| 11 Austin American-Statesman, May 5, 1992.
 | 12 Mike Carnevale died in June, 1993.
 | 13 Mike McNamara; Parnell McNamara; Tim Steglich; Don Owens; Confidential Documents.
 | 14 Confidential Documents.
 | 15 Confidential Documents. Gary Jackson declined to be interviewed for this book.
 | 16 ATF Files: Affidavit by [McDuff nephew], April 8, 1992; United States District Court, Western District of Texas, United States of America v Kenneth Allen McDuff, Warrant for Arrest, #w-92-CR-058, April 14, 1992; MCDA Files: Voluntary Statement of [McDuff sister], April 4, 1992; Dan Stoltz.
 | 17 BCSO Files: Supplement Report, by Tim Steglich, dated March 3, 1992; Tim Steglich.
 | 18 Mike McNamara; Parnell McNamara; Bill Johnston; Confidential Documents.
 | 19 Confidential Source.
 | 20 APD Files: Taped interview with [Diane], May 22, 1992; Dan Stoltz.
 | 21 Parnell McNamara; Dan Stoltz.
 | 22 Ibid.; BCSO Files: Statement of [Jerry], May 7, 1992; State of Texas v Kenneth Allen McDuff, SOF in Cause #93-2139, Volume 24, pgs. 103104, and Volume 25, pgs. 26877.
 | 23 BCSO Files: Statement of Alva Hank Worley, 5:45 P.M. , April 20, 1992; Parnell McNamara.