Babysitter Bondage (An Age Play Story) (4 page)

BOOK: Babysitter Bondage (An Age Play Story)
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Knowing I couldn’t put it off any longer, I reached down and felt between my legs. When I first woke up, I figured the bulkiness came from scrunched up sheets or maybe a pillow.

Please, please, please don’t be true,
I kept thinking. I wanted to think the first part of my memories had to have been a dream. I mean, c’mon, there was just no way he would do something that bad or that humiliating to me. Whatever Trevor wanted to prove, it just couldn’t involve diapers.

My hand hovered above my pelvis. I lowered my fingers and felt the cool touch of plastic. Scrunching my eyes, I tried to block out the sensations or pretend they didn’t really exist. But then I pressed down and felt the now warm cotton press up against me.

I flexed my legs, bringing them back and forth. Each time I did so, the thick bulk between my thighs reminded me it was all true. Sitting up, all the way again, I looked down and saw the clear plastic and the bright pink beneath. He didn’t just diaper me. Trevor actually put me in something stylized and cute.

Well, it would have been cute on a baby girl. But I wasn’t a baby!

Gritting my teeth, I checked the cords around my waist and legs. Yup, they were there and locked into place with tiny padlocks. He had the key. I knew it right away, only I had to ponder how to get the key back. My nostrils flared at the way he touched me and what he might make me do.

As if thinking of Trevor could summon him, the door to the bedroom opened and he sauntered inside like a master of the universe. He looked completely confident and all powerful. My heart started to sink when I noticed he kept one hand behind his back. I couldn’t guess why, but I was sure I wouldn’t like the answer.

He strolled up to the crib and leaned forward, “Hi there, baby girl. Has Baby Claire been a good girl? Do you need a diaper change?”

I shouldn’t have reacted. I shouldn’t have said a thing, but my cheeks flushed bright red. I could feel the blush collapse down on me like a wave. Change my diaper? No! No way! No how!
It wasn’t going to ever, ever, ever happen!

“Never,” I hissed with some small level of dignity. Then again, he simply chuckled at me. I must have looked absurdly pathetic sitting there with my feet beneath my diapered butt, wearing nothing else but my bra and blouse.

Trevor smirked again. “Oh, you’ll never wet your diaper?”

“No,” I said even though he spoke like this would be a challenge. “It’s not going to happen.”

“I could just leave you in there. I mean, you can’t get out of your diaper, can you? You’re just like a little baby. You need someone to take care of you. Good thing you’re so cute.”

My chest rose and fell with barely contained fury. My fingers bunched into fists, and I couldn’t think of anything but punching him across the face. Given my state of captivity, my fantasies had to remain in my head.

“Do you think you can get out of your diaper?”

“You locked me in.”

“But those little ropes aren’t very strong. If you’re a big girl, shouldn’t you be able to break them?” He watched me, and I didn’t want to answer. I didn’t want to take him up on some stupid challenge, especially because he seemed to have the upper hand. “Or are you just a little girl trapped in her crib?”

“I’m an adult,” I whispered, refusing to get upset.

“Then prove it.”

As my heart beat furiously, I decided to try. If he hadn’t been there, I would have worked my way out of the diaper and plastic panties anyway. There was no reason not to try to do it now.

I wasn’t going to let his presence stop me, especially when Trevor still had one arm behind his back. What was he hiding from me? What surprise did he have planned? Thinking of his fingers took me somewhere else and my blush darkened another shade.

If I had been alone, I would have considered touching myself. Only right then, I couldn’t get access to myself, and there was no way I’d let Trevor know how he made me feel.

Swallowing my trepidation, I stretched my legs and reached for the plastic cover. That was the key. If I could get those panties off, then the diaper would be a matter of simply ripping off the tape.

The strap around my waist was pretty tight, but I managed to wiggle my fingers down against my skin. Closing my eyes again, I concentrated and started to wiggle while
dragging the plastic cover back down. I worked and shimmied and struggled until a cool dusting of sweat touched my brow. Refusing to look up or even open my eyes, I kept trying.

I worked at the diaper cover until my lungs rose and fell. The exertion left me hot and panting.

“Are you done, baby girl?”

“Screw you,” I exhaled back, again wishing I could just smack him once.

“Naughty girl. Use language like that and you will get a spanking.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” I snapped back, seething. My eyelids tightened, narrowing my vision, yet I thought of something else. If he wanted to try and fail to spank me, he would have to open the crib. This could be my chance.

Trevor clicked his tongue and gave another shake of his head. “Naughty, naughty girl. I guess I’m just going to have to put you in your place.” I stared back at him, practically daring him to try.

With quick, practiced movements, Trevor unlocked the top of the crib. He then removed two of the vertical grates and leaned them against the wall. “Come here. Now.” He wiggled his fingers for me to approach.

I didn’t know how to respond. I could have crawled across the two feet separating us, only something tightened in my chest. What if I wasn’t strong enough? What if he was faster than me? Or smarter? To have the crib and drugs readied, Trevor must have prepared ahead of time.

I felt like I was missing something. Some piece of this puzzle remained out of my reach.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t out of Trevor’s reach. He reached over the mattress and grabbed my arm. Pulling me, he forced me down onto my stomach. A streak of panic shot through me, and I tried to break his grip. Doing so only made it easier for him to get me across the bed. In another second, he got his arms around me and lifted me up into the air.

Instinctively, I tried to knock myself free. He set me down, close. He let go of my wrists only to bring his palms up to my cheeks. Holding me tight, he stared down at me as though I were a misbehaving pet or small child.

“I’m going to take your hand and lead you to the play room. If you try to escape or if you rip your hand free from my grip or even a second, I will keep you on a leash from no on. Understand?”

When I didn’t answer right away, he released one of my cheeks only to snake his arm around my back and smack the back of my thigh. Despite the awkward positioning, he brought down a ton of force. The clap of sound shocked me out of my reverie. An instant more and the pain burned through my skin.

“Tell me you understand,” Trevor ordered.

“I understand,” I snapped back, hating myself for giving in so easily.

His tone shifted all at once, “Good girl.” He patted me on the head, which made me blush to the roots of my hair. The urge to smack him back returned, only I didn’t want to risk straight up wrestling. That would have been insane considering how he had more muscle and weight on me.

Bowing my head, I kept my eyes on the carpeted floor if only because I didn’t want to face Trevor’s smug grin. Seriously, he thought he completely had the upper hand when he took my fingers in his and walked us toward the door.

I took a step and felt the room shake beneath me. My first instinct said this was an earthquake, but Trevor didn’t seem concerned.

“Oh, I’m sorry, baby girl, are you having trouble walking? Don’t worry, we can go slow. Just one toddled step at a time, okay?”

This time I didn’t offer up a response. The drugs, I thought. They were still in my system and made it hard to walk. As much as I hated to think this, Trevor was right. I did need to go slow. Worse, I had to rely on his support. Along the way, I almost fell at several steps. My body dragged me down, and every step had to be carefully planned as I stared down and watched my feet.

Doing so also made something else abundantly clear. I had a diaper on. Trevor made me wear a diaper, so now I heard the plastic panties and diaper cover shift and swish against one another. Then I felt the diaper’s lining and cotton layers rub against me. Most frustratingly, the thick padding made it harder to walk, so I had to keep my legs farther apart.

For his part, Trevor patiently walked me out of the room, turned us to the left, and maneuvered me down to the next door just a few feet away. He opened the new door and nudged me inside.

Crossing into this new room, I stopped, too stunned to move or think as I took in my new surroundings. With my feet farther apart than usual, I braced myself against Trevor who laughed. I barely heard the sound of his mockery though, not when this room seemed so juvenile and childlike.

The last bedroom had the bed which converted into a crib, but this one was far worse. Straight ahead and right beneath the big window, there was a changing table. Worse, I saw another set of straps both for the wrists and ankles. No, those were meant for my wrists and ankles. Then set against the corner was a big rocking chair. My eyes darted over to a play pen, though again it had a big, fabric lid. I could imagine the sides zipped together to turn it into another cage. Behind the fabric mesh, I spotted a dozen toys like teddy bears and dolls.

I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t fathom any of this because my brain didn’t know how to assimilate this kind of information. A pattern of cartoon mermaids and happy fishes swam across the light pink walls. Blinking, I kept thinking this had to be a mirage.

“You planned this,” I said without thinking.

“Let’s say I was prepared for your arrival, baby girl.”

Apparently my time to absorb the scenery had elapsed because Trevor pulled on my hand and dragged me across the room. I watched the rocking chair get closer and closer, though I couldn’t remember why we were headed there.

Trevor sat down. In one swift motion, he yanked me down and had me across his lap. If I hadn’t been drugged or so disoriented by this room, then maybe I could have remained on my feet. Not likely.

“What,” I stammered, “What are you doing?”

“You dared me, remember?”

“What? No! You already spanked me!” I protested, my voice loud and cutely shrill as I tried to convince him not to do this. Of course, my words fell on deaf ears, and I only managed to embarrass myself further.

Trevor took this chance to remind me, “I can spank you whenever I like. That’s the point of this little session. You keep acting like a big girl, but you need to understand that the year you were born has nothing to do with maturity or who you are. I put you back in a diaper, I get you cleaned up, and a few doses later, and you’re a docile toddler all over again.”

I bit down, thinking of my sister. No, there was no way I would admit what he said. I didn’t care what kind of chemicals he fed me. They would wear off eventually, and then I would be able to slip out of here, unnoticed. I had no intention of remaining in this diaper.

“You’ll see,” he told me and stroked my diapered butt. He rubbed down and stuck his fingers right between my legs. The heavy lining rubbed up against my flesh and made me quiver with humiliation. He just wanted to remind me how my most mature and adult body parts had been imprisoned in a symbol of childhood and weakness.

“Now, I’m going to spank you four times. At the end, you’ll tell me I can spank you. And after you’ve done so, you’re going to thank me for teaching you a very valuable lesson.
Isn’t that right?”

I inhaled to tell him he was insane if he thought I would do any such thing, except I didn’t get the chance. He spanked the back of my leg again. The stinging rang through my body, and a fresh dose of heat percolated along my skin. I tried to get up and off his lap, but Trevor rested a hand at the spot between my shoulder blades. Each time I tried to lift myself off of him, Trevor flexed his muscles and kept me in my place.

“Start counting,” he said lightly.

Trevor’s hand smacked my other thigh. I yelped, disappointed in myself for breaking so easily. Next time, I swore I wouldn’t make a sound. Trevor lifted his palm again, only to smack my behind. He avoided the diaper. Hitting the heavy padding might have embarrassed me, but it wouldn’t do anything worse.

He struck again. The pain darted through my nerves. The stinging seemed to get worse. I couldn’t tell if Trevor hit harder or if my endurance had began to flag. Either way, I gritted my teeth and tried to tighten my resolve.

It didn’t work.

Trevor spanked me again, harder this time. In spite of my best efforts, I cried out. Rather than strike again, Trevor did something so much worse. He started to pet me. Running his fingertips up and down my hot thighs, he tickled my nerve endings. All alive, they positively sang at his caress. I couldn’t help it. Worse, this only heightened my sensitivity.

“Are you going to start counting?”

“No,” I hissed back.

“You know, if you don’t do as you’re told with that pretty mouth of yours, there’s a good chance I’ll need to get you sucking on a pacifier. Would you like that? Would you like me to train you to the pacifier?” The same mocking note returned. I shivered, mostly because he kept teasing me with these promises, and he kept making them happen.

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