Authors: Ruby Dixon
I’m still a little bitter about that shit, no matter the benefits. I can’t smell like I used to, I can’t taste things like I used to, and it’s matchmaking me with the surliest alien imaginable.
With the biggest junk. Not that I’m thinking about that. Dammit. Or his hand slowly stroking down the length of it, taunting me.
My cootie immediately starts purring, jiggling my breasts with the force of its intensity. “God, cootie, you are such an asshole!” I tell it, thumping my chest again to try and make it calm down. Not that it works, but I do it anyhow.
Then I pause, because in the distance I see a dark, threading line in the snow. Curious, I step toward it, and as I get closer, I realize that it’s a stream of some kind. There are some pole-type bamboo looking things sticking out of the water. They look lightweight and stiff. I wonder if I could use them? Encouraged, I slog forward. I can check it out, haul one out of the water, and then head home before Raahosh wakes up. I’ll hide my prize in the snow at the mouth of the cave and he’ll never know that I’m secretly constructing myself a nice, handy weapon so I can escape his ass.
The suns are coming up on the far side of the sky, leaking a milky-pale color into the world that will never be bright enough to melt the snow. Even though there’s two of them, they’re such small lights in the sky I imagine that Not-Hoth (as I’ve taken to calling the planet) is a lot further out in its solar system than Earth is from the sun. Maybe that’s why it’s always so cold here. When I get to the stream, I can smell a faint hint of rotten eggs in the air – sulfur. It’s a hot spring, which explains why it’s running water and not a block of ice. Georgie mentioned seeing others when she was traveling with Vektal. I should be glad that it’s warm enough, because otherwise this planet would be that much more inhospitable.
The banks of the stream are muddy but smooth, and I slide down to the edge of the water. The scent of sulfur is thicker here, but the water is blue and pretty. I wonder if I should swim. The bamboo shoots are at least ten feet tall and push out of the water like random toothpicks and I lean over the blue water, reaching for the closest one. I’ll pull it out and see just how sturdy the material is. If it’s lightweight like I think it will be, it might just work—
!” A familiar voice bellows, and I slide forward on the bank, almost into the water.
Raahosh. And he almost made me do a face plant into the stream, that jerk. “Can you not fucking yell at me when I’m standing over the water? I—“
I gasp, my angry words dying in my throat. There’s a horrible face with bulging eyes and big, jagged teeth on the other end of my stick. It looks like one of those monstrous creatures from the deep, dark parts of the ocean—except it’s about a foot away from my face.
A scream rips from my throat and I stagger backward, clutching my bamboo.
The creature comes along with the end of the bamboo, to my shock. It sticks to the end of it, thrashing and splashing wildly.
I scream again, and fling it onto the snow. It hisses and starts moving toward me, and I glance around, looking for Raahosh’s spear. It’s a few feet away, where I must have flung it. Meanwhile, the thing thrashes and hisses on the far end of the bamboo, it’s mouth snapping angrily in my direction.
Something big appears out of the corner of my eye, and I watch as Raahosh stalks toward the thing I’ve pulled out of the water, blade in hand. He looks extremely pissed off as he grabs the thing by one of its flinging flipper-things and slams it to the ground. Then, with an ease that astonishes me, he slams his knife into its eye.
The thing’s flippers flail, blood spurts onto the white snow, and then it stops moving. As I stare, wide-eyed, he glances over at me and flings his blade to the ground, then stalks toward me.
I crab-walk backward a few feet. “I didn’t know! Like I was supposed to know one of those things was attached to the end of the bamboo? All I wanted were some supplies!” My babbling doesn’t make him pause an inch. Of course not. He can’t understand me. My fast talking is futile.
The big alien stalks toward me as if I’m his prey. I scoot backward again, terrified — and a little aroused by the hard look in his eyes. My cootie immediately starts thrumming as he looms over me, to my horror and chagrin, and my nipples get hard.
Fucking cootie.
His nostrils flare and his eyes narrow as he gazes down at me.
“I’m not turned on,” I say in a shaky voice, even though I can feel my blood pulsing and thrumming in my veins, my cootie purring in my chest. I’m a shitty, shitty liar. I want nothing more than to reach between my legs and stroke my clit again. Maybe it’s adrenaline. Maybe it’s the way he’s gazing down at me as if he can’t decide if he wants to rip my clothing off or turn me over and spank me. Both mental images make me a little crazy.
Whatever it is, my body is acutely aware of him, and the cootie is going wild. I’m panting as I sit in the snow, and I realize a moment later that my legs are sprawled open.
I watch as his nostrils flare. A low moan escapes my throat. Why is that so fucking hot? God, I hate this cootie.
“Liz,” he growls, the word feral in his throat.
“I totally don’t want you,” I pant, my cootie purring so loud it practically drowns me out. “My cootie is full of lies.”
He reaches a big hand down to me, to help me up.
I slap it away, annoyed at both him and myself for being all aroused after nearly getting my face eaten by a stream-Cthulhu-on-a-stick. “Go away.”
Angry, he bends down and grabs at the front of my shirt. I know he’s about to haul me upright since I won’t take his help, but the moment his face nears mine?
I lose all sensibility. I grab him by the one horn jutting from his brow, my fingers curling around the broken stump of the other, and I drag his face toward me for a kiss. I’m sure I’ll regret it later, but right now, my hormones are singing and my body desperately wants his mouth on mine. I barely hear his small gasp as I take his lower lip between my teeth and gently bite down.
Raahosh makes a low, rasping groan in his throat, and then he mashes his mouth against mine.
It’s clear the guy doesn’t know how to kiss. That’s okay – my cootie’s purring so hard I don’t think I could stop if I wanted to. A soft whimper escapes my throat, and then I begin to show him how a kiss works. My lips caress his, slow and sensual. He freezes against me, his big hands down along my sides, his body looming over mine, and he’s stiff and unyielding. So I continue to coax him with my mouth. “This is how you kiss, big guy,” I murmur between pecks of my mouth against his, letting my lips caress the hard line of his mouth.
For a long moment, he’s tense above me, and then his lips part, letting me in. I slick my tongue over the seam of his mouth, and it brushes against his fangs, a reminder that he’s an alien. I shiver, and start to pull away.
That’s when Raahosh kisses me back. At first hesitant, his movements grow bolder when my tongue meets his, and I make needy little noises in the back of my throat. His tongue has bumps on it, much like the ridges that cover his body. It drags over my own tongue, sending unique sensations skyrocketing through my body. Oh…wow. Georgie didn’t mention this. She didn’t mention anything even remotely close to this. I wonder if he’s got the amazing bumps in other fun locations.
He’s taking to kissing well, his lips caressing mine and then his tongue dragging against my own, until my cootie is rumbling so loud that I can barely think, and it feels as if my entire torso is vibrating with need. My pussy aches with a similar need, and I feel, for a moment, as if I might die if he doesn’t touch me soon. I break away from him, panting.
He immediately captures my mouth with his again. His tongue flicks against mine, a silent question.
“I don’t want this,” I breathe, even as I grab his horns and drag his mouth against mine once more. My moans of pure delight are swallowed against his tongue, and I wrap my legs around his waist, feeling him stiffen against me in surprise. “I totally don’t want you tonguing me,” I hiss at him, and then proceed to tongue his mouth all over, like a wild woman.
Raahosh breaks away from my kiss and stares down at me, eyes as feral as I feel. He leans in and captures my mouth in another breathtaking kiss, and I nearly lose my mind when he sucks on my upper lip. This man is a fast learner. Maybe too fast. I feel as if I’m losing control of the situation.
Of course, I’m assuming I ever had control of the situation.
I pull my mouth away from his again, and I drag one of his hands from the snow to my breast. “I don’t want you to touch this,” I tell him, fierce and just a little bit angry. Truth is, I am angry as much as I’m aroused. I’m not sure if this is me or the cootie, but I know I can’t stop. And when he squeezes my breast through the thick fabric of the borrowed tunic, I fling my head back and moan again, my hips undulating against the snow.
I need him so
. It’s like my body has been half asleep and now that we’re touching, I’m alive. My senses are awakened, and my body is singing—
And I need sex like I need air.
He rubs his thumb over my nipple through the leather, and my breath hisses from my throat. That should not feel that good. It should not. And yet, I want more than just that. He bares his teeth in a snarl, and I gasp at the sight of those sharp fangs. I must be sick in the head, because they’re arousing to me, too, and I give his head a little push.
“I don’t want you to lick my pussy,” I tell him, nudging him lower to emphasize just what it is I want despite my words. It’s okay, anyhow, because I’m babbling like a crazy person. “I don’t want your mouth on me at all,” I tell him, even when I lift my hips and use one hand to start to pull my newly-made pants down.
Even though he can’t understand me, he gets the idea, and his hands go to my pants, pulling them down to my knees. He gives me a hot look that makes me melt, and my nipples feel like hard, aching points of agony under the leather. They’re dying to be touched, so I reach up and toy with them myself. My cootie’s humming so hard my entire body feels as if it’s vibrating, and I’m hurting with need.
My pants get caught up around my knees and he jerks at them for a moment, frustrated. Then, he grabs the fabric and hauls my legs forward, pressing them against my chest. My ass sticks out into the snow and I’m bare from my waist to my knees.
And trapped.
I suck in a breath and wait.
Raahosh stares down at me, at the pink part of my flesh that I imagine is slick with moisture and feels as if it’s throbbing with aching need. He looks up at me, his glowing blue eyes slitted, and I can’t tell what he’s thinking. Then, I feel him touch me. His fingers trace over my sensitive folds, exploring me.
I nearly weep with how intense it feels. Breath shudders from my throat, and I make a low, keening sound. I want more than just that exploratory touch. I want — no, crave the feel of his mouth on me. “I don’t want your mouth on me,” I grit out, even as I tug my legs forward so he can get a better look at what I’m presenting. “Not at all.”
Raahosh ignores the lies I’m spewing and studies me for a long moment. I watch his nostrils flare, and he runs his finger up and down my folds again. I cry out and buck against him, and when he pulls his big hand back, it’s gleaming with my juices. He studies his wet thumb and fingers, and then brings them to his mouth for a taste.
“Oh goddamn, that was dirty. You are so dirty,” I tell him, hotter and more turned on than ever.
He licks his fingers with an almost reverent expression on his face, as if the taste of me is better than the finest chocolate. And that just makes me quiver with lust, seeing his delicious, big, bumpy tongue scraping over those fingers, licking them clean. It’s driving me crazy, just watching him lick his hand. It should be me he’s licking.
Wait, no it shouldn’t. “I totally don’t want any of this,” I spit out at him, furious with myself and him for my body’s fierce need. “I don’t want you. I don’t want your mouth on my pussy, licking me until I come.” The very thought makes me shudder with how intense the visual image is.
And because I
want it so bad, I reach between my legs and spread my pussy lips for him to see.
I watch as his eyes flare with need, and then his head pushes between my legs. I feel his big hands bracing my thighs, separating them, and I feel the jagged, homemade seams on my pants give under the stress of my spreading legs. Don’t care. Raahosh pushes my thighs apart and gazes down at my spread, slick pussy. I feel scorching hot, aching and swollen. I’m about to touch myself when he bats my hand aside and then drags his tongue over my flesh.
A scream bursts from my lips.
Oh my
I grab his horn and the stem of the other one and push his face against my heated skin. I’m wild with urgency, and when his tongue – God bless that bumpy, bumpy tongue – swipes over my skin, I scream again. I drag my hips up and down even as he grunts and licks at me with his mouth, his own desire as intense as my own. His tongue is moving everywhere, licking and pushing against my softest parts, and I feel it flicking over my clit with every lapping taste. Then, he nuzzles my clit.
He nuzzles it.
And I come so hard I’m seeing stars. My cries echo in the snow, and I’m grinding my sex against his face, working every last bit of my orgasm out from under him. He doesn’t seem to mind the fact that I’m using his horns like a steering wheel, driving his mouth this way and that, demanding more from him. He’s all too eager to comply and lick me into oblivion. I keep coming with every flick of that tongue over my sensitive parts, until I feel a second orgasm ripping through me, and I’m practically writhing on the ground, my juices covering his face.
When I come down, I collapse in the snow, wheezing. My cootie rattles a bit, and then settles into a softer thrum, temporarily content.
Raahosh’s cootie is grumbling so hard it sounds like a motor, though, and when he licks me again, I push his face away, because I’m too sensitive right now for another round. “Not yet,” I whimper. “I can’t.”