand, and again I pulled away. I didn’t care much for his attempt at consoling me. Thaddeus saw how I rejected his son and exchanged an odd look with Evan, a questioning look. I had to ask the question that had been on my mind since Thaddeus had first begun speaking of the gods and the doom that seemed inevitable for the Ischeros.

“Since Zeus is the god of the sky and the ruler of all mankind, why doesn’t he stop Victor and the Apolluon? Doesn’t he care what may happen to us? Don’t any of the gods care?”

“Those are all good questions, my dear.” Thaddeus remarked but didn’t answer.

Evan sat up suddenly and said, “It’s not that Zeus, or the rest of the gods haven’t any concerns. They have fortified us with great power and wisdom, so that we can live without their intrusion. Zeus will not interfere or allow the other gods to fight a war which we can handle, nor will he war with Hades. Zeus will not be culpable for the destruction to the entire world that a war with Hades would bring.”

“I see.” I said, but I didn’t. It seemed so cruel to watch your descendants being hunted. I wondered if the gods were just sitting on Mt. Olympus laughing all the while.

“I shall retire now. Cordelia, I expect that after all the events of the day that you will sleep well. This information is not meant to be onerous.”

Thaddeus sighed, a long and tired kind of sigh, and got up so slowly from his chair. He looked as if he were to take another step; he would fall into a deep sleep on the fringed rug.

I was relieved to see him go. I was overwhelmed and petrified of what my life would be like now. How can I live up to their expectations if I don’t have an inkling as to when I will remember any of this? There was a sudden uncomfortable silence in the room – a chill to be exact. Everyone seemed tense. I fingered my medallion, I guess out of nervousness, feeling its icy coolness. It soothed me almost immediately.

Suddenly, one of the rose filled crystal vases jumped up from the table, and sailed across the room at the speed of a blink, crashing loudly against the molding of the archway, which Thaddeus had just walked through.


Double Headed Coin

The crash happened so fast that I nearly vaulted out of my seat, as did Bethany and Nikolas. The beautiful, velvety, water dotted, roses scattered onto the wood floor just as the water from the smashed vase began to seep through the area rug. The tension in the air had intensified. Both Nikolas and Bethany glared at Evan, whose eyes were blood red. Evan leaned back in his chair, his chest heaving. Then as quickly as his eyes were blazing, they returned to their natural penetrating azure. I calmed along with him although, I was taken aback by his actions. I tried like hell not to convey my uneasiness. Nikolas and Bethany appeared somewhat stupefied, if only for a moment.

“Don’t be upset with him Evan. He feels helpless. He wants this thing with Victor to end.” The equanimity of Bethany’s voice was soothing.

“Father is this way because he can no longer do what we are capable of.” What Bethany just revealed hit me like a thud.

“Is Thaddeus powerless?” I asked. I couldn’t conceal my curiosity after listening to him for over an hour. The man had scared me at several distinct points while he revealed the world of terror surrounding me. It had never occurred to me that he was powerless within this world.

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