Be My Baby (17 page)

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Authors: Andrea Smith

Tags: #Erotica, #Contemporary Fiction, #romantic fiction, #alpha male, #romatic trilogy

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"Oh my God," I breathed, trying to
comprehend what type of monster she had been and likely still

"But what about the subsequent children she
had. She mentioned having grandchildren remember?"

"All lies," my father replied, "She had no
further children, which was a blessing to society, I suppose."

"No wonder Matthew was so screwed up," I

"That was no excuse for murder," my father
said rather harshly.

My head snapped up to look at him. He had
never spoken harshly to me before. I could tell Trey was taken
aback as well.

"Dad, I'm sorry," I said, "I wasn't excusing
Matthew for his crimes at all. I know that he killed my mother -
and Maggie."

"I'm sorry, darling," he said. "I certainly
didn't mean to snap at you like that. This all has me reeling."

"I can certainly understand that," I
replied. "Is there more?"

"Yes, there is. After your grandparents were
killed in that automobile crash, Karen Deeny conveniently came back
into Matthew's life. By this time she was in the employ of my wife
Olivia's family. By all appearances Karen took up where she had
left off with Matthew. She tutored him in the ways of making women
do what he wanted them to do as was the case with Maggie, and as
would have been the case with Marley had she not gotten pregnant
with you right off the bat."

I was sickened by all that he was telling
me. I shivered at the thought of the type of monster that Matthew
had become. Trey pulled me closer looking down at me.

"Are you alright, baby?" he asked taking my

I nodded. "I want to hear all of it," I

"When Marley became pregnant with you
Matthew beat a fast path to his mother to bring her the good news.
By this time of course, Olivia and I were married and Ms. Deeny was
in our employ. The whole set-up with my bachelor party had been
choreographed in advance. That was why Matthew had planted hidden
cameras in my room. He was going to use the photos to blackmail me
so that Olivia would never find out what I had done prior to our
marriage. Marley's pregnancy provided a better opportunity for

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Karen Deeny had decided that more money was
to be gained by taking the picture along with the news of the
impending birth of my child to Olivia. She instructed Matthew to do
so. Karen knew that Olivia was barren; she also knew that the
scandal alone could destroy any chance of my appointment to a
federal judgeship. You see, Olivia's family was extremely wealthy
in their own right. What was important to Olivia was power and
prestige. My judgeship would offer that. Karen convinced Olivia to
set up a pay arrangement on behalf of the child. Matthew set

up the LLC under the direction of Karen to
handle the money trail. Olivia did require receipt of periodic
photos and reports as to the progress of the child - of you," he

"So Olivia never knew that Karen Deeny was
behind all of that?"

"It appears not," he said. "It would have
devastated me had I discovered that she had played a co-conspirator
with Ms. Deeny. It is difficult enough for me to try and understand
why at some point she didn't divulge the truth to me; perhaps
because she had let so much time go by without speaking up. She was
under the impression that Maggie was your mother. She knew nothing
of Marley's death."

"How did you find this out, Dad?"

"My investigator went through court records.
Shortly after your mother passed away, Maggie was awarded custody
as natural next-of-kin. Maggie petitioned the court for the name
change stating that it was necessary in order to avoid her older,
mentally ill brother from tracking her and the baby down. She then
of course purchased a modified birth certificate for you so that
when she and Matthew visited Olivia it all looked on the up and up
as far as Maggie being your natural mother. There is no law against
changing one's name as long as it is not done for the purpose of
defrauding the government or escaping prosecution."

My father was still explaining the rest of
what his private detective had discovered when Margo appeared in
the doorway.

"Judge Tylar," she said interrupting the
conversation, "There is a process server at the door."

"Excuse me," my father said starting to get

"No, Judge," she said, "He is here to serve
your daughter."

Trey accompanied me out into the entry hall
where the process server asked me to verify my identity. He then
handed me an envelope telling me that I had been served and

I handed it to Trey. He promptly opened

"You are being subpoenaed as a witness for
the prosecution," he said reading through the documents. It is next
week. They certainly took their time on this," he remarked.

"Tylar now that you have been subpoenaed you
can't observe the proceedings any further," Trey remarked.

"No problem with that," I replied. "I don't
want to be anywhere near that creep Matthew."

I shivered thinking about him and what he
had said. We

had not had an opportunity to fill my father
in on what had happened in court today. I didn't relish the thought
of seeing the sick bastard again but if it would help put him in
prison for the rest of his life or worse it was worth it.

We filled Dad in on the rest over dinner. My
father was not overly keen on the idea of DNA verification but Trey
finally convinced him that the Defense was likely using a strategy
that might force the issue at some point anyway.

"I just don't want Tylar to think that I
ever doubted that she was mine."

"How could I possibly think that Dad? Who
else but a blood relative would have put up with me these past
couple of weeks?"

He smiled at me warmly.

"I'll make the arrangements for tomorrow
morning with Dr. Whitlach's office," he said.

Since I had to return to Baton Rouge the
following week to testify, Trey and I decided that we would leave
for home the following afternoon. Trey wanted to rearrange his
schedule so that he could return when I was scheduled to testify.
He indicated that the prosecutor would likely want to conduct an
interview with me prior to the court date and suggested I call
their office in the morning to let them know how I could be

Trey and my father were in a lengthy
conversation on legal topics; jurisdictions, venues and discussing
'double jeopardy' when I reached over and touched Trey's arm to get
his attention.

"I don't mean to interrupt but I'm going to
leave you both to your legal discussions. I'd like to find Preston
and spend some time with her."

"Go right ahead darling," my father said
smiling at me. "She's been so entertaining today. Her vocabulary
seems to grow daily."

"Sure thing, sweetie," Trey said, "I'll join
you and Preston in a bit."

"Okay," I said smiling as I headed

Edie had Preston in her nursery changing her
out of her big girl panties and getting a pull-up out for night
time. Apparently there had been a little accident. Preston
brightened up the minute she saw me reaching her arms out and
clasping and unclasping her hands.

"Mommie," she whined. She had tears in her

"What's wrong,, baby?" I asked coming closer
to her.

"She is upset for soiling her pants I
think," Edie said. "It's probably my fault, Tylar."

"What do you mean?"

"She was playing downstairs in the kitchen
where I was cleaning up and she came over to me saying 'doodee.' I
wasn't sure what she meant then I saw that she was kind of
squeezing her legs together. I figured it out. I didn't know that
your father had Margo purchase another potty chair for the
downstairs bathroom. So when Preston said she had to 'doodee' I
walked her up stairs. She kept pulling against me and pointing back
downstairs. By the time we got to the upstairs landing she had
soiled her panties and was very upset with herself. I have a
feeling this little girl is going to be a perfectionist."

Just like her daddy I thought to myself.

"Come on Preston," I said reaching for

I picked her up into my arms and carried her
into my room. I sat on the bed with her on my lap.

I got a pair of pajamas from her room and
started changing her out of her clothes and into nightwear.

"Listen sweetie," I said to her, "Everybody
has accidents at times. You are doing very well with your big girl
panties. It's okay that sometimes you have an accident. No one is

I looked down at her where she was looking
up at me with her big blue eyes still watering. I doubted if she
comprehended a word that I said but I wanted her to know that
people mess up and it's a human thing. She finally smiled up at me
her eyes brightening.

"How about we read a couple of stories
before bedtime?"

"Choo Choo," she said clapping her little
hands together happily, "Choo Choo."

I knew that meant she wanted me to read from
her Thomas the Tank Engine book.

I changed into a nightgown and then grabbed
one of her Thomas books from her room. We brushed our teeth in the
bathroom and then snuggled down under the covers together. I read
half of the book to her before she dozed off. I wasn't far behind
her. I pulled the covers up and pulled her warm body against

We dozed off together nestled closely. I
wasn't sure how much longer it was before Trey came to bed. He
lifted Preston up to take her back to her crib.

"Sweetie, please let her stay in here with
us. I've missed her today."

He leaned over kissing me gently.

"Not tonight, Tylar. She needs to be in her
room. I was hoping that you and I could make up for some lost time.
I'm in the mood."

I felt my butterflies surge as only Trey
could make them. The truth was, I was just as hungry for him as he
was for me.

Trey returned momentarily and climbed under
the covers pulling me close to his warm body. I snuggled against
him enjoying the warmth of him.

"I'm glad we're going home tomorrow,

"Me too, baby. It's so empty without you and
Preston there."

I raised my face to his and found his lips
with my own. He kissed me sensually and passionately. His fingers
reached and pulled the straps of my nightgown up and over my head.
His hands kneaded my breasts tenderly; his mouth lowered down upon
then gently suckling them bringing me pleasure.

His hands reached downward and I shimmied
out of my panties as his fingers expertly plied my sex. He had shed
his boxers and my hands reached downward and found his manhood. I
gently stroked his shaft bringing it to full erection. I scooted
down under the covers taking his manhood into my mouth and swirling
my tongue around and around it; my lips gently suckled the end of
his penis. Trey drew a sharp breath inward and moaned gently.

"Ohh baby," he sighed, "I want you on top of

I was ready and willing to accommodate my,
Trey. I raised myself up, my legs straddling him as he helped to
guide his erect penis into my well-lubricated sex. I lowered myself
down onto his shaft feeling the familiar fullness that I loved so

I rocked back and forth on him as his hips
raised and swiveled to meet my rhythm. His hands cupped my bottom
as he raised me up and down onto his shaft.

"Mmm," I moaned as I grinded against him in
pure pleasure.

"That's my girl," he cooed as he continued
to thrust his pelvis up and down as I rode him back and forth.

We were both quickening; Trey hands were
massaging my breasts as I rode him harder and harder.

"Oh God baby, that's it," he moaned, "Keep
going baby."

I increased my rhythm going up and down on
his shaft. I could feel my uterus contracting around him as I
whined in pleasure.

All of a sudden my concentration was broken
by a soft baby voice calling out from beside our bed.

"Horsey? Mommie pay horsey?"

Oh my God! Trey and I heard Preston's voice at the same

I quickly lifted myself off of Trey and
collapsed on the other side of him away from my daughter. I was
mortified! I threw my hands over my face and hid from sight. How
had Preston gotten out of her crib? Though our room was dark she
had clearly witnessed our lovemaking! She thought Trey and I were
playing 'horsey'!

Trey quickly covered himself and turned to

"How did you get out of your bed, sweetie?"
Trey asked as if he fully expected her to answer him.

I felt him reaching under the sheets feeling
around for his boxers. He finally found them and shrugged them on
beneath the covers.

"Mommie pay horsey?" she asked

(Oh God, Oh God! I had probably scarred my
daughter for life.)

"Right now Mommy is 'playing possum' under
the covers, sweetie," Trey told her with a smirk. Preston continued
to jabber away about playing 'horsey.'

Trey lifted her up to take her back to the
nursery to her crib.

"Pee-pee Daddy," she said.

Trey changed course and took her to the
bathroom settling her on her potty chair. I heard him praise her as
he helped her get her pajamas bottoms back in place and flush the

He took her back to the nursery to her

"Oh I see what happened," I heard him call
out from her room. "I didn't raise the rail back up and lock it
into place."

(Way to go, counselor!)

I heard him talking to her gently as he
tried to get her settled back down in her bed. She immediately
started fussing; she wanted to be in our bed with us.

Trey tried to soothe her fussiness by
talking to her calmly. She was having none of it. He finally
retreated back to our room letting her fuss and cry.

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