Beautiful Illusion (13 page)

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Authors: Aubrey Sage

BOOK: Beautiful Illusion
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Chapter 24


never expected
for a moment that Nick would have any good reasoning behind his workings as a pickup artist. But he did. And when he explained it all to me, it somehow made sense, and I could tell that there was no deception in his words.

The fact that he didn’t run away or freak out when I announced my pregnancy, but rather told me that he wanted a life with me and the baby surprised me and only reinforced the fact that he wasn’t just a shallow womanizer. He was a man and ready to take on his responsibilities as a father.

He held me in his arms, and I was overwhelmed with emotion. I wouldn’t have to do it all alone after all, and I had the man that I was pretty sure I was starting to fall in love with or maybe already had. All I knew was that I felt good when he was there with me.

He pulled back from our embrace, just enough that he could kiss me again. He sprinkled me with calming kisses that seemed to instantly silence my tears.

“I’ve missed you so much,” he whispered.

“I’ve missed you too. You have no idea how hard it was sometimes to force myself to stop thinking about you.”

And then he pulled away and stuck his thumb under his chin and wrapped his index finger over his upper lip. He peered off into the distance and started chuckling.

“What is it?” I asked.

“It’s just… I’m so fucking happy.” He slid his bottom lip between his teeth and then pulled it back out with enough force that it made a popping noise when it was a free. “I’m with you again and,” he shook his head back and forth in disbelief, “we’re going to have a baby.”

I smiled at his enthusiasm.

He stood to his feet and punched one of his fists into his other hand. “Do you hear that, world?!” he yelled and lifted his hands into the air. “We’re gonna have a baby!”

I immediately started laughing, and all of my fears and worries were suddenly washed away. I was with Nick again, and it seemed like there hadn’t even been a day that we were apart. I was sure right then that he was the man that I was destined to be with all along.

“Come here,” he growled and held out one of his hands towards me.

“What?” I asked as nestled my fingers into his palm.

He lifted me off from the couch and pulled me into him so that my chest slammed against his. He kissed my cheek and threw a peck on my lips. “I want to show you a magic trick.”

“Another magic trick?” I asked cautiously.

He scooped me off the floor so quickly that it made me squeal as my feet left the ground, and then he started walking me towards my bedroom. “I’m going to take a giant sausage and make it disappear between your legs… again, and again, and again.”

I giggled loudly and slowly shook my head back and forth as he gently laid me on the bed. Here was a man who was kind, funny, talented and passionate. And if he hadn’t been so passionate, I might have even lost him when I went into hiding, but no… He made sure that despite my stubbornness, everything ended up the way that it should have.

He yanked at my blouse, and I was quick to help him take it off as a soon as possible, and then I pulled off my skirt. He released his tight fitted jeans and slid off his tee until we were both naked and free. He fell onto me and immediately wrapped me into his arms and we rolled around on the bed for several minutes totally fine just kissing and exploring each other’s mouths.

But I felt the hardness in his cock pressing against me, and we had been intimate enough times that I knew that he was ready to play. I slithered down and pulled the smooth head of his cock into my mouth and he moaned as my tongue twirled around the top. I bobbed my head and up and down his thick shaft and simultaneously jerked him off around the base portion that I wouldn’t fit in my mouth.

“Damn,” he moaned, the sound of his voice walking a thin line between pleasure and agony.

He was so large, and the taste of his precum was raw, slightly salty, slightly bitter, but light and delicious.

It didn’t last long, however. He never let me suck him for long. He grabbed my shoulders, and lifted me up, then threw me back on the bed. He climbed on top of me and crept his way up, up until he was face to face with me and he could pull my lips into his

“I missed you,” he said again.

“I missed you too.” I didn’t care how times we said it. I wanted to tell him 1,000 times, but I also never wanted him to go away, to never have to miss him again.

I felt his cock slide into me with ease, as if that’s just the way that it was meant to be. We had been together so many times now, knew each other’s bodies so well, that the top of his cock seemed to just naturally align with my pussy and made our lovemaking so seamless and natural.

He moved inside me, and we both kept our eyes wide open, staring at each other as we enjoyed the pleasure of our bodies’ heat. I wondered what he was feeling, if he was feeling anything near what I felt, with my pussy stretching out at every stroke and orgasm slithering up and down my spine, just waiting to be unleashed.

I wanted him. I wanted him every day and forever, and I couldn’t imagine another man giving me anywhere near the amount of pleasure that Nick had. His slow strokes turned into hard pounds, and after a little bit of time, I flipped onto my knees so he could pound me from behind.

I hated that position. It felt so good, yes, and when he fucked me that way, it felt like he was filling me up even deeper than normal, but I hated that I couldn’t see his eyes, those beautiful, deep blue eyes. I enjoyed it, but I never let myself come that way. No, the only way that I’d get off was if I were looking up to him, to the man that I cared about so deeply and the man who pleasured me each and every time his body touched mine.

His pace quickened, and I instinctively rolled over so that I was on my back. I pulled his hips towards me so hard that I could feel my nails on the brink of piercing his skin.

“Fuck me,” I moaned.

He complied. He hammered into me, and then again I could see his wonderful eyes surging with pleasure.

When he finally came, he locked his lips onto mine, and as my own orgasm released, I couldn’t even breathe. I couldn’t even talk. I just moaned into his mouth and felt the warm goodness of his milk spilling deep inside of me.

And that act made me smile. I suppose if it had been anyone else, I would have worried at least a little, but with Nick I no longer had a reason to care. We had already moved past the point of fear. I had his baby inside of me, and my baby’s daddy could come in me as much as he wanted.

Nick rolled over onto his side, and I rolled onto my side so that we were face to face.

“I want this forever,” he blurted out.

“Me too,” I muttered. I pushed myself up on an elbow and looked down at him. “No more secrets.”

“Ask me anything. I have nothing to hide.” He bobbed his head from side to side a little. “Except the secret to some of my illusions.”

I giggled a little and shook my head. “Well, you can keep those. I’ll figure them out eventually.”

“Do you have any secrets?” he asked

“Hmmm,” I mumbled and scratched my chin with one of my nails. “Well, I do have a husband.”

Nick suddenly jolted up on the bed, and I thought for a moment he was about to have a heart attack. “You what?!” he yelled.

“I’m married,” I sighed.

Nick’s jaw dropped and the color vanished from his face. “Married?”

“To Jon Snow.”

Nick clenched his teeth and twisted his lips before jumping onto me, tickling me and grunting, “You little shit! You scared the fuck out of me!”

I squirmed from his tickles, laughed uncontrollably and yelled out, “Stop!”

After a few seconds he let me go.

I turned to him again. “No more other girls, right? No more picking up women at clubs.”

“Of course not,” Nick affirmed. “But I still have classes to teach, men to help out. It’s just a side thing that I do outside of magic.”

I flopped back on to the bed and crossed my arms against my chest. “I don’t know how I feel about that.”

Nick huffed and threw me an innocent, charming smile. “They’re good guys who just need help. I promise.”

For a moment there was silence, but then Nick rose up and grabbed my hand, pulling me up off the bed.

“Let’s go take a quick shower. I want to show you something.”

Chapter 25


don’t know
about this,” Angel muttered.

I pressed the ‘Stop Engine’ button in my car. “Trust me,” I said and then got out and opened the door for Angel.

We walked hand-in-hand, straight to the front door and past the long line of people waiting to get in at McMillan.

“Enigma?” the burly, suited bouncer said as I approached. “You’re here with a…. lady?”

“It’s alright Mike. She’s my girl.”

“Your girl?” His face twisted in shock and confusion.

I nodded. “Mind if we go inside?”

Mike sighed and waved his hand towards the door, indicating that we could pass.

The club was packed that night and the whole dance floor was writhing with women. I led Angel through the swarms of people, inching our way closer to the VIP section. Unlike before, I didn’t hone in on every girl that I passed or give them ratings. Hell, I barely even noticed any other girls, or any guys for that matter. The only thing I was focused on was the tiny hand in mine that was following along behind me.

I spotted the VIP table, and as expected, there was Ziv, Cobra and my group of students. Ziv was sitting down with the students and Cobra was standing in front of them all, giving them pickup advice. One of the students noticed me approaching and said something while pointing his finger. Cobra turned around and all attention was suddenly on me and Angel.

Cobra looked confused and a little anxious when we made our way beside him, and I could feel Angel’s nerves were high from the pressure in her grip.

“Hey guys,” I said. “How’s the night going?”

The guys all muttered and nodded their heads, indicating that all was going well.

“Pretty good night,” Cobra said. “Most everyone has gotten a number already.”

“Good, good.” I said and then motioned my hand towards Angel. “Guys, I want to introduce you to my girl, Angel.” I looked at Angel then motioned towards the guys. “Angel, these are my students, and these are my two wings, Ziv,” I pointed towards Ziv, “and Cobra.” I pointed towards Cobra.

“Nice to meet you,” pretty much everyone said in unison, and Angel shook hands with Ziv, Cobra and a few of the guys who held their arm out.

“I want you to make Angel feel at home, and I don’t want you to act any different just because you have a girl—“ I turned my head toward Angel and smiled at her. “A hot girl—in the group.”

There were a few mumbles and a little bit of uncertainty in everyone’s eyes, but then one of the students scooted over on the couch. “You can sit here,” he said towards Angel.

Angel looked at me with worried eyes, and I just nodded to her that it was okay.

Cobra leaned into my ear. “You’re out of your mind, bro.”

I shrugged.

“But,” he added. “Looks like I was wrong that it was all over between the two of you.”

I shook my head and said lowly, “It’s just beginning man. It’s just beginning…”

Another student grabbed a glass off of the table and started scooping ice inside. “I’ll get you a drink!” he said towards Angel.

“Wait a minute,” I said loudly. “No alcohol.”

“Oh come on,” the guy said. “If she’s going to hang with the boys, she’s going to need a drink.”

I clapped my hands and rubbed them together. “Well, I have an announcement to make.” I looked at Angel who was sitting comfortably on the couch between a thin guy who was old enough to be my father, and a short, stumpy guy who somehow ended up picking out a terrible neon ensemble during his fashion makeover—I’d have find out from Ziv what happened there. “Actually,
have an announcement.”

Angel smiled as she knew what I was going to say.

The guys all looked each other and Cobra moved in front of me so he could get a blast of whatever it was I was about to give.

“Angel and I are pregnant!” I threw my hands out in front of me. “I guess in about 8 months we’ll have a little Enigma running around here.” I twisted my head towards the dance floor and a group of drunk kids making out at the bar. “Well, not exactly here, but… you know.”

Cobra and Ziv’s mouths fell open, and I thought Cobra might drop his drink.

The students all clinked their glasses together and issued a slew of congratulations. “Drink to that!” one of the students said and stood from the couch. He looked down to Angel. “And I’ll go get you something non-alcoholic from the bar!”

“Thanks buddy,” I said to him as he passed by to fetch Angel a drink.

After Cobra’s initial shock, he walked up close to me and patted me on the shoulder. “Congratulations man. You’re the last person I’d expect to be jumping into a family so fast.”

“It just felt right,” I explained. “I love her.”

“Yeah, I can see.” He looked over to Angel who was getting bombarded with questions from all the students. “From the looks of it, she might love you to.”

“I hope so…” I muttered.

Clap, Clap, Clap.

I turned my head to see where the sound of clapping was coming from, and I almost wished I hadn’t. Walking from around the corner was none other than Rick Jackson, wearing a smooth, dark suit with a maroon tie running down the center. He paced slowly towards the table as she continued to clap, and I could see a few of the students mumble his name, obviously recognizing the infamous figure.

“Congratulations!” Rick said loudly. “Who would have thought that the legendary Enigma would get a girlfriend
have a baby on the way!”

“What do you want, Rick?” I asked.

“What do you mean, ‘What do I want?’ I just stopped by to offer you my congrats.” Rick rolled around me ‘til he was standing right in front of the VIP table. “Congratulations, Angel.”

I could see Angel swallow hard, and her face turned pink with anger.

“Stay away from her,” I warned.

“Oh, don’t worry,” Rick said. “I wouldn’t want spoiled goods. I don’t tend to go for the knocked up ones.”

Ziv stood from his seat. “You should go ahead and leave our table, Rick.”

Rick threw his hands up in a surrender. “Okay, okay. If I’m not wanted…” He turned as if he was about to walk away, but then turned right back around ‘til he was facing the students. “This is what you guys are paying for? To get lessons from a guy who’s bringing his girlfriend to the training session and,” Rick shook his head, “having babies? Is that what you guys signed up for?”

A few of the guys looked unsure, and another few looked like they wanted to say something but didn’t.

Rick chuckled. “Can’t you see? Enigma is done; he’s lost his touch and forgot what it means to be a pickup artist.” Rick slammed a finger down on the table. “I’ll tell you what. Any one of you who has paid for a lesson from this clown can come with me right now, and I’ll show you—no, I will guarantee you that you’ll get pussy, lots of it, and I’ll give you my lesson for free, because I hate to see guys like you swindled out of your cash.” Rick reared back and stuck his hands in his pockets while making a shrugging motion. “Or if you want to stay and learn how to write love notes and change diapers, be my guest.”

My blood was boiling, and I wanted nothing more than to grab hold of Rick’s neck and show him what I thought of him. But I didn’t want to Angel to see me like that, nor did I want my students to think that violence was the best way to handle those kind of guys.

A few of the men mumbled, and finally one of them stood, and then another, shuffling slowly out of the VIP table. When everyone saw the two students stand, three more of them stood, before one of the students slammed his drink on the table. I recognized him as Jason, the heavyset guy from my last class whom I had refunded after his refusal to leave. He had decided to come back to finish his training when the new class was posted.

“What are you guys doing?” he yelled. The shuffling students stopped, and everyone’s focus jolted towards him. “What is it that we came here for? Is it because we wanted to meet a girl that we could share our lives with or because we just wanted to get laid? I don’t know about you guys but just getting sex isn’t what this is all about.” He pointed his finger towards me. “I think what we all want it exactly what Enigma already has.” He looked back towards Rick. “This guy? He has nothing. If he was as good as he says, he’d have a steady girl by now.”

Rick’s face twisted into anger, and the guys who were standing started nodding in agreement.

“You’re right,” one of the guys said and all of the students began moving back to their original places.

“You little shit!” Rick growled and hurried towards the table. He flung the ice bucket off the tabletop, then grabbed Jason by the shirt. I saw it all happening in slow motion, tried to rush over to intervene, but I was too far away to get there in time.

Unfortunately for Rick, he was met with a closer, deadlier defender. Before he could even lift Jason out of his seat, Cobra landed one of the nastiest hooks I’ve ever seen right to the side of Rick’s jaw. The impact sounded like someone slammed a log against a tree, and it immediately dropped Rick to the floor.

He was out cold.

Cobra shook his punching hand up and down, trying to get the tension out of his fingers. “Sorry,” he said. “I’ve been waiting a long time to do that…”

Everyone at the table started laughing, and Angel seemed more amused than anyone. A few minutes later, the bouncer came by, we explained the situation, and security dragged the unconscious Rick out the door and put him on the blacklist for never reentering McMillan.

Angel and I stayed at the club ‘til closing with the guys, and not surprisingly, the guys all took a liking to her. She offered pointers to the men and gave advice as they approached girls and tried to initiate conversation. After spending a little time with a girl as hot as Angel, the guys all seemed a lot more confident when they went out to approach strangers.

“Just be yourself…” she’d say to the men. It didn’t work when I’d say say something like that, but coming front Angel, it seemed to instill a sureness in them that I had never seen in newbie students.

“You’ve got yourself a winner,” Ziv whispered to me as I sat squeezed in between him and Angel who was snuggled in my arm on my other side.

“You’re telling me.” I leaned over and kissed Angel on the top of her head, breathing in the smell of her strawberry scented shampoo. “She never ceases to amaze me.”

Angel took a sip of her orange juice, and I adjusted my arm so that I could talk in her ear.

“So what do you think? Just a bunch of club bandits and womanizers?”

Angel nodded her head and stretched her eyes open. “They’re actually a group of pretty decent guys.”

“So you’re cool with this then?”

Angel pursed her lips and made a funny face as she looked at me out of the corner of her eyes. She nodded upwards in short affirmative motions. “But,” she snapped and turned towards me, pressing her finger in my chest. “I’m watching you. And if this becomes anything but you helping out guys in need—“

I cut her off by pressing my finger on top of her lips. “Don’t worry babe,” I whispered as I leaned my face in closer to hers. “There’s a thousand girls in here tonight, and the only one who’s not invisible is you.” I slid my finger off of her mouth and replaced it with my lips. I pulled her in close to me and we melted into a warm, loving embrace.

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