Barbarian Alien (5 page)

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Authors: Ruby Dixon

BOOK: Barbarian Alien
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“So he doesn’t speak English,” I breathe, twisting my hands in the ropes. “I’m sure you can communicate with him somehow, Liz. Just use your brain.”

I think for a moment. It’s an old southern saying that you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Too bad I’m all piss and vinegar, but I’ll try to be honey for a moment. “Hey, Raahosh?” My voice is sweet as sugar.

He stills next to the fire at the sound of his name. His eyes narrow.

I lift my hands and gesture at them as best I can. “Wanna take these off for me? I promise I won’t behave but you don’t know that, do you?” I keep my smile encouraging. “Nice alien. Good alien. Come free the nice human.”

He blinks.

I lift my hands again and give a wiggle on the furs. The movement causes my nipples to rub against the fabric of my tunic, and…oh shit. I have to bite back the moan that threatens to escape me.

I am so freaking aroused. Stupid cootie.

I press my thighs together tightly, willing the thing to stop drumming a beat in my chest.
I tell it.
Stop it right now
. Eventually it calms down, and I look at Raahosh again. He’s gathering the cooked pieces of meat into a small pouch and then moves over to my side.

“Free me, Raahosh?” I nod at my hands.

In response, he stuffs a piece of charred meat into my mouth.

“I really hate this guy,” I say as I chew aloud. “Can’t make lemonade when the lemon’s such a huge dick.”

He simply shoves another piece into my mouth, oblivious to my misery.


• • •


After I finish eating, I fall back asleep despite the ties, and when I wake up, it’s dark outside. The fire’s banked but still giving off low light, and it’s rather toasty warm despite the howling snow coming from outside the cave mouth.

Raahosh is gone.

So are the binds on my wrists and feet.

I sit up, rubbing my eyes. I feel better after my second nap, most of my aches and pains gone. I don’t know where the others are, though, and I wonder why it’s just Raahosh and me. I can’t even ask him. Was this part of the plan? I can’t think so, because I picture the newly awakened human girls trying to cope with being split off from the group and paired away with a stranger and I can’t imagine anyone thought this was a good idea.

“Hello?” I ask.

The cave is silent, near dark. I’m by myself.

For a moment, I think about escaping. Just running away and giving a big fuck-you to Raahosh. But I’m not an idiot. I have no idea where I am, or where he’s taken me. I know nothing about this planet and even if he’s a dick? He’s my best chance at survival for right now.

But I am incredibly glad he’s gone for now…because I am so damn horny.

I don’t want to be. In fact, this should probably be my least sexy moment ever. I’m kidnapped by aliens, forced to eke out a living on an ice planet, and now I’m basically married to Mr. Tall, Dark, and Super Pissy.

Even as I think of Raahosh, though, the mental image makes my cootie start up. It begins to purr in my chest, jiggling my sensitized breasts and making my nipples rub against the thick fabric of the tunic.

I moan and fall back on the blankets.

This feels…way too good. It’s not fair.

My hand slides under my tunic and I cup my breasts. Oh God, they ache so badly. I feel hollow between my legs, too. I need sex, and I need it badly.

And the only guy around is Raahosh of the tall, lean body and permanently scowling face.

Gee, thanks cootie. Thanks a lot.

I imagine Raahosh again, though, and my hand slides under my skirt.

My pussy is soaked, my curls wet and slick with need. The lips of my sex feel swollen and achy, and when I graze my fingers over my clit, it’s so sensitized that I nearly come right then and there. I moan aloud, and begin to finger myself.

Maybe a quick masturbation session while Raahosh is gone is just what I need to keep the cootie under control. Even as I tell myself that, the mental image of Raahosh fills my mind and I imagine his muscular, tapered shoulders bared as he leans in over me. I imagine his firm, unsmiling mouth pulling back in a hiss of pleasure as he sinks into me and we start to fuck.

Great, now I’m masturbating to the alien. I’m going to blame the cootie for this, too. I don’t like the guy. I don’t.

I can’t deny that the thought of us fucking gets me wet as hell, though. I slip a finger into myself and whimper because it’s not enough. I need more. I need him. But for now, fingering will do. I position my thumb over my clit and begin to rub, and arch off the furs.

“Raahosh,” I moan, sliding my thumb over my clit.

And wouldn’t you know it, the bastard appears in the doorway of the cave as if I called his name.

Which I had.

I’m caught, my hand in my pants.


I’m never going to live this one down.

Part Two




It’s late at night when I hear noises outside of the cave, off in the distance. I head out to investigate, spear in hand, ready to protect my human as she slumbers. Being on your own in the hunting lands is always dangerous and a good hunter is always at the ready. It was a herd of dvisti passing nearby. I watch them for a bit, studying the mares. A few do not have young, and it might be a good idea to hunt one when the suns return so that I might fill my small cave with ample food for my mate. The thought is a pleasing one, and I return to the cave in high spirits despite the late hour…

Only to find it filled with the musk of sex and my mate touching her strange third nipple between her legs as she moans my name.

The sight fills me with elation, and my cock grows hard with need. My khui sings in my breast. She’s ready to mate. She…she…

I must remember her name.

I stride forward, watching as she pulls her hands from under her skirt with a small cry. She shuffles backwards on the furs, but the evidence of what she has been doing scents the air. It calls to me so strongly I can practically taste it with my tongue, and my cock surges and throbs in response.

Her khui resonates in her chest, and I watch as one of her hands goes to her breasts, as if trying to silence it. My own khui sings a response. It feels good. Right. I don’t even care that she is small and fragile and not sa-khui. I don’t care that her face is flat and smooth. I don’t care that she doesn’t even like me.

She’s mine. My body and hers both know it.

“No,” she hisses the moment I step forward, and she puts her hand up and gives a shake of her head. “You don’t get to touch me. You can’t have this.”

Again she refuses me? I snort, incredulous. This human is not to be believed. But I stop in my tracks, watching her. Waiting to see what she does. She is unpredictable.

I…am amused by that.

Her fingers stroke over her sex again, and the smell of arousal fills the air. “I hate this,” she says as she strokes that strange nipple between her legs and shudders at the touch. “No woman in her right mind would be turned on in this situation. But can I stop touching myself? No! Because the thought of sex makes me ache in ways I can’t imagine.” Her fingers glide through her juices, rubbing them up and down.

I groan at the delicious sight, and my hands flex. The need to touch her is a palpable thing…but so is the scowl on her face. So I clench my fists and hold back, waiting to see what she does. Surely Georgie did not fight Vektal when he claimed her?

But…she’s clearly thinking of me. She moans my name as she touches herself. The memory of my name on her lips appeases my frustration and I narrow my eyes, watching.

The breath hisses from her lungs again and she continues to touch herself. “I’m not doing this because I want to,” she says. “I’m doing this because I have to. Because this thing humming in my chest won’t let me stop.” She touches herself again, stroking over that nipple, and then gives me a look so frustrated and angry that I feel a twinge of pity for her. Vektal said the human customs about mating are different. She must feel powerless.

Her head lolls and she bites her small, pink lip. Her fingers work on her cunt and the nipple there even faster. It’s clear she’s heading towards release, and she has no intention of letting me touch her.

Anger flares in me. Does she think this is fun for me? That I enjoy a mate that rejects my touch? Does she think I do not suffer from the same khui-madness she does? That I don’t burn for her touch? To bury my cock in her wet warmth? Does she think she is alone in this?

Or do I not matter to her?

If she insists on taking her own pleasure before my eyes and holding me at length, then I shall do the same thing. I undo the fastenings of my leggings and free my aching cock. It juts out from my leathers, proud and long.

She gasps at the sight, momentarily pausing in her frantic rubbing. “Oh my fucking God.”

Her words are nonsense. Something about coitus and spirits, but her expression tells me everything I need to know, as do her parted lips.

In this, I know I am blessed. My cock is the largest in my tribe. I have seen the other males bathing and they do not come near my girth or length. I take my cock in hand, pleased that she likes the size and I give it a stroke, dragging my hand up and down slowly, letting her watch.

“That is the biggest dick I’ve ever seen,” she breathes. “No freaking way.”

I only catch about half of what she says, but she licks her lips, and her fingers slide over her cunt once more. My own breath hitches at the sight. She is going to touch herself at the sight of me touching myself?

A groan escapes me, and my hand strokes over my cock again. I dare her to look. To watch every movement of my hand as I grip my length and flick my wrist. As I move over the crown, then back down to the thick base again.
Watch me
, I silently command her.
Watch me touch myself at the sight of you.

And all the while, my khui thrums and resonates in my chest, so loud that my blood thunders in my ears.

I hear her khui responding to mine, increasing in volume, and she moans. “Oh God, I feel it buzzing all through me.” Her hand quickens, and she rubs the little nipple between her legs with speedy motions. Her gaze fixes on my cock again, and she licks her lips.

I groan at the sight of that. Is she anticipating what I would taste like in her mouth? The thought is a titillating one. I imagine feeding her my cock, the head of it brushing over those soft, plump human lips….and her saying my name as she takes it into her mouth. The very image is obscene.

I close my eyes, because it takes everything I have to retain control. To not spurt seed all over the floor of the cave instantly at the thought. I want to see her come first.

She’s still speaking, even though she thinks I can’t understand her. This human is a talker. I open my eyes to watch her, and see that she’s still got her gaze on my cock. “Can’t believe you have ridges on your goddamn dick,” she says, her hand working her cunt furiously. Her other reaches up under her tunic and cups her breast, and she hisses with satisfaction. “And I don’t know what that horn thing is above it, but it’s making me fucking crazy.” Her fingers slide into her cunt with a wet sound, and then she moans louder. “Fuck, I’m

My nostrils flare as I watch her quiver and throw her head back with the force of her orgasm. The cords in her neck stand out and her entire body stiffens, as the scent of sex grows even thicker in the small cave. Her fingers work her cunt harder, and she gasps and makes soft sounds as she brings herself release.

She did that from watching me. Seeing my cock turned her on.

I feel an intense surge of pride and lust at the thought. The need to possess her grows greater than ever, but I remember Vektal’s words. Humans have different mating rituals. Perhaps this is one of them. Perhaps I’ve been reading my human’s signals all wrong. Perhaps she’s not pushing me away – this is just how she lets me know she’s interested. A step in the courting ritual.

I stroke my cock again, harder, as her eyes flutter open and her wet, gleaming fingers leave her sex. In a daze, she watches me pump my cock with my hand, and again, I imagine her closer, so close that I can feel her breath on my skin. She’s watching me still, and I want to pull her into this moment, to let her know that this is for her. My cock, my khui, my resonance – it all belongs to her now.


She said her name earlier, and it reverberates on the tip of my tongue. I remember it now. “Liz.”

And I make sure to say it as I come.




Well…that was filthy.

I hadn’t expected him to catch me touching myself. Moaning his name? Just double the humiliation. It had angered me, and I’d started to masturbate as a deliberate show of independence. To show him that he didn’t own my body like he thought. That the cootie wasn’t the boss of me.

And what had he done? Whipped out his enormous dick and came along for the ride.

Worst of all? It had been incredibly sexy. The sight of that enormous hand deftly stroking up and down his length, showing me just how he likes to be touched? It had made me wetter than ever before.

I blame the cootie. I should be appalled. I should have stopped touching myself the moment he caught me. Instead, we mutually diddled ourselves into a frenzy. Now, I lie back, panting and exhausted. His seed is splattered all over the floor of the cave, and he is staring at me, a challenge in those glowing blue eyes.

I curl up on the blankets, tucking my legs closed. “If you think I’m cleaning that up, you have another thing coming to you.” But it reminds me that my hand is wet with my own juices, and I don’t want to wipe it on my nice clean clothes — not after weeks of rolling in my own filth. I stare down at my hand, frustrated.

To my surprise, he approaches, buck naked. I gasp and back up against the cave wall. “Don’t touch me! Don’t—“

He grabs my hand and bends down, sniffing it. Then, with his gaze on me, he licks my palm and my fingers.

“Oh my God,” I moan. “You are straight up nasty kinky, aren’t you?” I try to pull my hand away, but it’s locked tight in his grip and he tongues every inch of my palm and fingers. All the while, his enormous alien dick is inches away from my face, and it’s hard all over again. He is so not getting round two. I squirm out of his grip, hating that his tongue on my flesh makes the cootie start up again. He eventually releases me and I jerk away from him. “Pervert!” This is a man who undressed me while I was unconscious and isn’t shy about making claims on my body. It’s freaking me out…and it’s freaking me out that I’m also getting aroused by it.

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