Being Their Baby (29 page)

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Authors: Korey Mae Johnson

BOOK: Being Their Baby
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He was barely keeping his eyes open, too. He had never come so much in his life. His muscles and bollocks ached from overexertion and emptiness.

He buried his nose in Sophie’s hair and breathed in, inhaling her strawberry scent. He was so close to losing her that night; the cops had showed him a picture of the accident site, right before they refused to give him any information on Sophie. They wouldn’t even tell her what hospital she was in.

He had been about to have a nervous breakdown, especially when he was making calls to investigators, hoping someone would realize that he was the type of guy who needed to be filled in, when an ER nurse found him and told him that he had a friend waiting for him under Dr. Richard Grundy’s care.

He felt nauseated, sick, exhausted, shaky… and then amazed when she was all right.

She had walked out of it with no injuries. It was a goddamned miracle.

He hugged her even closer to his chest as he was thinking about it. The lingering memory of how frightened he was had been keeping him up, even after all that exertion. Sunlight was beginning to shine through the windows.

Suddenly Sophie rolled her body toward him and cuddled against his chest. She moved her tiny fingers through his light array of dark chest hair. “Josh?” she asked in a small, unsure voice.

“Hm?” he asked, brushing her hair away from her face with his fingers.

“I’m sorry about your car,” she told him sincerely, sounding ashamed. She moved her thigh up to entwine her leg over his. “I didn’t mean to crash it.”

“You’re not going to get tanned because you crashed it,” he reminded her with a firm growl. “You shouldn’t have been driving it at all. Not just because you didn’t—nor would you ever—have my permission to drive it without me, but because you don’t even have your
. You don’t have insurance.”

“It was dumb,” she conceded. “It was really dumb.” She let it just hang there, which was admittedly surprising. Normally, by now, she’d be explaining why she still didn’t deserve a spanking.

“What were you doing with my car, anyway?” he asked. There was silence.


“I went to get ice cream.”

“What was in the freezer wouldn’t suffice?” He found himself doubting her.

She buried her face in his chest.

“Who just goes for ice cream, anyway? Like, normally people go…” His jaw tightened. “Wait—did you go on a
?” Was she searching for another man? Had he waited too long before he’d taken her? He pulled himself up so he could get a good look at Sophie when she answered.

“No!” she cried, sitting up and pulling a sheet in front of her chest. “No, I wasn’t going on a date. I was out with the girls, that’s all! You know, from my class! I’ve told you about Rochelle and Annabelle and Diane…”

She had three other girls in the car with her? Suddenly his heart felt like it had stopped. “You were driving people

“Not when the accident happened!” she assured with a squeak. “I was on the way home! I’d dropped them off—I wasn’t gonna bring ‘em back
or anything!” Her eyes rounded as she looked at his expression. He imagined he looked pretty grim and foreboding. “Can’t
just spank me for all this? Daddy doesn’t have to get involved.”

He gritted his teeth together a little bit. He was thinking about what would have happened if she was in an accident with three girls in the car. Not all of them would have walked away… It would have been a nightmare of epic proportions!

His brain started to peruse a mental carousel of punishments. Hell, he might even have to invent a couple! “Oh, he’ll be involved. Do you know
? Because you are part of this family, and last night you put yourself at risk. Hell, you put others’ family members at risk, too! You damn better well believe Charlie can get just as involved as he wants!” He threw his legs over the edge of the bed. “Get your homework done. You’re in for a rough weekend.”

“Josh…” she crawled toward him, looking suddenly desperate. “Don’t be angry with me.

He frowned, then picked her up and pulled her into his lap. “Sweetie?” He ran his hand down her hair. “You’re not going to get punished for revenge. You’re getting punished because we’re trying to guide you into making good decisions.” He kissed her nose, even as she frowned at him, her eyes full of worry and doubt. “We don’t want you to get hurt, or fail, and we don’t want to be devastated if something happens to you.”

“What about you?” she asked tenderly, moving her fingers across his chest, seeming to finger a particular bruise.

Lord almighty, she was a petite little thing. Her weight was nothing. He could probably take her hard against the wall until he was ninety years old without breaking a sweat! Her fingers were so tiny, especially when he captured her hands into his own. “Girl, if it was all about me, you’d live in a bubble—

She giggled slightly, then bit her lip and regarded him closely as she crossed her feet together. “I’m sorry I’m such a screw-up.”

“You’re not a screw-up. You’re a sweet girl with a naughty and whiny streak in her. And you’re going to change, because you’re young and it’s just that time in your life, and we’re going to change while you’re at it, and we’re gonna continue to love you and spank this bubbly little bottom of yours as often and as long as it takes.” He gave her a pat on the bottom to reassure her.

She heaved a sigh. “You normally give me advice on how to avoid a spanking at times like this,” she pouted.

His brow furrowed. “Well, next time you see my car keys, or anyone else’s, on the counter, don’t touch them.”

“You know what I mean,” she defended. “Daddy’s gonna kill me!”

“And you shall rise from the ashes of your destruction like the cute little phoenix you are,” he told her, bereft of sympathy. Charlie wasn’t actually going to hurt her, after all. She was going to kick, scream, and cry her eyes out by the end of the weekend; of that he had no doubt. If punished enough, she would be feeling the consequences of her little outing for quite a few days. After that, they’d forgive her and move on.

“I suppose we should get dressed,” she said, looking over at her pajamas, which were puddled on the floor.

“No way. After a night like we’ve had?” He picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder. She screeched and giggled. “We’re getting in the bath and turning into prunes. Then maybe we’ll gorge ourselves upon waffles.”

“I don’t deserve waffles,” she mourned.

He gave her bottom a slap as he walked into the bathroom. “You’re a naughty girl, not a
serial killer
. Geesh.”


* * *


Sophie found that, even with waffles with chocolate chips on them, she was in the doghouse. Breakfast was quiet, and Josh was watching her every move. When she tried to climb onto the countertop to get a glass from the upper cabinet, which he’d seen her do a thousand times before, this time she was pulled down by firm hands and given a very firm swat to the skirt of the dress he’d dressed her in that morning.

“We have a stool for a reason. I don’t want you climbing on something and pulling the cabinet—and all the glass—down on you!” he had snapped at her, pronouncing his worry with another smack.

She felt foolish, of course. He was right; she had no business climbing up on the countertop. It always seemed easier than crossing five feet over to grab her stepping stool to get to the upper cabinets. Although she feared his argument wasn’t for the longevity of the cabinet doors she’d kick on the way up; he apparently had created a scenario where she pulled down the entire cabinet on top of her and was cut to ribbons.

“No need to get all
,” she lectured back, and his eyes darkened. Her hands flew back to protect her bottom.

“You have no regard for your safety, and I’m sick of it, young lady. There’s no replacing you; they only made
Josh growled at her, his expression hawk-like and angry rising to his full height so that he towered over her.

She pressed her lips together, although she did think he was just being stubborn that morning, but she didn’t push him.

Not that she had the chance to. Suddenly he lurched forward, grabbed her up and, as he hugged her to his body, began to possess her mouth with his. He grabbed her bottom tightly in his hands until she wrapped her legs around his waist.

She felt him walking, but only until he found the nearest wall. He pressed her against it and then released himself from his pants. His breath was trembling with what seemed like impatience.

She was nearly squeaking with anticipation. She was so sore already from his attentions the night before. She’d even noticed some blood spotting her bed sheets from her first time, and she’d had some on the inside of her thighs this morning.

He had fucked her until there were small bruises forming on her inner thighs, and now it looked like he was going to give her more of the same. Still, her body didn’t know that she’d had enough; it was wet and ready for more.

She gasped as he pulled her panties aside, stretching the fabric so he could press her length deep into her. Against the wall, it seemed like he was even deeper than he’d gotten last night. “Uncle Josh…”

“Jesus, baby girl,” he panted, kissing her neck. He began to wildly thrust his hips against her. “I love you. You make me crazy, and you’re so naughty…” Another solid thrust had her gasping out. “And lord knows I don’t spank you nearly as often as I should. You need to walk around with a bright…” Thrust. “Red.” He held her hips as he thrust deeper, thumping her against the wall. “Bottom!” He groaned and continued in her ear, “You know what’s next? You know why you’ve been naughty? Because nobody’s been giving you any attention
.” He slid his fingers through the edge of her panties, quickly finding her bottom hole and applying pressure with his finger until she was gripping his shoulders with all her strength.

“No,” she whimpered.

“Oh, yes. This bottom is going to get broken in a little today. And do you know

She didn’t want to answer; her heart was pounding as she imagined anything—anything at all—going up there. Would Daddy be pressing something into her bottom? Could she live through the shame of it?

“No, Uncle Josh,” she continued to whimper, but her moaning and pouting was only spurring on his thrusts.

“You’re our cute baby girl, but you can be such a bad girl when you set your mind to it. We have to pull you back in line…” She hated how her body was reacting to his warnings, his threats. He was dirty talking, but she had a feeling he was also being serious. It didn’t matter; her back was writhing so she could accept more of him. Her cunny had no shame, and didn’t seem to care that she was dressed in a sun-yellow, cute Lolita dress with long stockings… in fact, maybe her cunny liked it. She was beginning to moan with pleasure, her toes curling in her little black shoes.

For a second, his hand reached up and pressed over the front of her neck, as if to keep her perfectly still, telling her that he was in control with a move that got her attention. If she hadn’t trusted him, she probably would have thought she was in trouble. All he had to do to strangle her was to squeeze… But of course, he never did.

“Fucked against a wall like a little doll…” he panted in her ear. “My precious little doll…”

She pressed against him, he pushed her into the wall, and she came violently on his cock. She cried out and gripped his shoulders so hard she might have worried about hurting him, but he was thrusting harder and faster than ever as she contracted around him.

“Oh, God…” he gritted, and then pushed into her again. She could feel his cock contract, spurting deep into her. For some reason she had already decided to love the feeling of his essence warming inside of her. It was calming, gratifying.

He slowly lifted her enough to pull out of her, and then he placed her feet back on the floor and adjusted her panties, although she knew they were ruined from the way his cock had stretched them aside. He kissed her forehead. “Now, no games,” he told her, pulling her chin up to meet his eyes. “I’m still seriously upset with what happened last night—I keep replaying how I felt, and I don’t like it. I need to collect myself a little. Go up to your room and get started on your homework until your daddy comes home.”

She didn’t hesitate to do what he said and even took the stairs two at a time. She cleaned up her dripping pussy, still mixed with her and Josh’s juices, and then changed her panties before opening up her backpack and waiting for her doom.

Tingling from anticipation, she felt a brief spout of deep shame as she focused on how tender her pussy was. She wondered how Daddy and Liz would react to this new situation. She feared they might disapprove, since they always treated her like she was an innocent little flower. Now, she had been tainted in a way.

Doing homework was insanely difficult; she was so distracted that nothing she wrote was sounding right. Not to mention the fact that when it came to homework, she wasn’t exactly fluent in her writing. Daddy would normally demand several rough drafts that he’d help her comb through until she turned it in and would get an A. When she tried to sidestep this arduous process once, she ended up failing and Daddy went right for the cane and introduced her to it.

She really didn’t want to pay the piper about the car. Her bottom quaked even when she thought about the look on Charlie’s face…


* * *


Somewhere around the time when she was finishing her English report, she heard the door open downstairs. Muffled voices indicated that Liz and Charlie had come home. She looked at the clock and read that it was 10 am.

That wasn’t a great sign, since New York City was over four hours away.

She pushed her laptop off her lap, slowly shuffled out of her surrounding nest of papers and open books, and oh-so-quietly opened the door. She had a feeling they’d be talking about her.

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