Read Be Careful What You Wish For Online

Authors: Misty Blue

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

Be Careful What You Wish For (7 page)

BOOK: Be Careful What You Wish For
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A hand took firm hold of her wrists, binding them tight. Then without warning there came a swishing sound and a stinging slap across her buttocks. She gasped out loud. She couldn't help it. Had she done wrong or displeased him? Again her thoughts scattered while three further slaps followed. Her body shrank away, moving into a foetal position, head well down, legs involuntarily coming together. But restraints closed around each ankle, and a bar came between them forcing them wide.

‘I am Master. Remember. Now, be still while I examine my slave.'

Fingers expertly worked their way from the nape of her neck down the lines of her body, holding her tight for a moment at her waist and thighs before moving on. They nipped, pinched, soothed the cheeks of her butt, and she tensed, fearing a further slap when he saw that the second plug was not there.

Instead a cushion was placed beneath, pushing her hips high, her head low. Her wrists were released momentarily, before being spread and fastened separately so she could not move. Her head was held firm, while hands worked their way to that point which exists between crotch and buttocks. She writhed with pleasure as fingers explored, her back arching to spasms which wracked her body, shivering and trembling, until she felt she would explode if she were not allowed the release her body craved.

He helped her kneel, breasts pulled forward as her hands were bound behind her. With finger and thumb her nipples became taut, teased, aroused, until they were pinched and hurt. Her knees splayed apart, revealing swollen lips, and the plug was removed to reveal the warm wet glow of desire spreading across her groin. She ached with an urgent need to come.

‘Not yet. Not until I say. You will hold the feelings until I say you can cum.'

The words were the first to break the silence. But instead of quietening her they had the obverse effect. Her whole body broke out in a sweat from the effort of trying to keep feelings in check. How could she stop an orgasm when it was so close? She was sitting on the edge, begging for it to come...

She became aware of someone else's presence. They were not alone then? When had he entered? And who was this stranger? How could Dream Catcher allow another into their private space?

Warm breath fell on her face like the gentlest summer breeze. Her head fell against his body. Hands caressed her neck, while she was pulled close and firm. Trapped, totally vulnerable, unable to move, she froze, until the mouth of the one she knew as Dream Catcher kissed her hard. She recognised his touch, his manner... and was glad. It was a touch of the familiar. He held either side of her jaw, opening her mouth, urging her towards him, his tongue lunging down her throat. At first she pulled back violently as if she'd been assaulted. She was gagging, the tongue still reaching, like a snake ferreting down a hole. But she couldn't struggle because of the hands that held. And in the end she didn't want to struggle, letting herself be held tight.

He withdrew, keeping a tight hold, her head well back, the blindfold still in place.

‘Let's try it again, shall we.'

It wasn't a question but a statement. The words were soft... but firm.

‘Open your mouth. Wide... wide... wider... come on. Let the pleasure of my tongue explore without constraint. Feel it. Allow it. Don't try to pull away or to fight me.'

She opened her mouth, and wider still, and again his tongue relentlessly lunged down her throat. Again she gagged. Then slowly... slowly she relaxed, leaning into him, allowing it simply... to be. She loved his touch, his taste, being held. Tight, firm, she felt secure, safe.

She was confused... helpless... surprised. The tongue... his tongue... continued to explore her mouth. But then it had to be someone else who took a grip on her bottom. Firmly she was held and stretched, back arched, fingers stimulating her clit, while a rush of intense arousal took over her body to the exclusion of all else.

Wriggling and squirming, unable to quell the feeling, not really looking for a way out or release, she didn't know what to do with the overwhelming emotion that simply gobbled her up outside in.

Hands reached, widening her vagina, holding apart the soft lips to pull out the plug, aiding something else to slide through the wetness into the beyond. It vibrated gently, somewhere deep, and then teased in... out... in... out, holding a rhythm which brought delicious but totally uncontrollable pleasures.

Slowly it built, until like a wild thing she writhed and squirmed within her bonds, wrestling the hands that held. A volcano was exploding inside her. It took hold and wouldn't let her go. They controlled her. Urging her on and on, through the sub-heat of desire... breaking down barriers... pushing away all limitations. It was quite beyond anything ever experienced before. In a wild frenzy her body writhed, electric impulses of desire arching her body, forcing what she had held in check for so long to surface.

Suddenly sound erupted from her lips as her mouth was released. Her head remained held in a vicelike grip, neck strained back, the relentless vibrations in her vagina building into a crescendo of feeling erupting into one total orgasmic experience. Sensation splintered off into different parts of her body. She butted helplessly at the air, waking the spirit of her sexuality, arousing it from a long deep sleep, bringing it to a point where it might be free to embrace a bright new dawn and the mingling of pleasure and pain.

She was coming... yes, yes, yes... again and again and again... juices spilling out, released finally in a frenzy of activity which strained against her bonds, widening her legs to their fullest, embracing the hands that held.

‘It's coming... again. I can't hold it. I can't bear any more! The sensation is too much...'

‘Cum then. Let us know and see you for what you are. But be warned, next time I give a command for something to be done... a butt plug for example...' for moments he paused, waiting for a reaction to his words. ‘But for now, let it come. And embrace the experience. Do it for me. Surrender and submit yourself completely to my will.'

She heard the words, but on another level and from a far and distant place. For in that moment an insurmountable wave of emotion drowned her, carrying her through a whirlpool of feelings, to leave her gasping, exhausted, spent.

Hands gently laid her on the covers of the bed, and for one hour she slept, until roused by the voice of her Master.

‘Come, my slave, we need to be going. It is time.'

She was being shaken awake. Her blindfold was removed, and she was naked, lying on pillows with two men standing over her.

‘This is Shadow.'

Dream Catcher extended his hand to include the other man in the room.

‘He is taking you to my Home where he will work with you and teach you the rudiments of slavehood. You will obey him as you obey me. And when the time is right you will come to me to become my true slave, and all that that means.'

She struggled to find words that made sense of her fears.

‘You have done well. I am pleased. Remember, control... instruct... cherish. Now is the time for instruction. Shadow is your teacher, your guide. He will work you, lead you, instruct you, until you have the mindset of a true slave.'

‘But I know now. I have researched, learned, studied about this way of life. Please, take me now as I am. I've found myself; I don't want to become someone else.'

He smiled gently, and taking her hands in his, sat on the bed beside her.

‘But there are things you have said you want to change, to know, to become a part of. Your body needs honing, shaping, training so that it might more easily cope with the moves that will be expected of you. You need to know how to please a Master, how to pre-empt his requirements, to second-guess his wants, his needs, his thoughts. You will also need to learn what to do with the kind of feelings you have experienced this night, to know how to harness them, and to be able to give yourself completely without holding back. This is about you as well as me. Ours will be a strong relationship, a consensual relationship, an equal relationship, because of the very strong and very real commitment and bond we share.'

His words rang true.

‘But why can't you teach me yourself?'

‘Because Shadow is your guide, your teacher. He is my chosen mentor in this respect. And it is my express wish that he teaches and trains you. This instruction is yours to obey and not to question. When you do come to me we will develop on from there, and be strong.'

Shadow was holding a long fur garment for her to step into. It covered her from her neck down, and was snug and warm.

‘Come. The car is waiting. We have a long journey ahead.'

Dream Catcher caught hold of her in the doorway before releasing her to his charge.

‘Go well. I will be there, always, watching over you. Remember that.'

Shadow led her then, naked under the coat, barefoot, to a sleek car waiting beyond the main doors.

On entering he wrapped a blindfold around her eyes, and then gently pushed her head back against the cushions on the rear seat.

‘Sleep now. You'll need your rest for what is to come.'

Despite her fears, her confusion, sleep came easy. Folded in the comfort and warmth of the coat, collar turned up around her shoulders, she drifted into a dreamless doze, while the car sped on through the night.




For Richard Armstrong the night was long. He sped towards home, but his thoughts turned back again and again to the dream now captured and the slave he would make his own. She was perfect. A novice in the world of BDSM, naive, an innocent in love, together he and Shadow could work with her to enhance and develop her true potential. She was an intelligent woman. Mature beyond her years, she had depth and beauty and would be easily content with what he had to offer without need for more. She was also a water sign. Born under cancer, her emotions ran deep. It was impossible for her to harness them alone. But with guidance and instruction, working as a team, they could be honed like the flame of a fire, and like the wings of a bird or perhaps an angel, she would fly... beyond what is, to what could be.

Everything he'd ever dreamed of was within his grasp. Now he was impatient for it to begin.

On impulse he decided to wait at the place where they would come. He needed to see her expression when she caught sight of her new home. And so it was, as dawn broke, they stood at the shore together, looking into a sea mist covering the landscape.

Shadow also was curious to see the girl's reaction. He too looked forward to the time when his teaching would begin. In a past life he had practised as a doctor, a surgeon. He would take a personal pride in presenting to Richard a slave-to-be of such quality, strength, commitment and devotion that she would outshine all others who had gone before. He too needed to please his Master. He was grateful of the opportunity to please him in such a way. It was beyond a usual slave's calling. But then again, he was no ordinary slave. So easily he could switch. And that unexpected facet of his make-up had led him into many perverse and gratifying experiences. He hoped to gain much from this experiment, especially as, for the purposes of this exercise, he was considered in thought and deed at least, an equal.

The Birchwood luxury cruiser glided gracefully towards them. It gave him perverse pleasure now in exercising his right to keep the one known as Pandora naked. Only Dream Catcher knew her real identity. But he didn't care. He was more than happy with taking control of their ‘charge'. He ensured the furs were adequately covering her body, and his hands took the longest time to fuss and alter and shape it around her, touching naked flesh where he could. How he yearned for the times they would spend together. And then there would be the things he would share with Dream Catcher, discussing the training programme; he wanted to make it last not just for his own satisfaction, but also to ensure that she was not just slave, but super slave at the end of it.

They stepped aboard the sailing vessel, to where a silver metal rail arced around the bow. Master pulled their charge to him and held her close. Shadow didn't mind. He would have plenty of time and space to feel that same sense of closeness with her... and more... so much more... He smiled an almost sadistic smile, conjuring up vivid imagery that brought a bulge so huge it strained the zip on his tight trousers. The command came to cast off and the cruiser picked up speed rapidly, heading towards its island destination.

Abi could be heard gasping, filled with certain wonder as she caught sight of the outline of the building stark against the sunrise. It rose like a great gem whose pinnacle reached the heavens. It truly was awesome!

And even as the craft was anchored secure, the girl stood as still as a statue, completely overwhelmed by what she saw. Richard and Shadow, one on either arm, guided her off the boat, over the sands of the small private beach, up the narrow stone steps to its front doors.

Richard hugged her tight to him, pleased with her reaction and what he could see of the feelings that welled up, making her cry.

‘Welcome to my Home, Arcana. I open my doors to you and hope you will be happy here. We are the only inhabitants on the island of Aravale. Everything you see here you can share and be a part of.'

BOOK: Be Careful What You Wish For
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