Bayou Stix Series: Bayou Stix Limited Edition Box Set (57 page)

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Laughing at me, she pats my face and shakes her head no. She grabs her own cropped leather jacket and slips it on. Good Lord, she looks like every man’s wet dream. Muttering under my breath, I follow everyone out the door. “She’s trying to get me arrested… damn woman.”

We end up at one of our favorite places to eat, Café Maspero’s. Everyone but Blue has been here before. Thankfully the line is not too long, because it’s actually cold. We all chatter and laugh as we wait for a table big enough for all of us. We’re approached a few times by fans wanting autographs and photos, but for the most part we’re treated just like everyone else.

Taking our seat, everyone pairs up. I don’t need a menu since I always order the same thing, but I laugh as Blue reads over it, pointing at things and asking me how to pronounce them.

“You eat here often, Jessie?” She asks with interest.

Nodding yes, I reply, “Yeah. Every time I’m down here I come by. I have since I was a kid. My mom used to bring me here when we’d take day trips to the Zoo or the Aquarium. We’d always stop here for lunch. It’s one of my favorite places.”

Finally she settles on red beans and rice with sausage. I see her looking around at the crowd. It’s a mix of locals and tourists. They have the doors closed today since it’s chilly, but normally they’d have them wide open so the smell could wander out and the sounds of New Orleans could come in. It’s right on the River, so you get a blend of river noise, pedestrian noise, traffic, conversation, and always the lingering sounds of music.

Blue speaks and it’s almost as if she was just in my head. “New Orleans is immersed in everything here. The music is everywhere. It’s almost like it’s embedded in the streets and buildings. It’s very surreal and magical. It’s almost like a different realm. Does that make me sound stupid?”

Looking at her and leaning in to kiss her, I answer her. “No, it doesn’t. NOLA is magical. It
a different realm. It’s crazy and busy and laid back and comfortable all at once. People from all walks of life come here and hang out together. It’s a blend of old and new. It feels like you can sit at the bar in any establishment and anyone could sit next to you. You never know what you’ll get. You never know who you’ll see.”

Realizing it’s unseasonably quiet, I look up and see everyone staring at us. Raising my brows in question, I snap out, “What the fuck are y’all staring at me for?”

Jude laughs and slaps the table. “Jessie Adams, I never would have believed it if I wasn’t looking at in with my own eyes!” Lexi wipes her eyes and Bradi and Micah grin at me. Dade is smiling, Cruz is nodding, and Liam is staring from me to Blue. Erik and Alec smirk and cross their arms. Alec winks at me. Clove has a small smile on her face too.

I’m so confused. What the fuck are they talking about?!


We look up from our conversation and everyone is staring at us. Jessie looks so confused.

After he asks what’s going on and Jude answers, he looks even more confused.

Lexi is the one to break the silence. Pointing from Jessie to me she smiles and says, “You two. Explain.”

Shrugging with my own confusion, I ask her, “Explain what?”

Bradi then points from me to Jessie and back again. “Explain…
. Jessie, you’ve been super affectionate with her since we got here. Blue, you’re glowing. The two of you are bent over in a private conversation, oblivious to the rest of us. Y’all are acting like a couple!”

Jessie’s brows draw in. “We
a couple. What the fuck are you talking about, Bradi? Are you drunk?”

Liam cackles. “Another one bites the dust!”

I look at him sharply. “Don’t give him any shit, Liam! Why are you all acting like this? You already knew we were together…”

Liam throws his hands out and laughs. “I’m not giving him shit. Simmer down, Snow White…”

“Yes, you two were together, but not
before. Now, you are 100% together. You’re in love!” Lexi claps and squeals.

Jessie looks at me, and then looks around the table incredulously. “Yeah. So fucking what? What are y’all acting stupid for?”

At that comment, Erik and Alec whoop, Lexi and Bradi scream, Clove claps, Dade and Jude fist bump, Cruz gives me two thumbs up, and Liam says, “You can thank me later!”

Jessie is looking around at everyone like they’re insane. I’m blushing furiously. And every eye in the restaurant is trained on us. Our waitress comes over and places five bottles of Brut on the table and starts passing out glasses.

I shoot her a questioning look. She nods towards the kitchen where a scary looking biker is looking at us. Once he catches my eye he points to the bottles and winks before he turns back to the kitchen. “He sent them over for you. Don’t know what y’all are celebrating, but he knows him.” Nodding at Jessie, she looks him over appreciatively. “He told me to bring these. I just do what I’m told.”

Jessie grins and says, “Tell him thanks!”

Jude says, “Hold up, what kind of bullshit is this? We’re the ones getting married and you two are getting the drinks?!”

Jessie quips back, “I can’t help it that people like me more!” He pops the top and starts filling glasses. They’re passed around the table. Everyone laughs and cuts up as we enjoy our meal. It’s delicious.

Everyone is done and Jude grabs the check. A loud argument ensues where all the boys fight over who’s paying for dinner. Jude wins and our waitress is left with a ginormous tip. Every guy at the table throws a $100 bill down. We’re leaving and I turn to see the waitress’s eyes bug out of her head as she sees the tip. It’s next to an untouched glass of alcohol.

From Maspero’s, we head to Bourbon Street where we all act like the tourists I actually am. We hit up Razzoo’s where we dance our asses off, The Cat’s Meow where Lexi, Bradi, Clove, and I take the stage and belt out The Divinyls, “I Touch Myself”. The crowd goes wild along with the wolf whistles from the guys, who are surrounded by female fans. Then we hit the Hustler Club, because, really, who doesn’t want to see women strip and dance with a pole while trying to seduce my rock star right in front of me?!

The night is a ton of fun, stupid drunk groupies trying to touch my man aside, and after bar hopping and practically drinking our weight in liquor, everyone but Liam and Dade head back to the condo around 1AM.

Everyone retires to their rooms and Clove takes the couch.

What an epic night.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


isses on my stomach awaken me right before I feel a mouth descend on my throbbing member.

Half an hour later, our breathing returns to normal and a very pleased Blue is smiling at me. “Good morning, Jessie.”

Leaning on my elbow, I lean in to kiss her swollen mouth. “Mornin’, Blue.” I pull back and she’s giving me the Cheshire grin. “Hmm, what’s that look for?”

She pushes me onto my back and leans over me, resting her chin on her hand which is on my chest. She stares at me, still grinning. “
told everyone you were in love with me last night.”

I smile back. Let’s see if she remembers this. “I did.” I’m running my hand through her hair, which is sticking up everywhere; she’s so rumpled and sexy. “But,
told an entire club that you loved me when you went off on an extra friendly fan.”

She sits up and the sheet falls to her waist. Her hands grab her face and her mouth drops open in horror. “I did what? You’re shitting me. I wouldn’t do that!”

Chuckling, I sit up and lean against the headboard, pulling her into my lap. Her legs splay on either side of mine. Rubbing her nose with mine, I try to stop laughing. “I’m not. You did. You, Lex, Clove, and Bradi were on stage singing. We were in the front. Some fans came up and one got very friendly with me. She grabbed my crotch and you called out in the middle of the song, ‘Yo, skank. Yeah, you. Blondie with her hand on my man’s dick. If you want to keep that hand, stop touching the man I love. Dumb bitch. I’m talking to you. Stop touching,
!!’ It was awesome.” I’m laughing in earnest now at the look on her face. “Her head whipped around and she saw you glaring. She turned and took off through the crowd and everyone was clapping and cheering for you. Y’all finished the song, and then you jumped into my arms and attacked me. No shit.”

“I said that? You’re fucking with me? And I
you? What the fuck, Jessie?” She’s in total shock and her voice is rising with every word.

Rolling her onto her back, I smile down at her incredulous look. “Not attacked like bad.” I have to kiss her. “You jumped into my arms. I caught you and you wrapped your arms around my neck and legs around my waist and shoved your tongue in my mouth. It was crazy hot.”

“Oh my God!”
Her face is beet red and her eyes are wide. “I can never face them again. I don’t act like that.” She buries her face in my neck.

I can’t stop laughing and groaning; she punches me in the shoulder. That makes me laugh harder. God, I love this woman!

A knock at the door interrupts my laughter. “Yeah?”

Liam’s muffled, “Can I come in? You two decent?” comes through the door. I look at Blue, she’s in a tight tank top, but the sheet is covering her naked lower half. She grabs a sweatshirt and panties and slips them on and climbs back in bed. I’m shirtless, but under the covers, I’m nude. I call out, “Just a sec, dude.” Then I whisper to Blue, “Put some pants on.” She rolls her eyes, but does as I’ve asked. She slips on my lounge pants and gets back in the bed while I head to my duffle to grab more since she’s now wearing the ones I had on. Smirking at me, she blows me a kiss. Wench.

Slipping on the pants, I open the door. Liam looks past me into the room and smirks. “Mornin’, Blue. Good night last night?”

I shove him. Pushing past me, he walks into the room and sits on the bed. He’s shirtless and his unadorned, muscled chest is in Blue’s face. I see her looking. “Can’t wear a shirt, Pretty Boy?”

He grins and stretches, Blue watches, then he winks at me. I’m going to kill him. “Nah, I’m good. Besides, the ladies like looking, right, Blue?”

She sputters, “Shut up, Liam. Stop trying to start shit. But yes, ladies love looking.” I raise my brows at her. “What? He’s ripped. It’s sexy.”

I growl and throw my hands up.

Both of them laugh and mutter at the same time, “Shut up, Jessie.”

Sitting next to Blue and pulling her into my side, I look at Liam. “What’s up?”

Throwing himself back on the bed and staring at the ceiling, he plays with the comforter. “Nothing. Getting the days plans straight. I think we’re splitting up today. Girls go one way and guys the other. So, what awesome things are we doing with Jude? Blue, go away.” He rolls his head and winks at her.

“Fine, I can take a hint. I’m going make some coffee anyway. You boys make your plans, but no strippers.” She points at me. “I mean it, Jessie!” Then she pins Liam with that piercing gaze. He’s still grinning. “Don’t go getting them into trouble Liam.”

Sitting up, he raises his hands and gives her puppy eyes. “I would never. You know I won’t, I’m the good one, so stuff it. Go away.” He points at the door. “Clove is up. She’s already made coffee and she’s working on breakfast. She’s a royal pain the ass, but she can sure cook.”

Blue blows both of us kisses and then hops out the door, muttering, “Clove, I love you. Coffee just put you on my friend list forever!”

A few minutes later, Dade strolls in with a cup of coffee. Cruz saunters in a bit later.

Finally, all the fellas are in my room and we realize it’s too crowded. We decide to get up and get ready for our day and night on the town.

New Orleans watch out.

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