Read Backstage Pass: V.I.P. Online

Authors: Elizabeth Nelson

Backstage Pass: V.I.P. (5 page)

BOOK: Backstage Pass: V.I.P.
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He palmed my breasts and I bit down harder, trapping the loud moan for the most part, but it escaped and I sounded like a wounded cow. Oh yes, definitely sexy.


I didn’t have time to be embarrassed as he slid my shirt off. His touch never left my skin, trailing lightly back down my arms after he released them from the fabric until he returned to my throbbing, full breasts. Tears of intense pleasure stung my eyes. I needed a release, no way could I stand one more minute of this pressure, and he hadn’t even gone further than we’d already been. Such a novice.


I wanted him to teach me everything he knew. We’d never talked about it and I’d done a fine job of ignoring it until now, but I had to assume that anyone this sexy and in the direct line of fire of that many panties on a regular basis got his fair share of groupie experience. It was just part of the musician ‘deal.’ One I’d never reaped or realized the benefits of—until now.


In this moment, I was penning a thank you letter to every single groupie who’d tossed her panties on stage. The pad of his thumb ducked beneath the edge of my bra and I gasped. The rough calluses plucked my own strings and he played my nipples like he strummed a Kansas ballad. Oh, I was going to come for him right now. My back arched and pressed deeper into the mattress and my hand flew to the V of my jeans, rubbing hard.


His warm hand covered mine and followed my motion, pressing hard and making me pant, finally close enough to let the pressure release. Then he took our hands away and I whined. “Pleasepleaseplease.”


“No talking, Sasha.”


The sternness in his voice was such a juxtaposition from the tenderness he was ravishing on my nipples. So out of character from the chick-flick-watching guy I knew. Because I didn’t know him at all.


He settled my palm on my breast and I instinctively squeezed my nipple, tugging hard and twisting it. My bra finally came off and his moist tongue flicked back and forth across the tight bud, doing absolutely nothing to lessen the fierce pressure and heat building inside me.


I kneaded my own breast and he mingled our fingers together, teasing and caressing the oversensitive skin. I locked my ankles behind his back and ground against him but he freed himself and pressed my knee into the soft bedding. He thrust once against me, then tipped his head back and the tortured strain on his face sent a thrill through me. At least I wasn’t the only one struggling with the sweet agony. He lifted his hips away and squeezed my thigh, trailing his fingers upward.


Laying here unable to touch him was going to kill me faster than his unrelenting solo across my skin. His hours of dedication devoted to learning his craft were rendering me unfit to speak, let alone function in society anymore. By the time he finished me off, I’d be lucky if I remembered my name.


“Sasha.” It was a benediction and a plea. No one had ever said my name quite like that and it ratcheted my arousal another decibel. He played the insides of my thighs with slow strokes, and I quivered, waiting, needing, wanting. I no longer knew what I needed from him, only that I needed more. And now.


My hands sought purchase anywhere and I buried them deep in my hair, tugging and holding on before I spun out of control into the emptiness and shattered into the nothingness he was turning me into.


Breath tickled my stomach and I lurched, driving my hips upward. His soft laugh bumped his chin against the tip of my pubic bone and a fierce shockwave shot the short distance straight to the volcanic-level pressure rising and cresting. If I could just press my thighs together I think I could release it—escape and freedom from this torment was within my grasp. I both wanted it and didn’t.


My top button came free with some serious brilliance from his mouth and his tongue dipped into the newly exposed area of skin. I moaned and writhed beneath him. Then he sang for me and like Pavlov’s research subjects, my body reacted with a growing wetness I couldn’t hold back.


The ache to touch him was nearly as strong as the need to come. I was nothing but need. My hands roamed my own body, tugging at my nipples, and pushing the waistband of my jeans down. Cool air rushed across my naked body and even my cast felt lighter. My fingers sought to give me the release, but embarrassment stilled them at the first damp curl.


Jesse was back between my legs, bending my knees and propping my feet on the bed. Warmth touched my cheeks as the blush rode higher. Even though we’d been here once before, I felt more exposed this time, more aware of what was happening—and what I wanted to happen.


“Touch yourself, Sasha.” He sang the command, slipping it neatly within the song. “I want to watch you.”


Oh fuck I wanted him to watch.


My index finger circled my clit, slippery and throbbing. Jesse’s eyes never left mine while he propped a pillow beneath my head and pulled the desk chair against the bed. “I want you to watch too.”


This was beyond the most sinfully erotic thing I’d ever done in my entire life. I stroked myself and the need to throw my head back and close my eyes was overwhelming, but I couldn’t tear my gaze away from Jesse’s. With what little we’d done, he’d put my needs first every time, and we’d been interrupted before I could return the effort, so I was seeing his nearly-there face for the first time. The one he pretended to use on stage when he was singing for the crowd held none of the hot, blazing desire I witnessed now.


I wanted to keep him “nearly there” for as long as he’d tortured me. But that meant I couldn’t finish myself off quickly like I so desperately wanted. My middle finger made long downward strokes and I twitched it sideways at the bottom, making us both moan. Oh fuck, I was so close. One good palm grind would get me there. I panted and slowed my hand, but my hips rolled sideways, searching, needing. I lifted my hand away, and Jesse palmed himself. The thick ridge in his jeans made me tremble. I was beyond ready for him, even if the thought still scared me a little.


My other hand circled my nipple, and I pinched it hard to ebb my climax so I could continue. It abated a little and I ran both palms slowly down my stomach. One paused to twirl around my belly button then back to my nipple and the other continued southward. A new rush of wetness waited. I deviated from my clit, knowing one grazing touch would undo me. As my fingers slipped across the newly shaved softness, I bit my lip and arched my back. They slipped inside and I clenched around them.


“Oh fuck me, Sasha.” He groaned and I met his stare. He’d undone the buttons of his jeans and reached inside. I didn’t want to come before he was buried in me, but I couldn’t wait. Oh. I couldn’t. The pressure was just too much and I needed more. Another finger slipped inside and I rotated them and curled them back to touch my G, but even that wasn’t enough to send the release. I needed him.


Our gazes fused and he shot off the chair and stripped. I didn’t have time to truly admire the magnificence before my head dropped back and I arched again, playing my own solo and needing him to step in and carry the rest of the song. Needing him.


A wrapper crinkled and he tugged my hand away. I fought him and we had a mini-tug-a-war, my fingers plunging and receding into the sweet depths. So close.


“My turn.”


I lifted my face to him and linked my hands behind his neck. No way could I do this without some serious touching now. I spread my legs and he wrapped his hands around my hips and pulled me to the end of the bed. The warm push of his cock against my wetness stilled me and I kissed him, drawing his tongue deep into my mouth, slowing us before he took me.


His muscles relaxed beneath my fingertips and he kissed me back with a gentleness, then probed deeper, tilting his hips forward and into me. I gasped at the stretch, but relaxed my thighs into the bed and opened for him. He retreated, and my insides clenched, unwilling to let him go. He deepened the kiss and renewed the stroke, pushing higher and deeper this time. A pinch. I bit his tongue, then lost myself in the rhythm of his kiss as he withdrew again. When he filled me, the pressure instantly returned and my hips moved with his.


He lifted my knee and cradled it against his side, arching his neck and straining with each thrust. Our bodies moved together with a musicality and abandon. Sweat slicked our stomach and we moved as one. I buried my hands into his hair and tugged, clawed at his shoulders and begged for the release but it crested higher. The closer I got, the slower he moved, drawing himself fully out and burying himself in a slow plunge. A bead of sweat trickled from his temple and I panted between moans. “Please.”


“Please, what, Sasha?” He slowed nearly to a stop, pushing forward with agonizing patience.


The words wouldn’t come. I didn’t know how to ask, but my body needed. “Please.”


Buried as deep as he could go, I swear he thumped his cock upward against me. I clenched around him, holding him tight.


He gasped and I did it again, a wicked smile curling my lips.


As I held him, he retreated and the sensation doubled the intensity. I was a goner now for sure. He quickened our pace, one hand fiercely tight around my hip, the other propped by my head. I pressed my cheek into his forearm, turning every other thrust to bite at him.


The pressure intensified until I knew there would be no holding me together.


He thrust hard against me and my world shattered, waves washed over me and I cried out. After one more deep pulse, Jesse’s arms shuddered and he drew me tight against his chest. I wrapped my arms around his back and our bodies pooled into one another.


I grinned against his ear and kissed him softly. “Thank you. Oh that was marvelous.”


He brushed his lips against mine and curled against me, drawing the end of the comforter over us. I snuggled into his chest, wincing a little at the new pain, and couldn’t stifle the chuckle.


Lips pressed against my temple. “Laughing?”


“Mmm.” I kissed the edge of his chest, enjoying the salty dampness. “Not only was I positive this was not the room where I’d lose my virginity, but I knew it would never be to a musician.”



Beneath my cheek, Jesse stiffened. “You’re kidding, right?”


“No, my parents were pretty strict about having boys in my room.”


He pulled back to look at me. “Sash, I’m not kidding.”


“Me either.” I propped myself up on my elbow, glowing and effervescent. My lids drooped with the completeness of my satiation.


He wiggled out from beneath me and cradled my face in his hands. “Sasha, was this your first time?”


I nodded.


He squeezed his eyes shut and dropped his forehead against mine.


“I’m a complete ass.”


My arms flew around his back and I hugged him tight. “No. Don’t say that. I wanted this, Jesse.”


He grunted and I gentled his head up so I could look at him, ducking to meet his gaze. “I could have said no.”


He shook his head. “Not really. I wouldn’t let you.”


I quirked an eyebrow. “You really think that would have stopped me?”


The corner of his mouth curled upward and I kissed it. “I would have said no. The bossing-me-around-thing was crazy sexy. But I wanted you before that.” I squeezed my palms tight against his cheeks. “Way before.”


“Why didn’t you say anything?” He wasn’t done torturing himself over this. Ever the gentleman looking out for me.


“At exactly which point should I have inserted that into?” I laughed. “It doesn’t matter.”


“Doesn’t matter? It matters a lot!” He fell onto his back and buried his face in his hands. “You should have told me.”


My palms fell to his chest, springing my desire to life again. My entire body radiated a new soreness, but it felt good too. “Maybe I can make it up to you.”


“Pretty sure that’s my line.”


Moonlight cast his entire torso in a silvery glow and I traced each shadow with my index finger, downward and onward until I reached the short arrow of hair. My tongue darted out to moisten my lips and I lowered my face to his stomach, tasting the lower ridge of his belly button and the coarse hair. Add this to my list of firsts tonight. His skin leapt and bunched beneath my breath.




I loved it when he said my name like that. If I did this right, maybe I could test a few more ways for him to say it. He hardened and I rubbed my cheek against his length until he moaned.


His fingers caressed my chin and he pressed gently, coaxing me to look at him. “Sasha.” Strain made him drag out my name, like he didn’t want me to stop but some need compelled him to make us pause. “Come talk first.”


I squeezed my eyes closed and brushed my lips across his belly. I wasn’t sure I wanted to talk. Talking led to feeling things, and I’d done a really great job of avoiding all of those for the last twenty-four hours. I’d done all the talking with my body.


His hands slid beneath my arms and he gently lifted me to snuggle against his side. He brushed a strand of hair behind my ear and searched my face. “Do you know why I’m upset?”


I licked my lips and tried to calm my pounding heart. Even though I could take a few guesses, I wasn’t sure I wanted to travel down a wrong road with him by bringing up something he hadn’t intended to talk about. Safer to say no, so I shook my head.


He dropped his forehead to mine and let out a sigh that caressed my skin. “Babe, you’ve had a hell of a day. First your dad, and then . . . your dad.” He lifted his head and nuzzled my cheek. “Probably neither of which you wanted to have to introduce to a guy in your lit class.”


I smiled and traced the curve of his shoulder. He was trying to keep this light, but I could tell he really was bothered by not knowing I was a virgin before we’d had sex. We should be cuddling and sleeping, not talking about what an emotional wreck I was and that he thought I’d made a bad decision. Drama or no, I’d known what I was doing.


“It may have surprised you that I’m a virgin, but I’ve known for some time. This wasn’t a decision that I threw away. I wanted it to be you.”


He smiled and brushed his lips against my cheek. “You’re something else.”




His grin widened and before I could get back to business, he rolled us ninety degrees and jammed his legs beneath the comforter and drew it up our bodies, his tucked securely behind mine.


For now, I settled into the warm hollows of his body and snuggled deeper beneath the covers with my head nestled on his arm.


As he sang me to sleep, I felt my grip about musicians and what I knew about them slipping through my fingers.




I woke alone and stretched. New aches and sore muscles rocketed me awake and I winced, then smiled and ducked my face into the blanket. Mom would shit her pants if she ever found out.


I rolled onto my back. We’d talked about this before I’d left, and she’d been well aware that college offers plenty of temptation, but she’d sent me on my way with only advice and cautious words. Now that I knew what a lustful night of sex had cost her, I probably should have heeded her words with more caution, but at least now I better understood the pull to throw wisdom out the window.


Laughter and Kerri’s squeaky voice carried up the stairs and I threw back the covers. She’d freak right the hell out when I told her, but she had an obnoxious sense about anything concerning sex. She’d probably already smelled it on Jesse and grilled him for details.


I groaned and pulled on my pants. I had no idea if he was a kiss and tell kind of guy, but hopefully he was immune to Kerri’s interrogation methods. I found my shirt and yanked it on, tipping my nose to an assault of breakfast smells. Barefoot, I crossed the room and hobbled down the stairs, ditching my crutches for the morning and following the sensory trail of coffee, bacon and waffles.


I grinned. Smelled like she’d made her famous interrogation breakfast.


In the kitchen, Axel and Jesse sat on the bar stools on the far side of the counter while Kerri, with a dishtowel stuck in her waistband, flipped bacon and waffles onto their waiting plates.


I’ll give it to her, she managed about a thousand times better than I thought she would, pausing for a millisecond before turning her giant grin on me. “Good morning, sunshine.” Her singsong voice trilled through the kitchen.


I stepped to her side and bumped her hip with mine. “Morning.” I reached around her and plucked a piece of bacon out of the pan. Searing pain pinched my fingertips and I dropped the bacon on the counter and shook out my hand.


My gaze lifted to Jesse’s as I sucked on the grease burn. He rose and drew me into a warm hug. “How’d you sleep?”


The warmth of a blush crept up my neck and Kerri smothered a giggle. I didn’t care about any of it other than being in his arms. He did all kinds of things to my head, heart, and now my body. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever be on solid footing, but this morning I didn’t care.


Axel sipped his coffee and watched us, but when I met his gaze, he only lifted his cup in salute and for the first time I didn’t see the injured puppy—which was a welcome change. Kerri speared another piece of bacon and tossed the crispy strip onto his plate, drawing his attention. When he smiled at her, it held traces of something I could almost identify with this morning.


He set the cup down and popped the bacon into his mouth. “What’s our plan this morning?”


I hesitated before answering and clung to Jesse.


He tightened his hold. “Whatever you want, babe.”


My gaze bounced to each of them, my ultimate support system. They’d dropped everything to haul me out here so I could be where I needed to be, and I owed them my stability. “You guys are amazing.”


Kerri smiled, set her spatula on the counter and launched herself against us. I drew her in tight and buried my face in her curls. Jesse tried to step away but I gripped his arm tight, not letting him go.


“What about me?” Axel wormed his way behind Kerri and I stood surrounded by my true family. No matter what else happened with my dads, these guys were here to stay . . . always.


“How about we head home?” My muffled voice puffed against Kerri’s hair and she pulled back.


“Are you sure? We don’t have to leave right away.”


I nodded and curled her hand in mine. “Now that I’ve seen Dad and talked to Mom, everything’s going to be okay here.” I sighed. “As for the rest of my life . . . well, I can’t really figure that out from here, can I?” I snuggled tighter against Jesse. “We can be home by dinner and back in class by tomorrow.”


Axel slid a hand around Kerri’s waist. “Only if you’re sure.”


I smiled up at him. “I’m sure. Thank you for driving. And for keeping us alive.”


He winked.


Mom dropped in while we cleaned the kitchen and she looked a dozen years younger. She hugged us all and said how grateful she was for our visit, then grabbed a change of clothes for Dad and sent us on our way. I promised to come home again after they’d had some time to settle and readjust. It felt like a whirlwind trip, but also powerfully helpful. For everyone.


BOOK: Backstage Pass: V.I.P.
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