Beginning with Forever (30 page)

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s he confirms our appointment with his back to me, I notice Carson is engrossed with an object in his hand. I look over his shoulders and see a small dark frame with a picture of us together on the row boat. His stunning dimpled smile outshines the completely surprised look on my face. It’s not fair that he always looks perfectly handsome with little effort.

“Thanks again Jack!”
he ends the call and swivels his black leather chair around to face me, carefully setting our framed picture back on his desk.

Do you like my art pieces?” he inquires proudly as he leans casually back into his leather chair.

“I love what you’ve done with them
,” I excitedly reply.

They’re priceless to me and so is the talented photographer who took them,” he grins, staring directly into my eyes.

“She’s one lucky girl
to be so cherished by you.” I smile right back at him. Is it possible for two people to fall this deeply for one another in such a short amount of time? I want to believe it is for us. He wills me to come to him with his index finger. I prance over and cozily settle on his lap with his arms cradling me tenderly. My body falls into his chest, appreciating the security of his embrace. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I’d end up meeting someone like him. He makes me believe that love at first sight is real. I rest my head against the curve of his neck and softly whisper, “Will you please ask your photographer friend for a copy of our picture? I have a special place in mind for it.” My lips gently press against his neck and nip his tender skin. He groans and my flesh is hot for him.

“Yes, of course
,” he gasps from my taunting. “We have two hours till we meet with Dean Filmore. I want your naked body spread all over my bed.” The smile on his face is most wicked.

launch off his lap and make a mad dash for the door. “Only if you can catch me…,” I yell out. He chases me down a long hallway as I’m giggling and laughing until we end up in his bedroom. I make such a sudden halt that Carson almost runs me over as he collides into my back.

“Shit, why did you stop
? Did I hurt you?” he panics and then darts his eyes over to a large wrapped package, lying centered on his king size bed. He warily approaches it.

“What is it?”
I curiously ask him, but he doesn’t respond. It’s obvious that he doesn’t want me to see what’s underneath the wrapping.

irately picks it up and turns to walk away. “Lil, let me get rid of this. It’ll only upset you.” He gives me an imploring look.

don’t care. I still want to know what it is,” I reply louder and harsher than I intend to. He reluctantly drops it down on the bed and steps aside to reveal an elegant card with Bianca’s name on it.

To my
Love and our future together. Love always, Bibi.

The nickname pisse
s me off instantly. I angrily rip the wrapping away and see a professional portrait of Bianca and Carson in each other’s arms. Carson’s face looks indifferent in this picture in contrast to ours on the row boat, but it still hits me like a painful blow to my gut. This picture is proof that their relationship exists or existed. Vivid images of them screwing each other reappear out of nowhere, tormenting me as I glare at their perfect engagement picture, I assume.

“Have you eve
r slept with her in this bed?” I interrogate him through jealous clenched jaws.

“Lil, don’t be upset with me.
I honestly don’t know how this picture ended up on my bed,” he pleads.

haven’t answered my question. Have you ever slept with her in this bed?” I heatedly repeat my interrogation.

This is my place. No one has ever spent the night here.” His dark, narrowed eyes are drowning in frustration.

Thank G
od! The thought of them screwing each other already makes me sick let alone sleeping in the same bed that they did. Carson tosses the picture onto the floor like garbage and offers me his consoling arms. I hesitate before accepting them. Her nasty threat from last night still haunts me, leaving a bitter taste in my mind.
He’ll be begging me to take him back into my bed
. If anyone knows him well, it would be her. She’s been with him the longest and was the only one to convince him to marry her. I sadly push this horrible thought aside and wrap myself around Carson, craving his closeness.


For some unexplainable reason, I’ve been more tired than usual. It must be due to all the traveling and late night activities with Carson. Finding Bianca’s picture on his bed killed my mood, so I ended up falling asleep in his arms instead. He struggles to wake me up from my near-dead sleep. I reluctantly open my eyes only to see him handsomely dressed in a fine-fitted, dark, gray business suit. Damn, he looks hot and powerful in it. He hands me my own tailored suit and urges me to get dressed quickly. I’m in such a frantic state that I don’t question the origin of the suit. I put my black frame glasses on since I have no time to hassle with my contact lenses and quickly pull my hair up in a loose bun. He hands me a pair of black pumps, and we’re out the door. I jump into the limo, and off we go with my heart still racing from rushing frenziedly. We make it there right on the dot, thanks to Carson, a man who thrives on punctuality.

elaborate architecture of the Harvard Medical School building is reminiscent of the Roman Pantheon with its large massive stone pillars aligned in the front. The campus is nicely laid out and beautifully kept. Dean Filmore informs me that the enrollment for this year is around 165 students out of approximately 6,600 student applicants. Wow, it’s even more competitive than I expected. I was encouraged to explore the classrooms and speak with current medical students while Dean Filmore and Carson meet in private. I’m not sure what they’re talking about, but they look suspicious to me.

Overall, I’m
truly impressed with their top notch curriculums and professors. Just to think that Carson has the power to pull a couple of strings, and I could attend here at will. Of course, I’d never allow him to do anything like that. The only way I’d consider it is if I’d be forced to go through the same academic merit evaluation like everyone else. But what am I saying? I’m not changing schools, not even for Carson. It hurts me to say that, but I’ve worked way too hard to give up my dreams. He won’t be happy with me when I tell him this was a wasted trip.

After our Harvard
visit, Carson’s driver dropped us off at his company for my personal tour. Carson expressed his concerns for my unwillingness to accept his wealth. He felt it was necessary to explain the history behind his success to me, hoping to ease my presumptions of him.

wasn’t born rich with a silver spoon in his mouth like I had assumed. His wealth wasn’t handed to him; he earned it himself. He dedicated years of his life to researching and working in laboratories as an assistant to a biochemical professor, Vincent Steward. Carson was a young, brilliant student who caught his attention, so he took him under his wing and treated Carson like a son. Together, they formulated a vaccination for early stage cancers. Ironically, Professor Steward died of advanced stage pancreatic cancer before he was able to reap the rewards of their success. As a result of his death, Carson immersed himself further into research while he concurrently built his pharmaceutical empire.

Finding a cure for cancer is a personal goal for me. It unfairly stole Emily from me fifteen years ago, yesterday. She was my high school love.” He turns to face me and places my hands into his. His expression is painful. “Two weeks ago when you asked me if I loved anyone and I told you, ‘No’, I didn’t lie to you. I’ve purposely blocked the pain of loving and losing her out of my life. No one has been able to fill that void she left me until I met you, Lily. I haven’t felt this way in years.” He stops to evaluate my reaction. I’m stunned and speechless. I’m on Carson-overload. I went from knowing nothing about him to knowing everything, all in two days. “I’ve never shared her with anyone outside my family until now. So when you asked me to let you go last night, I went crazy. I just couldn’t bear to lose you. I can’t go through that kind of heartache again.”

Carson, I’m sorry you had to experience that kind of loss. It must’ve been awful. I’m here for you. I’m not leaving.” I can’t imagine a loss like that, but I know what emptiness feels like. Not having a father in my life has left me always searching for some kind of fulfillment, too.

He gras
ps my hand and presses it against his warm lips. “Lil, you’re so special to me. I hope I can help you find that fulfillment one day.”


We drive up to another tall building, and I’m floored when I see his last name, Bradley, in big bold letters. I can’t flippin’ believe this entire building is all his. Oh my god, his wealth is inexhaustible. I’m speechless as my insecurity makes me feel insignificant in his big world. The driver pulls into a private parking space, designated ‘Bradley CEO.’ A few steps around the corner, a set of elevators waits for us. I sigh and it comes out a little louder than I want it to. Carson thoughtfully grabs a hold of my hand to help calm my nerves as we advance into the car. He enters a series of numbers on the keypad, and we ascend directly up to the top floor without any stops in between. I find myself moving closer to him as I feel the elevator’s acceleration.

“I hate that you
’re so frightened of heights, but I love that it drives you closer to me.” He wraps his firm arms around my body and squeezes me affectionately.

“You’re such an opportunist
,” I tease him.

“I have no s
hame when it comes to you, baby,” he chuckles.

female receptionist welcomes Carson when the elevator doors open. “Mr. Bradley, good afternoon. What a nice surprise. We weren’t expecting you until next week,” she stutters her words as she locks her inquiring eyes on me. I attempt to untangle my body from his arms, but he keeps his grip around my waist. She’s a cute tall brunette with light, bluish, gray eyes, professionally dressed with hair neatly tied back in a sophisticated ponytail. She appears easily intimidated by him or shyly attracted to him. I’m not sure which one, but what I’m sure about is his awe-inspiring good looks. His presence makes most women stop in their tracks and lustfully ogle with infatuations and fantasies. I can personally attest to this because I’ve fallen victim to him after so many years of denying other men.

“Evelyn, this is Miss
Ly. I’ll just be here briefly to show her my office and then we’ll be on our way. Just pretend that we’re not even here.” He gives me a flirty wink, and I blush with bashfulness.

, Evelyn,” I address her. I’m sure she’s wondering who the heck I am when Carson should already be married to Bianca. Her speculative look doesn’t seem to affect him at all, but I’m fully aware of it. Carson tugs my hand to follow him into his office. The door is deliberately closed behind me, and we’re all alone. He has my back pressed against the door and my body caged between his arms. He loosens his tie and removes his suit jacket while staring desirously into my eyes. My breathing is audibly rapid, watching him undress.

“I can barely kee
p my eyes and hands off of you. You look so fuckable in your tailored suit, heels, glasses and hair pulled back. Let me have you, now. I want memories of your sexy body on my desk,” he murmurs his request along my neck and into my ear.

Even with his promise that we can
not be heard or seen through the door and windows of his office, it still feels forbidden to me. My body is obviously more ready than my mind, but to hell with being cautious, I want him just as much. I grab his loose tie, rise up on my tippy toes and kiss his luscious, full lips for the okay he needs. My hair flows down over my shoulders and across my face as Carson pulls the two pins securing it. He tucks several loose strands behind my ear and tells me, “You’re so beautiful.” He greedily grabs either side of my skirt and lifts it above my waist. “I want you.”

In one quick
rip, my panties are off of me and in his pants pocket. Our lips lock fervently as we eagerly undress each other. The attraction between us is so intense that no more time is wasted, removing the rest of our clothing. He lifts me up with his pants unzipped and encircles my legs around his waist. My body is pinned against the door as he continues to overtake my mouth. “I want to hear you moan.” He pulls me away and carries me to the center of the room. Our eyes never part. I feel the coolness of smooth glass against my bottom as he lays me across his desk. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a condom. I’m now fully aware that he had premeditated this lustful office visit. My lower legs are supported with his strong toned arms as he tugs my bottom to edge of his desk. His fingers slide inside me, one at a time. “You’re so wet, so sweet.” He leans down to caress and taste my swollen breasts, much less aggressively this time.

,” I moan as his burning lips glide across my melting flesh. “I need you.” In place of his fingers is now his pulsing erection. “Ah…ah…,” I groan, feeling his thickness fill my insides completely.

“Lil, I need you
too…stay here with me,” he whispers each sentence between several longing kisses. His thrusts are slow, savoring every minute of our intense connection. My body surrenders to him entirely. He could’ve easily convinced me to hand him the world right now and I’d willingly give it to him. I pull his tight waist closer to me, digging my nails into his skin. I want him physically closer than is possible. He must’ve sensed my urgency and fills me harder and faster. My last pleading moan of his name sends him over the edge, and we climax together. He lies on top of my tingling body, breathing heavily as he empties the last of his cum. I feel the perspiration on his forehead and chafing bristles along his chin as he nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck. I run my fingers through his glorious thick hair and then wrap my arms around him. “God, this is beyond amazing. I’ve never even considered fucking anyone in my office. You’ve broken me, Lily.” He slowly withdraws himself from me without breaking our eye contact and discards his condom.

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