Beneath This Man (33 page)

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Authors: Jodi Ellen Malpas

BOOK: Beneath This Man
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He smiles. ‘No, Ava. He didn’t even know about us until yesterday. He hired you because you’re a talented designer. The fact that you’re also stunningly beautiful was an additional benefit. And the fact that I happened to fall in love with you was an even bigger bonus for him.’

‘You exposed yourself.’ I say quietly. If Jesse hadn’t trampled my meeting with Mikael, then he might never have made the connection.

‘I acted on impulse.’ He shrugs. ‘I panicked when I saw his name in your diary. I thought after
you wouldn’t see him again. Anyway, he would have pursued you whether he knew you were mine or not. Like I said, he’s relentless.’

I remember his eyes bulging, his jaw ticking when he spotted my appointment in my diary. It wasn’t because I replaced the damn thing. It was because Mikael’s name was plastered all over it. ‘How do you know? He’s married. Well, was married.’

‘That never stopped him before, Ava.’

‘It hasn’t?’ I thought he was a decent bloke, a gentleman. I couldn’t have been more wrong. I’m in absolute mental meltdown. I can’t possibly work with Mikael now – not after discovering this. For a start, Jesse won’t let me within a mile of the man, and secondly, I don’t want to be anywhere near him, anyway. He wants to purposely hurt Jesse and is intending to use me as a tool to do this. He wants revenge and I’m Jesse’s only weak spot. Oh God, I’m supposed to be meeting him on Monday. This is going to get horribly messy. I want to yell at Jesse for not keeping it in his pants, but then my mind naturally shoots back to the day I discovered The Manor’s true happenings. That nasty creature who was being ejected by John, bawling on about husbands and conscience not getting in Jesse’s way. How many marriages has he broken? How many husbands out there want revenge?

I’m snapped from my unwelcome thoughts when Jesse cups my face with his hand. ‘How did you get here?’

I grin. ‘I distracted your appointed guard.’

His eyes sparkle, his lips twitch. ‘I shall have to sack him. How did you manage that?’

I lose my grin when I consider the repair bill Jesse will be getting. ‘Jesse, he’s sixty, if a day. I disconnected his telephone system so he couldn’t advise you of my escape from your tower in the sky.’

‘Our tower. Disconnected?’ His frown line is light across his forehead.

I bury my face back in his chest. ‘I ripped the wires out.’

‘Oh.’ he says flatly, but I know he’s suppressing a laugh.

‘What are you playing at getting a pensioner to try and keep me indoors?’ I ask accusingly. I could have outrun Clive, even in my heels.

He strokes my hair softy. ‘I didn’t want you to leave.’

‘Well, you should’ve stayed yourself then.’ I pull his shirt out of his trousers and slide my hands up to get my fix of his warm chest. He tightens his hold of me, and I feel his beating heart under my palms. It’s so comforting.

‘I was crazy mad.’ He sighs. ‘You make me crazy mad.’ He kisses my temple and burrows deeply into my hair. I shake my head in dismay. ‘Don’t shake your head at me, lady.’ he says in a stern, muffled voice, which I completely ignore.

‘How’s your hand?’   

‘It would be fine if I didn’t keep smashing it into things.’ he answers dryly.

I wriggle free of his embrace. ‘Let me see.’ I sit up on his lap and he pulls his hand from behind me to rest between our bodies. I gingerly take it. He doesn’t wince, but I flick him a quick glace to check his face isn’t pained.

‘I’m fine.’ he assures me.

‘You smashed the elevator door.’ I say, stroking his recovering fist. It’s in a million pieces and I expected his hand to be too, but it’s not as bad as I thought it would be.

‘I was really mad.’

‘You already told me that. What about the hijacking of my office this afternoon? Where you crazy mad then?’ Perhaps I should disregard his little hissy fit, especially since I’ve just thrown a woman out of his office.

‘Yes, I was,’ He narrows his eyes on me, but then he grins. ‘A bit like you were just now.’

‘I wasn’t mad, Jesse.’ I look at his damaged hand with the pity I feel for the pathetic woman I’ve just evicted from his office. ‘I was marking what’s mine. She wants you. She couldn’t have been more obvious if she’d straddled you and thrust her tits in your face.’ I screw my face up in disgust at her desperation, looking up to find his grin has broken out into a full on, Hollywood worthy beam. This smile is a step up from his one reserved only for women. This smile is reserved only for me. I can’t help the little smile tickling the corners of my mouth. ‘You look very happy with yourself.’

He brushes me away from fussing over his hand. ‘Oh, I am. I like it when you’re all possessive and protective. It tells me you’re crazy in love with me.’

‘I am, even though you are stupidly challenging. And don’t be calling Sarah, sweetie.’ I mock.

He circles our noses and pushes his lips onto mine. ‘I won’t.’

‘You’ve slept with her.’ It’s a statement, not a question. He recoils, his green pools all wide and wary. I roll my eyes. ‘A dabble?’ I ask.

His eyes drop down slightly. ‘Yeah,’ His expression and body language scream uncomfortable. He’s not happy with this line of conversation.

I bloody knew it. Okay, that’s fine. I can cope with this as long as he keeps the hussy at arm’s length – or further. That might be bloody hard when the woman works for him and follows him around like a lost puppy.

‘I just want to say one thing.’ I press. I need to make this clear if I’m ever going to keep company, both socially and professionally, with any men in future, although I’m fully aware that Jesse’s possessive streak is never going to go away completely. ‘It’s all about you.’ I drop a kiss onto his lips to reinforce my declaration.

‘It’s all about me.’ he mumbles against me.

I grin. ‘Good boy.’

He pulls back and runs his fingers down my neck, his eyes full of satisfaction. ‘Why is your hair wet?’

‘I had a shower but didn’t have time to dry my hair. I needed you.’

He smiles mildly. ‘I love you, Ava.’

I rest my cheek on shoulder. ‘I know.’

I’m not kidding myself that this is the air completely cleared. I have a woman scorned to contend with and Jesse’s possessiveness to work on. The latter, I think, will be a lifelong bone of contention, but if Jesse, especially like this, is my compensation, then it’s all worth it. But on top of all that, there’s the huge issue of Mikael and his need for revenge. I can’t even begin to think of how we’re going to deal with that. I know one thing, though. I won’t be working with him anymore. What will Patrick’s reaction be to that?

‘Take the day off work tomorrow.’ His voice is beseeching.

I’ve not even advised Patrick of my afternoon appointment with Mr Ward, but I need a break and a long weekend with Jesse is hard to turn down.  I’ve no appointments and I’m ridiculously up to date with everything else. Patrick owes me a few days in lieu. He won’t mind.

I pull myself away from his chest. ‘Okay.’ I agree.

He frowns, like I’m going to retract my answer or add a
to it. I’m not. I want to take the day off work and spend it with him. Maybe I can pump him full of the re-assurance he needs. I’m not going anywhere with anyone, except him. I’ll text Patrick and clear it. I know he’ll be fine.

‘Really?’ His eyes twinkle as his lips tip at the edges. ‘You’re being very reasonable. That’s not like you.’

My eyes bulge at his comment. I know he knows that
the unreasonable one. He’s playing on it. I don’t bite. ‘I’m ignoring you.’ I grumble.

‘Not for long. I’m taking you home to
tower in the sky. I’ve not been inside you for way too long.’ He stands and props me on my feet. ‘Shall we?’ He cocks his arm out and I link it with mine, my stomach clenching at the prospects awaiting me when we get home.

‘I fancy a bit of rowing.’ I flip casually.

He raises a sardonic eyebrow at me. ‘We’ll row another day, baby. I want to make love.’ he says softly, looking down at me. I smile.

He leads me through the summer room and to the entrance hall. I ignore the disappointed faces of all of the women we pass, all obviously hoping we would be leaving separately. John meets us at the door and gives me his distinguished smile.

‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’ Jesse informs him as he opens the door for me.

‘S’all good.’ He slaps Jesse on the shoulder and walks off in the direction of the bar.

Jesse places his hand in the small of my back to guide me out and as I turn, I catch a glimpse of Sarah standing in the doorway of the bar. She greets John, but her eyes are fixed firmly on me and Jesse leaving The Manor.  She is watching intently and there is no mistaking the look of bitterness on her pouty face. I predict handbags at dawn. She looks like a woman who gets what she wants. My bitchy side races to the surface, and I silently dare her to try, tossing her a warning look. I ignore the little part of my brain advising me that I’m preparing myself for a trampling mission. My neurotic Lord is rubbing off on me.

‘Leave your car, we’ll get it tomorrow.’ he says as he opens the passenger door to his Aston Martin.

‘I may as well drive it back now.’ I’m here, it would be silly not to.

He narrows his eyes on me and thrusts his hand towards the passenger seat of his car. I shake my head, but get in. We’ve had enough words for today. I don’t need my car, anyway. He slips in besides me and starts the car.

As we make our way down the long driveway, we pass Sam’s Porsche on its way towards The Manor. I bolt upright in my seat. ‘Hey, there’s Kate!’ I blurt. Sam honks his horn and puts his thumb up to Jesse, and I crane my neck as we pass them. Kate puts a reluctant hand up to me. ‘What’s she doing here?’ I look at Jesse, who keeps his eyes on the road. Oh, good God! ‘She’s a member, isn’t she?’ I ask accusingly.

‘I don’t discuss members. Confidentiality.’ He’s dead pan.

‘So she
a member!’ I shriek. I don’t believe this.

He shrugs and presses a button to open the gates. The little minx! Why hasn’t she told me? Is she here for all things kinky in general, or is she here for Sam specifically? Christ, just when I thought my fiery, red headed friend couldn’t surprise me more. Oh, she has some explaining to do.

Jesse roars off down the road and plays with a few buttons on the steering wheel. The stereo kicks in and I’m surrounded by a distinctive male voice. I recognise it.

‘Who’s this?’ I ask.

He starts tapping the steering wheel. ‘John Legend. You like?’

Oh, I do. I reach over to the steering wheel and Jesse slides his hands down to give me access to the controls. I locate the right one and turn it up more.

‘I’ll take that as a yes.’ He smirks and reaches over to place his hand on my knee. I cover it with mine.

‘Yes, I do.’ I answer. ‘Is your hand okay?’

‘Fine, unravel your knickers, lady.’

‘I need to text Patrick.’

‘Yes, do. I’m looking forward to having you all to myself tomorrow and all weekend.’ He removes his hand from my knee and replaces it on the steering wheel.

I fire a quick text over to Patrick and, as expected, he replies speedily, telling me to have a well-deserved day off.



Chapter 16


We stroll into
hand in hand, and Clive clocks us immediately, giving me a disapproving look. I smile an apology and notice maintenance repairing my handiwork.

‘Mr Ward.’ Clive says cautiously. Is he waiting for a ticking off for letting me escape? I think I might be forced to defend him if Jesse tries to reprimand him. It’s not in his job description to play prison guard.

‘Clive.’ Jesse nods and leads me to the elevator without another word to an obviously apprehensive Clive.

As the doors close, I’m thrust up against the wall, the full length of his body cocooning mine. The powerful throb I’m so familiar with these days drops straight into my groin and has my veins heating immediately. He slips his leg between my thighs and raises it, brushing over my core and, just like that, I’m panting.

‘You’ve upset the concierge.’ he breathes, his lips close to mine, our hot breaths mingling in the small space between our mouths.

‘Damn.’ I force the word out through my strangled breaths, and he crashes his lips to mine, taking them with conviction and purpose, while grinding his beating erection against me. Oh Lord, I want to rip his clothes off, but this most certainly isn’t making love, not that I would even dream of complaining.

‘Why aren’t you wearing a dress?’ he asks irritably, between plunging his tongue in and out urgently.

I’m asking myself the very same question. It would be around my waist by now and he would be inside me. ‘I’m running out of dresses.’ I’ve had nothing cleaned since I’ve been here and most of my clothes are still at Kate’s.

He moans into my mouth. ‘Tomorrow, we buy only dresses.’ He thrusts his hips forward and upwards, colliding with and rubbing against my core.

I sigh in pure, uninhibited pleasure. ‘Tomorrow we buy one dress.’ I reach down between us and unfasten his belt. He breaks away from my lips and rolls his damp forehead over mine, his eyes shining with approval as his lips part. I rub the back of my palm over his trousers, feeling him twitch and jerk beneath my touch while I run a trail across his bottom lip with my tongue. Unzipping him, I reach in to free his raging hard on, then take a firm grip at the base, squeezing lightly.

He closes his eyes tight. ‘Mouth.’ he commands gently.

I’m totally on board. I can’t get enough of him. I’m rampant with need for him to work his magic on me and eradicate all of the day’s crap.

The elevator doors open onto the penthouse foyer and I’m never more relieved that it’s the only lift that comes up to the top floor. I slide my back down the wall until I’m crouched in front of him, but his hot, throbbing cock is not the only thing that has my interest. His angry scar catches my attention immediately. I’ve made a pact with myself to not ask anymore, but I can’t help my curiosity, especially after what John said. I look up at him, finding his arms rigid and braced against the wall above my head, his eyes on me.

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