Beauty Submits To Her Beast (8 page)

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Authors: Sydney St. Claire

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Beauty Submits To Her Beast
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He’d pushed her from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other, and now he was joining them, combining their power and pleasure. She’d waited so long for this that she didn’t want to miss a single, heart stopping moment.

He glided into her smoothly. His size took her breath away. He stretched her, filled her, and completed her in a way she’d never experienced. “You’re so big,” she gasped.

“And you’re so tight. So fucking hot. I need you, Belle. Take me. Take all of me.”

She shivered with pleasure. His steel-hardened shaft fit like the missing puzzle piece. He completed her picture. Her pussy pulsed around his cock. Her inner muscles formed a tight glove over him, claiming him as he claimed her.

As though he was just as overwhelmed, he held himself still, allowed her to absorb the feel of him embedded inside her. Had any other man felt this wonderful, as if he’d come home? She didn’t think so. In that moment, the truth hit. He belonged.

If Damon had simply fucked her when she’d entered the room, she wouldn’t have this connection with him. It would have been just another fuck—no doubt a good fuck—but no more. The emotional bond he’d forged translated into a much stronger physical bonding.

He lifted her hips. The motion allowed him to go even deeper, and she gasped, barely able to breathe. Blood pounded through her and inside her, his cock throbbed and vibrated with its own suppressed need. And she felt totally and absolutely in control.

“You are mine, Belle. Mine.” He leaned over her, his hands on the coverlet beside her face, his mouth hovering over hers.

“Yes, Sir,” she panted. And it was true. She needed whatever her weekend beast could give her. She tightened her inner muscles and squeezed. His hiss of breath pleased her, then his mouth claimed hers, his tongue sweeping in. Moaning deep in her throat, she kissed him just as passionately.

Damon was in both heaven and hell. She surrounded him with her moist heat. Every contraction of her pussy felt like dozens of hands stroking his dick. He resisted the urge to pump in and out and send them both reeling. For just this one moment in time, he needed to be one with this woman who both fascinated and mesmerized him.

He tilted his hips, gliding out of her. Her groan mirrored his. He eased back in. She was so tight he was afraid of hurting her. He slid his hand between their bodies. “I want to feel you come with me inside.” Needed to feel her consume him before he lost all control. He stroked her swollen clit.

Her cry pleased him, as did the waves of pleasure stroking his cock. He drove her hard and fast. Sweat beaded on the sides of his face and ran down his back. The base of his spine tingled with the need to fuck her until his brains leaked out his ears. “Hurry, Belle.”

“Yes,” she whimpered and arched beneath him. “Yes. Yes. Yes. God, I’m coming.” Her voice rose to a high shriek, and her fingers twisted in the comforter.

He stroked her clit harder and faster until she went stiff and screamed his name. Her pussy convulsed around his cock, and his shout joined her as spasm after spasm threatened to shred the last of his control.

Before her body calmed, he rose back onto his knees, pushed her legs toward her chest, lifting her and staring at their bodies where they were joined. He pulled out, shuddered with pleasure at the sight of her cream coating his cock, then thrust inside her heavenly warmth. His balls throbbed, his cum churned like a whirlpool threatening to draw in a helpless craft and drown it. If he didn’t fuck her hard and fast right now, he’d be the one drowning.

He pumped his hips and fucked her, driving deep with each thrust. Many women couldn’t handle his size, but Caitie molded around him as though made for him. Just him.

Her breathy cries turned to whimpers. “So good,” she moaned. Her fingers splayed open, clutching and releasing the comforter. “More.”

He went deeper, felt her shudder and draw him in, felt her acceptance as she took all of him. And lost control. He loved the way her eyes glazed with passion, with need. For him. Her back arched and she threw her head back, exposing the smooth column of her neck.

Damon filled her, moved as one with her. Caitlin’s cries fill the room. She gripped his cock with her pussy. He felt the flare of ecstasy building deep inside her.

His angle and his size allowed him to stroke that sweet spot that he knew would set off mini explosions in her clit. He held her legs firm. She rocked and clenched her muscles, matching his pounding rhythm. “Look at me.” She obeyed. Sweat dripped down the sides of his face, and his arms bulged when he dropped onto his hands, his mouth inches from hers. “With me, Caitlin. With me. Say my name when you come. Scream my name.”

“Now, Damon. Take me again.” She gripped his shoulders, her fingers trailed down his back, her nails scraping.

He shuddered, and his thrusts turned frantic. Blood pounded in his ears, his groin, and even deep in his wound, the pain adding an edge to the lust driving him to pump harder and faster.

“Damon!” She screamed his name when he plunged harder and faster with the intensity of a man driven over the edge.

“Now. Now. Now.” His shouts echoed around her.

She screamed his name over and over as he shot them both high, into a void filled with white heat and sparks of color, their own private firework display.


Damon cradled Caitlin in his arms. He’d fallen on the bed, she’d wrapped her arms around him, and in a tangle of arms and legs, he’d drawn her close, pleased when she put her head on his chest and promptly fell asleep. He ran his hand along the curve of her side, dipped into the valley of her waist, and caressed the swell of her hip.

He retraced his movement, finding it soothing to touch her. He envied her ability to sleep so soundly and peacefully. He smiled and brushed his lips across her forehead. Caitlin Olsen was nothing like he’d figured. He’d been prepared for a confident woman, a woman used to being in charge of her life. And he’d gotten that and so much more.

He bit back a chuckle when he remembered how she’d come through the door with fire in her eye and an attitude big as the moon on her shoulders. His first impression had been that they were a bad match, that Bryce and Glorie were wrong in their assessment of her and the weekend would not work out.

It had taken less than ten minutes for her to pique his curiosity. Twenty for him to decide he wanted her at any cost, and now, after two intense hours, he wasn’t sure three days would be enough.

She shifted in his arms, sighed in her sleep, and threw one leg over his. He winced at the brief flash of pain that jangled the nerves in his thigh but didn’t shift her. He liked having her draped over his body. It’d be so simple to stroke her ass and cup her dark mound. Maybe he’d wake her nice and slow and take them both on a leisurely ride. No, better not
. Let her sleep.
He had a big evening planned.

Drawing her closer, he rubbed his cheek on her silky hair and grinned. She’d lived up to his expectations this afternoon. As a Dom, he’d pushed her hard, intending to break through her need to control. He’d needed to know if she would submit and where her boundaries lay.

And what a surprise he’d received. She challenged him, pushed him to the breaking point all while submitting completely. He’d earned her trust. He couldn’t have asked for more, yet he wanted more.

If their earlier session was about control and power, tonight’s focus was on getting to know her, learning what she liked, and again, pushing her to see how far she’d go. She was so responsive, he couldn’t wait for later. He closed his hand over her breast and flicked his fingers over her nipple until it tightened, then ran his palm over her ass.

She shifted, her knee brushing his hardening cock. Her eyes flew open.

“Ah, you’re awake. Can you handle more candy?” He rolled on top of her, snagged her hands, and drew them both over her head.

Smiling, she parted her legs, welcoming him into the cradle of her hips. “No such thing as too much candy.”

“Good, let’s go see what house five is offering.”

“You are mistaken, Sir. I believe we are on number seven. Four was a triplex.”

Laughing, Damon slanted his mouth over hers. “You are correct, little sub. House seven it is, and if you are very good, it, too, might end up being a duplex.”

Chapter Seven

After a nap, orgasms number seven and eight, followed by a long shower, Caitie was refreshed and energized. She dressed in a clean costume, similar to the one she’d worn when she arrived at Pleasure Manor, but in nutty brown. Alone in the bathroom, she grinned at her reflection. The mansion was aptly named and her friend Maize had not exaggerated when she’d claimed orgasms were handed out like candy at Halloween.

The beginning had been rocky. She’d nearly decided this Dom/sub stuff wasn’t her cup of tea, but she was super glad she’d stuck it out. Damon was a sex god. He knew just how to please women—her. She didn’t want to think about him with other women. But hey, she’d take the three days with him and be eternally grateful.

And maybe ruined for any other man.

No one else had ever made her feel the way he did. Hell, she hadn’t known it could be so damn good. Their last round of lovemaking had been so different. He’d taken his time, sending her over the edge, showing her a gentle, tender side. Number eight had been a slow fuck, with measured thrusts as he kept pace with her until they’d flown apart, their voices mingling, their hands clasped, and their bodies arched together. She’d hit the jackpot with him as her Dom. And lover. Too bad it was only for a few days.

Taking a deep breath, she couldn’t help but wonder what he had planned for tonight and tomorrow. Saturday was a spa day and the ball, and Sunday, she’d say goodbye and return to reality.

Leaving her hair loose, she left the bathroom. She found Damon in the sitting room, leaning against the mantle, exactly where he’d stood when she first entered. Her stomach fluttered when she glanced up at the pot of ivy, the hidden chain, then at the carpet. She lifted a brow. The taped X was gone.

“Regrets?” He joined her, stopping a foot away. His voice warmed her.

“None,” she answered honestly. How could she regret a single moment or a single orgasm? She let her gaze roam over his bare chest. She was tempted to go to him and run her hands over that wide, hard plane. She had a weakness for broad shoulders and tapered hips. But she wasn’t sure if they were back to their weekend roles or not.

Her gaze drifted lower to the pair of leather pants that rode low on his hips. Her brows rose. No crotch again, and this time, instead of a shapeless sack, his cock was encased in a bright purple penis glove. Good grief, the man was hung, a stallion among men.

“Nice,” she said, choking as saliva flooded her mouth. And wasn’t she just the mare waiting to be mounted. Good grief, sex suddenly consumed her every thought. She blamed her beast for he’d shown her just how sensual a woman she truly was.

Earlier, she’d been too caught up in his demands to appreciate his body. She did so now by walking around him. Her gaze swept across his bare ass, and her heart pattered happily. He had a prime ass—tanned, firm, muscled, and nicely rounded. Yep, a prized stallion and all hers.

“You have a bubble butt,” she said, smiling. Her last boyfriend had what she’d termed a baby butt, nothing there to grab onto. Not that he’d been that good a ride that she needed to hang on for dear life. Unlike Damon who was like a scary but exhilarating rollercoaster.

“Am I allowed to touch you?” Her finger itched to explore those firm cheeks and delve into his shadowy crease.

He turned. “Later. We need to get going or we’ll be late.”

“Where are we going?” She’d assumed they were staying here in their suite of rooms.

“Dinner and a show.”

“We’re going out?” That was disappointing. She wanted to spend her evening alone with this intriguing man who knew how to stroke her embers to roaring flames, then quench those fires. Realizing his lack of dress meant they weren’t leaving the mansion, she was relived.

“Through here.” He led her through a hidden door on the far side of the sitting room.

She frowned. He had a slight limp she’d not noticed before. “Wow, a secret passage.” The hall was long, narrow with wall sconce’s providing light. At the end, he indicated she should go up the stairs. “Oh, what about masks? We’re not supposed to leave our rooms without them.”

“We have our own area outside. No one will see us.”

Caitie stepped out into the late afternoon light. A brick path cut through a walled garden. She spotted benches, a small table, and a cozy swing. A perfectly formed yellow rose lured her in for a sniff. A bed of lavender surrounding a fountain added a sweet fragrance. “I’d love to sit out here. It’s beautiful.”

He glanced around. “Tomorrow.” He grinned. “Got plans for tonight.” He led the way along the winding path to a romantically rounded gate framed by an arch of wisteria. Again, she noticed that slight limp. Did he have an injury? Or just pulled a muscle? No, she’d seen brief flashes of pain or discomfort in his eyes, but at the time, her focus had been on what he was doing or what she was feeling.

Thinking back to the darkness and pain she’d sensed buried deep inside the man, she thought perhaps he fit the role of her beast very well indeed. He reminded her of the horses she rescued. Like many, this man had been injured, perhaps mentally as well as physically, and he kept that part of him walled off from the world. She wondered what happened and found she wanted his story.

A horse-drawn buggy awaiting on the other side of the gate put an end to her curiosity for the time being.

Caitie let out a squeal of pleasure. “Is this for us?” She hurried around Damon and through the gate to check out the large chestnut gelding. “What a gorgeous boy.” She glanced up. Hastings held the reins. She hid her grin when she thought of her friend having sex with the butler.

“Come, Belle.”

Giggling, eager to play along and see what Damon had planned, she curtsied. “Yes, my prince.”

Damon lifted a brow. “Prince? I’m a beast, my dearest Belle.”

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