Behind the Tears (Behind the Lives) (9 page)

BOOK: Behind the Tears (Behind the Lives)
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Ash’s attention snapped to the sound of a car. “Gotta go.” He took off, praying that it wasn’t the cops. He exited out the back, almost falling over the steps as the two little kids appeared in front of him. They squealed and disappeared around the side of the house. Ash followed until he neared the front, then flattened his back against the wall. He peered around the corner at the street, relieved when he only spotted Dante’s car. He double-checked all was clear, then moved out, still aware that someone could be watching him from one of the surrounding houses.


Ash turned around, remembering he was supposed to take Carly to the hospital.

She stopped in front of him, looking more excited than scared, again her reactions odd, considering her bloodied and smashed up face. Wishing he didn’t give a fuck, he indicated at the Holden. “Get your kids in the car,” he said, not wanting the little ones around when Craven’s men showed. He wasn’t sure what they would do to Len, the guy having caused trouble too many times before.

Carly hollered at the boy and girl. The kids ran for the car, their angelic faces still scared.

Ash fended off Carly as she tried to help him through the gate. “Stop touching me, I’m fine,” although he didn’t feel it. His vision may have cleared, but his head was hurting like a bitch. He pressed the alarm, trying his best to ignore the chatter of the kids and Carly as they got into the car. He slid behind the wheel, just wanting to go home and sleep for five hundred years.

Carly smiled at him as he started the engine. “I knew it was you, Dante. You’re such a tease. And stop looking so worried, everything will be okay.”

Ash ignored her and headed for the hospital, knowing that things were far from okay.







Corey peeked through his curtains, wishing Sledge would get home. He’d been lying on his bed since Sledge had left for the interview, replaying over and over what had happened earlier. Even though Sledge had been nice, he was afraid his mate would eventually suss out what a fraud he was. He couldn’t handle losing Sledge’s friendship, because if he did, he wouldn’t care what the cancer did to him, because his mate was his life.

Moans started up again in the next room, snapping Corey out of his thoughts. He screwed up his nose, wishing Naf and Aroha would quit it. Man, it was gross that his brother was doing the smelly bird. Yeah, Naf was fat and desperate for a shag, but Aroha? She must be as old as their mum. Gross! And worse, she smelt like she didn’t know the meaning of the word
.... or
... or

Corey dropped the curtains and sat down on his bed. He pulled out a joint from the bedside drawer, and grabbed his lighter out of the jeans lying on the floor. After a few flicks, the weed lit up and he sat back on his bed inhaling the sweet smoke. Marijuana was the only thing that made him feel better, even made him want to eat, which he avoided unless he was starving. Because of chemo, he felt sick and tired most of the time, barely able to get up ... in more ways the one. He frowned at the memory of going with Juliet. Well, she always managed to get the
ginormous beggar to rise, but only because she looked like—

A car pulled up outside. He pushed off the bed and peeked out at Juliet’s red Hyundai. Bugger it. He was hoping it was Sledge.

He turned back to his bed, gritting his teeth as the noise coming from his brother’s room picked up in volume, Naf’s girlfriend working more than her vocal chords. Corey lay down on his side, and jammed a pillow against his ear, wishing that Naf worked the day shift.

He took a drag on his joint, dropping ash onto the bed. He flicked it, then took another puff, not caring that he was ruining the sheet. He jumped as someone banged on the door.

“Corey, you in there?” Juliet called out.

Corey kept quiet. He felt bad about breaking his word to her. But whenever he was with Sledge he couldn’t help what he said, his mate always making him want to brag. Still, he shouldn’t have done it.

He heard the door open and close. He removed the pillow and looked up as Juliet walked towards him.

“You alright, Corey?” She focused on his hand. “That’s dangerous. You shouldn’t be smoking in bed.”

Not wanting to answer her, he took a long drag. He didn’t know why she was being nice to him, because he didn’t deserve it.

“You had anything to eat?” she asked.

He blew smoke out the side of his mouth. “No.”

She sat down on the bed and ran her hand up and down his leg, the chemo having left it hairless. “You’ve gotta eat or you won’t get better.”

“Sorry ’bout before,” he said, ignoring her food speech.

“Don’t worry ’bout that. Sledge took it a lot better than I expected.”

Yeah, Sledge had taken it far too well. Corey leaned over and stubbed out the joint in the ashtray, saving it for later. “Lie down,” he said, patting the mattress.

Smiling at him, Juliet did as instructed. Unlike the other guys, he thought she was hot. With her hair pulled back she looked a lot like Sledge, but a much smaller version—although she was still bigger than himself, but all his friends were. He lifted a finger and ran it down her nose and over her lips, laughing as she tried to bite it. He liked her wide mouth and distinctive features, and didn’t think they were bull-like at all. They were just strong and memorable—like Sledge. He frowned, wondering whether he was being unfair to her.

“Why’re you lookin’ so sad, cutie?” Juliet asked.

“Just thinking.”

“’Bout what?”


“I make you sad?”

He grinned, finding her pouting amusing. “You look adorable when you pout.”

Her face lit up again, her expression again similar to Sledge’s. He leaned forward and kissed her lips. Her hands instantly went to his boxers, trying to yank them down. Amused by her determination, Corey laughed. He’d never met such an aggressive chick before. From the way his mates talked, he’d always thought females were supposed to be the ones getting their clothes ripped off, not the other way around.

She stopped. “Whatcha laughing at?”

“I just like the way you yank my pants.” He lifted his butt so she could pull them off.

She flung them behind her, then jumped off the bed and started undressing. Once she was naked, she climbed on top of him and grabbed his T-shirt, yanking it up roughly and almost taking his head off in the process.

He pushed her hands away. “I’ll do it.”

She shrugged and started kissing his neck.

“Lemme get my shirt off first,” he said.

She leaned back on his stomach, causing him to grunt in pain. She pushed up onto her hands. “You alright?”

He shook his head. “My stomach hurts. Turn around and I’ll take ya from behind.”

She got off him and lay on her side. He removed his shirt then reached into his bedside cabinet, grabbing a condom. He ripped it open and slid it on, then moved up behind her and slowly inched inside, straining to stop himself from coming. When she didn’t complain, he started up a rhythm, making sure he was gentle after he’d unintentionally hurt her the first time. Damn, she was tight. He grabbed one of her hips, wandering whether she’d also let him take her up the—

He jumped as a car door slammed. Must be Sledge, he thought. He kissed Juliet’s shoulder and continued to move, determined to make it last longer this time. Last night had been embarrassing. He’d barely managed to get inside before he’d come. But, to be fair, he’d been amped up from watching a porno with Sledge earlier, so when Sledge had gone out, he was desperate for release and Juliet was just so damned convenient. Plus, he’d always been curious what it would be like to do her.

The front door closed, and the thud of boots neared his room. Definitely Sledge. His mate didn’t know the definition of quiet, always slamming things and thumping around the place regardless if people were trying to catch some shut-eye or not.

Juliet grabbed his left hand and moved it to her breast. Corey moved it back to her hip. Man, he hoped Sledge had done well, because his mate would make a great prison guard. He was certainly big enough, and since Sledge had started working out with Naf’s neglected gym equipment he’d cut up real nice too. He’d seen the results when Sledge had undressed in front of him, his mate’s six-pack more than impressive. Corey was glad that at least Sledge was putting it to use, because his lazy, fat-arse of a brother hadn’t touched it since opening the box.

Juliet moaned, and moved his hand back to her breast. Grimacing, Corey pulled it free and placed it on her hip again. He closed his eyes and pushed harder, wondering what Sledge was doing right now. He could hear him in the next room, probably undressing. Corey moaned.

A few seconds later, footsteps approached his room. “Corey, you in there?” Sledge called out.

“Yeah, but I’m also
your sister.” Corey yelped as Juliet pinched his leg hard.

“Bastard!” Sledge kicked Corey’s door, then slammed his own.

Corey swore under his breath. Wanting to apologise to Sledge, he pulled out of Juliet, but got shoved onto his back.

Juliet climbed on top of him. “You’re lucky you’re so cute, otherwise I would kick your butt for saying that. Cos of your big mouth, Sledge is gonna be a right pain now.”

“I know, so get offa me so I can smooth things over with him,” Corey said, knowing he didn’t have a shit show in hell of pushing her off, the girl packing more muscle in her arms than he had in his whole body.

She leaned over him, making Corey wonder whether she was going to hit him, but instead she kissed his nose.

“I s’pose it doesn’t matter,” she said. “He’ll hafta learn to deal with it since we’re an item now.”

Corey’s face dropped.
An item?
He never asked her out, just for sex.

She ran a finger over his brow. “Don’t look so worried, cutie. Things will work out.” She leaned down and kissed his lips.

He remained stiff, but not in the right place. She ran a hand up and down his side as she continued to kiss him. He yelped as she lowered her weight onto his stomach.

She sat up. “Sorry, I’ll be more careful.”

A bang came from Sledge’s room. Corey looked at the adjoining wall. Juliet grabbed his face and turned it back to her. “Forget him, Sledge could never share.”


Her mouth smothered his words. Corey blinked up at Juliet, then closed his eyes, giving into the kiss, although all he could think about was Sledge. He imagined his mate throwing his boots at the wall, mad that he was with Juliet. It worried him, but also gave him a thrill that Sledge thought Juliet wasn’t good enough for him. He didn’t agree, but still, Sledge thought he was good-looking. He smiled into the kiss, then inhaled sharply as Juliet grabbed his balls, her fingers playing with them.

She nipped his lower lip, then started kissing him again, her soft lips too gentle. He kept his eyes closed, imagining rougher lips replacing them, consuming him while large hands ran all over his body. He groaned and pushed his cock up as it grew hard once more, aching for anything to grasp it and make him come.

A hand answered, taking a hold and pushing his cock inside a tight, wet opening. He tilted his head back as a rhythm started up, the ride making his dick want to explode instantly. “Slow down or I’ll come too soon,” he gasped, then yelped as his nipple was twisted.

“Sorry.” Juliet lapped at the abused nipple, taking away the pain and causing him to moan. “God, you look sexy,” she said.

Corey opened his eyes. She was staring down at him, lust written across her face, something he wasn’t used to seeing. It gave him a thrill that someone actually wanted him. Smiling, he closed his eyes again and grabbed onto the headboard, desperate to return to the place he was before, to imagine someone else looking at him like that.

Hands ran over his chest then tweaked his nipples softly. He moaned again. “More,” he said. His nipples were twisted, but again too hard, causing him to cry out. Juliet apologised, but he barely registered it, Sledge’s tirade of
words making Corey go wild, his imagination taking him to places he’d gone so many times in his dreams. Above him the speed picked up, the body riding him clumsily. The movement hurt his stomach, but he was beyond caring, the pressure below was building to the point of... He gasped as a hand cupped his balls. Oh God, that did it!

He thrust up. “Yes, Sledge,
!” he yelled, coming hard.

“What?” Juliet gasped.

Breathing heavily, he opened his eyes and looked up at Juliet’s angry expression, wondering what her problem was—he’d lasted ages this time.

“What do ya want?!” Sledge hollered from the next room.

Corey’s eyes widened as he saw Juliet’s fist coming for his face, the realisation of what he’d called her hitting him harder than her punch.







Juliet knew she shouldn’t be punching Corey, but she couldn’t stop. Her rage at what he’d called out made her feel used. She finally thought she’d found someone who liked her back, but to find out he was only fucking her because she looked like Sledge... She was a girl, dammit! Not some gay consolation prize.

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