Bayou Stix Series: Bayou Stix Limited Edition Box Set (61 page)

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There’s a knock on the door and a gruff voice comes through. “Damn, what the fuck are y’all doing in there? Other people need the bathroom. Hurry the hell up!”

We both laugh and the tension is relieved. Checking our faces one more time, we open the door and head back to the party.

When we enter the living room again, my eyes search until they meet a pair of chocolate brown ones. He winks. Was he watching for me? My heart starts racing again.

What the fuck?!

Without reacting, I turn my back to him. I need the distance and time to catch my breath.

For half an hour, Lexi and I charm the crowd around us. Erik disappeared shortly after we arrived with strict instructions for me to “keep an eye on Lexi.” Damn, he’s protective. It’s so sweet though. Be nice to have someone like that in my corner.

Suddenly, it’s like someone touched me with a charger. Goosebumps break out on my skin. There is warm breath in my ear as a hand is placed on the bare skin of my lower back. “Walk with me?”

Turning, I meet Micah’s gaze. With my shoes on, our eyes are on the same level. He smiles at me as my eyes widen. I have to force myself to breath normally and clench my hands to keep from touching him. I arch my brow as I exclaim, “Walk with you where?”

He’s rubbing small circles on my lower back and the goose-bumps are traveling all across my skin. Leaning in to be heard over the noise, he says directly in my ear, “Outside. There’s a swing in the back by the trees. It’s quiet. We can talk.”

Fully turning around and taking him by surprise, I wrap my arm around his neck and pull his head down. Lining my mouth up with his ear, I blow into it. I see him catch his breath as I say, “Ok, let’s go

He pulls back from me and smiles. My heart kick starts again. Then, I remember Lexi.

I’m about to tell him I can’t go when I see a decidedly rumpled looking Erik come through the doors a split second before a slim, sexy blond guy. Their hands touch and they exchange a look before the blond rubs the back of Erik’s hand and disappears down the hall. Erik searches the room and heads in our direction once he sees us.

Once he gets to us, he wraps his arm around Lexi’s waist and swings her around. She laughs and hugs him and they walk over to meet us. Erik smiles as he notices my hand still on Micah’s neck. “You two getting along?” he asks.

Lexi is beaming and I notice she’s wobbling some. How much did she drink tonight? Damn, some friend I am. Thankfully, Erik has her.

Micah looks down at me and smiles. I clench my thighs as I feel the moisture his smile creates.
Dear God.
He answers Erik while still looking at me. “Yeah, man. We are. Bradi and I were just about to go for a walk. Y’all ok to get back to the dorm?” He looks up for a second and I see him and Erik seemingly having a silent conversation. “I’ll bring her back in a bit.”

From the corner of my eye, I can barely see Erik and Lexi smiling because I can’t seem to look away from Micah. I should probably speak up and say that I can walk myself back, or leave with Erik and Lexi, but my mouth refuses to open.
Well, shit!

Erik turns and bends down. “Hop on, love,” he tells Lexi while gesturing to his back.

She jumps on, laughing, and says to us, “We’re good. You kids have fun! Get her back safe Micah, ya hear?!” She winks at me. Erik fist bumps Micah and they’re off.

Taking my hand, Micah leads me through the house and out the back door. True to his word, there’s a wooden swing hanging from a tree in the back corner of the yard. It’s unoccupied.

We settle on the swing and he stretches his arm across the back while turning his body towards mine. There’s about a foot of space between us, but it feels like we’re touching. My hands are moist and I realize Micah makes me nervous. Guys don’t make me nervous. Ever.

Suddenly, I feel him playing with the strands of hair near his hand. He’s letting them sift through his fingers before he picks them up again. My back is so tense, but I’m trying very hard to play it cool.

Chuckling, he says, “Do I make you nervous, Bradi?”

My head whips around and my sharp green gaze zeroes in on his serene chocolate one. “Nervous? No. Why would you make me nervous?”

He leans in. “You tell me. I can see that you’re a force to be reckoned with, but for some reason, you seem on edge when I’m around. I’m curious as to why that is?”

Leaning in so only a whisper of space is between us, I reach up and grab the back of his neck. It takes him by surprise and his eyes widen as his breath hitches. “Hunny, I
a force to be reckoned with… and Hurricane Bradi is about to tear you down.” I crash my lips into his as my hands weave their way into his hair.

Finally, I’m back on familiar ground. He allows me to take control for a minute, before he pulls back and lightly kisses my lips, before nipping the bottom one.

I am completely out of breath.

He smiles at me. “Well, Hurricane Bradi, that was quite something and I want more, but first I’m taking you out. Tomorrow night. I’ll take you to dinner. Be ready at six.”

He pulls me to my feet and tucks me against his side as he walks us back to the dorm. At my door, he leans down and kisses me hard and fast then leaning back, he turns the knob, and pushes it open. I stumble a little and he chuckles. “Easy there. Tomorrow. Six o’clock. Be ready.” And he turns on his heel and wanders down the hall.

I watch him with my hand over my tingling mouth until he reaches the stairs. He looks up and sees me watching. As the door opens and he steps into the stairwell, he salutes.

That’s all it takes for me to realize… I’m in over my head with this one.
Oh, shit.

Chapter Four


Seven years ago

he party at the frat house is tonight and Micah and I are supposed to be bringing Lexi and her new roommate, Bradi. I’ve talked to Joe and we’re meeting up there too. He’s also in Micah’s frat. He’s a couple of years older and a junior while I’m a sophomore. I like him. I like him a lot. We have a good time together and we’ve been friends with benefits for about four months now. He is really pushing me to be more open about our situation and he wants a relationship, only I’m just not sure I’m ready for that yet. It’s not that I’m embarrassed or ashamed about who I am, I’m not. I don’t hide it, I’m just not sure I’m ready to be so open about being gay.

I remember the first night I met Joe. I was immediately attracted. Micah was going through rush and I tagged along with him to a frat party. Joe immediately caught my eye. He was tall and slim, but with a nice body. His shirt was tight and showed off his muscled shoulders and trim waist. His blond hair was a little unkempt and he was laughing at something someone was saying, so his head was thrown back and his blue eyes were twinkling. He caught me looking, so I hurriedly looked away. I didn’t want him to know I had been checking him out. I found myself watching for him throughout the night and at some point we were in the kitchen getting a beer at the same time. We reached for the tap and our hands touched. I looked up and once I saw who he was, I jerked my hand back, and my cup fell. I’d already opened the tap, so it sprayed us both, and the cup hit the floor.

He laughed as I dropped down to the floor in horror and grabbed it. But, we were both already soaked. He laughed again and introduced himself as I apologized for being a klutz. “Hey, man. I’m Joe.”

He offered me a hand and I shook it as I stood up. “I’m Erik. Sorry about that. I don’t know what happened.”

He smiled at me and said, “Uh huh.” Then he winked.

I was floored. Was this gorgeous man hitting on me?

As I was trying to process what was happening, he squeezed my hand, and then slid his fingers against mine. Smiling at me, he said, “Well I need to go change my clothes. I don’t want to walk around for the rest of the night smelling like a brewery. This house smells bad enough all on its own.” He turned to walk away and stripped his shirt off since there was beer on it and it was clinging to his tight abs. My eyes bugged out as he winked again and said, “I’ll be seeing you around, Erik. It was very nice to meet you.” I watched him until he left the room and then I sagged against the counter. My hand was tingling from where he’d touched it.

I saw Joe often over the next couple of months. He’d always flirt, and the more he saw me, the more he’d find reasons to touch me, until finally one night we found ourselves alone on the back porch of the house.

It was late and everyone was passed out, or in their rooms with the girls they’d picked up that night. Micah had been seeing a sorority girl for a few weeks and they were back at our room.

I was lying back on a lounger on the patio, nursing a beer and watching the stars when I felt him walk out. He sat in the lounger on the side of me and we just sat in silence for a bit. Finally he cleared his throat and I looked up at him. “Erik?”

Swallowing, I asked, “Yeah?”

He scooted the chair closer and I met his eyes. He looked nervous. “Hey…” Sighing, he looked right at me. “I’m just going to jump right in. You’re gay, aren’t you?”

Wait, I’m gay?! What does he mean? I thought he’d been flirting with me. Is he NOT gay? Shit, only one way to find out. Here I go.

Sitting up straight, I chuckled harshly. “Yes, Joe, I’m gay. Are you?”

We stared at each other for a long time, neither of us moving, neither of us saying anything. Finally he smiled at me and said, “Yes, I am. And I’m very attracted to you.” Scooting closer, he touched my face and I turned my head to better see him.

My throat felt tight as I responded. “That’s excellent. I’m attracted to you, too.” Leaning in, I stopped a brief inch away from him. “Very,

His smile got even wider and he closed the distance and kissed me. His lips were firm and warm against mine and his hand left my face to grip both of my thighs. Opening my lips to grant him access, we both moaned as our tongues swept against each other, and ran over each other’s teeth. He leaned over me further and before I knew it we were both on the lounger, hands and mouths exploring. He was leaning over me and my hands snaked under his shirt and ran up and down the ridges of his back before slipping into his jeans and kneading his firm ass. I could feel his rigged length pressing against mine through our jeans as our groins were aligned and we kissed like we were consumed. His hands raised my shirt and unsnapped my jeans, before sliding the zipper down and then, his warm hand started circling my hot sheath. I gasped and groaned as he worked me. He knew exactly the right pressure to exert and in no time at all, I was ready to explode. We continued to kiss the entire time. Breaking the kiss, he leaned in and whispered in my ear, “Give it to me. Cum for me, Erik.” And he started to move his hand faster. My eyes rolled back in my head, I bit my forearm to quiet myself, and my hips rose up as I shot my load all over his stomach and jeans. Once I could breathe, I opened my eyes, not sure of what I’d find. Joe was smiling at me and stroking himself.

Moving my eyes down, I took in the picture. His dick was long with thick veins protruding, but the head was huge and bulbous. I licked my lips and his eyes lit up. Then we heard a door slam in the house and he pulled his shirt down to hide his straining erection. I tucked my now softening dick into my jeans.

Looking over his shoulder and then back at me, he asked, “Do you want to come back to my room with me, Erik?”

Raising my brows, I asked him, “Your room? In the house?! What if someone sees us?”

He chuckled and replied, “What if they do? I’m out. It’s not a secret I’m gay.” He looked at me with a question in his eyes. “Do you hide it?”

Laughing I said, “No, I don’t hide it. Just not certain how a house full of drunk frat boys would react.”

He smiled at me as he held out his hand. I took it and I followed him to his room. The sex was fucking amazing that night. And every other night since then.

Neither of us is seeing anyone else and we are sexually exclusive as well, but he wants to tell people we’re together. We’ve been fighting about it.

Shit, what do I do? I like Joe. I’m not in love with him, but I like him and I care for him. I could probably love him. Do I want to take that step though?! Dammit. Why are you giving me ultimatums, Joe? Isn’t it enough that I’m with you and only you and you know it? Am I hiding it in some way? What the hell do I do?

Getting ready, I try to figure it out. We’re supposed to get the girls in half an hour. Micah calls out to me, distracting me from my thoughts. “So, Erik, this Bradi girl… is she hot?”

Laughing, I call back as I dry my face and wipe off the last of the shaving cream, “Only if you like blonde bombshells, dude.”

Within seconds, the door is flung open. “Blonde bombshells? What do you mean? She’s fine?”

Throwing my towel at him, I brush past him. “I don’t like chicks, Micah. But yes, she’s fine. And not what you’re used to. Be afraid. Be very afraid.”

“Nah, chicks love me. I’m a babe magnet. Besides, she’s probably not that fine. You’re gay. What do you know?” He winks to show me he’s kidding before he turns toward his side of the closet and pulls out a button-up shirt.

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