Bearly Begun (BBW/Bearshifter Romance) (Bachelor Bears of Yakima Ridge Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Bearly Begun (BBW/Bearshifter Romance) (Bachelor Bears of Yakima Ridge Book 1)
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“Did you make this?” she asked Len who was occupied in adjusting the seat of her car to accommodate his long legs.

Len gazed in horror at his little peach pit. “Yeah,” he said hoarsely. “Where’d you get that?”

“Cord said you made it for me. It’s beautiful.” She stroked it with one fingertip and Len gulped as he felt a hot jolt between his legs. “I’ll treasure it always.” Erin closed her hand around the little carving. A red hot vise gripped Len until she slipped it into her pocket. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Len managed. How had the little dickens got a hold of his charm? He hoped Erin didn’t take it out again while he was driving. He had better distract her.

“I didn’t like to talk about this in front of the boys,” he began, “Because they were in enough of a fret about it already.

“Today some guy called Blow showed up in the white van that Pacey was using. Apparently he talked to them before and said he would be by with his van for whatever they could steal.” Len laid out the facts calmly.

“Oh no. What did they do?” Erin was aghast.

“They took our stuff around to the back like they were supposed to. But I think they were tempted to oblige him. Because he also said it was for money for their dad, who had gone to prison in their stead.” Len shook his head.

“As if.” Erin said in utter disbelief.

“Mighty hard on those two youngsters. I ran him off by just crossing the road, but I thought you should know. You haven’t had any word from Pacey or old Blowhard yourself?” Len inquired.

Erin chuckled cynically. “I think Blow used to be called Coke and his nickname morphed. But neither he nor Pacman have contacted me. I’ll keep an eye out. Pacman is supposed to finish his original eight-year sentence before he is eligible for parole on the new offenses. Which will be three years more anyway.”

“Good to know.” Len pulled Erin’s car smoothly into the space in front of her building. “I’ll just see you inside.”

“You don’t have to.”

Len did not bother to reply. He opened Erin’s door and closed it and locked the car. He let them into the lobby and then summoned the elevator. Erin could feel the heat of him even as he stood beside her almost but not quite touching her. She put her hand in her pocket and her knuckles brushed the carving. She groped for it.

Beside her Len was in agony. His jeans were about fit to split and if she didn’t set that amulet down he wasn’t going to be responsible.

The elevator bumped to a stop and the doors opened. Erin replaced the carving in her pocket and directed Len down the hall. He was walking funny as if he had hurt himself.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“Hmm.” Len put her key in the lock and opened the door. The apartment was minute but neat as a pin.

Erin flipped on a light and turned towards him. Len let the door swing shut and reached for her. She swayed a little and relaxed against him. He was very glad he had shaved when he cleaned up. He set his mouth on hers and let his bear go.

Erin gasped a little and opened to his questing tongue. She let him take her weight against his big chest and returned his kiss with fervor. Len wanted to go slow. This was a first kiss. But his bear was lust crazed and only wanted satisfaction.

He turned his mate roughly and pressed her up against the door. His tongue swept her mouth and tasted every tender place. He let her feel the fierceness of his erection through his jeans. She didn’t seem to mind. She clutched his biceps with her hands and nestled closer.

Len’s hands found the glorious weight of her abundant and captivating bosom. He hefted her breasts, kneading through her tee-shirt. His bear rejoiced when they swelled and the tips poked his palms.

“You are so beautiful,” he said in a deep and husky murmur.

His lips covered hers and he sucked her tongue hard enjoying the first real taste of his destined mate. His hands left Erin’s round and swelling breasts and covered the equally lush globes of her bottom. He cupped them, squeezed fiercely and used them to lift her closer to his throbbing cock. His wayward hips thrust at her mound and he set her down again and backed away breathing hard as she returned the pressure.

Erin’s face was flushed and her neck was blotched with passion. Her eyes were wide, the pupils dilated. Her lips were swollen and rosy and her breathing was a ragged as his own.

“Oh, wow,” he said.

She gazed wide eyed at him and her mouth opened but she didn’t speak. She licked her lips and he felt his cock twitch.

“I should go,” he said. “Those boys will be listening out for me. I wouldn’t want them to think I’m treating their sister disrespectfully.” Len held out his hand. A little bear sat on his palm. “This is the one I made for you. The other piece is for me. Let’s swap.”

Erin reluctantly gave him the little carving of her head. “What’re they made of?”

“Peach pits.” He kissed the little bear and dropped it into her hand. Then he tucked the carving of her face into his breast pocket where it hummed and burned the skin beneath.

“It’s lovely. It’s so shiny. How did you get it to look so real?”

Len smiled lovingly down at her. “I’ve done a lot of whittling,” he said. “Keep it close. It will bring you luck.”

She closed her palm around it and opened her hand hastily. “It’s hot,” she said.

“Well it’s been in my pocket all evening.” It wasn’t exactly a lie, he thought.

Long after Len had gone Erin sat and looked at the charm he had given her. It was a strangely compelling little object. He had polished it so it was smooth and pleasant to hold. Perhaps that was why she was reluctant to set it down.

From snout to tail the bear was intricately incised. The eyes had been darkened somehow and seemed to stare knowingly at her. The mouth appeared to have the same happy curve as Len’s. She stroked the bear’s little rounded ears admiringly, and was surprised at the warmth it retained.

Were Maddie and Hannah correct? Was Len courting her? He certainly had seemed interested tonight even though he had backed off from that steamy goodnight kiss, muttering about the boys. Even though she thought she had made it plain she was his for the asking.

She looked at the charm nestled in her palm. “What’s he thinking, little bear?” She kissed the charm and tucked it in her bra where it gave her a happy little buzz.






Portland’s streets were not deserted at nine o’clock on a Saturday evening, but there weren’t many pedestrians either. Len was remembering the sweet, soft feel of Erin in his arms and her ripe and luscious taste, and trying not to think about the agony she had left his cock in, as he walked home.

He cut through the visitor’s parking lot, and passed in front of two big SUVs. The stink of stale urine registered but didn’t make an impact. But something tugged at his bear and he took a lurching sideways step that moved him out of the whistling path of a four-foot length of pipe.

Len turned and automatically went into a crouch. You didn’t grow up in a hardscrabble town with a bunch of bears and not learn how to fight. The man with the pipe took another swing, this time at Len’s ribs.

The pipe connected with Len’s heavily muscled back. Len went down and rolled sideways ignoring the pain. He kicked at his assailant’s knee and the man collapsed to the pavement and dropped his pipe.

Len was slowed by the hit to his back. But he still managed to reach the pipe first. He sprang to his feet and bent low and put his body weight behind the pipe. He connected with a kneecap. His assailant swore and turned tail and ran. Len debated chasing him but decided against it. He wriggled a little assessing the damage.

Probably nothing was broken. For sure, if his ribs were cracked, it would hurt worse. But his bear was fidgeting. Every instinct said this was no random attack. What were the odds that a mugger would leap out at the biggest guy on the street?

Len knew he was wearing his good jeans and his best athletic shoes. But nothing would make him look rich. He had a mirror. What he looked like was a big roughhouser. If that guy had wanted money, he would have gone after weaker prey.

* * *

Len let himself into the darkened house. The boys’ door opened and Hunter looked out as he walked up the stairs.

“Hey,” Len said easily. “You should get some sleep, Hunter. Another big day tomorrow.”

“Where’s Erin?” Hunter asked suspiciously.

“Took her home.”

“How you get so dirty?” Hunter persisted.

“Night, Hunter.” Len took himself off to his own room.

Lenny lay in bed, His back ached fiercely where the mugger’s pipe had connected. He was going to be some bruised tomorrow. He wished he’d had a chance to smell the driver of the van so he could be certain that Blow was the attacker. He was going to have to watch out a little better from now on.

He kissed his magic Erin before he went to sleep. It was almost incandescent now. Lit from within by some strong life energy that resonated with his own. The taste of her tonight had nearly pushed him over the edge. And she had responded like the woman in his dreams. Had to be a good sign.

In the dark watches of the night Len felt his massive body straddled. A warm, wet vulva pressed against his stiff and throbbing cock and strong round thighs gripped his hips. He tried to open his eyes but they didn’t even flutter. He tried to lift his arms to touch his nocturnal paramour but he had no power to move them.

The female astride him swiveled her hips and let her slick sex caress his shaft while her gentle fingers found the trail of hair that led from his pubes to his pectorals. She tugged playfully at the thick mat of hair that surrounded his flat male nipples, digging her fingers into the slabs of muscles beneath.

When she bent to lick the salty disks he bounced and he heard a soft giggle in the darkness as she lost her seat and had to regain her balance. After some floundering her slippery sex found the steel pole that lay flat against his belly and he groaned in anticipation.

The slow, gentle exploration of his torso continued. His inamorata ran questing hands along his arms, tracing the well-defined muscles of his upper arms. She fondled the soft hair that curled on his forearms and her fingertips learned the backs of his hands. She turned his wrists so she could caress his calloused palms.

The exquisite stroke of his beloved’s palms slipped back up his arms to the pits, where her fingers ruffled the hair and moved to his thick and muscular neck. He heard more giggles as the bristly skin there was stroked. And then the fingers wandered higher to his scratchy cheeks.

A kiss was lightly laid on his lips as though his lover was afraid his beard would scrape her delicate skin. She nibbled a little at his big square chin and returned to his Adam’s apple. Her lips surrounded it and began to suck, but the bristles seemed to defeat her, because she laughed and moved on.

Len felt her breath in the hollow of his throat where his chest hair began to curl. His dream lover blew at those curls and buried her nose in the small bowl. Her hands were busy learning the wide expanse of his ribcage and kneading the heavy muscles that covered his torso.

He could feel the gentle friction of her labia as she moved slowly back and forth over his cock. The dew that dripped from her honey pot was both pleasure and torment. He tried to speak to urge her to a faster speed, or more active consummation, but speech too was impossible.

She scooted back until she sat on his knees and bent forward to pick up his shaft in both hands. She ran one hand up the length whilst the other lightly fondled his balls in their hairy covering. She squeezed both her hands gently and rhythmically around his cock. She chuckled when he twitched and spasmed in her hand.

He could feel his seed dripping from the swollen head of his cock, and then those tormenting lips were there kissing, sucking lightly and departing. She played gently with his package while his arousal ratcheted up higher and higher. And he silently begged her to hold him tighter and rub harder.

Every muscle was taut. Every nerve strained. And still his invisible lover continued her loving torture. When he thought he would blow his load, she released him with a final gentle lap of tongue on glans. Leaving him still wound tight.

She stretched out full length on his body. Her soft and heavy breasts pressed into his chest. Her cushiony belly pulsed against his rock hard abs. Her mound rubbed against his cock. Her satiny legs tangled with his hairy ones. She sighed as if immeasurably content, turned her head to kiss his collar bone and relaxed her softness into his hardness. He thought she slept.

* * *

Len woke with a morning erection that was as stiff and clamorous as any rutting bear’s. He ached from head to toe. Blue balls of fire, his nocturnal succumbs had left him more needy and rapacious than he had been before. He gazed reproachfully at his amulet and he could have sworn it winked at him.

He remembered old Uncle Pierre warning him, “Bear magic is powerful, boy, you be careful how you call it up. And if your mate takes hold of you in the night, well you might as well put your pecker in a wringer.”

Joey took one look at his brother’s tented jeans and chortled into his mug of coffee. Wasn’t nothing going to get his flagpole to half mast, so Len had to run up and down ladders in agony.

* * *

Hannah, with her dark curls still mussed, and sleep creases on her face, sipped weak tea at Maddie’s kitchen table. She was feeling a little fragile this morning. “It’s my second trimester,” she complained. “I’m supposed to have lots of energy and no more nausea.”

“You probably overdid things yesterday,” Maddie said soothingly. “Do you feel up to some toast or something?”

“Dry toast, please. If I don’t eat, I’ll feel worse later.”

“Do you think Len made his move when he took Erin home?” Maddie asked when she had fed Hannah.

“Even a bear from French Town could recognize an opportunity like that. But Erin nearly blew it. Jack had to kick her under the table, as she was insisting she could drive home.” Hannah chuckled.

“Well, she is a little skittish. I don’t think she’s had much experience with decent men,” Maddie said. “Doug blew me away the first time I met him, but he’s just a more intense version of my brothers. Both Adam and Connor are one hundred percent alpha males, born to lead and defend in equal parts. The only wonder is why I was ever deceived by my dirtbag ex.”

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