BBW ROMANCE: BWWM Romance: A Cowboy’s Southern Comfort (Military Cowboy Pregnancy Romance) (Interracial Army Contemporary Fantasy Romance Short Stories) (48 page)

BOOK: BBW ROMANCE: BWWM Romance: A Cowboy’s Southern Comfort (Military Cowboy Pregnancy Romance) (Interracial Army Contemporary Fantasy Romance Short Stories)
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He stepped into his home.  There was Carol, making food and looking at him with a wry glance.

“You’re home late,” she stated.

“Sorry about that.  I’ve had a long day at work,” he replied.  That was always the excuse, work.  But the truth was, he actually was seeing a whole slew of different women, women of all ages who catered to his feral desires. 

“Well, I have the pot roast cooking.  By the way, I need some money to go shopping,” she stated pointedly.

“What makes you think I’m going to give you some?” he asked her.  She did this a lot, and frankly, he was sick of it.

Carol and he got married at a very young age, when Brett was just starting his company out.  He thought it would be a great marriage, although it was a political one at that, mainly because his family and her family would create a powerhouse company if they did wed.  Brett thought she was cute, but when they got married, he saw her true form.  She was a bitch, overbearing, and demanding.  He wanted to divorce her a long time ago, but after five years, people started to see them as the perfect couple, and Brett didn’t know if he should crumble the façade that he was trying to create or not.

“Well I need it.  Plus, you make a ton of money, mainly because of my father’s company,” she gloated.

“It’s actually because of mine.  And I don’t owe you anything,” he retorted.

“Well, maybe you can give me a payment in the bedroom tonight,” she said with a coo.

That was another problem.  Brett imagined carol would be the best woman to have in bed.  The first few times were all right, but mainly he got bored.  Then Carol got a boob job, and she had never been the same.  The first try was a total refund gap despite going to a professional, and since then, she’s used plastic to make herself into the perfect woman.  A perfect woman for another man, but not Brett.  He wanted to tell her, but he also knew that she would cry out that he didn’t love her if he told her the honest truth.  It hurt, it really did, but Brett had no choice.

“Maybe.  I’m not in the mood right now,” he replied.

She huffed.  “You’re never in the mood!  God, are you seeing some other woman or something?” she asked.

Brett wanted to tell her that he was, but he didn’t want to make everything crumble down.  As a man who seemingly has everything in the world, he still felt chained up.  He shook his head, looking at her directly.

“Sorry, but I’m tired.  I also am not seeing anyone else.  I have to deal with you,” he said.

“Oh, that’s such a shame,” she said sarcastically.

“Honestly, it is at times.  You’re a brat, and I’m sick of having to deal with a woman who is pushing 30 but acts like a child,” he told her.

She was about to call him out on things, but then, she shook her head.

“Fine.  I see how it is.  By the way, remember when I told you about the butler I wanted to get for here because I’m pursuing my modeling?  Well, I found the right guy.  His name is Ryan, and he’s starting on Monday.  I figured you would be fine with that,” she told him.

He paused.  He remembered her saying that, and that probably explained why she got her breasts done yet again, but he didn’t think she would actually go through with it.

“Oh, that’s surprising.  I’m shocked you’re going through with it,” he told her.

“Yeah well, I think I have the beauty for it,” she bragged.

“But of course,” he simply said.  In truth, he used to think she was beautiful, and probably according to many she is probably the hottest thing they’ve ever seen.  There are many men and probably some women who would love to be with his wife, but he didn’t find her attractive anymore.  It wasn’t just because her breasts were a shadow of what they were before, or her Botox injections that she gets to look young, or the fad diets that she does to be happy, it’s the fact that she’s a bitch, and even though he does have this nice life and the woman who is pretty, he didn’t think it was the best thing for him.  He cheated on her with women of various different backgrounds, but even that didn’t make him happy.  He didn’t know what to do, other than the fact that he was miserable, and so far the only solution had been alcohol.

“Well do what you need to do.  I’ll meet him tomorrow,” he told her.

“Okay.  I guess that does it.  I hope you have a good night,” she said.

She ran off, and Brett sighed.  For some, they might see this as the perfect life.  He had everything he wanted, a company that was doing well, the ability to buy and go wherever he wanted, and even a pretty wife.  But he wasn’t happy, and deep down, he felt miserable.  Of course, Brett didn’t know what the solution to this was, other than to wait and see what might come next.

Little did he know though, that what was coming next would change his life forever. 


Brett waited at home the next day, wondering just what he was getting into.  Right now, he knew that whatever would come through that door would determine the future of his life.  Maybe he would have a new butler, or maybe this would be a waste of his time.  He hoped it wouldn’t be the latter, but then again, he didn’t have much faith in people these days, so he could only hope for the best.  Maybe he’ll find a friend in this man.  Probably not.  Guess he would have to suffer through his personal hell for a bit longer.

He looked around, waiting for the telltale ringing of the doorbell.  Carol was leaving him with the choice here, which made him wonder if this would imply something later on.  He wondered if carol was thinking about ending things.  As much as he wanted that, he doubted it though.  He knew that this was the break that carol needed, that she needed him in order to get anywhere.  She was the property of her family basically, and their marriage was nothing more than a business instrument.  As much as he wanted to get out, he doubted she would want the same thing, especially since she hasn’t alluded to anything.

Then, the doorbell rang.  Brett sighed, hoping to get this over with fast so he could once again wallow in his own pity.  When he opened up the door though, the first thing that he did notice was that this wasn’t what he was expecting.

It was a big, black man.

The man was a lot broader than Brett was.  Brett wasn’t in terrible shape, but in comparison to this man, he looked like a scrap of meat, whereas this man was burly, big, and smiling.  He had a hardened feeling to him, which could suggest that this wasn’t your typical desperate college kid that needed a job.  It was certainly better than the old man Brett was expecting to come around.

“Hello there,” the man said.

“Hello.  I take it you’re here for the job as a butler?” he asked the man.

“That’s right.  My name is Curtis, and I’m the man who applied to your job.  Sorry fi I’m not exactly what you were expecting.  It happens a lot.  Everyone thinks I’m some dainty guy because I work hard and don’t mind cleaning,” he said.

“Oh it’s not a problem at all,” Brett replied.  He blushed as the man looked at him, and after nervously twirling his brown hair in his hand, he gestured for Curtis to sit in the other room.

“Come here.  We’ll talk,” he said.

“Fine by me, sir,” the other man replied.

The two men walked over to the table, and soon Brett could feel the telltale blush continue on his face.  In Brett’s mind, he never thought about guys in a sexual regard, but this man seemed to be changing his outlook on that.  For one, he was attractive, a bit dominant in carriage, and didn’t seem to back down.  Brett thought this man was certainly something, something even he didn’t expect.  He normally wasn’t very into men, but if the right one came along, it could change his regard.

“I’m Brett by the way.  Carol’s husband,” he said.

“Oh yes.  She told me about you.  Said you run some company,” he said.

“Yeah, it’s all right I guess.  I just run it, mainly as a result for my inheritance caused by their marriage,” he offered.

Curtis nodded in assent.  “I get that.  I’m an ex-navy seal.  Just got discharged.  I served my time, but it’s a bitch out there in the world.  I did take a few serving jobs, but they weren’t the best for me.  I figured maybe being a butler was what I was destined to do after everything,” he said.

“Well I’m glad you have an idea of what you’re doing with your life,” he replied.

“Well yeah.  Plus, to tell you the truth, carol seemed nice and she didn’t come off as a total bitch over the phone,” he said.

That must’ve been one for the lucky moments.  Carol was always a bitch, but that’s beside the point.

“Well, I’m glad to have finally met you.  So let’s get this show on the road, shall we?” he asked the other man.

“Of course,” Curtis replied.

The two of them went over the logistics of it: that he would be here five days a week cooking and tending to the house.  It was optional to work weekends, but his job was mostly to take care of the home and clean up the spaces.  Brett continued to look the other man in the eye as he rattled off all the items on a piece of paper carol left for him.  Of course, his mind was distracted by other thoughts, one that were a tiny bit lewder and more indecent than what met the eye.

For one, he continued to wonder what it would be like to be with a man.  He had never done something like this before, so maybe he was just getting too overactive in his thoughts.  But there was that part of him that was morbidly curious, and he wanted to get in on that action.  Of course, something like that would have to wait a while.  He didn’t want to scare off the man or anything.  Why was he thinking about this though?  He didn’t want to cheat any more, but he wanted a way out.  After talking about the preliminary details, the two men sat round, glancing at one another.

“How are things with carol by the way?  She seemed very interested in me coming over,” he told Brett.

“Okay I guess.  She’s off doing her little modeling thing.  That’s what she does as a result of our marriage.  She’s a model now, and I usually get stuck with the business side of the work,” he told the other.

“Oh wow.  Well, it’s great that a man like you can do all of that.  I mean, you’re certainly a lot better than I expected,” Curtis replied.  There was a small smile on his face, and when Brett saw that, he flushed crimson.

“Thank you sir.  I’m just doing my job though.  I try to be as formal as possible without coming off as rude to my future employees.  That’s why I’m so successful in what I do,” he told the man.

“Oh I imagine. You’re a totally different person compared to the bosses I’m used to.  You’re nice and sweet, not a douche like my last boss, nor are you a drill sergeant.  The one thing I learned from being in the military is how to be a hardass more than anything,” Curtis said.

Brett laughed, but deep down, he was wondering just how hard the other man could go.  He blushed once again, trying to get his thoughts out of the gutter.  This was the first time he had really been attracted to a man outside of porn or any of that sort for thing.  He liked the idea of being dominated by someone, but of course he wasn’t going to outright admit that to this man.

“Well, let’s finish things up, and I guess I’ll be seeing you tomorrow at nine,” he told Curtis.

“Thank you sir.  I hope your day goes well,” the other replied.

They finished up the business aspect of things, and after Curtis left, Brett sighed.  Why was he feeling that way about this man already?  This was the first time he had ever really been attracted to another man, and this was certainly not what he was expecting.  He wanted more from him, but he didn’t know where to go with this.  All he did know, was that whatever would happen next would be unlike anything he ever experienced before.


After Curtis left, Brett grabbed the paperwork to put on Carol’s table, and that’s when he saw it.  Apparently, this man was about forty years old, about ten years his senior.  So why was he looking for a new job and everything?  He was supposedly in the military beforehand, but Brett thought the man was about twenty or so.  Guess he stayed in for a long time and now doesn’t know what to do with himself.  He wondered what it would be like to get to know this other man in the future.

It seemed like the next few days were easier in a sense.  Curtis was around, and it seemed that Carol was interested in the man as well.  She was flirting with Curtis constantly, which bothered Brett immensely.  But what Brett noticed was the fact that he wasn’t flirting back with her.  Was it due to the fact that Brett was in the room?  Or was it something else.

After Curtis left one day, Brett turned to carol, disdain plastered on his face.

“Nice flirting back there,” he told her in a deadpanned manner.

“I wasn’t flirting!  He was just really nice.  I’m happy to have hired him though.  He is easy on the eyes, that I’ll admit,” she said.

“Yeah, you’re totally flirting with him,” he said to her.

“I was not!  Ugh!” she replied.

She left before Brett could say anything else.  Guess they wouldn’t be having sex that night. But Brett lost a lot of interest in sex period, at least with carol or with another woman.

About a week had passed since Curtis started, and that’s when Brett realized he hadn’t cheated on carol in a week.  Was it because of this man?  He really didn’t know, but in a sense, he didn’t mind it.  He couldn’t stand Carol, but the fact that he didn’t have to mope around with a guilty conscience was also pretty nice too.  He would rather not deal with those thoughts and just worry about his own life.  Of course, hanging around Curtis was certainly something interesting as well.

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