Beautiful boy (8 page)

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Authors: Grace R. Duncan

Tags: #gay romance

BOOK: Beautiful boy
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He closed his eyes and swallowed. “Thank you, Master…. Mal,” he whispered.

I gave him a quick kiss on the temple, then sat back, ever aware we were still in public in a less-than-gay-friendly world. I kept his hand in mine, though, and thought through what I wanted to ask him.

Before I could decide, our food was delivered, and we focused for a while on eating.

“So, what do you do when your ass isn’t being beaten?”

He nearly choked.

I patted him gently on the back until he cleared his throat. “Sorry,” I said, chuckling, and he gave me a look that said he didn’t think I was sorry at all. I liked seeing such an honest expression from him.

He took a drink of his coffee, and a moment later, he seemed to be able to breathe. “I’m a system administrator for one of the local Internet data centers.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Oh? What systems?”

“Linux and Unix mostly.” He watched me carefully, gauging my reaction.

My lips twitched, but I did my best to keep a straight face. “A geek, is it?” I asked, and he blushed but nodded. I couldn’t hold it any longer and I grinned. “I own a computer security firm.”

His eyes widened. “No fucking way,” he blurted.

My grin got bigger. “Yes, fucking way.”

“I can’t be that lucky,” he mumbled, then stuffed a piece of french toast into his mouth.

“What do you mean by that?”

He shrugged and swallowed his bite, cheeks coloring. “You’re an awesome Dom, you’re gorgeous,
a geek?”

I laughed. “Well, I’ll take those compliments. Yes, geek. I run Tate Security.”

“I think I’ve heard… oh! I have a friend who works for you!”


He nodded. “Yeah, Jason Meeks.”

“Well, small world. Did he tell you I’m a tyrant?”

“No. Said you were a pretty good guy to work for. I’m suddenly really glad he’s straight.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Why’s that?”

He blinked at me. “You have eyes. He’s hotter than me. And way better built than I am.” He shook his head.

I grabbed his chin and turned his head toward me. “No.”

He scrunched his eyebrows in puzzlement.

“No,” I repeated. “You do
put yourself down like that.” I let go of his chin and cupped his cheek in my palm, brushing my thumb over the soft skin. “In case you’ve forgotten, you got me hard several times, made me come twice tonight. Yeah. And that was all you, baby. All you.”

He swallowed and licked his lips. “Thank you,” he whispered.

I kissed him quickly, then sat back. “You’re welcome. It’s true.”

He blushed and turned back to his plate, taking the last couple of bites of his toast. He pushed it away and looked up at me. “I’ve been closeted for most of my life. I knew I was gay from a young age. I understood early on I was different. In high school, I had a friend who posed as my girlfriend to keep my parents happy, then sacrificed her own image with them by making a big deal out of dumping me. I didn’t even date much until about a year and a half ago, when I’d finished my undergraduate degree. The men I dated… well, the limited dating I did, they didn’t much care about
, just my ass or mouth, and I never went on a second date. And the Doms I served before you—aside from Master Nash—never wanted to see me more than once and were… well, not exactly unhappy with my service, but I could tell I was lacking to them. I’m not twink enough, but not buff enough either. So, while I wasn’t put down, exactly….”

“You weren’t boosted up much either,” I finished for him. I made a mental note to talk to Nash and see if I could find out which Doms he’d served. I wouldn’t kill them—though I wanted to—but I’d certainly make sure Nash knew not to recommend them. “We’re our own worst critics. And most of the time, the things we say, whether we think we mean them or not, only reinforce how we feel about ourselves.” I let my eyes trail slowly over his body, then back up to his face again. He was blushing when I finished. “I like what you are. I like that you’re smaller than me, but not too small. I like the lean muscles and runner’s legs. I don’t want a twink. I don’t want a bear or an otter.”

He cleared his throat. “I’m… I’m glad to hear it.”

I nodded. “So, you’ll keep those comments down, right?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Thank you.” I took a sip of my now-cold coffee and turned back to him. “Do you have plans for tomorrow?”

He blinked, and I guessed it was at the abrupt shift in topic. He shook his head. “No, Sir.”

I leaned in a little and smiled at him. “Since your friend knows where to find you, would you feel comfortable coming home with me?”

He looked like he was suddenly having trouble breathing. “I… yes, I-I would, Sir.”

“Good. I’d like to keep you with me for two reasons. One, I simply don’t want to let go yet.” This brought a smile to his face. “And two, we had a very intense scene. I can see you’re not entirely calm, and I want to keep an eye on you. Something this intense can cause sub drop, and I want to be there if it does.”

“I’ve never, uh, experienced that. Not that I know of. But… I’d like to be with you.”

I smiled. “Let’s go, then, hmm?”

He nodded, and I slipped out of the booth. I kept a hand on the small of his back as we went to pay.

“Did you enjoy your meal, gentlemen?” the hostess asked as she tapped the screen on the register.

“Very much so, thank you,” I said, and made sure to hand my credit card over before he could get his wallet out. “This one’s on me. You can pay for our date.”

He smiled at that, color tingeing his cheeks. “Okay.”

“I love when you blush like that. I’m going to have to find lots of ways to make sure you do.”

His color deepened. “Uh….”

I laughed and turned to focus on the credit card receipt.

When we got to the car, I opened his door for him again, but pulled him close and kissed him thoroughly before he could climb in. He melted into me, his arms coming around me, and I leaned into him, pinning him against the car. I wedged a knee between his legs, grinding into him as I nearly devoured his addicting mouth. I explored every bit of it I could, tasted and teased until I drew a moan from him. His hands fisted in my T-shirt, and he rocked back into me. His cock was as hard as mine, and I loved knowing it wasn’t
the Master in me that got him going.

When we broke apart, I braced my hand on the car, keeping him pinned. “I want you again. Tell me now if you’re too sore.”

He shook his head quickly. “No, no I’m not.”

“Good. Get in, boy.” Knowing he wanted Mal didn’t keep me from wanting the boy in him too, though.

“Yes, Master,” he said on a moan.

I stepped back, and I’d have sworn he was boneless the way he nearly oozed into the car. I did see his wince when he landed on his ass, and I grinned down at him as I closed the door. He smiled up at me, his cheeks red again.

It normally didn’t take me all that long to get home from the Asylum, but the drive felt interminable to me. Even with the light traffic and as late at night as it was. It didn’t help that Kyle’s hand was on my leg, fingers brushing my dick the whole time. Or that he kept squirming in his seat in obvious discomfort, though I couldn’t tell if that was because of his sore ass or his hard cock. Both were equally good reasons.

“I’m going to make sure you’re on your back when I fuck you into that mattress, boy,” I growled.

He moaned softly, and I glanced over to see him gripping the door handle hard. He had an obvious lump in his pants, and I did a quick bit of math, thinking I could make the drive a bit more entertaining. “Take your cock out and stroke it.”

As he scrambled to obey, he moaned again. Button, zipper, and cotton out of the way, he pulled his dick free.

“Balls too. I bet they’re nice and sore.”

“Oh yes, Master,” he whimpered, shifting his clothes enough to pull his balls free.

I slowed down just a little and eased over into the far right lane. I could buy some time and make sure I didn’t crash the car as well. Because there was no way I was going to be able to keep from glancing at him often.

“Do I need to tell you not to come?”

“No, Master.” He cupped his pretty balls in one hand, the other stroking his cock slowly.

“Faster. Let’s see if you can hit the edge once before we get to my place.”

He moaned out something resembling, “Yes, Master,” and sped up his stroking.

Just from a few glances at him, my dick was so hard the zipper bit into it. “Tell me what you’re feeling.”

“So turned on. So hard, Master.” He grunted. “Getting….” He paused to moan. “Getting close already. Need your dick, Sir.”

“I can’t wait to give it to you, boy. Gonna fuck you so hard,” I murmured, listening to his moans and grunts. “Thinking about my dick filling your ass?”

He whimpered again. “Yes, Sir.” Another grunt, another moan. “Please, Sir….”

“Oh fuck no. No coming yet, boy. Not until my dick is in your ass. But you keep that hand moving until I park, do you hear me?”

The sound turned almost full whine, but he did force out a “Yes, Master.”

I took the exit off the interstate much faster than I should have, praying to every deity imaginable that there were no cops nearby. Paying the ticket wouldn’t be a hardship—I didn’t want the delay.

I’d never been so happy to see my driveway. After pulling in and turning off the car, I shifted in my seat. He’d stopped stroking—as I’d told him to—but I wasn’t quite satisfied yet.

“Stroke it again. Firm, full strokes. Show me how you pleasure yourself. Show me what you do when you jack off.”

His moans turned almost pathetic as he obeyed my command, and his hips rocked, fucking into his hand as he worked.

My eyes darted from his cock to his face, watching the expression as he got closer and more frustrated. “Are you close, boy?”

“Yes, Master,” he said on a gasp. “So close.” A few more full strokes and he grunted, fucking his hand harder. “Please, Sir. I’m—I’m too close… I’m going to—”

“Not yet,” I said, the sadist in me enjoying his distress a tad too much.

I reached over, pulled his hand away from his balls, and cupped them with my own. I squeezed gently, loving the look on his face as he fought his impending orgasm. I paid attention to his balls, felt them draw up, saw his expression tense.

“Tell me, boy.”

“God, Master, please!” He almost cried this; it was incredible. “Need to come, Sir.
let me come.”

“Are you? You right there, boy?”

“Yes, Master!”

His hand moved faster, thumb swiping over the tip, and I kept my gaze glued to his cock. I hesitated, just a few seconds, then snatched his hand away at what looked like
the right time, holding it over his head as he tried to fuck the air in an attempt to chase his orgasm. He cried out, his cock jumping with the denied release, and I loved the look of frustration as the edge he’d been so close to moved away.

“Gorgeous, boy. That was beautiful,” I murmured. I let go of his hand, popped the seat belt, and pulled him to me to kiss him. His whimpers leaked through, and I held him gently but close until he calmed down. “You’re beautiful like that, so needy. Ready for my cock, baby?”

“Yes, Sir,” he murmured, still with a slight whine in his voice.

“Good. Put yourself away.” I kissed him on the cheek, smiling at the new whimper my order caused. I knew how uncomfortable it would be to close his jeans over a cock that hard. I loved the continued grunts as I climbed out of the car. I stopped long enough to adjust myself so walking wouldn’t be painful, then went around to his side. I opened the door for him and, when he got out, shut the door behind him, pushed him against it, and ground my own hard length into his, kissing him deeply and thoroughly.

When I got another whine from him, I stepped back and took his hand, pulling him toward the door.

Chapter 6





felt like they were going to explode. My cock hadn’t really gone down much since we left the dungeon, and after the edging in the car and that incredible kiss when I got out, it was almost painful. And not necessarily in the good way. The denied orgasm ratcheted my need so much, higher thought seemed an impossibility. Despite the incredible climax at the end of our scene, my balls felt full, heavy, and swollen again already.

, it felt good at the same time. He wanted me.
. Not the idea of me, or just my ass. Master—Mal—wanted
He’d talked about a date. He said he wanted me for his boy. Not for one play session, not for a quick fuck.

He held my hand tight as he nearly dragged me to the door of his house. I was so far gone, I couldn’t pay much attention to any of it. I had the vague impression of two stories of red brick, but I practically glued myself to his side while he fumbled with key and lock. As soon as the door was open and we were inside, he hauled me up against him, pressed me into the entryway wall, and claimed my mouth in another soul-stealing kiss. I lifted one leg and wrapped it around his thigh, opening myself up as much as I could to him.

He grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head in one of his own. With the other, he opened my jeans again and took my still-hard cock out, then squeezed my balls. I cried out, unable to hold it in. As sore as they were, as full as they felt, it was damned near torture. The pain, the swollen feeling, just made my cock ache more, pushed me closer to orgasm. But if he kept it up, I might even come just from that, and I would
disappoint him by coming before I was allowed.

When he broke the kiss and dove for my neck, I gave in and begged. “Please, Master, please! Need your cock…. Please fuck me….”

He growled, bit down on my skin above the collar he’d put on me earlier, and sucked hard, marking me. My cock jumped and my balls started to draw up again. I whimpered, rocking my hips as much as I could under Master’s weight, pulling against his hand on my sac. The pain speared through me and my cock strained, leaking precum steadily.

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