Before the Darkness (Refuge Inc.) (12 page)

Read Before the Darkness (Refuge Inc.) Online

Authors: Leslie Lee Sanders

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

BOOK: Before the Darkness (Refuge Inc.)
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nibbling his nipple along the way up. "I can be

your first."

Adam sheepishly looked away. "I don't

think I'm ready for that."

Elliot kissed him hard, pressing their lips

together passionately, tongues wrestling. He

whispered against Adam's lips, "You can do me.

You can do anything you want to me."

Adam bit his own lip to sti le his groan

and to retain his self-control. "You're too much."

He couldn't help but realize Elliot must really

trust him.

"I'll lead you through it." Elliot's lips still

so close to his own.

"What about lube?" Was he actually

considering it?

"We'll use saliva." With that, Elliot

grabbed a condom from the pocket of his

shorts, he tore the wrapper and gently rolled

the condom down the length of Adam's cock. He

knelt down and took Adam in his mouth again.

This time when he stood, Adam's cock was

nearly dripping with saliva. "I'm clean. Aren't

you?" He turned, pressing his back to Adam's

chest, and aiming Adam's cock to his warm, tight

spot. "Still, I've been thinking about using those

condoms since I found them."

Instead of answering or saying anything,

Adam grabbed Elliot's hips and thrust forward

slightly. Elliot grunted as the tip of Adam's cock

popped inside.

Adam halted. "God, you're so tight."

"But it feels good, huh?" His voice was

low and guttural. "Go all the way in. It feels

better that way."

Adam took the lead and pulled Elliot back

by his hips as he thrust forward, then pulling

back to allow the wetness to distribute properly.

When he thrust again, he went in all the way.

Elliot's ass cheeks rested in the curve of his

pelvis, and Adam breathed against his ear. "Yes,

this feels good."

Hands grabbed Adam's arms and

wrapped them around Elliot's body. "Hold me."

Adam licked Elliot's ear, feeling the urge

to nibble, moan and buck his hips. His cock

throbbed at the thought, from the need. He was

buried deep inside a man, Elliot, for the irst

time and it felt absolutely amazing, naughty

even, but that only made the experience better.

Elliot's muscles tightened around Adam's

cock and they both groaned. The intense

pleasure and dirty thoughts made adrenaline

race throughout Adam's body. He felt his cock

shoot out a copious amount of pre-come. "I'm so

horny. I was never this horny in my life."

Elliot rested his head back against

Adam's shoulder, allowing Adam to be his

anchor. "You wanna fuck me now?"

"Yes," he whispered, breathing rapidly as

his cock pulsed.

"Touch me irst." Elliot licked his lips and

again Adam felt his cock ache and throb.

He ran his hands down over Elliot's hard

chest and abs. The warmth on his palms

mimicked ire from the hotness he felt. He

continued down to the short, coarse curls that

surrounded Elliot's rigid cock and isted his

hardness, which was also wet with pre-come. He

gently jerked it and Elliot moved forward,

pulling off of Adam's cock and causing his eyes

to roll back in his head. Elliot quickly sat back,

slamming Adam back inside his tight hole. Adam

shuddered. He couldn't control his hips any

longer and they began to rock on their own,

fucking Elliot rhythmically.

"Not yet," Elliot whispered, bringing their

sexual dance to a halt. "Kiss me first."

The teasing frustrated Adam but aroused

him even more. "It feels too good."

"I know." Elliot turned his head and they

shared a passionate kiss. Adam pulled him tight

against his body and moaned into the kiss. Elliot

whispered, "Now fuck me."

Adam didn't hesitate. He pressed his hips

against Elliot's ass and swiveled them slightly

until his cock slid out several inches just to

thrust back inside. "Fuck," he growled and thrust


Elliot's pleasurable cries soon echoed

through the empty streets and Adam pressed

on, thrusting and bucking so hard Elliot slumped

over and supported himself by holding on to the

edge of the hot tub. He moved along with

Adam's motions, pulling all of Adam's self-

control out through his cock.

Suddenly Adam pulled out. "Come here,"

he growled.

Elliot turned and dropped to his knees in

front of him. Adam pulled off the condom and

tossed it aside—no worries, he was also clean—

he jerked his cock a few times and suddenly

ropes of semen splashed over Elliot's lips and

chin. Adam let out a harsh grunt as the last of it

spurted from his stiff cock, dripping down over

his knuckles. Euphoria rapidly hit him, making

him light headed and weak. He panted, leaning

against the hot tub while Elliot continued to lick

at his sensitive balls.

He looked down in time to see Elliot

stroke himself, his ingers moving rapidly over

the tip of his engorged cock. Elliot's hot breath

hit his balls in short, hasty pants and almost

immediately he felt the warm splash of semen

graze his thigh. Elliot groaned and sat back on

his heels. His head rested on the inside of

Adam's thigh. They were spent and it was bliss.

6: Back on Track

Elliot woke up on top of his clothes he

had spread out on the lawn. Adam was fully

dressed, crouched by the dying ire and poking

it with a long stick. Titan drank from a plastic

bowl near the hot tub.

"Morning." Adam grinned.

"Morning?" He looked up at the pitched

black sky. "Doesn't feel like morning."

"It's nine o'clock." Adam threw him what

was left of a bottle of orange juice. "You slept for

about nine hours. I just woke up about thirty

minutes ago."

Elliot drank the rest of the juice and got

up to dress. He noticed out of the corner of his

eye that Adam looked away. He turned to him.

"What's wrong?"

Adam inally looked back at him and

shook his head with a forced smile on his face.

He could tell the smile was forced because

Adam's eyes didn't narrow much like they did

when he smiled genuinely.

He sighed. "Don't tell me you're having

second thoughts."

"No." The smile turned genuine. His

eyelids narrowed and the laugh lines around his

mouth deepened. "Was trying to hold back my


"Why, does my dick look funny?"

Adam chuckled and threw the stick into

what was left of the ire. "I had a great time last


It felt weird to hear those words come

from Adam for two reasons. First, their

lovemaking he referred to felt like it happened

all in the same night since it was dif icult to

gauge time. Second, the last two times they were

intimate Adam had treated him differently


"No regrets?" Elliot looked into his green

eyes, questioning.

"There were a few times Jena tried to lay

a guilt trip on me but I told her to go fuck


Elliot laughed. It felt good to laugh. "It's

nice tearing ourselves away from…this." He

looked around at the destruction that

surrounded them.

Adam frowned and dropped his gaze to

the simmering ire. "Gotta admit. Still love her


Elliot nodded, heart suddenly beating

faster, harder, aching. "I figured that much."

"She was my best friend for so many

years. Actually envisioned having a little guy

running around the house. It felt … right."

Elliot smiled warmly, walked to Adam and

brought their foreheads together. "I'll never

leave you. I promise." Maybe Adam needed to

hear those words. Maybe then he would allow

to be the one he fantasized about instead

of Jena.

Adam looked into his eyes as if deeply

searching for a connection. "I believe you. We're

in this together." Elliot slowly pressed his lips to

Adam's to indulge in an innocent kiss. However,

instead of indulging, Adam pecked the corner of

his mouth and quickly separated their bodies.

Elliot observed Adam's forced smile, this

time choosing to not bring attention to it.

"Ready?" Elliot read Adam's body language like

words written on his face. He was pretending

that everything was okay, lying even, if Elliot

wished to look at it that way. Why was it so hard

for Adam to accept who he really was? Elliot

wished he could grab him by the arms and

shake some sense into him. He knew how

dif icult it was to deal when your world

suddenly changes because you feel you're

becoming someone else. He'd been there, done

that…when he was ifteen. Adam had to be

seeing thirty soon and he beat himself up

constantly because of his feelings. Poor guy. He

must be torn apart from confusion.

wouldn't bring it up
anted Adam to trust

him, not run away and stay hidden behind a

facade. He wanted to protect him from himself

and be the comfort he needed. He could do that

much for the man who did the same for him.

"The plan?" Elliot asked.

"We're gonna ind out what and where

Refuge Inc. is."


The dark continued to envelope them for

the next two hours of nonstop walking. Adam

really didn't feel like they were making much

progress until he saw another R with a halo

around it spray painted on the outer wall of a

freeway overpass. He languidly strode across

the fractured concrete bridge, looking behind

him occasionally at Elliot whose pace seemed to

be much slower.

The dog, however, appeared to have a

surge of energy running through him. He moved

much faster than either of them, trotting ahead

to sniff at a ragged car tire on the side of the

freeway bridge.

Once at the spray painted area of the

bridge near the freeway ramp, Adam stopped to

rest and wait for Elliot to catch up.

Elliot took his water out of his pocket. "I

need a minute. I don't feel good." He took a swig.

Adam's light shined against the wall and

ran his hand over the chipping black paint.

"What's the matter?"

"My head's killing me, my leg fucking

hurts and that damn rotten smell is making me


He noticed the putrid smell too and how

it grew stronger as time went on. "Sit down and

rest," he suggested.

Elliot slid down the wall and laid his head

back against the dusty concrete, and the bag of

beef jerky and what was left of the bottles of

orange juice on the loor beside him. "Sit with


Adam shook his head and scoffed. "If I sit

down I might not get back up. Just warning you."

"You know, I've been thinking." Elliot

chuckled. "I wonder what the hell Refuge Inc. is

and if we're just wasting our time looking for it."

"What else are we gonna do with our

time?" He shined the light around at what

looked like a car parked next to the outer wall

on the other side of the wide bridge. "The place

might have other people. That's what we're

looking for, isn't it? It might be some sort of

shelter or medical center."

Titan trotted back from his leisurely stroll

up the bridge, sat down next to Elliot and licked

his face, making him smile. "You're a good dog.

And to think I was so scared of you."

"I was scared of you too, Elliot."

"Me? Why me?"

"I really thought there was no one else

alive, and was ready to say my peace with

everything. Then I saw you and realized I had a

second chance and that scared the hell out of

me. I didn't want a second chance. Wanted to

bury all my issues and move on to whatever was

next for me. Seeing you meant I had to be …

well, conscious of myself. I didn't want you to

know the real me or my fuck-ups. And I didn't

want to believe that other people could be alive

to know me and my fuck-ups either."

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