Bellissimo Fortuna (Beautiful Fortune) (12 page)

Read Bellissimo Fortuna (Beautiful Fortune) Online

Authors: Leigh Ann Lunsford

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Bellissimo Fortuna (Beautiful Fortune)
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“Aha. You have plans for me?”

“Not the kind you think. Just some quality time with my girl.” She’s the one rolling her eyes now. We walk hand in hand towards the pier. I love it here. When I was younger I would stare at the water, wishing and wondering if I could escape this life. There was always something that stopped me from fully committing to that fantasy. When I look over at her, I know it’s her. It’s always been her. We make our way to the gazebo, and I immediately head for the fire pit to light it. I study the way the wind is blowing her hair across her face; the auburn against her pale skin such a contrast, her eyes shining up at the moonlight, and no matter the repercussions; I will always fight. For her. Because of her.

“I love it here. Maybe I’ll start studying here.”

“Not alone. You don’t need to come here unless you know the schedule of shipments, and I’d feel better if you didn’t.”

“I feel closer to you here.” If this is what she needs, I’ll just have to remind the guard not to let her in if other people are here.

“Come over here and play me something by this new obsession of yours.” I lay the blanket I brought down by the fire, and she takes her spot next to me. I want to pull her in my lap, always needing her closer than she is. She starts fiddling with her phone, and a song I’ve never heard comes on. Truth be told, it’s not really my thing. I’m eclectic and like most genres, but this isn’t doing anything for me, but she obviously loves it the way she melts into my side, humming the tune. “What song is this?”

“2Become1.” Ah, I like the sound of that.

“And it’s Jewel?” She nods her head and goes back to being mesmerized by the melody. Silence, conversation, kissing, touching . . . it doesn’t matter because we are here, together, and complete.

I lie back and bring her with me so she is cradled against me, her head on my chest. This is my favorite position with her. We continue to listen to the music, watching the stars and the gentle sounds of the water lapping against the pier.

“I miss this the most.” She doesn’t move her head so I have to strain to hear her soft voice.


“Being able to feel you. Hear your heart and knowing it’s mine. This is what I crave at least a million times a day.”

“Why don’t you ever tell me that? I’d have made more trips home. I would have figured shit out. You acted like you were okay with it.”

“I was
. I didn’t tell you because of this reaction. I just miss it, and yes some days I don’t feel like I’ll make it through without this, but I know I can, and it will all be over soon. Then we can look back and know we survived one of the most trying times in our relationship.”

“This is the most trying time? I was thinking when you had about four sons running around and you were finally pregnant with our daughter. Now imagine how
that will be.”

“Slow your roll, Super Sperm-an. You’re over there talking about multiple kids, and I’m still not deflowered. No pollen has been planted on me, no seed dropped to create more little flowers.”

“Holy shit, Callie. You kill me.” And she does. I’m laughing so hard at her.

“My intact hymen is no laughing matter.” I sober really quickly.

“It’s not a laughing matter. It’s the best fucking gift, other than your heart, you will ever give me. Just one step at a time.” Before she can continue with her warped descriptions of the birds and bees, I silence her mouth with my tongue. I’m so lost in the sensation of her tongue rolling and sliding against mine that I don’t realize she has crawled on top of me and placed her core directly over my dick. I want to give her more than I did at prom.

Gently rolling her back over, I slow the kiss down and then speed it up. It’s all about the build-up and retreat. I slowly unbutton her shirt and let it fall open revealing her pert tits, covered by her bra. When I remove my mouth from hers, the whimper she lets out quickly turns into a moan as my mouth closes around her nipple. The scratchy lace of her bra and the soft skin covering her body is such a contrast I have to remind myself to go slowly, maintain control. Her fingers grapple in my hair, her nails scratching my scalp as she grips harder, and I can’t go slowly. I unbutton her pants and slide my hand inside her underwear. She lets her legs fall to the side, opening up for me.

I find her mouth with mine again, and at the same time, my tongue enters her mouth, my finger enters her pussy. She raises her hips, begging for more, but instead I find her clit with my thumb and apply pressure while moving it in circles. Her hands grip harder in my hair, her tongue thrusting in my mouth, mimicking my finger as her hips ride my hand. Before long, she explodes all over my finger and relaxes against the blanket as I continue kissing her.

“One day, Callie Locati, you are going to rock my world.”

“You, Bronson Agosto, rock my world every day when I wake up and you’re mine.” She sits up to kiss me, “Can we do that again soon?” I groan. She is going to unman me. I watch her fix her clothes and am thankful she has no reservations around me. She shouldn’t . . . she’s beautiful, and I’m one hundred percent in love with her. As she lays back on me, I stroke her hair, her back, and she cuddles in closer. Once I notice her drifting off to sleep, I wake her up, and once we are headed back home it hits me. I’m leaving tomorrow and nothing was resolved with her dad. I make a mental note to talk to my dad before I leave in morning.

As I tuck her in my bed and pull the covers over us, she whispers, “Don’t forget to say goodbye tomorrow.”

“I’m leaving early, but I’ll wake you up to get my kiss.”

“I love you.”

“Love you, Callie.”

“I do miss you, but I also understand.”

“I miss you every day. So much it hurts.” Her eyes close, and she never wakes up. I fall asleep watching her, memorizing her breath patterns, seeing her completely relaxed for once. I kiss her goodbye, and she never stirs. Heading back to college sucks, but halfway there I realize I forgot to talk to my dad. I grab my phone, and it’s dead. Plugging it in, I turn up the radio and decide to call him when I get to the condo.

The next few days are a blur with study groups, formulas, periodic tables . . . at least her dad relented when I left, and she was able to spend the rest of break with Bianca at our house. That made it easier to concentrate on what I needed to do.


Chapter 13



It’s almost over. No more separation. No more long-distance, half-assed relationship, and if I have anything to say about it, no more virgin status. My senior prom. Just a year ago we were here and dry humping the evening away. Bronson got held up at school with an exam, so he’s running behind. I told him I would just ride with Bianca and meet him there. He wasn’t keen on that idea, so I agreed to meet him at his house. Almost time to head over there.

“Callie, I need you to take these to the docks.” He hands me a package. Dick. Does it look like I’m dressed to be his errand-girl?

I text Bronson:


Have to detour. My father needs something handled. I’ll be there shortly.


The warehouse is dark, desolate, and creepy as hell. Who the hell is supposed to meet me? I grab my phone before getting out of the car and make sure the screen is unlocked. I should have done this on the way to prom when Bronson was with me. My phone vibrates in my hand, and when I glance down, I’m grabbed from behind, a hand over my mouth and another lifting me by my waist. I struggle, kick back into my attacker’s shins with my heels, and he isn’t budging. I can’t scream. I begin to panic. I hit whatever buttons I can on my phone before it’s knocked out of my hand as I’m thrown against the concrete wall. I spin, my eyes blurry from the force of the blow, and meet the face of Jensen.

“HELP!” I manage to get out before his hand meets my mouth, and I can taste blood. Grabbing me by the back of the head, he yanks me to the floor. He slams one hand over my mouth, the other ripping my dress to shreds. I allow the panic to consume me, tears overflowing from my eyes.

“Enough,” I hear. I can’t turn my head with the grip on my mouth, but I know that voice. Marco.

Jensen lets go of my mouth, and before I can scream for help again, his booted foot meets my side. I can’t get any noise out as all the air leaves my lungs. Marco stands over me.

“This was a simple warning from your father. In a few minutes the ambulance will be dispatched here, we will be gone, you will be badly beaten . . . and then you will allow Golden Boy to believe you were raped.”

“No,” I shake my head back and forth.

“Yes. Your father wants him gone, and what upstanding man is going to want his woman tainted. You’ll be no better than the common whores we entertain.”

“He won’t leave me. He’s not like that.” I need them to leave me alone. How can my father be behind this?

Their sinister laugh makes me question the statement I just made. Of course Bronson loves me, but if I have the purity, wholesomeness stripped away from me will he ever get past that? The doubts creep in and overtake my mind. “You have two choices. You make him believe it or I will make it impossible to
believe it. Also, before you give me your choice, know if you make the wrong one, his father will pay.”


“Remember the day your little boyfriend caught us on the boat? Well there was some evidence left behind and since that’s the family boat . . . you can figure it out. If you don’t want to be the reason your precious love’s father ends up in prison, and he loses his dream of becoming an agent, then I suggest you make the right choice.” I guess he can see the resignation in my eyes. I don’t have to say a word; they all know what I will choose. “Continue,” he orders to Jensen.

A few more kicks to the ribs, slaps, and punches to the face, and finally I lose consciousness when his hands wrap around my throat. I wake up in the back of the ambulance and become inconsolable. “Give her something. She has to remain calm.” I feel the push of medicine going into the tube in my arm. “Ma’am do you know who did this?” I shake my head no. I can’t verbalize that lie. “Were you assaulted?” I nod my head. That’s the truth. Heart and body. “Sexual assault?” I close my eyes and nod to the most horrific lie ever told. One that will change my life. One that will break my heart and destroy two families. There’s no coming back from it.

“Yes,” I whisper.
I love you, Bronson. This is all for you. Please forgive me.

I’m rushed out of the ambulance, the jarring movement making my body scream in protest. Only a few moments have passed when I hear the commotion outside my room and close my eyes trying to tune it out. I declined the rape exam, knowing it didn’t actually occur. Everything is confidential, and they hadn’t yet called in the family doctor. My door is forced open, and my hand is taken in his. “I know you aren’t asleep.” I ignore him. I need him to go away. This has to work. “I’ve watched you sleep too many nights. I know the rise and fall of your chest, the peacefulness that consumes you, and right now you need to open your eyes and tell me what you were thinking going to the pier by yourself.”

I open my eyes as much as I can. I can see the pain written all over his face. “I had to run an errand for my dad.”

“Oh my God.” He’s fighting tears. In this family it’s a sign of weakness, but he’s struggling.

“Why are you here? Don’t you know what happened to me?”

“I know your dad is being brought to the warehouse. I know you were about to open that beautiful mouth and lie to me. You called me before the attack, I know the truth.” The tears won’t stop. I know what this means, and as much as I hate that man, I can’t believe my father would do this to me.” I’m praying there was a mistake. “Calm down,
You know nothing will happen if he’s innocent. I had to listen to them attack you, I could hear you crying, calling for help and each time they hurt you, I bled. I broke open and felt every blow on my own body. I love you.”

Where does this leave us? I was going to lie to him. “Are you mad at me?”

“Pissed as hell, but that’s for another time. Right now we need to get you better, get to the bottom of this, and then we will deal with how I’m feeling right now.”

“Okay. Bronson?”

“Yes, baby.”

“I don’t want him dead. I know that’s what will happen, but he’s my father.”

“I know, baby.” And I know if he’s ordered to be killed, I’ll do everything in my power to keep her. The sins of our fathers intertwine into the purest form of our love. If my dad kills hers, will she ever look at me the same? Will we survive? If he’s allowed to live, will I be able to restrain myself from joining this business and taking care of him myself? Where would that leave us? Too many variables, too many loose ends that lead to more questions. All I know for sure is I have never hated another human as much as I do Frank Locati. Looking down at her face, I know I would kill for her. I would put that on my conscience to keep her safe, and I’d gladly do it to her father. What kind of man does that make me? Everything I hate about this life I find myself capable of doing . . . for her.


Chapter 14



Sitting with her on the couch while holding the ice packs on all her bruises, my rage is barely controllable. Frank is behind closed doors with Luis and my father, and the raised voices are drifting to the living room. She’s shaking, cowering in fear, and not wanting to be privy to it. I want to shelter her, but she needs to know the truth. A fine line exists between keeping her innocent and safe and letting her face what her father is capable of. Bianca is curled up on the other end of the sofa, drifting in and out of sleep, jumping when there is a slam or shout from the office. My mom took one look at Callie and disappeared to the kitchen . . . why that woman thinks food cures everything is beyond me. It’s what she does, so I let her do her thing.

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