Beauty and the Beast (13 page)

Read Beauty and the Beast Online

Authors: Deatri King-Bey

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Beauty and the Beast
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“I won’t let you get away with this, Vic!” Alexis stormed out.

Victoria closed the door. “You can come out now.”

Nefertiti stepped out of the study. “Man, that woman is nuttier than I thought.”

Janis and Victoria covered their mouths as they took in Nefertiti.

“Oh my God!” Janis squealed. “You look so exotic, so beautiful. Bruce was right.”

Each took one of Nefertiti’s hands and made her spin. She wore flat, lightly jeweled leather sandals, a long flouncy indigo skirt and silk blouse, a sheer indigo veil that started below her eyes, and no gloves.

“I can see that ring from up here!” Anna called as she rushed down the stairs. “Looks like somebody’s whipped.”

Flushed and embarrassed, Nefertiti covered her face with her hands. “Y’all need to stop.”

“Nef, why don’t you put us all out of our misery and marry the man.” Anna pulled Nefertiti’s hand from her face for a closer look at the ring. “Wow, imagine what the engagement ring will be like.”

“Stop teasing the poor child. Where is my nephew anyway?”

Jealousy was non-productive, yet Nefertiti couldn’t help how she felt. “He has a lunch date with Catherine Dixon, the CEO of the textile factory he’s buying.”

“Don’t be like that.” Janis faced Victoria. “He has a meeting with Ms. Dixon to discuss the future of the mill.”

“Oh, is that what they’re calling it nowadays?” Nefertiti returned to the study to continue her Internet investigation into resorts and textile mills. When she tired of working, she logged into her email account. She hadn’t checked it in a week. Before her attack, her email box would fill daily with invitations to galleries, art events, and speaking engagements; but now her box contained newsletters, spam and—she did a double take—an email from Dennis.

Six months ago, she’d been attacked. Six months ago, she’d needed him. Six months ago, he’d run out of her room. Now… Now she didn’t want or need him. She closed her email program.

Last night Bruce had made her feel desirable. For a while, she’d actually thought they had a chance, but Dennis had just reminded her of a harsh truth.
Once Bruce sees me…
She pushed away from the desk.

“What’s wrong, darling?” Victoria asked as she entered the study.

“Oh, Auntie.” She wiped the tears from her eyes. “I know I sound like a big baby, but I want my daddy.”

Victoria hugged Nefertiti.

“Why won’t he love me anymore? I’m his baby.” Nefertiti had always been a daddy’s girl. As arrogant as Bruce was, Nefertiti was sure he’d assumed he was her hero, but that position belong to her father. He’d always been her protector, her friend, her biggest fan. Actually, Bruce reminded her of Nathan Townes. They were brooding, yet loving, men. “You can’t stop loving your children. It’s against the rules.” How Nathan could change from the overprotective, doting father she loved to… to… to nothing…
He wants nothing to do with me.
Her heart ached so much she was sure a massive heart attack would be a welcome relief.

“Oh, sweetie.” She stroked Nefertiti’s hair as she rocked her. “Your father loves you.”

“Then why isn’t he here? Why hasn’t he asked me to come home? Why won’t he talk to me?”

“I wish I had the answers for you, baby. I’m sorry.” She continued rocking her.

Catherine nervously smoothed a few stray hairs into the bun at the base of her neck, then placed her hands in her lap. “First, I’d like to apologize for my behavior yesterday. My conduct was unprofessional, and I’m disappointed I allowed myself to sink so low.” She bit her bottom lip. “This lunch is my treat, but it will be the only treat you receive from me.”

Bruce admired the woman who sat across from him. Unlike yesterday’s too short suit, today she wore a conservative, yet attractive, cream blouse and slacks. “It takes a lot to apologize. Yesterday is a nonissue.”

Finished eating lunch, he sipped his wine. “I was impressed with your vision for the company. You’ve done an excellent job in a tough market.”

Relaxed considerably, she offered a gracious nod. “Thank you, Bruce. The success of Dixon Textiles means the world to me.”

“And it will continue to be a success. I know the transition of production to Asia will be a difficult one for you, but—”

“Wait a second. You still plan to move production to Asia? I thought you were impressed with my vision for the company.”

“I am. The only change I’ll be making is the location of the mill.”

Arms folded over her ample bosom, she narrowed her eyes on him. “Need I remind you that you do not own Dixon Textiles? I am still the CEO, and operations will not move to Asia as long as I am the head.”

“Catherine, you are an excellent business woman. Don’t allow your emotions to run ahead of you.” He held up a hand, effectively keeping her from interrupting. “This is not a personal attack.”

“You’re trying to steal Dixon Textiles from my family and expect me not to take it personally,” she bit out.

Though Catherine spoke in hushed tones, a few people sneaked peeks at their table, which was in a corner of a five star restaurant, Charlie Trotter’s. To the outside world, they probably looked as if they were having a lovers’ quarrel. Years ago, he would have been insulted by her insinuations and fury, but now he understood she spoke from pain.

“You won’t get away with this,” she continued. “Dixon Textiles is more than a company. It’s an institution…”

As she vented, his mind wandered to Nefertiti. He’d had only a minute with her before he left this morning, which left him feeling cheated. He’d just stepped out of the front door when she’d glided down the stairwell and rasped his name.
God, how I love her voice.
Purple—or indigo as she had corrected—had never been one of his favorite colors, but Nefertiti made him a convert. Instead of wasting time with Catherine, he wanted to go home and convince Nefertiti her fear of his rejecting her because of the scars was nonsense. If he played his cards right, they could be making love before the dinner bell.

“… I’m even willing to buy back the stock my brother sold to you at 110 percent of the price.”

“I know this will be a difficult adjustment for you.” He reached under the table for his briefcase. “But I do not have the time or inclination to hold your hand or pump your ego. I’m not interested in Dixon Textiles. I’m interested in the land.” He opened his briefcase and took out a proposal he’d had Janis type up for him, then handed a copy over to Catherine.

“I knew you were up to something.” She skimmed through the pages of the document.

“In exchange for the real estate Dixon Textiles owns, I’ll give you the thirty-five percent I own and the difference in the price of the land.”

“Thirty-five percent.” She gasped. “But how did you…” She blew out an exasperated breath. “Never mind.”

“By Labor Day I’ll have controlling interest. If you absolutely cannot live with the plant operating out of Asia, take my offer and build another mill in Dixon.”

“You haven’t heard a word I’ve said.” She tossed the proposal onto the table. “That property has been in the Dixon family for well over a hundred years. I’m not selling it off.”

“If you don’t move the production to Asia, Dixon Textiles will shut down within ten years. I’m interested in making money. If I obtain ownership of the company, production will move to Asia. You need to decide what you want. Either way, I will own the land Dixon Textiles now resides on.”

“But why are you doing this to us?”

“This is business.” He pushed away from the table. “I’m not doing anything to you. Read the proposal, then call Janis and have her put you on my calendar.” He nodded graciously. “Thank you for lunch.”

“I hate him!” Catherine threw her stiletto across the hotel room. “I hate him! I hate him!” She threw the second shoe. “That… that… beast!”

“Meeting went that great, huh?”

Catherine calculated how much time she’d be given if she strangled Roy. “This is all your fault.”

“If it makes you feel better to place the blame on me, fine, it’s my fault. There has to be something we can do.”

“That heartless bastard already owns thirty-five percent.”

Roy shot up from the hotel room desk. The sports section of the newspaper fell to the floor. “How did he get another ten percent so quickly?”

“Oh, and that’s not all, big brother. Within two weeks he’ll have controlling interest.” Her long brunette tresses fell over her shoulders as she freed them from the confining bun.

“This is not happening. We have to stop him, Catherine.” Hands weaving through his hair, he paced the room. “We can’t let him do this.”

“I think we should go to Dad and ask for help. We can’t outspend Bruce on our own.”

“No!” He rushed to her side. “He already thinks my touch turns gold to shit. He’ll blame me. We have to do this on our own.”

“Your issues with Dad are what put us in this situation. I’m not about to allow them to cause us to lose Dixon. We can’t stick our heads in the sand and expect this problem to go away.”

“But, Catherine.”

“No buts, Roy.” She turned away from the anguish in his eyes and picked the proposal Bruce had given her off the dresser. “He probably already knows what’s going on anyway. I know he keeps tabs on the company. It’s best if we go to him before he comes to us.”

“You’re right.” He sighed. “You’re right.”

“I need to read through this crap Master Bruce gave me.” She lay across the bed. “He doesn’t even want the mill. He wants the land and is willing to pay top dollar for it. The bastard had the audacity to tell me to buy more land and build another mill.”

“Why can’t we?”

In her opinion, Roy had always been a little slow, but this was ridiculous. “The Dixon estate has been in our family for well over a hundred years. We are not losing our home! The land is part of our heritage. He should buy elsewhere.”

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