Beauty and the Beasts [Bride Train 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (5 page)

BOOK: Beauty and the Beasts [Bride Train 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Please, everyone, sit,” called Sophie over the rumble of shuffling feet and scraping chairs.

At six foot even, Oz was tall, but he was one of the shortest in the valley. Even Jack was an inch taller. He waited until everyone in front of him sat before he did. He didn’t want to lose sight of Sarah.

She modestly kept her eyes down, but Oz noticed her cheeks were pink. At least she’d taken off her kerchief. Her chopped hair had grown out to brush her shoulders. It looked thick, the color of chestnuts in the fall. Her dress hung, concealing her figure without her apron tied snug around her waist. Just as well, as he didn’t want anyone knowing about her shape. Just him, Gabe, and Luke.

“First I have an announcement about Miss Unsworth’s new bakery, which is in the old gold assay office next door,” said Sophie loudly. “The first thirty men waiting in line Monday morning will get a free fruit turnover.”

“Jennet is going to have kittens over that when he gets back from Helena,” said Jack to Oz over the cheers.

“Too bad. We need a bakery. And I’m going to be one of the first in line Monday morning,” declared Oz.

“From the noise of this crowd, you’ll have competition. You’d better sleep on the boardwalk Sunday night.”

“Won’t be the first time I’ve slept rough.”

“Gentlemen!” Sophie waved her hands to quiet the hubbub. “I would like to thank Mr. Elliott and Mr. Cutler for being so quick to take care of that rude man. Miss Unsworth wishes to give her own thanks. Jack, Oz, could you come here, please?”

They looked at each other, shrugged, and got to their feet.

“Do we get a free pie to take home?” asked Jack as he ambled over with a lazy grin.

“No, a kiss,” said Sophie.

Groans and curses filled the room from jealous men who hadn’t moved fast enough. Jack beamed, rubbing his hands and cutting up for the jealous men. Oz walked quietly behind, though his heart thumped so hard he shook. This was his chance to show them that Miss Sarah Unsworth was claimed by the Circle C ranch, and everyone else better keep their filthy hands off her.

He’d wait for Jack and then he’d kiss her so well, everyone would know not to touch. If they did, his fist would get in their face, or even better, his knee would end up in a more tender place. The only problem would be if she didn’t agree with his reasoning and fought his kiss. He’d have to explain the situation to her first. Fast.

Jack turned sideways to the crowd and bent over, since Sarah only came up to his chin. He twisted his mouth to pull his cheek over. She held his arm for balance, went up on her toes, and kissed him. Whistles and catcalls erupted as Jack staggered back, grinning.

“Wait’ll Beth hears about that!” yelled someone nearby.

“I’ll give Beth a better one. That’ll make her happy,” replied Jack just as loud.

While they laughed, Oz came close to Sarah. Her face was even pinker than before. Embarrassment, or something else? She looked straight at his eye. Hers were hazel with flecks of honey, green, and dark brown. Beautiful. He almost staggered at what he read in them. Did she really mean to send a message of such

“You’re a beautiful, single woman,” said Oz quietly. “Unless you want the attention of all these men, day after day, you need to show you already have a man’s protection. If I kiss you soundly, they’ll know you’re part of the Circle C. This doesn’t have to mean more than we give our protection to you. Luke and Gabe will back me up, all the way.”

Her nostrils flared. “If I let you kiss me, these men won’t bother me?”

“That’s right. But I won’t touch you after this.” He gave her the sensual smile that had worked so well before the war. “Unless you want me to…”

She parted her lips and licked them. She did it as if unsure of herself rather than the practiced way of a professional. She nodded and his cock surged even as his heart leaped. He kept his back to the crowd and placed his hands on the narrow waist hidden by her loose dress. His fingers spread out, molding around her hips. He leaned over and inhaled. Cinnamon, peaches, stew, and something that was so wonderful it must be plain

He swept his lips past hers, just a small taste. He felt her smile, so he asked for more by nipping her bottom lip. She held his shirt and leaned against him. He groaned and wrapped his arms around her back. She opened her mouth, eager and experienced and so full of wanting that he couldn’t help giving her everything she asked for.

The world faded. He kissed her as he had no other woman. None had responded as willingly, or demanded so much in return. She trembled in his arms, standing so close that she felt his hard cock and shifted her thighs to rub him. He moved his chest from side to side to rasp the hard nipples pressed against his shirt. He dropped his hand over her hip to—

The sharp pain of a knife prick at the back of his neck stopped him cold. He released his hands, holding them up and out at his sides. He fought to breathe, his head spinning from lust and lack of air. He couldn’t move without the knife piercing his neck. His cock, so long denied release, felt like it was the size and weight of one of the butcher’s largest sausages. It hurt, both from the need to release and his tight pants.

The buzzing in his head faded. The sound was replaced by fists pounding on tables, boots stomping, and roars, both of approval and outrage.

“Have I got your attention now, my friend?”

A deep, sarcastic voice whispered in his ear. Oz swallowed, careful not to move. “Jack?” The sharp pain disappeared. He put his hand on his neck and checked it. A smear of red tipped his fingers. He turned to face his attacker. “Why the hell did you stick that thing in my neck?”

“You want a friend to do that, or one of those jealous men?” Jack pointed to the crowd with the knife that had so recently punctured him. “They want to rip your limbs off and throw them to the dogs. Unless Sarah says she wanted that kiss, they just might.” He raised his eyebrows. “Or do you want a visit from the Vigilantes?”

The gang of so-called upright citizens were known to hang men on the least suspicion. Guilt didn’t matter until too late. Oz shuddered. “I guess I owe you thanks.”

Jack wiped his blade on his handkerchief. “Forget about me. You owe the lady an apology, or a proposal. Otherwise,” he drew his finger across his neck and nodded toward the women.

Oz pulled at his collar and turned. Sarah stood beside Sophie. She clasped her hands in front of her and bowed her flaming face. She looked shy and meek, her chest rising and falling as rapidly as his own. But her smile was wide enough that no one could say she hadn’t enjoyed what they’d done.

“Oscar Cutler!” Sophie yelled over the crowd, which quickly shushed.

“Yes, ma’am?” His ears burned, which meant his face must be as red as Sarah’s.

“What in tarnation was that?”

Though Sophie glared fit to beat the band, he saw approval in her crinkled eyes. Relief flooded through him, quickly replaced by a surge of power. He knew how to play to an audience. That had saved him more than once when he knew his fists couldn’t take them all down. He stuck his thumbs in his waistband and bounced on his toes. He’d keep it light, but serious.

“I’d say it was one of my better kisses, but the lady might have another opinion.”

“A kiss?” Sophie looked at their audience. “That was just a kiss? Why didn’t you just peck Miss Unsworth on the cheek, like Jack did?”

Jack nudged him with an elbow and gave him an encouraging wink. He also made sure their audience saw it. A few men in the back made crude comments and suggestions. Sophie glared at them.

“But, Mrs. McLeod, Jack already has a woman. I’m a bachelor, so I had to let Miss Unsworth know my intentions.”

“And what are those intentions?” Sophie crossed her arms and set her shoulders back.

“I’m hoping that kiss might make Miss Unsworth want to see me again.”

“Is that all? To see you?” She waited until the room was quiet again. “Mr. Cutler, that wasn’t a ‘may I see you again?’ kiss. It was a ‘will you marry me?’ kiss.”

The thought of Sarah in his bed every night couldn’t make up for his terror of marriage. He would never do to a woman what his father did to his mother. His grandmother once said Ma used to laugh and sing before she married. By the time he came along, she had as much spirit as a worm, and for good reason. He kept his eye on Sophie so Sarah couldn’t see any hint of his feelings.

“I thought everyone knew my partner, Luke Frost, is looking for a wife.” He placed his hand over his heart and dropped his head as if accepting a great honor. “Since Luke’s not here, I had to step in for him. I’m sure he will thank me.”

“I bet he thumps you, Rooster!”

Oz whipped his head around but couldn’t tell who’d spoken. Of all the names he’d been called due to his curly red hair, that one set him off the most. All the comments had come from the same corner of the room. The rush of power that swept through him when he kissed Sarah turned into anger. If he knew who threw the insults, he’d pound them into the dirt!

“Mr. Cutler, when will Mr. Frost be stopping by to tell Miss Unsworth of his intentions?”

He allowed himself to look at Sarah. Her face was now white instead of pink. Did the yelling frighten her, or did the thought of marriage make her angry? He could tell from her reaction to his kiss that she wasn’t afraid of the marriage bed. Far from it. But would she want more? That was for later. Right now, his job was to protect her. That included fighting anyone stupid enough to insult her. A good fight would settle his cock. It wasn’t as satisfying as a bout of sex, but it was all he’d known since the war.

“Once Luke hears about this, he’ll throw leather on his horse and gallop the whole way to town. He’ll want to prove he’s just as good a kisser.” Oz grinned at the room and shook his head. “He’s wrong. I’m much better.”

Sophie slowly turned to Sarah. “Considering the way you returned that kiss, I suspect you’re interested in being courted by Luke Frost and the Circle C?”

Sarah’s face flushed pink again. Oz had felt her hard nipples against his chest. He bet her pussy was wet. He groaned quietly as his cock fought to free itself from his tight pants. If he didn’t get into a good rip-roaring fight, he’d have to go home and chop a few cords of wood or take on a bear or something. Otherwise, he’d never get rid of the tension and need that flooded him.

“Yes, ma’am,” she whispered into the quiet room.

Sophie raised her voice. “You hear that, gentlemen? Miss Unsworth is not available. No one will bother her without facing the Circle C.” She looked around the room. “Even if Luke, Gabe, and Oz aren’t around, Miss Unsworth has other friends.”

“Hah!” The same voice rang out. “Rooster’s only got one eye. I bet he cain’t fight worth a damn.”

This time when Oz looked to the back corner a big, beefy man stood sneering at him. He looked like a bully, so big he rarely had to fight. Oz had fought since he started to walk and his father knocked him down, to make the “pretty boy” tough.

“I will fight, and win, to protect the lady,” he declared.

“Ten dollars says I’ll have Rooster eatin’ dirt in no time,” jeered the man. “Then she can kiss

Every muscle in Oz’s body tensed when the man leered at Sarah. Jack nudged him with an elbow to remind him not to rush over and pound the look off the bastard’s face.

“I’ll take that bet,” said Jack. “Twenty minutes, in front of Baldy’s Saloon. We’ll see if your fists are as fast as your mouth.”

“Dog fight!” someone yelled.

The room cleared quickly as eager men rushed to get a good spot to watch. It had been a long winter and a fistfight was often the best entertainment around.

“You’re going to fight him?” Sarah’s voice rose with each word.

She looked so cute he wanted to kiss her again, but he figured she might kick him in the knee. Her legs were so short she couldn’t reach much higher than that. Now her eyes were more brown than green. Did they turn green when aroused, and brown when angry? He wanted to give her another kiss to see if they’d turn back to hot green. He put his hands behind his back to stop himself from reaching for her.

“I’m not going to
him, Miss Unsworth,” he said solemnly. “I’m going to beat him. I won’t allow anyone to insult you. That’s how a man protects his woman.”

“I’m not your woman, and I can protect myself!”

She jammed her fists on her hips and glared up at him. She was wrong, on both counts, but telling her so wouldn’t do him, or Luke, any good. He thought when she dropped her head that she’d be grateful of his protection. Not so. But he liked her spark. It would be fun to get her angry, just to turn it into passion.

He leaned forward. “Our kiss, and me fighting for you, will stop them from finding out how well you can protect yourself.” He watched her stew for a moment. He had to hide a smile at the way her face moved while she thought.

“How is fighting going to help me?”

“It’ll prove that anything said or done against you, is also against me, Luke, and Gabe. All three of us will do everything to keep you safe.”

“How do you know your partners will help? They don’t even know about this.”

He gave her a slow wink. “Luke and Gabe told me it only took one look, to know they wanted to protect you.” He ran his knuckles over her soft cheek. “I agree. You’d better stay with Sophie until it’s over.”

Her lips pulled down into a pout. She stepped forward until her sharp chin almost poked his chest. “No man tells me what I can or cannot do.” She growled like a lap dog, all bluster and sharp teeth. “If I want to watch some big guy beat the stuffing out of you, then I will.” She huffed. “Maybe he’ll hit you in the mouth so you can’t kiss me for weeks. Rooster!”

She spun around. He caught her waist with both hands before she could stomp away. He felt a shiver and his body responded. All he had to do was lift her skirts and…
. But if Sarah was willing, he’d show her that a one-eyed man could be something she wanted. For now, all he would give her was a light touch, and a few kisses.

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