Beauty and the Beast (12 page)

Read Beauty and the Beast Online

Authors: Deatri King-Bey

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Beauty and the Beast
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Restless, she called Bruce on her cell phone. When they’d been together earlier, he seemed to have something on his mind that was bothering him besides Alexis. Maybe now he was ready to tell her what was wrong.

“What if I had been asleep?” he answered.

“Were you asleep?” She’d known he wouldn’t be. The man rarely slept. “And is that the proper way to answer a call?”

His rich laugh filled the phone line and her heart. “Twelve seconds.”


“Twelve seconds until I come through your door.”

She quickly grabbed her veil. “I wasn’t calling for a visit.” Besides needing to know what was wrong, she’d wanted to hear his deep voice before she fell asleep.

The line went dead. A few seconds later, the door creaked open.

Grateful for the darkness, she donned the veil. “It’s rude to enter a lady’s room uninvited.” Worried the material was too sheer and he’d see through, she pulled a lightweight blanket up just above her chest.

“You’re not a lady, you’re a ninja.” Bruce gave himself a few additional seconds before he finished opening her door. The hoarseness of her soft voice wrapped itself around him and heightened his aroused state. He ordered his body to slow down and remember he had business to take care of. He’d initially sought her out this evening to delay her from reaching her room and he’d wanted to ask about Jay. Then he’d forgotten all his questions when he saw her caressing the rose. She was opening up again.

When she’d allowed him to hold her hand, a jolt had gone through him that said she’d eventually see her scars wouldn’t scare him off. Compared to the sliced and bruised state he’d seen her in when she first arrived at the hospital, she was perfect. It had taken more control than he possessed not to fly into a fit of rage that day at the hospital.

She’s always been perfect for me.
He thanked God for answering his prayers by sparing her life and keeping the rage from consuming him.

He flicked on the light, and the room filled with a dim glow. He stared at her. “Why the hell are you covered up like we live in an igloo?”

“Is hell your favorite word?”

A partial facial expression is better than nothing.
He saw mischief in her eyes and her broad smile through the thin material… He hadn’t seen such beauty in a long time. “As a matter of fact, hell yeah!” He was even attracted to the marks above her eyebrows; they drew attention to her stunning amber flecked eyes that looked exotic against her mocha skin. He combed his fingers through her soft, shoulder-length hair and massaged her scalp. “Don’t ever cover your hair again.”

“Stop telling me what to do.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet.” He snatched the blanket off her.

“Bruce!” She leapt out of bed and grabbed for the cover. “Stop playing.”

“Who’s playing?” He balled the blanket up and held it over his head. “Now step back so I can see you.”

Eyes sparkling brighter than the diamonds in the ring, she wagged her fist at him.

He chuckled. “I know, I know. ‘I’ll get you, Red Baron.’ ” The sheer yellow material played well against her dark skin and womanly curves. Too well. The question about Jay forgotten, he quickly rethought this trip into her bedroom. “Damn.” He lowered himself to the edge of the bed with the blanket in his lap to hide his body’s reaction to her. “You’re killing me.”

“You started it,” she teased as she crawled on the bed behind him and started massaging his shoulders.

He allowed his head to drop forward as she worked the kinks out of his neck. This wasn’t the only kink he wanted her to work out.

“Lie on your stomach, and I’ll give you a proper massage.”

“Now who’s being bossy?” He pulled off his T-shirt and tossed it to the side, then lay on the bed. For years he’d wanted her fingers on him, and now that his wish had come true, he realized he should have been more specific in wishing. “Don’t be too rough.”

She started with the butt of her left palm and pressed in small circular motions at the base of his neck.

The feel of her palms and fingers on him, of her legs straddled over his back, of her weight on him…
Oh Lord, she’s actually trying to kill me.
He moaned his satisfaction as she scooted down and kneaded his lower back. The way she moved wasn’t friendly, but
. He swore this was her way of paying him back for having her clothes thrown out.

“You haven’t been living right, Bruce.
your knots have knots.”

“To the left a touch.”

She complied. “I think there needs to be a miniature golf course and small water park at the resort. I’m thinking kid friendly. Maybe a few rides and a dollar movie. You know, show the movies a month or two after they leave the regular priced theater.”

“What did I do to deserve this?” He sighed. “A woman who can seduce and talk business at the same time. I know I’m in love now.”


“Humph. I’m dead serious. How do you like the clothes?”

“You aren’t wearing any.” She playfully smacked his shorts as she lay beside him. “I love the new wardrobe. When did you have time to do all of this shopping?”

He faced her. “I called Janis last night after you left my room and gave her an idea of what to get.”

“Oh my goodness. Please tell me you didn’t call that poor woman last night about buying me new clothes.”

“Of course I did.” He rested his hand on her waist.

“But it was so late.”


“And you are entirely too spoiled.”

“I picked out the ring myself.” He inched closer, grateful she’d stopped wearing those dreadful contacts. The more aroused she became, the more amber her eyes became. He could hardly wait to see what color they’d become when he brought her to climax.

“Why are you in my room?”

Now closer, he could barely see the outlines of the scars on her cheeks. Anger filled him, but he appeared calm. To keep from staring and making her uncomfortable, he refocused on her eyes.

“Bruce, what’s going on?”

“Do you know a Jay?”

“Not that I can recall. Why?” She rested her hands on his chest—the same hands she wouldn’t allow others to see—and he felt blessed.

“What’s wrong?”

She’d made such great strides; he didn’t want to pull her back by reminding her about the attack. “Jay’s just some designer guy I thought you would have heard of. His specialty is veils.” He nuzzled her neck with his nose. “Umm, water ninja, you have me in a bad way.”

“My way isn’t looking too good about now either,” she purred in that low, sexy, raspy voice that drove him wild.

“I’d best go before we do what we both want.” He gently kissed her lips through the veil. “Did I promise some nonsense about not pressuring you into bed? If so, I take it back.”

She laughed. “Get out! And I expect the truth about this Jay person after we’ve gotten some sleep.”

He kissed her one last time. “Sleep tight.” He searched for his T-shirt. Asking her about Jay had been a mistake. He’d hired Ken and should have let the man do his job. But this was his Nefertiti, and he couldn’t sit on the sidelines. “Baby, please do me a favor and forget about Jay. This is something I need to work out on my own.” T-shirt in hand, he sat on the bed.

“He has something to do with my attack, doesn’t he?”

“I’m afraid so.”

She hugged him from behind. “I don’t want you involved, Bruce. Let the police do their jobs. They’ve done well so far.”

“I can’t, baby.”

Chapter Five

lexis’s heels clicked on the marble as she bushed by Janis. “What do you mean he isn’t in? He’s always here.”

“Not today, ma’am.” Janis held the intricately carved oak door open. “I’ll be sure to tell him you stopped by,” she said pleasantly.

Smashed against the study wall, Nefertiti strained to see the infamous Alexis Maxwell. Petite and dressed to the nines in a pink designer pantsuit, she looked like an older version of Victoria.

“Did you tell him I called yesterday?” Alexis snapped.

“Of course, ma’am.” Janis motioned outside. “Your taxi is waiting.”

“You couldn’t have given him the message, or he would have called me.” She headed toward the stairwell. “Bruce!”

“Alexis, stop yelling this instant.” Nefertiti heard the tap of Victoria’s shoes as she approached.

“You’re trying to steal my son from me!”

Nefertiti could see the two small sisters clearly now.

“Here we go again. I can’t steal something you gave to me years ago. Now I’m sure Janis told you that Bruce is not in, which means he is not in. Either leave a message or don’t, but you will not disrupt this household.”

“But this is important.” She glanced over her shoulder at Janis. “I know she’s not giving him my messages.”

“I always give him his messages, ma’am.”

“Then why hasn’t he returned my calls?”

I know the answer to that one
. Nefertiti squashed the urge to raise her hand.
No wonder he avoids you. Sheeeeesh.

“Leave Janis alone. Bruce is a busy man and decides who he will call and when.”

“First you stole him from me, and now you’re turning him against me.”

“It’s time for you to leave.” Victoria’s long strides toward the door did not match her height. “I’ve just about had my fill of you today.”

“You can’t throw me out of my son’s home.”

“Newsflash. My nephew chooses to live with me. My name is on the deed.”

Color drained from Alexis’s face. Her eyes grew wide, and her mouth dropped open. “He bought you this mansion, and all he gave me was a measly condo! Aw, hell naw!” The condo Bruce had bought his mother was on the Gold Coast, one of the most expensive areas of Chicago to live in.

Nefertiti used every ounce of control she had not to laugh at Alexis’s antics. The woman was a hot mess, to say the least.

“And why must I take a taxi everywhere? I’ll bet he’s hired you a chauffeur. And whose Mercedes is that. Yours, I’ll bet.” She pursed her lips. “Umm-hmm. I know what’s going on here, and I won’t have it.”

“Goodbye, Alexis.” Victoria stood at the door. “I’ll be sure to tell Bruce you stopped by.”

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