Beauty Submits To Her Beast (11 page)

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Authors: Sydney St. Claire

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Beauty Submits To Her Beast
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“That was a taste of what’s coming, sweet Belle,” he whispered in her ear. He jerked his hips, letting her feel his magnificent cock stroking between her parted legs.

Damon rose to his feet behind her and held out his hand to help Caitie up. He yanked off his penis glove, and her heart jumped to her throat. He was thick, the veins pulsing and twining around his cock like vines. His mushroomed head had deepened to a rich red-purple, a color in the past reserved for royalty.

And hot damn, this man was her prince.

“Oh, Sir, you look as though you need emergency attention to ease your swelling.” She licked her top lip and wanted to fall on him like fleas on a dog. Her mouth watered at the thought of sliding her lips down his cock and swallowing him.

He fisted his hand around his shaft and stroked slow. “I’m afraid my poor cock wouldn’t last if you did what you’re thinking of doing.” He slipped a foil packet out of a small pocket on his hip and handed it to her. He held her gaze. “No skin to skin. Or mouth. Condom only.”

“Or?” God, it would be worth a spanking to touch him and do whatever she wanted.

“Or you might just end the fun. No candy for naughty subs.”

No more candy?
That was unacceptable and therefore not worth the risk. She removed the condom and positioned it right over his weeping slit. His hiss of air made her smile as she used fingers from both hands to unroll the latex over the soft head, taking her time. Her touch firmed when she started down his hard length.

He felt so damn good. She needed so much more so she fisted her hand around him, making sure not to touch him. A thrill of lust zipped deep into her center. His girth was so wide, she couldn’t touch her thumb to her fingertips. Slowly, she eased the latex tube down his shaft.

Damon sucked in his breath. “Belle.” His voice was low with warning.

Caitie grinned. “No skin to skin.” He hadn’t said she couldn’t use her whole hand to apply the condom. As soon as the latex covered him from tip to hilt, she stepped back to stop herself from sliding her fingers down and over his sac.

Another shrill scream, this one much closer, had her whipping around. Gripping the rail, she searched below and spotted a woman running out of the forest. Her blouse was pulled down over one breast and her skirt rode up her ass. Good grief. What was it with exposed boobs? She shook her head. The woman shrieked, shouted that a wolf was after her.

“Oh, my god. Are there wild animals in the woods?” Caitie leaned over the rail to call out a warning. She wished she had her rifle to scare off the animal.

Damon covered her mouth. “Shh. Not a word. No talking from this point on.”

Suddenly, as though God’s hand had flipped a switch, soft lights winked on. The branches and leaves in the trees surrounding the stage twinkled. Her eyes went wide with delight. There were thousands of them, some small, some larger rounded globes, enough to light up the entire clearing.

From the tallest tree at the far end, a large yellowish-white lamp glowed, a moon nestled among the stars. The woman below ran into the pool of simulated star and moonlight.

“Help! The wolf is after me! Help me! Someone help me!”

The sudden snap of a whip startled Caitie, drawing her attention to the man striding onto the stage. “Oh, good heavens,” she whispered. “It’s Red Riding Hood and her big, bad wolf.” And damn, the guy was seriously built. She too might scream if a hunk was chasing her with his cock leading the way. She licked her lips. Scream with giddy anticipation, that is.

She watched Red kneel and submit to her Dom. “This is our show?”

“It is.” Damon closed one hand over breast, his fingers playing with her nipple. The other manipulated the butt plug, twisting and turning it, pushing it in, pulling it almost out until she moaned and wiggled her hips. It was hard to focus on what was going on below when he was making her body sing. His hands trailed over her belly, leaving a path of heat and need. She sucked in her breath, waited for him to snake his finger into her pubic hair and find her clit.

But instead of a bare finger, the tiny vibrator hummed to life. She bit her lip to keep from crying out.

“Payback is a bitch, sweet. Punishments come in many forms. No noise. Not a sound.”

God, if this was his idea of punishment, she’d have to make sure she did a lot of disobeying. Feeling herself ready to crest, she drew in a deep breath, then cried out when he shut off the vibrator, sending her crashing back to earth.

She moaned and understood. Pleasure and denial made for a very effective punishment. “Not fair,” she grumbled the groaned when the toy on her clit came alive. Three times, she protested aloud and each time he revved her to the point of orgasm, then stopped. Caitie thought she just might go mad in a very delicious manner.

“Don’t think I don’t know what you are up to, little sub. Denial makes for a very effective punishment, sometimes more so than a spanking.” He removed the vibrator, then the plug, and dropped them into the box.

She bit back her protest. Damn the man.

Below, bathed in light, Red and her Wolf were putting on quite a show, which got Caitie even hotter and more desperate for her candy from house number…nine? Ten? Eleven? God, she was losing count. The way Red was screaming, it was a sure bet the woman was enjoying her orgasm. Dammit, she wanted to come right along with Red Riding Hood.

How could this be such a turn on? She’d never figured herself to be a voyeur but had to admit, she was hot and bothered and her Dom, her cursed prince, kept her right at the peak, ready to topple. The show continued, and after watching Red suck her Wolf’s cock, Caitie was desperate for her own release.

“God, I want you, Damon. Sir. Don’t make me wait.” She turned, reached out, but he caught her and forced her to face forward.

“Watch Red, my naughty sub. That is your fate tomorrow.”

Red had her ass in the air, and her wolf was spanking her. Caitie cringed at each loud slap even as her gut clenched and her clit throbbed.

“Hold onto the rail, Belle.”

She grabbed it as he yanked her hips back so she was bent over. She bit her lower lip. Was he going to spank her right now? Right here? She wanted to protest but sucked in a breath when his palms circled her cheeks.

Needing to feed the beast inside, Damon nudged her feet apart, his actions a little rougher than he’d been with her before. “As much as I want to turn your sweet ass as red as Little Red Riding Hood’s, I can wait. For that.” He slammed his cock inside her pussy, felt her moist heat seep into him, and couldn’t stop the groan from escaping. She pulsed and throbbed around him, her sheath as tight as his glove. She contracted her muscles.

“Fuck.” God, it felt as though she were giving him a combination hand and blowjob. “So damn good, so sweet. Squeeze me harder, faster,” he ordered, needing her to push him as he pushed her.

Moaning, she thrust back, taking him deeper. Over and over, hard and soft. Dom and sub, equal in their needs, each at the mercy of the other. He swore and groaned. She moaned and gasped.

Sparing a glance at the show below, Damon gripped her hips, tipped her ass higher so he could watch his dick plunge in and out, faster, and faster.

His beauty whimpered and cried out. He pumped his hips, taking her harder. He tingled from head to toe, and the base of his spine felt as though someone had applied the hot end of a plug with exposed wires.

Down below, the wolf shouted, “Now! Now! Now!”

“Come, Belle,” Damon urged. “Let’s show our staring couple we enjoyed their performance.” He gasped for air. “Scream, my lovely Belle. Scream for your Beast.” He thrust harder, faster, deeper, his hips pounding against her ass.

His Belle bowed her back, and when the head of his cock hammered that sensitive spot over and over, she shrieked. His thrusts ignited hidden caches of desire that exploded around his cock like a string of firecrackers.

“I’m going to come,” he ground out.

She gripped the rail, and he hoped it held and they didn’t both shoot through with the force of his fucking.

Voices rose as one couple after another added their joy and release to the dramatic and sensual melody rising from below. At stage center, Red screamed. As though an invisible conductor slashed his baton, high to low, scream after scream burst through the night, a resounding crescendo that reverberated through him and into her.

Damon’s string of fucks joined others. He drove into her one last time. Caitlin threw her head back as he let go. Her pussy clenched around him. Her scream merged with his shout as they soared through the treetops.

Chapter Nine

Caitie couldn’t remember ever having such a wild, wonderful weekend. The picnic dinner, the tree house, the show, the sex had been surreal, her own fairytale. She sighed. Even the return to the tree house had been magical. The rope bridges had been like walking on glowing-white rainbows, and above her head, the lights strung in the trees, as well as the sight of that beautiful miniature house all lit up, made her wish her dreamy weekend could be real.

How many times during her childhood had she longed for a place where she was free for just a few hours? She’d never had a place she could go to be alone. After her rough start to the event, she was very glad she’d accepted the challenge and stayed.

She sat on the back deck where she and Damon had eaten much earlier just soaking in the calm evening and thinking about the afternoon of wild and wonderful sex followed by an evening of absolutely out of this world sex. Who would have thought she’d get off watching another couple go at it and knowing others were doing the same.


That one word summed up everything that had happened so far. A loud, haunting hooo-hoo had her searching the trees. To her delight, the owl swooped down and flew over the deck, right above Damon’s head.

“I had the best time, Damon.”

He sat propped against a pile of pillows beside her, a bottle of water in his hand. The man kept telling her to hydrate, hydrate. She chuckled. Sex was thirsty work.

“What’s so amusing?”

She held up her own nearly empty bottle of water. “This.” Then she spread her arms wide. “All of it. I feel so free.”

He put his arm around her and pulled her close. “Tell me about your family. I know your mom died, that you took care of her. You must have been very young.”

Caitie cradled her head in the hollow of his shoulder and neck. She smiled sadly. “Mom was diagnosed with MS when I was seven. My brother and sister were barely two—fraternal twins. By the time I was thirteen, I was running the house and taking care of the twins.”

“Your father?”

“He left. Decided he didn’t want kids and family and the responsibility of caring for a sick wife. He sent money, was at least responsible in that manner. He died when I was sixteen in a car accident involving a drunk driver. He’d left my mother as beneficiary to his life insurance, so that helped when she got too ill to be left alone while I was in school.”

“No other relatives?”

“None willing to help.” She still remembered at fourteen, hearing her mother beg her eldest sister for help and crying when it was clear there was no help coming. That was the night Caitie grew up and knew she’d willingly give up everything and take on the role of caretaker, nurse, babysitter, housekeeper, and all the other myriad of duties that landed on her shoulders.

Damon shifted to glance down at her. “You had family, and they left a young child dealing with something most adults can’t handle?”

The outrage in his voice and in his face warmed her. She reached up to smooth the angry lines from his forehead. “It was what it was. And it’s in the past. We survived. All of us. I have no regrets.”

“So how did you go from caretaker to rancher?”

“My sister, Madison, was a horse nut. She used to hang out at the stables not far from our home. She mucked stalls and earned riding lessons. The owner rescued a couple of abandoned and abused horses and gave my sister the job of taking care of the animals. She went there every day before and after school. I helped her out when she couldn’t do it because of school or illness.”

She smiled softly. “The owner pretty much gave her the horses. When she was ready to go to college, I was at a crossroads, trying to decide what to do with my life. I remembered how much I’d enjoyed the horses. For those precious hours, I was at peace. I couldn’t spend as much time at the stables, but the times I did spend there are among my happiest memories. So when Madison was ready to go to college and needed a place for her horses, I took my share of the life insurance and the sale of the house and bought some land with an old farmhouse and a barn that looked as though a breath of air could bring it down.”

Damon rubbed a strand of her hair between his fingers. He couldn’t imagine being responsible for three lives at so young an age. Certainly, he’d only thought of himself as a kid and teen. His admiration for her grew. Her need to be in charge and in control made sense, as did her deep-seated need to give it up for a time. And give it she had. She’d far surpassed his expectations. And humbled him in the process. He smiled to himself. His Belle was quickly taming her beast.

He let his gaze roam her face. Her features were soft in the gentle light from the moon, stars, and the twinkling bulbs in the tree. He could sit with her forever out here with only their owl and the sound of crickets for company. “When did you lose your mother?”

“Seven years ago.” She tipped her head back. “What about you? Do you have siblings? Are your parents alive?”

He stared through the canopy of leaves at the round globe of the moon. He never talked about his life, but right now, with this woman, it seemed not only fair but right. “I have no family. I was dumped into the system when I was three and bounced from home to home.” He gave a bitter laugh. “I guess you could say I’ve had more parents and siblings than most, yet I have none.”

“That’s sad, Damon.”

He shrugged. “I got by.” By closing himself off, using anger to hide the hurt, and later, getting into trouble by taking what he needed. “Got into trouble. Judge gave me a choice, jail or enlist. And that’s enough of my sad, pathetic past.”

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