Badass (8 page)

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Authors: Gracia Ford

BOOK: Badass
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Sometimes I plan the night and other times I go with the flow.  It depends on my mood and the ladies.  Tonight was planned every inch of the way.

“Shit, it’s—” screams Lust as she starts shaking all over again. They both need a little rest.  The music paused three times and that means we’re nearly halfway through the night.  My cum shoots up her spine.

Damn, normally it’s so easy, but these two really have me wound tight tonight. I’m thinking they need a little rest before the big finale. I need them energized for the final round.

“Get off me and uncuff me, I’m escaping.”

Lust bends down and starts to take off her heels. 

“Did I tell you to take them off?”

She shakes her head. 

“Look at me when I’ m talking to you,” I command.

She’s fucking tired. She spins around and I can see her whole body is drained.  She’s soaking wet. Cum is dripping down her leg. Lust is all fucked up. I’m not done with her yet. She needs to sort herself out.  I need to change the plan.  “Move. We need to make our way to the bed.  It’s in the corner along with towels and some wine.”  I have to make sure they get in the mood. Well, I know Greed is, but Lust looks worn out. Her hair’s stuck to her face and the sexy vixen in the police outfit looks like she jumped out of the window.  The tired, beat-up cop stands before me.

She removes my handcuffs. I make my way over to Greed and hold her by the waist to help her down.  She’s dog-tired too.

What happened tonight?

They’re fucked up and I am only halfway done.

I take both of them to the bed with my hands around both of their waists.  It’s a big four-poster bed in the corner, the chill-out spot.  They can wipe up, have a bit of champagne, and then I’ll start over. They’ll probably sleep till tomorrow if I let them, but I won’t.

Chapter Twelve

here are no clocks allowed in here of any sort, including watches. Fucking requires attention, no distractions.  Time exerts pressure to finish or causes disappointment in the time taken to come. 

“Finish already!”

“Wow, we’ve been going on for how long?”

These are the questions that come out when there’s access to time.  There’s an alarm that sounds like a fire drill when the night is over and I’m out of there.  Tina normally gives them a few minutes to themselves together before she helps them get the fuck out.

I drop them on the bed and debate whether to stop the session now.

Shit, Alex, you’ve gone soft.

I take the champagne out of the ice bucket and pour a glass each, then command them to drink it. As they drink, they both start giggling, half-naked in heels. I allow them to remove their heels and they both look relieved, as if I’ve answered their prayers.  We all start using the towels to freshen up a bit.  Lust is laughing about how much she’s enjoying herself and can’t wait to continue.

Wonders never cease.

The more they drink, the more they’re excited, and they start to jump up on the bed like little kids. Only a few minutes ago they were tired, and now they appear to be back to their old selves; full of energy, ready to rock and roll. 

Lust asks for more champagne and begins to nibble on a few chips.  I give them one glass each, only to relax, and make it clear it is the last one.  Shit, the last thing I need is for them to be drunk.  Drunken women can’t fuck worth a shit.

I start to get aroused as I watch them drink the champagne. I rip off my pants and then lie on the bed naked from the waist up with my cock hanging out, in the middle, with my legs stretched out. They need to sort out the bottom half. 

They’re both kneeling next to me, ready for my command, but I change my mind.  I don’t feel like moving to the bench.  It’s Greed’s turn to be fucked. I move so my back is against the headboard, demanding her to come closer and she does, next to my dick. She gasps. It’s standing tall and at attention. 

They exchange looks when they see my cock jerking up and down.  My ten inches are in full view, long and strong.  My cock is a fucking beast and I know it. Not only is it long, but thick.

They’re starting a power struggle, both wanting it to slide inside them.  It’s not their decision, but mine.  I want Lust on it again. I’ve wanted the sweet pussy that I sucked earlier to feel the pleasure of my dick. Hell no! I’m acting like I’m in a relationship and she’s my woman.

“Greed, jump on it; back and forth only. Don’t use your imagination.”

Shit, what’s Lust doing to me? I’m fucking Greed because I want Lust over and over again.  The way she fucked me a few minutes ago had my dick begging for her to come back down.  My cock wants pussy—her pussy. The tighter it is the better. It’s not going to fucking start getting particular now.

Why am I yearning for her? I need to get over it and focus. Under no circumstances is it appropriate to make claims on a pussy.

Greed rides me back and forth, screaming like a hooker in a brothel.  I don’t even understand the words that are coming from her lips, so I stick my tongue down her throat.  That’ll shut her up.  Her nipples feel abrasive, rubbing against my chest. Lust is watching, licking her lips.  The shy and sexy cop who once entered the room not knowing what she wanted, has now been fucked by Alex and tonight she’s all mine.

Tonight only.

I stick my fingers up her cunt. I scratch her walls, roughly, so she starts to yell. Usually, I use a couple of fingers, but this time I’m using three. I want her to feel pain. She’s making me want her and I don’t like it, not one fucking bit.

I move my mouth away from Greed and I shove Lust forward with my fingers. I want to feel her ample tits bounce off my arm. I twist my fingers, scratching her, knowing it is hurting her. I don’t give a shit. When she feels my cock fill her she’ll forget all about the pain.

Tomorrow morning she’ll ache knowing that I was in both her holes in more ways than one. I’ve given her both pleasure and pain with my dick, tongue, and my fucking fingers.

I’m feeling something I never felt before and I don’t like it.

Chapter Thirteen

es, yes, yes,” Greed screams at the top of her lungs as she climaxes.

“I’m not done yet, Greed. You need to fucking making me come,” I scream as I grab the back of Lust’s neck and pull my fingers from her cunt. 

Greed rises to the challenge willingly and carries on in a back-and-forth rhythm out of agony, tiredness, or something, because she’s quieter and her focus is on me this time, not all the other shit that was spilling out of her mouth before.

Out of nowhere, Lust relaxes and the tables turn. She grabs my hand and sticks it back into her cunt.  I withdraw my hand and grab the anal beads, which are stashed under the pillow. I lift her up a bit and stick the beads up her ass.

She screams like Greed was earlier.  While they were drinking the champagne I put the beads in the ice, then back under the pillow in case I felt like using them.

They were ice cold.

I smirk as I stick them in deeper, setting them up for the magic they bestow, ready to watch her come unglued.  The more she rocks her hips, the deeper I push them. 

Greed’s tired. She’s trying to continue through her orgasm and it’s killing her.

I don’t give a shit.

“Pump me harder, Greed. This isn’t a sailing trip, it’s a bumpy car ride.” I grab her ass and push her down harder. She wails as the head of my cock slams against her cervix. I’m holding her straight, not giving her any room to adjust to my length. She’s in pain.

Begging me to stop.

Pleading to come again.

I push Greed off my cock and to the side, standing. I carry them both over to the bench, one on each arm, like they are a pair of rag dolls.  I lay Greed on the top bench and push Lust in the bottom one.  They’re close, but not touching each other.  All they’ll hear are each other’s screams as I move my cock from one to the other.

Both are face down and yelling for more.  The benches are steel so they are cold.  I bend down and hold Greed’s ass as I thrust my cock in. She screams in agony, already worn out. I pump her hard, so hard I can see the scratches on her butt. I pull out to do the same to Lust.

Every time one can feel my cock she screams louder and the other cries out in anticipation.  I move from one to the other, hard and fast, but steadily increasing.  I continue grabbing their asses and pumping each only once before moving on to the other.

It is like Christmas fucking came early when I jerk inside Greed. I don’t have time to climax inside Lust.  Greed gets it all.

I stand shivering and in awe of my aggression when the alarm sounds. I have two minutes to get out of here before Tina enters.  I make sure Tina never sees me naked.   The cameras are turned off so no one sees what goes on in the dungeon.  It’s only for my pleasure. Out of the blue, Lust reaches out and touches my leg. I fucking hate it.

No woman touches me.

Two years, over a hundred women, and none have come close....

Until now.

Chapter Fourteen

onight is the training session with two of the ladies from the camp.  I don’t have the energy. I came home at two thirty in the morning and I slept till seven.  That’s late.  One thing for is for sure: I don’t sleep much.  This time, I was tired, really tired.

Tina sent me a text this morning as I arrived at the gym ready for another round in the dungeon. Last night she tried to wake Greed and Lust after I left, but they fell asleep on the bench and wouldn’t wake up

How the fuck do you sleep on a cold metal bench?

She waited until six and then told them they had to leave before the gym opened. I told her to get some sleep, so she could take her time coming in today. Tonight we have the next session with two new ladies, so she’ll have another late night.

I need to stop relying on her for everything. I’ve never trusted another woman after my mother left, but I trust Tina.  I trust her with my life.

“Hey, Carl,” I shout as he enters Tina’s office.

It’s a secret that they’re together. Well, not to me. I’m not sure why they think no one knows.  It’s kind of obvious, the way they both look at each other like they’re an item.

“Yeah?” Carl asks and he pauses, surprised to see me in Tina’s chair. “How come you’re in Tina’s chair? Where’s she at?”

This is why women love me.  I’m unusual.  My nose is a bit bent from the fights I used to get into as a kid.  Having a horny dad and a mom who ran off didn’t go down too well on the playground.

“At home, but then I thought you would know this.” He nervously scratches his head, fucking surprised that I knew they were together.


“Right. Later,” he says as he rushes out of the door. 

I can’t believe I’m on Tina’s computer doing the one thing I never do: snoop.  I’m never curious to find out their real names or what they do. Normally, I don’t give a shit. This time I need to know, and as much as it scares me that I’m crossing this line, I can’t get Mia out of my mind.  Even when I got back home and fell asleep, all my dreams were about her in the dungeon.

Shit, I’m really losing it....

Chapter Fifteen

onight’s the graduation celebration dinner. I found out that Mom has left the apartment above the gym. I’m seriously considering making that her last stay. It’ll be good for her to be in touch with reality for once in her life and realize I’m neither a bank nor a hotel.

As for the dungeon, this week has been fucking exhausting. It was a fucking sham.  After Mia, I just couldn’t perform.  I, Alex Sinclair, couldn’t have sex with another woman.  Well it would be if it wasn’t happening to me.

I called Steve in, as much as I hated doing it.  He’s a horny prick.  I made him take over. Normally, I’m selfish, but this week I was fucking exhausted; that must be why I bailed out.

I am just glad it’s Saturday. I have no intention of going back to the gym this weekend.  No fucking way. Tonight is a meal with all the ladies on the BNY program in a nearby Chinese restaurant.  Everyone parties and enjoys themselves.  The ladies hang loose and it’s a great way to end the sessions. I suppose in a way it’s a farewell party. 

This fucking Sunday I don’t think I’ll even get out of bed. No more sessions for another six weeks. Only three a year, and this was the first of the year.

I get ready to eat, drink, dance, and eventually ending up at home passed out on my sofa. 

“You ready to rock and roll?” Tina screams as she comes into my office.  Someone is in a party mood while we´re still waiting on the results.  I suppose she´s better at keeping it at the back of her mind than I am.  Patience is a virtue. I need to start practicing what I keep preaching at the camp. She is waving her arms up and down making sure that I know she’s ready to party. 

She grabs my hand and leads me out of the office. Fuck, I’m so not in the mood. My bed’s calling my name. Strange; normally the only things calling my name are bitches.  I’m feeling casual tonight in my white shirt and tight jeans. Sometimes I dress up; I just don’t have the energy tonight. 

My recruits graduated; all six made it through.  Tonight, I’ll set them free to go out and do all they have learned and more with other men, or women, whatever they fancy. It’s not my business.

As soon as we get to the restaurant I look for Lust, real name Mia.  I scan every face like I’m using a radar, and as soon as I see her, I go sit across from her, avoiding the rest of the women screaming my name and giving me unwanted attention.  I fucking wanted her attention. 

“You’re free,” she mouths across the table, placing her fists together and pulling them apart.

Funny, she only cuffed me for a little while in the dungeon. I’m far from free, not as far as she is concerned. I hurt her in the dungeon, so she should fucking hate me.  Well, I hate myself for doing it, but I had to.  She needs to stay away from me.  I´m just a bad boy with benefits, nothing more and certainly nothing less.  The noise in the restaurant is loud on top of the music.  Some of the women are sharing their newly acquired sets of abs. 

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