Read Balancer's Soul Online

Authors: Jr H. Lee Morgan

Tags: #soul, #sarah, #connor, #balancer, #h lee morgan, #changer

Balancer's Soul (28 page)

BOOK: Balancer's Soul
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Putting her faced on his chest she said
“Nothing’s wrong. I just have never felt so happy and I don’t know
how to articulate it clearly. This is all so overwhelming right

“You don’t need to explain. I understand,
really. Now look at me.”

Pulling away she saw that her tears had
soaked his shirt. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to.” He looked down at
his shirt and laughed.

“It’s not a problem, Princess.”
“Since you are doing so much to make me feel
She grabbed Tool from his belt and sat it on
the kitchen table that she knew he made by hand as well. Sarah
grabbed the bottom of his shirt and tried to pull it up, but his
large hands stopped her half way. “What are you doing?”

“I’m taking off your shirt. What else?” She
was feeling rash and confident.

“Doesn’t my scar disgust you at all?” He
sounded skittish.

“Not in the slightest. In fact I think
it makes you look even sexier. You’re built like my own personal
Greek God and your
on your
chest makes you look manlier.” Telling him bluntly made him go
limp. Using this opportunity to her advantage Sarah barely managed
to pull it off the top of his head and sat it on the table.
“I was right. You do look bigger, probably from
building this house for us.”

“You… You like my scar?” He sounded like he
never heard anything like that before. From the look on his face
she knew that was the case.

“Of course I do. So does Mark and
everyone else apparently, but I haven’t asked Kara or Jenny yet. It
is a part of who you are and I love
of you.” Sarah stepped up to him and kissed
the center of his scar and wrapped her arms around him. Looking up
into his calm hazel eyes she said “I don’t want you to ever wear
those sleeves again because I want everyone to know the real you,
My Knight. I want you to wear t-shirts that shows off your arms.”
Snuggling even closer she pressed her cheek over his chest to feel
its comforting effects. “I would also like for you to show off that
beautifully crafted armlet you made. We won’t tell anyone that the
symbols are a reference to me, but I will know. Can you do this for

“Do you really mean that?” She stood on her
toes to show him that she meant every word. After they regained
their senses from another kiss Sarah heard him say “If I do this
for you I need something in return?”

“What do you have in mind?”

“Could you tell me more about Balancers? I
would like to hear it all from you.” He still held her in an
embrace in the kitchen.

“I can handle that my fiancé.” He kissed the
top of her head this time.

“Take a look around your new home first.” And
she did. The bathing room was just the perfect size for two people.
There were two empty rooms that held a chair and table in each
which she guessed would be sorted out later. The living room had a
three person sofa and a coffee table sat between the sofa and the
brick fireplace which was built into the wall. One room held a
water heater and a washer and drier in one. And in the same room
were many car batteries and several mechanical and technical
gadgets. Sarah entered the final room in the back of the house and
took in a sharp breath.

This room was by far the largest in the
cottage. Connor turned on a ceiling fan and light, but the fan
looked a little odd. On each of the tips of the fan blades were a
small black rod no longer than two inches, and surrounding the fan
blades, in a ring, was a metal strip with a wire coiling into the
ceiling. “Connor, what is that?” He looked up to the fan and
explained. “That is an electric return. As the fan spins, those
magnetic rods send electricity back into the batteries to
constantly keep the batteries charged. Perpetual energy exchange.
The magnetic movement excites the metal, creating nearly as much
electricity as it takes to spin the blades. It is easy to do if you
know how. I tried to make our home as energy efficient as

The bedroom had two empty closets and two
dressers and between the dressers hung a full sized mirror. In the
center of the room laid a beautiful four posted King Size bed with
brown silk sheets. Sarah gently sat down and rubbed her hand over
its surface which felt so smooth to the touch. She looked up to see
Connor’s shirtless form, smiling her smile at the entrance to the
room. “Connor, I love your gift. It was worth the wait. It’s
perfect for us.”

He finally stepped away from the doorway and
sat beside her. He was looking in her eyes passionately. “I’m glad
you love it, that’s why I didn’t want to spoil your surprise.”

Connor slid into the bed and propped his back
against the head board. He patted next to his side and she obliged
willingly, sitting next to him thigh to thigh. His arm wrapped
around her back and she laid her head back on his shoulder. They
sat together for awhile not saying a word and just being content
holding each other. She even missed his smell that is his and his




Later in the night, with the fan and light
still on, they were both still in the same position as Connor asked
calmly “Please tell me more about Balancers.”

Those emerald eyes looked up from his
shoulder and her thick, silky hair cascaded down her back, his arm
and the front of her chest. She remained more beautiful than he
imagined each day they were separated. “What would you like to
know?” She spoke in the soft velvety voice that made his heart

“I remember that Jillian said that Balancers
are mostly the same as humans. That made me think, what are some of
the differences between our two races?” She smiled softly at the

“Your right, let’s see…” She sat up from her
laying position, crawled all the way onto the bed and crossed her
legs together so she could explain things comfortably. She tossed
her hair behind her shoulder and somehow became a more stunning
sight to behold. “Let’s start out with our brains being more
active. You’ve seen images from an MRI or CAT scan before, yes?
With all the blue, orange and reds?” He nodded. “Well you know how
it shows red and brighter colors to explain where parts are more
active. In a Balancer’s scan our minds are pretty much completely
red all around. That being said we have the innate capacity to
learn faster, retain more knowledge, think and react much more
quickly. Our minds are much more evolved than other humans.

“We need to consume more food than any
ordinary person for our abilities to work properly. Our bodies use
almost everything we eat and turn it into energy and we have very
little waste in the end. Normally a Balancer’s power is full when
he or she consumes about five hundred to six hundred thousand
calories. And another fun fact…” She had a small smile on her lips.
“We can go without food for a month if we had to, if our stored
energy is sufficient.

“Another difference besides
manipulating the elements is our gestation period. A normal human
child is conceived and born within nine or ten months. The
gestation period for
children on the other hand is about seventeen to eighteen
months. Female Balancers grow slower within the womb and age about
as slowly after birth. A normal human woman reaches sexual maturity
in sixteen to eighteen years of age, but the average Balancer
reaches her sexual maturity at around thirty. Physically my age is
around eighteen or nineteen, even though I’m just over three
hundred.” She let out a small and short laugh. “When we reach our
matured age, our bodies stop developing and we never age

“We female Balancers are usually born with
only two or three ovum on our ovaries and because of that, we don’t
have a monthly flow like regular women who shed their eggs every
month. Our ovum are slightly larger too, but only by a small
amount. It’s practically impossible to tell unless you look closely
enough. As long as nothing hurts us while we are pregnant, we do
not miscarry thankfully.

“The final major difference is that we are
completely hairless from the neck down.” Connor almost went red
imagining it, but unfortunately his eyes drifted of their own
accord and she noticed with a pleased smile. “I still have sweat
glands to cool off on a hot day, but I have never had to shave my
legs a day in my life.” She started to laugh and he joined her.

“Well what happens to male Balancers?” He
asked sitting up straighter.

“Well when we mate, your brain functions will
slowly increase while you evolve into your abilities. All of your
hair will fall off from your neck down in about a year. You will
still be able to grow a beard like any other man, but I want to see
your face. I don’t really like too much facial hair on you.”

Connor nodded and said “Don’t worry, I like
to see my face too.” She smacked him on his chest playfully. “Are
there any unique laws that I need to know about?”

Her expression looked pained at the
question. “Yes, but not many.” Taking a breath she continued.
“There is a coven of immortals called the Mélange which all
immortals are a part of. It’s a French word meaning a mixture of
the elements, only much older before French claimed it as their
word. There are thirty ancient members who rule and guide our world
and they consist of ten Balancers, ten Keepers and ten Changers.
All thirty of the Mélange members are the oldest in existence and
are supposedly the strongest. We call those thirty the Elders. They
keep the peace and secrecy of our worlds and only meet every twenty
five years. There are only two rules that the immortals
to live by… Do not reveal our
existence to any outsiders unless they are trustworthy. The other
is to never use your powers in public unless your mate is in danger
or for a last resort if all else is lost.” She looked at him,
waiting for a response.

“What are the punishments for those who break
the law?”

“Imprisonment without your mate for a century
or in the worst cases the death of the accused.”

“But that means…” he looked worriedly at

“Yes. The death of their mate is assured.”
She said evenly and emotionless.

“Well don’t worry, Princess. I won’t allow
anything to jeopardize us.” Connor spoke sincerely from the very
bottom of his heart.

“Thank you, Connor.” Her soft voice floated
back again. She crawled up his leg and pinned his shoulders to the
headboard. “I love you.” And she kissed him again.


When it began getting too late, and Connor
knew they had to wake up early, he got out of bed and turned off
the ceiling light. “We need to get some rest. Remember I need to
show everyone our new home tomorrow.”

“I understand. Go ahead. I need to do
something real quick.” She got out of bed and he saw her shut the
bathroom door.

Connor slid between the silk sheets and
rested the back of his head on the soft pillow. A minute later, he
heard Sarah entering their room and she shut the door behind her.
In the darkness she said “Connor, where are you?” He called to her
from the bed so she knew exactly where he lay. She made it closer
and carefully shuffled her feet until she made it to the other side
of the bed.

Feeling the sheet lift, he then felt Sarah
slide between them, but something felt off. She slid into the same
sleeping position as last time. Her head rested on his chest with
her arm over his stomach while her leg lay thrown over his and with
the vee of her straddling his leg. With his left hand he felt
something was indeed different. Connor didn’t feel the shirt she
wore earlier, but he felt a thin strap between her shoulder blades
and his heat started rising. Connor’s fingers slid down her soft
curves to her hip and felt some soft, lacy material. Trying to keep
his voice calm he asked “Sarah, what are you wearing?”

“It was warm in here so I am only wearing my
undergarments. Is that alright?” She said quietly with her head on
his chest. Her face began to feel warmer and he knew she was
forcing herself to do this for the both of them. The situation was
getting precarious, testing their sexual restraint.

“I was surprised, that’s all. It is
fine by me.”
“Like any red blooded male
would say no in this situation.”

“Good night.” She said calmly and then

“Good night, Princess.” And she cuddled
closer and he now really got a good feel of her bra. Somehow he
managed to finally achieve sleep, smelling strawberries and apples
and listening to Sarah’s soft snore.


As Connor awoke early the next morning in
their new home, he looked down to see Sarah next to him in the same
sleeping position that he remembered her falling asleep in.
Luscious brown hair lay scattered all over his chest and on the
bed. She still snored, but only barely. He smiled at the subtle,
delicate noise. The warm sheet cover had somehow moved down the bed
to reveal what he could not see under the sheet last night. She was
wearing a solid black lacy bra and matching panties. Connor felt
his pulse drumming behind his ear from the instantaneous reaction
of the amazing sight. Looking over her lush body he noticed that
she really didn’t have a single hair below her neckline; not even
any hair in her forearm, now that he noticed. Sarah still wore the
anklet he made which made his smile more pronounced.


An hour later she stirred. Sarah looked up to
see him staring down at her in admiration. “Good Morning,” She
stretched and almost at the same time she froze mid-stretch. She
felt around for the sheet, but all she felt was either him or
herself. Her eyes widened in embarrassment. “Umm… I’m so sorry. I
didn’t know what I was thinking last night.”

BOOK: Balancer's Soul
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