Beautifully Broken (19 page)

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Authors: Bethany Bazile

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult

BOOK: Beautifully Broken
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she’s just as beautiful, reminding me a lot of Kate Walsh. Her auburn is
wrapped into a tight business bun but I know when she lets it down she’s
probably a fiery redhead. Of course I end up with another redhead for a
receptionist but I liked Alice before the Liam situation and I already like
Lillian too.

how are you coping with your move from Chicago?” she asks.

was a little scary at first but Liam’s helping me feel at home.” I’m surprised
at myself for being so honest with her.

she stops eating her eyebrows lifting. “You and Liam are …together?” she asks
nervously. I start to feel apprehensive hoping I didn’t just open up to one of
Liam’s conquest, though I didn’t get that vibe from her earlier.

I answer, gauging her expression for any clues of something being off; instead
I see concern beaming from her eyes.

sorry, I don’t want to make anything awkward, I just really like you and I
don’t want to see you get hurt.” She says patting my hand. “I’ve known Liam
since he moved here ten years ago and he doesn’t commit. I hope you didn’t move
here in hopes of changing him because I don’t want to see you leave when he

touched that this woman that I’ve just met is genuinely concerned for me. “Don’t
worry about me. I’ve pretty much been just like Liam but we found something in
each other that’s inspired us to try to work on a relationship. I wouldn’t have
moved here if our feelings for each other weren’t absolute.” I say as she
continues to eat warily.

you staying in one of his condos?” she questions, her eyes averting mine. She
knows about his fuck pad. They must be close if she knows about it.

I’m not staying in that condo. I’m staying with him at his place. Besides
is still in residence there.” I say, not trying to hide my vehemence towards
her. Her eyes practically bug out their socket as she gapes at me.

staying with him…Wow that’s…I don’t know what to say about that. You’re right
your relationship is defiantly different and I’m glad. As for Arianna-never
liked that bitch.” She says returning to her meal.

told her about the little play Arianna put on at the pool and she was not at
all surprised. She warns me that Arianna won’t be giving up on Liam too easily especially
now that she knows that he’s chosen someone else over her. It was a totally
different situation when she thought he wouldn’t commit to anyone but now
she’ll be insulted and try to gain back her self esteem by winning him back.

goes to the restroom while I settle the check. She insisted on paying but I
told her if I allowed her to pay I would never go to lunch with her again so
she finally gave up and put her card away. A shadow falls over me as I wait for
Lillian to return, I’m pleasantly surprised to see Dr. Knight when I glance up.

I exclaim rising from my seat and hugging him. The man saved me from something
very difficult and I feel really safe around him.

how are you?” he asks holding me at arm’s length. Inspecting me with those
angel eyes.

great. Do you work around here?” I ask.

live close by and my mother loves this place so I take her to lunch whenever
I’m free. I noticed you from our table and just had to see how you’re doing. I
was hoping you’d give me your card so I can check up on you.” Lillian returns
looking flustered when she notices the beautiful man at our table.

this is Dr. Knight he helped me out when I got here and I’m forever in his

please,” he says shaking Lillian’s hand. “It was nice seeing you again Isabella
call me if you ever need me.”

will,” I say handing him my card before he returns to his table with a woman
who looks too young and beautiful to be his mother. Now I know where he gets
his great looks from.

my god Isabella he’s like a fallen angel and he’s got it bad for you.” She says
pulling my hand as we walk out the restaurant.

crazy Lillian. He’s just a nice doctor who helped me out during a bad
experience.” I say dismissing her allegations.

that was not the vibe I felt flowing from him.” she hugs my arm as we walk to
her car. I laugh at her, excited that I’ve just made my first girlfriend.

Chapter 14




past three weeks with Ella have been better than I imagined. Other than our
time at work we’re inseparable and that’s exactly how I want it to be. I glance
over at her punching something into her iPad. She’s constantly updating
meetings and trying to schedule everything within the work day. I forbid any
business after six pm for our first month here. I thought we needed the quiet
time together and I was absolutely right. The only problem is that after a
month has passed I won’t want to return to late nights at the office when I can
be at home with Ella wrapped in my arms.

anticipation builds as I pull into the parking deck. I’ve had this surprise in
works for a week and I hope she won’t be too difficult about it. I pull into my
spot and we get out together. She noticed the black Aston Martin Virage Volante
with a big golden bow and she puts the iPad down dumbstruck.

didn’t” she finally says after a few silent seconds.

you like it?” I wrap my arm around her knowing I can convince her to keep the

too much Liam. How much did you spend on this convertible? You have two cars
and a SUV, I can drive one of those.” She says pulling away from me.

want you to have your own car. I never want you to feel trapped here. As much
as I need you to stay I want you to have the freedom to go and do whatever you
want.”  I answer honestly. One thing I’ve learned from loving Ella is that I’d
do anything to make her happy even let her go. She storms to the elevator
without me. I catch up right before the door shuts me out.

she says leaning against the back wall of the elevator. “Since you’re so
excited to give me my freedom, this would be a good time to let you know I’m
going to Vegas with Lucas in a couple weeks.”

heart begins a rapid rhythm in my chest, tightening to the point of rupture.
It’s been weeks since I’ve even thought of Lucas and this announcement is a
shock to my system. “No.” I say reflexively, my heart and mind revolting from
the concept.

you were just trying to get me to keep the car, you didn’t mean anything you
said” she retorts. Damn I really fucked myself with that speech but how was I
supposed to know the ghost of Lucas would come back to haunt me.

doors slide open and I walk through our lobby in silence hating that I can’t
chain her up to keep her away from Lucas. I carry the dinner we picked up on
our way home into the kitchen. She silently follows trying to evaluate the
situation from her spot across the room. She watches me set the plates down with
a scowl I can’t seem to wipe off my face. She sits across from me watching my
efforts to act fully engrossed in my meal. She hasn’t even made an effort to
touch her food.

a business trip Liam,” she says finally breaking the silence. “I leave on a
Friday we’ll have meetings on Saturday then I’ll be home on Sunday.”

only way you’re going is if I come with you.” I say uninterested in hearing her
plead her case for Lucas and their so called

can’t because it’s the same weekend you’re supposed to be in New York and
you’ve already postponed that twice. Besides you and Lucas in the same city is
a war zone. I don’t want to spend the whole weekend with two agitated men.”

stop eating to look into her pleading eyes, “You have to trust me on this Liam.
Lucas and I are over but I need to be able to hold on to our friendship. I
fucked it up so badly maybe this trip will help guide us on the road to

just don’t get it do you? The only way you can repair that friendship in Lucas’
eyes is to go back to him. You don’t even work for him anymore. Why are you
doing this?” I say taking a deep breath to calm my annoyance with how naïve she
is when it comes to Lucas. I’ve never met a woman so strong with a solid head
on her shoulder like Ella. But throw Lucas into the equation and all that common
sense goes to shit.

places a hand over mine sensing how close I am to exploding. “You guys own the
company together so I still work for him too. These clients are old college
mates and there company is computer based so my being there will be at a great advantage
to your company.” I could care less what Lucas does with his side of the
company, that argument won’t get her anywhere with me. The Lucas I know will
not roll over and let me win this one.

not going to spend what was supposed to be a good night arguing over Lucas. You
want to go to Vegas? I say
fuck no
but you’re a big girl you’ll do what
you want, I see it in your eyes. I’m warning you now if you’re going to go down
there and delude yourself about Lucas’ intentions fine but if you’re going to
fall for his bullshit whining and guilt trips there will be hell to pay for
both of you.” I leave her at the table the anguish in the pit of my stomach ruining
my appetite.

tear my clothes off and get into the shower letting the piping hot water scorch
my skin. I need to feel something other than the feeble excuse of a man I’ve
become over love. I hate not being in control and this love shit is
uncontrollable. It twists and turns at the most unexpected moments. It sends
you on a euphoric high just to fall to your knees from the knife wounds
inflicted to your heart.

thought of leaving her alone with Lucas thousands of miles away from me is eating
me up inside. If I could put my trip off again I would do it in a heartbeat but
I have to meet with a huge client who’s already been beyond understanding. Not
to mention I haven’t checked on my remaining business venture in the city.
Before Ella I hopped from state to state bi-weekly, now I just want to stay
here with her. I’m going to have to start bringing her along if I want to
maintain my empire. Spending a whole weekend in New York without her was
already inconceivable, now with her in Vegas with Lucas I won’t be able to
concentrate on anything but that prick trying to persuade her into going back
to Chicago.

turn at a sound and see Ella strutting towards me in all her naked glory. She
steps under the waterfall showerhead and streams of water rushes down her body,
soaking her from head to toe. I watch it flow over her ample breast continuing
down between her legs. My disloyal cock jumps to life not caring how pissed I am
at her.

notices me swelling to life and smiles and bats her eyes at me coyly. She wants
to play? Now? With my emotions surging from our disagreement I’m not sure this
is a good idea. My anger mixed with my love for her will spur me to fuck her
within an inch of her life. Take her so thoroughly, she won’t be able to
remember Lucas even exists.

steps out from under the waterfall and pours some fruity smelling gel in her
hand then smooth’s it over her skin enticingly. She pauses at her nipples
massaging them slowly with her slippery fingers. She leans her head against the
wall pushing her breast out as she moans in pleasure. One hand deliberately
travels down her taut navel taunting me as her fingers pauses to toy with the
small patch of hair she always maintains on her pussy. My cock begins to throb
with anticipation. The little show she’s putting on is so erotic there’s no way
I won’t have her bent over against that wall soon, pounding into her with all
my pent up rage.

fingers worm into the fold of her cunt and she cries out blatantly trying to
invoke a reaction out of me. She spreads her leg, rolling her clit in her
fingers alluringly. The heavy smell of her arousal infiltrates my senses. The
misty steam spreading the intoxicating aroma within the cavern-like enclosure.
She groans slipping her finger into the tunnel my cock desperately wants to
fill. Her groans turn into quiet little whimpers as she stimulates her clit
with one hand while the other is plunging in and out of her. A sharp cry echoes
within the shower as she climaxes. Her legs tremble and her finger slacken as
she slides down the wall, flaccid and still reeling from her self-inflicted

grab her arms lifting her off the floor. Her unfocused eyes pop open and she
wraps her arms around my neck. I grab her butt cheeks and lift her slowly
lowering her unto my aching shaft. Her eyes widen in shock of receiving all of
me at once but now that’s she’s taken her pleasure at hand I plan to take mine
deep inside her sinful body.

jerk her up and down my cock ruthlessly, her tits bouncing up and down. Water
slouches over her body as I move under the shower head. She leans her head back
letting the water flow between us. I’m not sure which is hotter her pussy or
the water flowing over my cock every time I pull out but it feels fantastic. I
drill her onto my cock until my knees get weak and my muscles are begging me
for mercy. I lift her off my throbbing cock and bend her over a nearby bench.
This time when I slam into her from behind I go so deep she yelps. Despite her
continual yelps my insistent pounding into her tight warmth don’t waver.

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