Be Careful What You Wish For: A Cuckold's Story (2 page)

BOOK: Be Careful What You Wish For: A Cuckold's Story
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The next day, at work, Rick had a few moments in the office to think about what he could do to bring Liz’s fantasy to life.

It was a big risk, of course. It
one thing to fantasize about having a black man fuck you
r wife
and quite another to cause it to happen. What if he brought home a man as a “surprise”? How would Liz react? She’d probably scream and run for the bathroom. No, he’d have to let her in on it and give her time to warm to the idea.

Rick had a candidate in mind. One of the men on the temporary fencing crew had been a handsome, well-built black man named Darrell. He was about thirty-five, a few years older than they were. Rick had seen him on many a site with his shirt off, his triangular-shaped torso glistening in the Atlanta heat, his big hands manhandling the fence posts into position. Rick had gotten to know him reasonably well and found him to be a level-headed guy – someone you could count on. He had quit about four months ago to take another job, but Rick thought he lived at the same address. He still had the man’s cell phone on file.

He looked through the personnel records and found three shots of Darrell that he could show Liz. One was simply a face shot that the company took of all its employees. The other was taken during a publicity shoot that the company had arranged. The photographer had loved Darrell and had used him in two “action” shots – one with his shirt on, rolling the wire fence into position with the help of another man, and one with his shirt off, lifting the concrete base of a fence post out of the ground
, his muscles bulging
. He printed out all three of them on the company’s color copier/printer and stuffed them into his briefcase.

He wasn’t able to bring up his idea that night – Liz
had been in
an odd mood
and he wisely left her alone. Perhaps she was feeling embarrassed about finally confessing her fantasy. He hoped not.

It wasn’t until
the following
Friday nigh
that he was able to broach the subject. They had had a couple of drinks
after dinner
and were sett
ling down to watch a movie when the opportunity arose. Liz had scrolled through the choices on Netflix before settling on “Mandingo,” a 1975 movie about a black slave in the 1840s who
fought in arranged bare-knuckled brawls and
had hot sex with the wife of the plantation owner.

was pleased with the choice as it was obviously a message. He
said nothing while they watched it, preferring to
how it affected his wife.

* * *

if it was a good idea
to see this movie with Rick
. She had seen a couple of times before and it had remained one of her guilty pleasures, to be watched when Rick was away. But she couldn’t quite shake their recent conversation and it made her feel
sexier, even naughtier
If she were to admit it to herself, the movie could be considered a clue to Rick that she wouldn’t mind pursuing their fantasies. She could never take any steps in that direction, of course – it would have to be Rick’s idea. That way, if it went wrong, she could blame him.

The movie made her hot and that actor who played the lead role was quite handsome. She could imagine his arms around her, grabbing her and forcing her to have sex. Rick wasn’t forceful at all in bed. He was more of a pleader, begging her for sex instead of taking it, not that she’d ever tell him. Sometimes, she turned him down just to see if he’d act like a real man
and take her
, but he never did. He was a good provider – he couldn’t help it if he wasn’t the alpha male type. It hadn’t mattered all that much when they had gotten married, but now, all these years later, it had begun to grate on her.
That was why she had resisted going off the pill and getting pregnant. Eventually, she supposed she’d have to, just not yet.

Part of her couldn’t believe that Rick’s fantasy was to watch her have sex with another man.
It had to go beyond his small dick size.
Maybe it was because he was so passive, he liked the idea of watching an alpha male rut with her. He
could learn something

The movie had a key scene between the slave and the owner’s wife and as they watched it, she noticed Rick was paying more attention to her than the screen. After it finished, she was so heated, she turned it off suddenly and announced. “
I’m tired
, I’m going to bed.” She caught Rick off guard.

“Wait, I was watching that.”

“Go ahead.
I’m done
.” With that, she got up, wondering if he’d follow her or if she would have a few precious minutes alone to masturbate.
She could come in just a few minutes while fantasizing about Mandingo!

“No, that’s all right, I’ll come with you,” he said, getting up and turning off the lights.

Liz nodded and turned away, allowing a slight grimace to flash over her face.
Damn! Now he’ll weedle and beg and she’ll have to give in to him because she was already horny. There was no hiding it.

She went into the bathroom and brushed her teeth, pausing to check between her legs. Yep, she was quite wet. The images of the black man and the white woman made her shiver. She finished
up and returned to the bedroom, stripping off her clothes. She was bent over the dresser, finding a nightgown when Rick walked in.

“Ohh, look at you! You are so cute!”

She smiled and slipped the nightgown on over her head. “Go brush your teeth.”

He went into the bathroom and Liz climbed under the covers. She reached down and felt herself again, relishing the sensations her fingers caused her. She was randy enough not to put up much of a fight to Rick. But she wanted to make him work for it.

He came out and she slipped her hand away and reached up to turn off the bedside lamp on her side. “Well, good night,” she said and clicked it off, leaving the room
illuminated only by
the light on his side.

“Wait a minute,” he protested. “You can’t just go to sleep!”

“Why not?”

“Because, I know that movie got you all worked up! I could tell.”

“It was kinda boring. Those movies from the ‘70s all seem to be shot as if they’re out of focus.”

Rick removed his clothes except for his
and crawled into bed, snuggling up against Liz.

“Hey, now, don’t get frisky on me.
You just got laid the other night.

That was
on our anniversary, more than
a week ago!
Come on, I’m all worked up after watching that slave fuck the wife,” he protested.

“Go watch some porn and come to bed later.”

“Why watch porn when I have the real thing right here?”
He rubbed up against her.

“Oh? You think I’m a porn star?” She delighted in thwarting him. She’d better not go too far or she’d talk herself out of getting laid.

“You know I didn’t mean it like that!” He cupped her breasts tentatively and she pushed him aside. He allowed his hand to fall away. She wished just for once he would be more aggressive!
Just grab the hair on the back of her neck and pull it. It always made her instantly compliant.

He kissed her cheek, which Liz allowed, begrudgingly. At least he was a
kisser. She allowed him to turn her face toward him and give her a sideways kiss on the lips.

“Oh, baby,” he moaned and Liz tried hard not to roll her eyes.

She could tell he was going to pester her until she gave in, so she rolled over onto her back. That was all the signal Rick needed. He
yanked off his
climbed up over her, pushed her nightgown out of the way and slid his cock right into her pussy. No foreplay, as usual. She sighed to herself and lay still while Rick jerked on top of her.
Within a minute
, he groaned and was done. She could feel his watery discharge leaking out between her legs.
She felt frustrated – she hadn’t come, despite her ardor. She hoped she might slip in a quick fingering after he fell asleep.

He climbed off and la
next to her for a moment. It was as if he knew she was disappointed in their love-making.

ve, uh, got a candidate in mind,

he said suddenly.

She turned
, suddenly alert
. “What?”

“I’ve got a black guy you might like. He used to work for us.”

Liz sat up
, her stomach suddenly throbbing. And her pussy too
. “Are you serious?”

“Yes. I mean, we both said we liked the idea.”

“As a
Not in real life!”

Rick didn’t say anything for a moment. Then: “I’ve got pictures.”

Now she was curious. “You got pictures?” Had he really gone that far into the planning? She figured she might as well take a look.
She reached over and turned on her light.

He grinned and jumped out of bed. He returned with some photos and handed them over. Liz looked them over, one at a time.
She remembered him.
the man
was so handsome! And strong! In many ways, he was like the actor in that movie. Her body began to grow warm and she wished Rick would just leave for
fifteen minutes
and let her take care of her long-denied orgasm!

“Pretty good, huh?”

She shrugged. “He’s handsome, I’ll give you that.” She wondered how he wound up selecting him. This guy looked like he’d be at home in a gay porn movie. Was Rick a bit gay? It
would explain a lot – why he was such a pushover
and why he wanted another man to fuck his wife while he watched. Maybe he would get off more by seeing the man’s hard cock than seeing the actual sex.

“His name’s Darrell.
You saw him once.”

“I did?” She
t want to admit she recognized him

“Yeah, it was one day you came down to meet me for lunch. He was in the office with a couple of other guys.”

“Oh. I guess he didn’t make much of an impression on me.”
What a lie! When he
looked at her, she had gotten wet.
That she remembered. After lunch, when she had returned home, she had
a nice fantasy fuck with the man.

“You did on him. When I got back, he congratulated me on having a hot wife.”

“Really?” She was flattered and studied the pictures more closely, trying to imagine his arms around her. Her pussy grew warm
and her nipples became erect. She hoped Rick wouldn’t notice.

He quit a
few months

“Too bad.” She caught herself sounding a bit too eager. “Uh, I mean…”

“I can still find him.”

She nodded. “Well, I’d love to see that conversation! ‘Hey, Darrell, you wanna come home and fuck my wife?’ He’d probably think you were a weirdo.”

“He might. But I wanted you to see the photos and tell me if you want me to call him. I won’t do it unless you say it’s okay.”

, she thought,
why not just do it and surprise me?
Am I supposed to
wanted to fuck a real man
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, do you?”

“Why not? We talked about it.”

“Come on, Rick – this is dangerous. He could be a
. Or a
Besides, not all black guys are…” She stopped, stricken. She didn’t want to make Rick feel worse.

“It’s all right – you can say it. ‘Not all black guys have big dicks’, right?”

She nodded. It was time to change the subject, get away from penis size. “
You don’t really know this guy all that well, do you?”

“Sure, we talked. He seemed very level-headed. Not a jerk at all.”

“That’s just because you were his boss. I’m sure he’s a different person when you’re not looking.”

“So maybe you should meet him, decide for yourself.”

“I’m not going to do that!
It’s too risky.”

“I see. So we’re just going to go on the way we’re going?”

Liz turned toward him, allowing the photos to drop to the bed. “What do you mean?”

“Come on, with both know our sex life has gotten, um, boring over the last
years. I thought we could spice it up a bit.”

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