Bedding the Bad Boy (Bad Boys of Football Book 1) (8 page)

Read Bedding the Bad Boy (Bad Boys of Football Book 1) Online

Authors: Penelope Silva,Clementine Roux

BOOK: Bedding the Bad Boy (Bad Boys of Football Book 1)
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I knew what they were asking me to do. “You want me to bang information out of her?” I got right to the point.

Isla stood up and walked out of the room.

I should have chased her, but that would have made me look like her little puppet. It’s not what I had in mind when I asked her to help me. I had to let her go, even if it made me feel like an asshole for doing it.

“Then what? Call you when she tells me?” I asked, referring to Cassandra. “What about court?”

Paul said, “Well, if you can get her to tell you who hired her, there might not be a court date later. In the meantime, your fiancée is going to have to sit and stew for a while. She’ll understand.”

They were right. Makeup sex was always better. I could smooth things over with Isla later. For now, I had to worry about myself and my career. I didn’t want to go to jail and I sure as hell didn’t want to give up my career because of some thirsty whores.

The police escorted me back out to my car. Reporters and fans were still huddled together, anxious to catch a glimpse of me. This time, their line of questioning was different.

“Are you ready for court?”

“Why did your fiancée storm off in tears?”

“How’s the case going?”

I stopped at the second question to look at the reporter. It was a man wearing a sneer on his face. “What did you ask me?”

He stammered, surprised I’d addressed him directly. “Um, yeah, your fiancée ran out the door. She looked upset. Did something happen?”

I didn’t know how to respond. Had she really been crying? Why?

My attorneys shoved me forward. “Forget about them,” one whispered in my ear. “Just keep walking.”

I walked, but I couldn’t wrap my mind around what had Isla so upset. Did she know something I didn’t know?

By the time I had my car on and was ready to peel out of the parking lot, I knew I had to forget Isla and her issues for now. My life was on the line and thinking about her wasn’t going to do anything for me. She’d have to wait. But, when I thought I had her out of my head, there she was, parked on the side of the road, her head in her hands.

“Damn!” I hit my fist on the dashboard. “Now? Really? You had to do this now?”

I pulled over without bothering to look to see if there was any traffic behind me and nearly got side swiped by a guy with a camera hanging out of his window.

Isla startled at the sound of car horns.

I slammed my car into park and jumped out, ready to explode, but when I got to the driver’s side, I had to stop. She had tears streaming down her face.

I took a deep breath and motioned for her to lower the window down. “Can we talk?” She wiped her face with the back of her hand. “Please,” I begged.

She motioned for me to go around and get in. Behind me, people were flashing pictures of us, one right after the other.

As mad as I was, I couldn’t bring myself to yell at her. “Why are you crying?”

She punched my arm. “You are a real piece of work! You’re really going to go screw some woman to get information out of her?”

Whoa, where did that come from? She’s jealous? What does that mean?

I couldn’t help myself. “Does this mean you want to have my baby? If that’s the case, we can handle it today.”

Cameras still flashing, she punched me again, this time with less force. “You’re such a jerk! I don’t know why I love you. I must be a glutton for punishment or something.”

Chapter Nine – Isla





I woke up this morning, I never imagined I’d be lying naked on Beck’s bed – the bed, he swore he’d never shared with another woman.

He finally emerged from his office, where this whole affair began, carrying two glasses of wine and nothing more than a seductive smile on his rock hard body. “Thirsty?” He asked coyly.

I was thirsty, but not for wine. After some heavy petting on the way here and the best tongue teasing I’d ever experienced in my life, I was more than ready for something in my mouth, but the shy girl in me, held me back.

Beck must have sensed what I was thinking. “Oh, you’re thirsty, but not for wine. Good. I’m not ready for wine yet either. We can save it for later.” He cast the glasses aside, letting them hit the hardwood floor and shatter at his feet.

“That was a bit dramatic,” I said.

He smirked, climbing on top of the bed, straddling me, his hardness teasing me on his approach. I bit my lip in anticipation of the pleasure I knew would come. Instinctively, I let my legs fall to the side to take him in, but to my surprise, he didn’t rush. He stopped, allowing himself to fall on top of my legs, his tongue making contact with my clitoris with virtually no effort at all.

Using slow, intentional movements, he moved his tongue over me, sucking my tender folds and sipping my juices as they flowed from my body. In and out, in and out, he teased me, while I moaned with pleasure.

One hand skimmed the contours of my curves, while the other worked its way up to my erect nipple and tugged gently at first, then worked it with more intensity, keeping pace with his tongue in my wetness. I reached my hands down, curling my fingers into his hair, wanting to keep him between my legs forever, but also hoping he’d give me his fullness soon before I exploded.

His fingers pulled and tugged my tender nipple, sending chills through my body as I tugged his hair. He moaned a low guttural sound onto the inside of my thigh, stopping to press small kisses into it, before moving down my leg to my ankles. He tickled my calves with soft kisses and licks and moved to my feet, cupping them in his hands and massaging them until I writhed with pleasure. This was a man who knew what to do to satisfy a woman in every way possible.

He lifted himself up, his fullness hitting my leg and looked at me with hooded lids, licking his lips. “You are so fucking sexy,” he moaned in between breaths.

I wanted to pull him to me, make him take me, but the look in his eye scared me. I wondered if it was real or another part of his act to get what he wanted.

I pushed the thought out of my head as he slid up my body, positioning his hardness between my legs, smoothing it over my wetness.

“You’re going to love this. You might want to take a few days off after this,” he teased. “It’s going to be a long night.”

Of course, even in the heat of passion, Beck couldn’t see past his ego far enough to act like a one-hundred percent normal human being. Why did I think he would?

“Don’t look at me like that.” He pointed to the scowl on my face.

“Like what? Like a woman who isn’t impressed by your…”

He sat up. My argument died right there. His body was too much of a distraction when he was fully dressed. Stark naked and glistening with sweat, it was incredibly difficult to breathe and even more difficult to speak
. Why did I even bother to try?

“Can’t speak, beautiful?” He purred like the fierce alpha male beast he was.

I don’t know why I blushed. We’d spent the last six hours exploring each other’s bodies. We had done enough to have broken down all barriers and inhibitions, but we’d not officially had full-on sex yet. I guess the good girl thing I tried hard to maintain was messing with my head, but the way Beck’s strong, knowing hands and his long tongue skimmed my body, my grip on the good girl was loosening piece by piece. If he kept teasing me with his massive fullness he had against my goose pimpled flesh, the good girl was going to die an exhilarating death.

“What is going on with you? Why do you have that look on your face?” Beck asked, looking at me curiously.

“What’s wrong with the way I look?” I could feel my defenses, building up and fighting to creep out my mouth.

He smiled, seemingly amused by how quick I was to become defensive and angry. I hated that about myself sometimes, but there were times when it became necessary.

“You look like we got caught by your husband? Whoa, wait, you’re not married, right?” He answered his own question after laughing at my expense. “Yeah, no way you’re married. I would have been able to tell right away. The married ones always give themselves away.”

Way to kill the mood, bad boy!

I forced myself into a semi-sitting position, nearly toppling Beck over onto his back. “The married ones? You sleep with married women?”

It was his turn to blush this time. “Well, I have to be honest, there’s not much sleeping going on with the women.”

What a pig!

“Well, aren’t you Prince Charming? You have a way with words, don’t you? I’m sure your skanks love you for that,” I said, knowing full-well I sounded like a jealous woman -- like he’d scorned me.

He smiled coyly, focusing his eyes on my exposed breasts. “Can we talk later? After we’re done?”

I yanked the sheet up over me so he wouldn’t have a reason to be distracted. “No, I want to talk now.”

He sighed, pushing himself up into a seated position, his massive erection still very prominent. Because he was the kind of man he was, he didn’t bother to cover himself. Instead, he remained fully exposed and vulnerable in the sexiest way possible.

Why had I started an argument? I had a fine ass man – a damn football star – naked and begging me - and I chose this moment, of all moments, to want to be a whiny woman.

I had to remind myself I signed up for this. If I had an issue, I should have stopped this façade a long time ago. There was no going back now. As much as I didn’t want to admit it, I liked him. It was inexplicable to me and probably would be to anyone who knew me. It wasn’t difficult to fathom on a superficial level. I mean, Beck was the sexiest freaking man alive, according to some magazines, but aside from that, he had some kind of power. Voodoo? Whatever it was, I couldn’t resist him. Not at all. I was addicted to him and we’d not even experienced any semblance of a real relationship yet. Clearly, there was something wrong with me. There had to be.

“Well, whatever it is, let it go. It doesn’t matter now. We have a baby to make,” Beck said.

A baby? Did I really agree to have his baby?

I didn’t get an opportunity to mull the thought over because Beck was still at full attention and ready for the next step. He covered my lips with his, simultaneously pulling me up and over to sit on his lap, where I made contact with his erection. He winced at the contact, but gripped my hips tighter, helping me remain in place. He didn’t have to worry. There was no way I was going to move away from him. His lips were soft against mine. He held me with such force and passion that breaking our connection would have killed me.

Soon, I pushed my apprehensions aside and let myself enjoy the moment, enjoy the touch of his hands, the sultry, manly scent that permeated through his glistening pores, and the taste of his body. I opened my mouth wider, allowing him full access to my tongue. He didn’t hesitate to move his long, wet tongue inside my mouth, while also cupping my ass in his hands, swinging my hips in back and forth motions over the head of his erection, teasing my wet folds with the tip. He knew what he was doing. He was working me up to near explosive level convulsions.

I ground against him, desperate for him to take me. I wanted him. I needed him. I had to have him consume me, make me feel things I’d never felt before. While I moaned with pleasure, his fingers slid down, making contact with my wetness. He slipped one long finger inside me, while I grinded harder on him. Then, his finger turned into two gliding in and out of me. I moaned louder.

He applied pressure to my mound with his thumb. Then, he inserted another, filling me with a sensation I’d never experienced in my life, both pain and pleasure. I yelled out his name.

“Stand up,” he ordered me.

My legs trembling, I moved to stand, but couldn’t, especially with his fingers still deep inside me, massaging me.

He snickered. “Stand up,” he whispered.

“I… can’t.” I sounded breathless.

He snickered again before removing his fingers.

I grimaced at his sudden movement.

He stood up, holding onto my arms so I wouldn’t topple over onto my back. “Bend over.”

I swallowed hard. What was happening? I nearly fainted at the excitement of it all.

“I want to take you from behind,” he said, making me feel like the densest woman in the world.
Why was I questioning him?

I bent, preparing myself for his fullness, my knees shaking uncontrollably.

He moved behind me, forcing my hips to meet with his, teasing me with the moistened tip of his erection. In one swift movement, he lifted me so that his fullness was flush with my tender folds. He slid over my lower lips and teased me, pausing when my teeth clenched. His pace increased at the sound of my moaning. I was his. He could do anything to me and I wouldn’t move. I swore to myself, I’d not resist because I wanted it as much, if not more, than he did. Screw the demure woman routine!

He released my hips and took my legs, wrapping them back around his back, resting on the muscular mounds of his ass. The top part of my body fell to the floor. The sensations I felt had full control, I couldn’t keep myself from collapsing. I braced myself on the floor, using my arms to hold me up and keep me at the perfect angle for him to enter fully.

Beck’s movements were swift and knowing. He widened his stance, trusting my legs and arms would hold me in place. First, his movements were slow and steady, while he allowed my body to wrap around his engorged fullness. When my body adjusted and I’d caught my breath, he used more force, controlled and centered in his approach. He was priming me for more to come. I could sense it. He never ceased to amaze me. I’d thought he’d pummel me, if I let him have me, but instead, he was gentle and patient and confident about what he wanted.

Quicker and quicker he moved in and out, filling me with every square inch of his long, hard dick. I felt like I’d tear with each new movement, but that’s not what happened. Instead, my body adjusted to his size and his rapid, full-throttle movements.

Just when I thought I’d explode, he stopped, leaving me like a rag doll – a shivering, panting rag doll who’d just had the best sex of her life. He left me to remove my legs from the death grip they had on his taut waist and move my body to the floor while I recovered.

My heart threatened to burst out of my chest. I couldn’t slow down what my body was doing. Juices slipped down my thighs. My legs trembled furiously. My hands and arms were numb. My throat was so dry; I couldn’t speak even if I wanted to. While I fought to regain control of my spent body, I didn’t notice, Beck had left the room -- left me completely alone.

“Where did he run off to?”

It didn’t matter. My brain couldn’t focus; it was too busy trying to regain all of my other faculties.

The door opened behind me. I didn’t bother to turn my head to look. I didn’t have the energy.

Beck’s familiar laugh alarmed me.

I spoke with hoarseness in my voice, “Why are you laughing at me? Rude!”

“No, what’s rude is you’re still on the floor and I’m standing here with a massive hard on. I need you to take care of it,” Beck answered in classic Beck style.

“Help me,” I begged.

He laughed again, but obliged, picking me up in one fell-swoop and lying me gently on the bed, facing up. “There you go, beautiful,” he said, taking in my quivering body with his eyes. “Do you need a drink now?”

I attempted to lift my arm to indicate yes, but it fell immediately. “Yes,” I said in my still raspy, breathless voice.

“Your wish is my command,” he said, turning to leave again. I assumed for a glass, but I thought I heard the sound of water running in the distance.

He returned, lifting me again and carrying me out of the room.

“Where are we going?” I asked, afraid one of his staff would see me in all my naked glory.

He smiled at me, not saying a word.

We stepped into the hallway bathroom.

“What are we doing? I said I needed a drink, not a…”

“Isla, stop talking. Let me take care of you. I’m the one who got you all hot and bothered; let me soothe those aches and pains before we go again,” Beck said, sounding sincere in his own sexy beast kind of way.

I had to admit; a bath sounded good. My body was sore, but in an oh-so-good-way. “Why can’t I use the master bath? Are black women not allowed in your bathroom? Typical, I’m good enough for your bed, but not your…”

“Shut up, Isla! Why are you saying that? If this is the way you’re going to act every time we have sex, I’m going to have to muzzle you because, believe me, with the way my manhood stands at attention every time I hear your name, we’re going to be having a lot – I mean, a lot – of sex,” Beck said as placed me into the warm bath.

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